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Name Nguyen Thanh Vinh

Student ID 20200855

Assignment #4: Due March 28, 2022

Chapter 10 discusses various motivation theories. After studying the assigned chapter, please
discuss the followings in less than two pages.
1. Come up with a question on the assigned chapter, and describe why you came up
with the question, and how you will explore the question in the future.
Question: What is a effective way to motivate employees in a startup company?
I have this question when thinking about the difficulties of companies at their very
beginning. The startups, they have a lot of work to do from scratch, which requires teams of
people with high productivity and motivation to move fast. With limited resources, the
companies cannot afford much reward for highly productive people, the main motivation is
the base salary and the idea of their business. I wonder how the managers effectively
motivate their employees to work hard in this situation.
I think I will have to read more in the book about strategies to motivate people in
different circumstances . More effectively, I will try to talk with people who have experience
in working or managing in a startup company, these information will be very valuable for me
in the future if I want to start my own business.
2. According to your own job (or study) experience, when were you most motivated?
Please describe the whole situation in detail, and adopt a theory to explain your high
Considering my student life in high school and university, there is not much
difference. I spend most of my time studying: reading books, attending lectures, and doing
assignments. Personally, I think the most motivated moment of mine is when I doing
competitive programming. It is a kind of competition online for CS students, where we spend
time writing programs to solve a certain problem related to algorithm and data structures.
Every time I do competitive programming, I feel very motivated and I can spend hours with it
enjoying solving problems even it requires huge amount of brain energy. I think there are two
main reason for this motivation:
* The job content: Competitive programming is considered to be like mathematics in
computer science. It requires creativity, logics and hard working to understand and solve the
problem. I love logic, numbers and coding. Doing competitive programming forces me to
fully utilize my thinking capacity and also programming skills, so it is very interesting to me.
This is why I am motivated.
* Hierachy of needs: According to Maslow’s theory of motivation, people are driven
by their needs in orders of 5: physiology needs, safety needs, social need, esteem need, self
actualization. I am so lucky that I have fullfiled with the first 3 levels: I have more than
enough food to eat, entertainments surrounding to relax, a house to live in, a academic
environment to live and study safely, many friends to talk with … I think what I need now is
in the level 4: esteem need. Competitive programming give me the interesting feeling of
solving problems and also the feeling that I am doing something that help to increase my
capacity in coding and think. Which in turns, with helps me very much in the future career.
So, I am motivated by the fact that doing CP will help me to receive great jobs, attain stable
life and being respect by others in the future. That is why I am motivated.
※ When you submit your homework, it must be submitted in PDF FORMAT.
Submissions in other format(hwp, docx, …) will receive a 20% reduction in grades.

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