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Getting Ready
Study the following case with your friend.
Mr. Yanto rents an apartment from a company, but he does not agree with a clausal that he
should do twofold payment if he leaves the apartment before the due date of the contract.
What will Mr. Yanto probably do?

Let’s read.


Civil law is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens,
offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such as
contracts, torts, property, and family law. Civil law is derived from the laws of ancient Rome
which used doctrines to develop a code that determined how legal issues would be decided.
Civil law cases are divided into four main categories, each covering a range of issues. The
first is Contract law that deals with agreements between two or more parties, each of which is
obligated to hold up their portion of the agreement. For example, two parties enter into
agreement for the lease of an apartment. If one party violates any of the provisions of the
contract, they have committed a civil wrong known as “ breach of contract.” The second category
is Tort law which deals with personal injury and civil wrongdoing. A tort is a civil wrong,
done by one person or entity to another which results in injury or property damage, and
frequently involves monetary compensation to the injured party.
Property law, another category of civil law, covers both personal property and real property.
Personal property can be tangible, such as jewelry, animals, and merchandise, or intangible such as
patents, copyrights, stocks, and bonds. Real property refers to land and anything built on it that cannot

be easily removed, as well as anything under the surface of the land, such as oil and minerals. Furthermore,
Family law is the branch of civil law that deals with marriage, divorce, annulment of child custody,
adoption, birth, child support, and any other issues affecting families.
Adapted from Rogowski. 2011. Civil Law. Legaldictionary.

annulment (n) : cancellation
breach of contract (np): violating a
contract dispute (n) : disagreement
lease (n) : rent
tangible (adj) : real
violate (v) : break

Task 1
According to the reading passage, in which category is the following information true?
Check (√) the correct boxes.


It is laws that deal with family cases such as divorce, marriage, and adoption.
It sets the punishment of people’s wrongdoing which results in injury or
property damage.
It covers personal and real property such as jewelry, animals, and land.
It organizes a deal between two people or more such as the lease of car and

Task 2
Read the passage and complete the following chart.

Contract agreement between two or more

Personal injury
CIVIL civil
LAW wrongdoing
Propert property
y Real property

Family e
Annulment of child
Adoption, birth, child

Task 3
Based on the reading passage, check (√) whether the information is True or False.


Civil law is made to organize and secure the private rights of citizens.
According contract law, if one party adhere to the contract,
they are considered as “breach of contract”.
Personal injury and civil wrongdoing are covered by tort law.
Real property can be tangible, such as jewelry and animals.

Marriage, divorce, and adoption are protected by the family law.

Let’s write.


Daily activities are a set of action done by a person. It may consist of activities at home,
school, university, or office. The purpose of writing daily activity is to review the activities that
has been done or targets that have been accomplished. Therefore, it is important to make a list
about daily routines.
Study the example about daily activity below.

My Daily Activity
I am a policeman. Everyday, I wake up at 05.00 a.m.
After that, I do some exercises for about 15 minutes.
05.15 a.m., I take a bath. I need 30 minutes to prepare
breakfast before going to my office. I leave home at 6.30
a.m. and ride my motorcycle to go to the office. Arriving
at the office, I take my equipments and start to work. My
job is to manage the traffic so that it runs smoothly.
The traffic is usually crowded in the morning when
people begin their activities. Besides, I am also assigned
to protect the citizens from crimes. I usually go home at
4.00 p.m. I do my job every day and I totally enjoy it.

Task 4
Interview one of your friends about their daily activities. Then, identify at what time he/she
does the following activities. Develop his/her activities into a paragraph.

Name Wake Take Have a Go to Doing Go Go to

up a breakfast Office Assignments Home Sleep

Adji 05.00 05.20 07.00 a.m. 07.30 a.m. 08.30 a.m. 05.00 10.30
a.m. until 04.00 p.m. p.m
a.m. p.m.

I am a policeman. Everyday, I wake up at 05.00 a.m. After that, I do some
exercises for about 15 minutes. At
05.20 a.m., I take a bath. I need 30 minutes to prepare breakfast before going to
my office. I leave home at 07.30.
a.m. and ride my motorcycle to go to the office. Arriving at the office, I take my
equipments and start to work. My job is assigned to take care of service
department. Besides, I am also assigned to protect the citizens from crimes. I
usually go home at 05.00 p.m and go to sleep at 10.30 p.m. I do my job every
day and I totally enjoy it.

Let’s speak.


Study the following example.

Hello friends. My name is Zahra. I am going to tell you

about my daily activities. I wake up at 5 a.m. every day.
After that, I pray subuh and take a bath. I usually have
breakfast at 6 a.m. I go to campus by riding my bicycle. It
takes around 15 minutes from my boarding house. I study in
law department until 2 p.m. Then, I go to library to look for
references to do my assignments. I usually have dinner at
6.30 p.m. After preparing tommorrow’s course, I pray and
go to sleep.
There are some expressions that you can use to tell daily activities.
 I want to tell you about my daily activities. ..................
 My daily activities begin at.............
 I wake up at.............
 My day begin with..............
 The first thing I do after waking up is.....................
 I have so many activities every day. .....................

Task 5
Present your daily activity in front of the class. Complete the following table.

Activities Time

Waking up 5 a.m.

Taking a bath 6 a.m

Breakfast 7 a.m

Watching news 7.20 a.m

Going to office 7.30 a.m

Dong work 08.30 a.m

Take a break, worship, 12.30 p.m

and lunch
Having exercise 16.00 p.m

Go to sleep 10.30 p.m

Task 6
Interview one of your favorite lecturers in Law Department about
his/her daily activities and present it in front of the class.

The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want.


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