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Module 2

Bonaobra Lalaine A.

Bsa -1E

Activity 1.

1. To prevent the use of the Philippines as an advance base of operations by

American forces.

2. To acquire staging areas and supply bases to enhance operations against the
Dutch East Indies and Guam.

3. To secure the lines of communication between occupied areas in the south and
the Japanese Home Islands.

Activity 2

1. According to my lola , at the time when the Japanese took over our country, they
really suffered a lot, it caused them so much fear and dread that they almost
gave up their lives to them.

2. life was very difficult then, they just don't want to leave their hiding place for
fear that they might be caught and made into slaves and what's worse, they
might be killed.

3. all I can advise to the youth today is to be patriotic, love their own country
because they owe the freedom they enjoy today to the heroes who freed it from
the hands of the enemies.

Activity 3.

First of all, be a good citizen of the Philippines, obey the laws that are being
implemented, be humane and respect everyone. value the freedom we enjoy today by
remembering the heroes who gave it to us.

Activity 1

For decades, land distribution has been a salient issue in the Philippines. In recent years,
population growth and degradation of productive land has led to increased stress and
tensions between smallholder farmers, wealthy landlords and the state.Over the last
decades, farmers in the Philippines have repeatedly asked for secure land rights and
urged lawmakers to pursue agrarian reforms. Protesters have, however, often been
considered as criminals and their demands have been answered with violence. The only
solution i can see is to redistribute the lands. Make a genuine land reform program.

Activity 2

If I am the landowner of a ten-hectare agricultural land, I would be more than happy to

allow the concerned officials to distribute eight hectares among the farmers as a part of
the implementation of the agrarian reform laws . I will help them, I'll give my land on
them or we can help each other we can be cooperative to be a successful business man
or woman so we rise up or rise us one because for me the more you give the more
blessing you have.

Activity 3

One of the ways to improve the income of the farmers is it diversify their production. For
example, a farmer produces only food grains. His income can be improved if he is given
opportunity to produce some livestock, poultry or fisheries apart from crop production.

Activity 1

1. Preservation and enhancement of national security;

2. Protection of the rights and promotion of the welfare of overseas Filipinos

3. Promotion and attainment of economic security.

activity 2

"Life is an island people come out of the sea, cross the island, and return to the sea. But
this short life is long and beautiful. "

Activity 1.

1. During that time they experience so much trauma .

2. Very hard almost nothing to eat. You are not allowed to spread around outside
because the civil guards will surely catch you.
3. I think martial law has its positive and negative side.It can be a way to discipline
Filipinos, since we’ll be under the control of the country’s armed forces. On the
other hand, what’s not favorable about it is that people will have less freedom
and their actions will be limited. But I believemartial law can make the
Philippines better, led bythe President and how he’d rules the country. Young
people should have an open mind towards martial law. Look at the positive side
and not focus on the negative. Only then will we be able to understand it well.

Activity 2 .

The 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution was a successful social movement in the
Philippines that overthrew the regime of President Ferdinand E. Marcos who had
oppressively been in power for 20 years. Towards the end of his last term, President
Marcos declared Martial Law in late 1972 because there were groups of students and
militants who had been protesting against the President, and he wanted to simply put
an end to it. Marcos believed that “according to the mythic history that had been crafted
about him, he was always destined to lead the Filipino nation” (Gonzaga 111), and to
fulfill this decided to change the political order of the Philippines by shutting down the
media, opponents, and dissenters through arrests and torture.

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