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The effects of gravity inversion procedur es

on systemic blood pressure,

intraocula r pressure, and
central retinal arterial pressure
Chicago, Illinois

orthopedic surgeon, as a traction device to relieve

Gravity Inversion Boots (a device interspinal disk pressures. The boots allow the
which clasps around the ankle joint participant to utilize gravity and one' s body
and hooks onto a stationary weight to decompress the spine. Since their devel-
horizontal bar allowing one to hang opment in the late 1960s, gravity inversion boots
stationary in an inverted, head down have enjoyed widespread use, including many un-
position) is a popular method for likely applications such as weight lifting while in
traction and exercise now being used the inverted position. 1 · 4
by an estimated one million people. The manufacturers have attempted to inform
Recent reports in the medical potential purchasers about the contraindications
literature suggest that this device to gravity inversion therapy: uncompensated con-
may be contraindicated in patients gestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension,
with hypertension, cardiovascular carotid artery stenosis, and hiatal hernia. 6 There
disease, and ocular problems. In an have been reports of individuals suffering perior-
effort to document physiologic bital petechiae, 5 headaches, and sensations of
changes which occur in the inverted head pressure. 6
position, twenty healthy medical A review of the medical and aerospace literature
students were subjected to a 3-minute yielded little information on the effects of total in-
inactive period of inversion. Systemic version. According to estimates from the various
blood pressure, pulse rates, central manufacturers' data, as many as one million
retinal arterial pressure, and Americans may be engaging in this activity.
intraocular pressures were measured Therefore, we thought it important to study the ef-
and found to be significantly elevated fects of inversion on systemic blood pressure, pulse
in all subjects. We speculate that this rate, central retinal arterial pressure, and intra-
device may be contraindicated in ocular pressure.
certain patient populations,
specifically hypertensives. Caution is Materials and methods
advised in relation to people with Eighteen male and two female subjects, ranging in
spinal instability, suspected age from 22 to 33 years, were chosen from the stu-
abnormalities in hemostasis, or with dent body of the Chicago College of Osteopathic
intraocular hypertension. Medicine. The volunteers had no medical history
of hypertension or glaucoma.
The subjects were seated and resting blood pres-
sure, pulse rate, central retinal arterial pressure,
and intraocular pressure were measured. The sub-
jects were then inverted for a 3-minute-period.
Gravity inversion boots are devices that clasp During the inversion period, systemic blood pres-
around the ankle joint and permit an individual to sure was measured at 45 seconds and at 3 minutes;
hang from a stationary horizontal bar in a totally pulse rate was measured at 1 minute; and central
inverted ( -90° head down) position. Inversion retinal arterial pressure and intraocular pressure
boots were first designed by Martin, 1 a California were both measured at 3 minutes. The subjects

Effects of gravity inversion procedures 853/111

Fig. 1. Blood pressure values of subjects were recorded at 45 seconds
and 3 minutes while in the inverted position. Fig. 2. Intraocular and
central retinal artery pressures were recorded with the MacKay-Marg
applanation tonometer at 3 minutes while in the inverted position.

were then returned to the seated position. All four Means and standard errors were calculated for
parameters were remeasured within 1 minute the following parameters: systemic systolic blood
after the subject was returned to the upright pos- pressure, systemic diastolic blood pressure, pulse
ture, with the subject seated. rate, central retinal systolic arterial pressure, cen-
Pulse rates were taken from the radial pulse of tral retin'al diastolic arterial pressure, and intra-
the right wrist. A Propper sphygmoman ometer ocular pressure. The primary method of statistical
and a Litmann cardiology stethoscope were em- analysis was an overall analysis of variance for
ployed to measure blood pressure with the right each of these parameters. To determine the signifi-
arm supported laterally at the heart level for all cant sources of variation, analysis of variance was
measurements (Fig. 1). Intraocular pressure was used again to make multiple comparisons between
measured utilizing a MacKay-Marg Model12 ap- adjacent time intervals. 8
planation tonometer (Fig. 2). Ophthalmodynamom-
etry was used to measure central retinal arterial
pressure. 7 In this technique, the instrument probe Systemic blood pressure and pulse rate
of the tonometer was placed on the sclera of the Both systolic and diastolic pressures increased on
anesthetized eye (1-2 drops 0.5 percent propara- inversion, remained relatively constant during in-
caine HCl) just adjacent to the limbus. The arte- version, and returned to normal on resuming an
ries were visualized using a direct ophthalmoscope upright posture. Table 1 and Figure 3 show blood
at the optic disc. At first pulsation of the arte- pressure levels before, during, and following in-
ries, the pressure was recorded. The pressure on version. Analysis of variance indicates that the
the globe was then continually increased until pul- rise observed when subjects were inverted and the
sation ceased. The first pulsation was recorded as drop observed when normal posture was resumed
the diastolic pressure; the latter as the systolic were highly significant (p<.001). During the in-
pressure. version period the blood pressures fell slightly, but

854/112 July 1983/Journal of AONvol. 82/no. 11

only the change in systolic pressure was signifi- mately 500 ml. ofbl~od are pooled in the legs. This
cant (p< .05). can result in a decreased cardiac output of 2 liters/
Pulse rate prior to inversion was 67 ± 1.44. minute and a 40 percent reduction in stroke vol-
After 1 minute of inversion, the average rate was ume.9
78 ± 1.09 (p< .001). One minute after resuming an It is reasonable to speculate that in the inverted
upright posture, the pulse rate was still signifi- position the right atria of the heart would receive
cantly elevated (75 ± 1.71) above pre-inversion at least an extra 500 ml. of venous blood which, ac-
levels. cording to Starling's Law, would increase cardiac
output and also raise systemic blood pressure. It
Central retinal arterial pressure should be noted, however, that emotional and psy-
and intraocular pressure chologic factors could have contributed to the ob-
Systolic central retinal pressure, diastolic central served increases in systemic blood pressure. In
retinal pressure, and intraocular pressure all in- fact, the increase in pulse rate suggests a neural
creased (p< .001) on inversion and returned to nor- component to the rise in blood pressure. In a study
mal on resuming an upright posture. Table 2 and of six human subjects placed in a -20° head down
Figures 4 and 5 show these pressures before, dur- position for 3 hours, Katkov and associates 10 found
ing, and following inversion. The central retinal changes in ventricular systolic pressure consistent
systolic and diastolic blood pressures and the in- with increased headward blood shifts. These find-
traocular pressure were all significantly elevated ings include elevated right ventricular pressures
during inversion. No significant differences were and decreased left ventricular pressures. In his
found between pre-inversion and post-inversion study, Katkov found increased pulse rate and
values. Central retinal arterial pressures had a gradually decreasing systolic and diastolic blood
tendency to remain slightly elevated in the post- pressure values.10 This last finding was inconsis-
inversion period, but this was not statistically sig-

The results of our study indicated a rise in blood

pressure, pulse rates, retinal arterial pressures, 160

and intraocular pressures despite the subject's

lack of physical activity while in the inverted posi-
tion. 120
The effects of gravity on the physiology of hemo-
dynamics are such that distensible blood vessels
experience variable responses in pressure and
1 1
flow. For example, if a 5-foot 7-inch tall subject in iii., 80
the standing position had a mean arterial blood ~
pressure (MAP) at the level of the heart of 100 mm. .s
Hg, then the MAP at the level of the feet (130 em. ~

below the level of the heart) would be (100 + 95) = £ 40

195 mm. Hg (each em. of blood exerts a pressure 8


equivalent to .735 mm. Hg) . Conversely, the MAP

in the cerebral artery (located approximately 46
em. above the level of the heart) would be (100 - Pre- inversion
Inversion Period
Post- inwrsion
34) = 66 mm. Hg. Because of this effect, it has Measured m Minutes

been estimated that when an individual shifts * Siqnificonfly different (p< .OOI) fr om both pre -inversion and post-inversion.
No differences were found between pre- and post-i nversioo va lues.
from the supine to the standing position, approxi-
Fig. 3. Graph depicting blood pressure variation with change in

Pre-inversion Inversion Inverted Post-inversion

seated 45 sec. 3min. seated
Systolic blood pressures (mm. Hg) 119 ± 2.63 157 ± 4.22* 148 ± 3.70* 123 ± 2.64
Diastolic blood pressures (mm. Hg) 74 ± 1.81 93 ± 1.93* 90 ± 2.11* 75 ± 1.99
*Significantly different (p< .OOl) from both pre-inversion and post-inversion. No differences were found between pre- and post-inversion values.

Effects of gravity inversion procedures 855/113



5 eo "'

~ :r"'
~ E

iii .t 20

4 0 2 4
P\'e-inversion Inver sion Period Fbst - inversion Pl'e -inversion Invers ion Period Post- inversion
Measures in Minutes Measured in Minutes

• Significantly hi<jler than prein~on le...els { p<.OOI). No signif icant chaocJes • Significantly higher than preinversion levels (p<.OOI). No significant changes
were found between pre- and post-inversion. were found between pre- and post- inversion.

Fig. 4. Graph depicting the central retinal artery pressure variation with change in posture. Fig. 5. Graph depicting elevation in intra-
ocular pressure with positional changes.
Pre-inversion Inverted Post-inversion
seated 3 min. seated

Systolic central retinal pressure (mm. Hg) 45 ± 7.21 105 ± 8.50* 51 ± 8.37
Diastolic central retinal pressure (mm. Hg) 26 ± 4.53 62 ± 7.18* 32 ± 5.46
Intraocular pressure (mm. Hg) 19 ± 0.57 35 ± 1.26* 19" ± 0.95

*Significantly higher than pre-inversion levels (p< .OOl). No significant changes were found between pre- and post-inversion.

tent with our study, and although Katkov's sub- gerous hypertensive episode while inverted.
jects were only -20° inverted, we feel that addi- The observed increases in central retinal arteri-
tional studies w1th longer inversion times would al pressure on inversion are likely related to an in-
be useful in resolving whether adaptation occurs crease in blood volume in the head and neck and to
at -90° inversion. the correlated decrease in venous return from
Thornburg and Lapidies, 11 in their study of ure- those regions. The increases in intraocular pres-
teral peristalsis in eleve~ men placed in a totally sure presumably occurred as a result of an in-
inverted position ( -90°) for 25-35 minutes, report- creased resistance to aqueous outflow from an ele-
ed elevated systolic and diastolic pressures in all vation of episcleral venous pressure similar to that
subjects. Pulse values in this study were found to which occurs when a person changes from the sit-
be elevated in five of their subjects, and decreased ting to the supine position.12 •13
in the other six. It is commonly accepted that in some patients an
We speculate that cerebral artery pressures, increase in intraocular pressure can occur in the
which normally are lower than mean arterial pres- absence of other changes which are seen in severe
sure, would be elevated above MAP in the inverted glaucoma, such as visual field loss and optic nerve
position, and this increase, coupled with the aver- atrophy. These patients may be considered to have
age increase in systolic (30 mm. Hg) and diastolic intraocular hypertension. In our experiments the
(20 mm. Hg) pressures seen in this study, could large elevation in intraocular pressure which oc-
raise cerebral artery pressures to unexpectedly curred with inversion could be considered to be
high levels. Thus, it seems possible that hyperten- equivalent to intraocular hypertension and may
sive patients might experience a potentially dan- put some patients with impaired aqueous outflow

856/114 J uly 1983/J ournal of AOA/vol. 82/no. 11

at a greater risk of developing visual field loss and 1. Martin , R.M.: The gravity guiding system. Gravity Guidance Inc.,
optic nerve atrophy. Pasadena, Calif., 1982
It should be noted that our subjects were invert- 2. Klein , F. C.: On sports. Wall Street J ournal, p. 28, 21 Oct 82
3. Adelson , S.: Robert Martin's boots were made for hanging-and for
ed for only 3 minutes, but many individuals par- overturning back pain. People 18:125-6, Oct 82
ticipating in this "fad" hang for 10-20 minute per- 4. Hang ten. Flipping over gravity boots. Time, p. 61 , 2 May 83
iods, with some exercising and lifting weights in 5. Plocher, D.W.: Inversion petechiae. N Eng! J Med 307:1406-7, 25 Nov
the inverted position.
6. Back specialists hit "inversion" fad. Medical World News, pp. 49-50 ,
28 Mar83
Conclusion 7. Chusid, J .G.: Correlative neuroanatomy and functional neurology.
Ed. 15. Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, Calif., 1973
Because of the significant elevations in systemic
8. Keppel , G.: Design and analysis. A researcher's handbook. Prentice-
and central retinal arterial blood pressures, pulse Hall , Inc. , Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973
rate , and intraocular pressure reported in these 9. Berne, R.M., and Levy, M.N.: Cardiovascular physiology. Ed. 4. C.V.
Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1981
experiments, it is our recommendat ion that cau-
10. Katkov, V.E. , eta!. : Central and cerebral hemodynamics and me-
tion should be observed in the prescription of the tabolism of the healthy man during head-down tilting. Avi at Space En-
use of inversion boots. Clearly, there is cause for viron Med, pp. 147-53, Feb 79
11. Thornbury, J.R. , and Lapides, J.: Effect of gravity on ureteral peri-
concern in those individuals with a history of hy- stalsis in normal human adults in the inverted position. J Urol111:465-
pertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. 7, Apr 74
We feel that further stl.).dy is necessary to evalu- 12. Leith, A.B. : Episcleral venous pressures in tonography. Br J Oph-
thalmol47:271-8, 1963
ate the risk of patients with spinal fusions of un- 13. Galin, M.A., Mcivor, J .W., and Magruder, G.B.: Influence of posi-
certain stability, weak spinal ligaments/ 4 reflux tion on intraocular pressure. Am J Ophthalmol, pp. 720-3 , 1973
esophagitis, or patients on aspirin or platelet in- 14. Majoch, S.: Gravitational traction in preparation for surgery. Phys-
iotherapy 67:72-3 , Mar 81
hibitors. A general caution must be urged for the Duke-Elder, S.: System of Ophthalmology. C.V. Mosby Co. , St. Louis ,
elderly who are already a high risk population for 1968, vol. 4
cerebrovascula r accident. Finally, it would be pru-
dent to have intraocular pressures and visual Accepted for publication in May 1983.
fields checked before embarking on an inversion
program. Dr. Klatz is an instructor in the Department of Osteopathic
Medicine at Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Chicago.
Appreciation is expressed to Thomas W. Allen, D.O., FA - Mr. Goldman is a fellow in the Department of Osteopathic
COl, Richard Bell, Ph.D., Carol Claycomb, D.O., Arthur Medicine at CCOM. Dr. Pinchuk is a staff member in the De-
W. Hafner, Ph.D., Alison K. Hubbard, M.A., Robert E. partment of Ophthalmology at CCOM. Dr. Nelson is an assis-
tant professor in the Department of Osteopathic Medicine at
Kappler, D .O., FAAO, Albert F . Kelso , Ph.D., Amor CCOM. Dr. Tarr is a professor in the Department of Physiology
Lowsitisukdi, Marc Mayer, D .O., Daniel Richardson, atCCOM.
Ph.D., and Kenneth A. Suarez, Ph.D. , Chicago College of Dr. Klatz , Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine , 5200
Osteopathic Medicine, for their assistance. South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615.

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