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Low-Pressure Cardiac Tamponade


An elderly man developed cardiac tamponade from a Because of concern about the possibility of cardiac tampo-
tuberculous pericardial effusion but without such typical nade, a therapeutic pericardiocentesis was done using a subxi-
manifestations as pulsus paradoxus and jugular-vein phoid approach. Simultaneously, a right-heart catheterization
distension. This case illustrates the difficulties in clinical was done to allow measurement of right atrial and intrapericar-
recognition of low-pressure cardiac tamponade, which can dial pressures during removal of fluid.
develop in the presence of dehydration and hypovolemia. The hemodynamic findings before pericardiocentesis includ-
The hemodynamic factors that account for this ed a cardiac output of 2.3 L/min, equal mean right atrial, intra-
phenomenon are discussed. pericardial, and pulmonary capillary-wedge pressure of 8 mm
Hg, pulmonary artery pressure of 32/16 (mean, 26) mm Hg,
right ventricular pressure of 32/8 mm Hg, and femoral artery
C A R D I A C COMPRESSION due to pericardial disease may pressure of 110/90 (mean, 95) mm Hg. After removal of 200
take the form of constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tampo- mL of pericardial fluid the mean right atrial and intrapericardi-
nade, or an intermediate condition called effusive-con- al pressures fell together to 4 mm Hg, and femoral artery pres-
strictive pericarditis. Precise diagnosis often requires sure rose to 120/80 mm Hg. After a total of 600 mL of an
exudative sanguinous effusion was removed, the mean right
careful right-heart catheterization with pericardiocentesis atrial and intrapericardial pressures had both fallen to 0 mm
where indicated. The hemodynamics of these entities Hg, and femoral artery pressure rose to 135/80 mm Hg. Perti-
have been elegantly reviewed over the past several years nent pressure tracings are illustrated in Figure 1. There was
(1-4). Recognition of the presence of a pericardial effu- obvious improvement in the patient's clinical status as shown
by widening of the arterial pulse pressure and a decline in the
sion has been greatly simplified by current echocardio- respiratory rate.
graphic techniques. Effusions that develop slowly poten- Microbiologic studies of the fluid were negative for acid-fast
tially can become quite large before there is embarass- bacilli. Shortly thereafter, the patient underwent an open peri-
ment of the cardiovascular system (4-6). When cardiac cardial biopsy. Nofluidwas encountered at surgery. The histol-
tamponade does develop, tachycardia, hypotension, pul- ogy of the pericardium showed scattered granulomas with cen-
sus paradoxus, and jugular venous distention are usually tral caseation and minimal fibrosis around the granulomas.
There was no evidence of widespread pericardial fibrosis.
present and alert the clinician to the diagnosis (6). How-
ever, in the setting of hypovolemia, identification of those
effusions that are causing compromise of the cardiovascu- Discussion
lar system can be subtle and especially difficult. We re- Total intrapericardial volume consists of pericardial
cently encountered a patient who illustrates this uncom- fluid and heart volume. Intrapericardial pressure is a
mon problem and who exhibited the salient features of function of the compliance of the pericardial sac and to-
"low-pressure cardiac tamponade." tal intrapericardial volume. A s pericardial fluid increases,
the intrapericardial pressure rises, the rate of rise being
Case History highly dependent on the compliance characteristics of the
The patient is a 76-year-old black man who presented with 1 pericardium (4). Eventually, intrapericardial pressure
week of anorexia, malaise, fatigue, and shortness of breath. He equilibrates with right atrial pressure and the pericardial
denied a history of cough, hemoptysis, or excessive weight loss.
On physical examination, he appeared frail and chronically ill. pressure-volume curve rises sharply (5, 7). In chronic
There was obvious dyspnea (respiratory rate, 32) but without tamponade, intracardiac volume is maintained by virtue
orthopnea. Rectal temperature was initially 37.2 °C but rose of an expanded intravascular volume and elevated venous
shortly to 38.1 °C. Blood pressure was 110/90 mm Hg with 5 pressure. When intrapericardial pressure increases to the
mm Hg of pulsus paradoxus. The pulse was 120 beats per min-
ute and regular. There was diminished skin turgor and no ap- point that elevated venous pressure or increased intravas-
parent jugular venous distention. The chest was clear. Cardiac cular volume no longer can maintain stroke volume, car-
examination showed an indistinct point of maximal impulse diac output falls precipitously (8). Similarly, when intra-
with a possible summation gallop rhythm. Abdomen and ex- vascular fluid depletion occurs, the cardiac volume and
tremities were unremarkable. Initial laboratory data included a stroke volume decrease concordantly. If this situation
chest roentgenogram that showed clear lung fields and a
markedly enlarged cardiac silhouette in a "water bottle'* config- continued uninterrupted, eventually stroke volume would
uration; an electrocardiogram that showed borderline low-volt- fall to a level incompatible with life.
age, sinus tachycardia at 120 beats per minute and a frontal An intermediate situation exists that we have termed
plane QRS axis of 0 degrees (nonspecific ST-T wave abnormali- low-pressure cardiac tamponade. This is characterized by
ties were present); and an echocardiogram that showed large
pericardial effusion with diminished ventricular volumes (cardi- moderate-to-moderately severe intravascular fluid deple-
ac oscillation without respiratory variation in cardiac-chamber tion in the presence of a compressive pericardial effusion.
size or mitral-valve motion was noted). The blood urea nitrogen The right atrial pressure as reflected in bedside estimates
level was 63 mg/dL, and serum creatinine was 3.1 mg/dL. or measurements of the central venous pressure may be
• From the Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Peter Bent Brig-
normal. Such a situation has been well described in ex-
ham Hospital; Boston, Massachusetts. perimental preparations (9-11), but is mentioned only
Annals of Internal Medicine. 1 9 7 9 ; 9 1 : 4 0 3 - 4 0 6 . © 1 9 7 9 American College of Physicians 403

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Figure 1 . Simultaneous pressure curves recorded f r o m the right
atrium (RA) and pericardium at the time of pericardiocentesis. Pha-
sic pressures are on the left and mean pressures are on the right of
each panel. Pressure scale in m m Hg is on the left of each panel
and vertical time lines are seen at 1-s intervals. A is the initial set of
recordings before fluid removal and B and C are those obtained
after removal of 2 0 0 and 6 0 0 mL of pericardial fluid respectively.
Note the prominent X descent in the RA tracing (arrow) prepericar-
diocentesis and lack of the appearance of a predominant Y descent
after removal of 6 0 0 mL of fluid. On all panels, the phasic decrease
in the RA pressure corresponds to inspiration. Mean RA pressure
was equal to pericardial pressure initially and fell in an identical
fashion to pericardial pressure as pericardiocentesis proceeded.
The right atrial pressure of zero after removal of the pericardial
effusion suggests the presence of significant hypovolemia. This last
finding in association with the lack of development of a predomi-
nant Y descent, continued respiratory phasic variations in RA pres-
sure, and absence of an early diastolic dip in the right ventricular
pressure tracing (not shown) make effusive-constrictive pericardi-
tis unlikely ( 4 , 14).

briefly in clinical reviews of cardiac tamponade (1, 4). instances of cardiac compression by a pericardial effusion
The hemodynamics can be best understood by exami- but with different total intrapericardial volumes. The ab-
nation of the relation between pericardial effusion vol- solute intrapericardial and right atrial pressures are
ume, intrapericardial pressure, and intracardiac volume. therefore different, but hemodynamic consequences are
In the presence of hypovolemia, intracardiac volume is the same. Hypovolemia lowers the slope of the pericardi-
reduced and right atrial pressure is low. al pressure volume curve, and, thus, potentially severe
Curve A in Figure 2 depicts the pericardial pressure- cardiac tamponade can occur with only a modest eleva-
volume relation in the hypovolemic patient described tion of central venous pressure (Curve A, Figure 2) (1).
above. Because of the markedly reduced circulating Clinical signs of venous hypertension may not be appar-
blood volume, as the mean intrapericardial pressure rose ent until volume deficits have been corrected (Curve B,
it rapidly equilibrated with the initially low mean right Figure 2) (12).
atrial pressure (Curve A'). In this case, Curves A and A* Although pulsus paradoxus is a usual feature of classic
were superimposable over the entire range of pericardial cardiac tamponade, it was not found in our case. As has
volumes, and therefore an element of tamponade was been summarized recently (4, 8, 13) pulsus paradoxus
present virtually continuously. may be absent in tamponade when left ventricular dias-
By contrast, the data from a normovolemic patient tolic pressure is intrinsically elevated and exceeds right
studied in this laboratory because of cardiac tamponade ventricular diastolic pressure throughout the respiratory
are presented in Curves B and B'. When no pericardial cycle, an atrial septal defect or significant aortic insuffi-
fluid was present the resting mean right atrial pressure ciency is present, localized collections of blood compress
was 8 mm Hg. A significant amount of fluid accumulated one side of the heart, or extreme tamponade with hypo-
in the compliant pericardial sac before intrapericardial tension is present. Futhermore, as stressed by Stein, Shu-
pressures equilibrated with right atrial pressure. Tampo- bin, and Weil (12) the absolute value of the pulsus para-
nade occurred and Curves B and B' then became super- doxus is a function of the pulse pressure. Therefore, using
imposable. an absolute value of 10 mm Hg can be misleading espe-
The pairs of Curves A, A' and B, B' both represent cially when the pulse pressure has narrowed to 20 mm
4 0 4 September 1979 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 91 • Number 3

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Hg. For this reason, some authors have suggested using This patient underscores the necessity for carefully
either the ratio of pulsus paradoxus to pulse pressure (2) evaluating all hemodynamic variables when assessing the
or expressing the pulsus paradoxus as a percent decrease severity of a pericardial effusion. In retrospect, the extent
in systolic arterial pressure with inspiration (8). of this patient's dehydration was underestimated on ini-
The hemodynamic findings in our case are consistent tial evaluation. As emphasized by Spodick (15), rapid in-
with tamponade (1) in that [1] there is a diminished travenous expansion in cases of chronic "occult constric-
stroke volume; [2] the right atrial pressure curve predom- tive pericardial disease" may be dangerous. However, by
inantly demonstrates an X descent; [3] the right atrial raising venous pressure and improving cardiac output in
mean, right ventricular end-diastolic, and pulmonary cases of acute cardiac tamponade, it can be life-saving.
capillary-wedge mean pressure are equal to the intraperi- Low-pressure tamponade can occur in the acute form as
cardial pressure, which itself was abnormally elevated; exemplified by penetrating wounds of the heart in a bat-
[4] there was a phasic decrease in mean right atrial pres- tlefield situation (16) or a chronic form as exemplified by
sure with inspiration; [5] the right atrial mean pressure this case report. In either case, cautiously administering a
fell and systolic-systemic arterial pressure and pulse pres- fluid challenge intravenously to any patient suspected of
sure rose concordantly with removal of pericardial fluid suffering from this syndrome seems wise. In the acute
and a decrease in the intrapericardial pressure; and [6] situation, it will stabilize the patient in preparation for a
the right ventricular pressure tracings at no time showed thoracotomy; in the chronic situation, it will stabilize the
an early diastolic "dip" toward the baseline. patient in preparation f r a pericardiocentesis and un-
Although this patient did not receive rapid volume ex- mask the severity of the i.emodynamic derangement.
pansion for diagnostic purposes after pericardiocentesis, Finally, this case raises the issue of whether pericardio-
effusive-constrictive pericarditis seemed unlikely, because centesis or open pericardial biopsy is the preferable
the characteristic hemodynamic findings of Hancock (3) course in such a clinical setting. The relative advantages
and Mann (14) were absent (see Figure 1 legend). and disadvantages of the two approaches were recently
summarized by Hancock (4). Pericardiocentesis in our
patient was chosen because of the ready availability of a
skilled invasive cardiac catheterization team and the need
to promptly provide hemodynamic relief from possible
cardiac tamponade. It was recognized that the diagnostic
yield of pericardial aspirate culture for tuberculosis is
only about 50%, whereas pericardiectomy or pericardial
biopsy can establish the diagnosis of tuberculosis in about
80% of cases (17). For this reason pericardiocentesis was
followed shortly by open pericardial biopsy, which estab-
lished the diagnosis. In centers where a cardiologist
skilled in pericardiocentesis is not available, or when the
clinical circumstances allow it, the incremental diagnos-
tic yield of an open procedure may be preferable.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors thank Ms. Annmarie Condon for
editorial assistance and Ms. Rachel Malakoff for help in preparation of this
Grant support: in part by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Training Grant HL 07049-03, National Institutes of Health. Dr. Grossman
is an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association.

• Requests for reprints should be addressed to William Grossman, M.D.;

Cardiovascular Division, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; 721 Huntington Av-
enue; Boston, MA 02115.
Received 18 December 1978; revision accepted 9 April 1979.

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