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Fast 1-1} THR MYSORE GAZETTE, DECEMBER 3, 1910 * on ERRATUM Ho. RD 526 4QL 76, dated 19th November 1970. +, In the Government Rotifeation No. RD 336°AQU Land Acquisition Act om y ogee 6-7 10 707 in. Part IIT. Acquirition ofold Gaothans ia the vilis, be neted jated 10th January 1968 published under Sections of ‘the the Mysore Gatette dated 7th Wazch 1968 relating te the ‘Taluka Sampageon, the following eorrestions may We. LAQSR ~ 286 Village ~ Wakkand District: - Belgaem | For Read ¥.P.C, Boiltup — Uabuilt ep fotal —VEC.Ne.-Buiup Unbuiltap” Toul No. aren area aren rea, ‘ 562 38 400 ‘ 563 3 0 8s 3 " ” a os 43 za 369 343 359 359 ia 1e w3/1 160. ~ . 323) ea 325 sm oh 353 46 439 7 819 aac o = 820 = E 268 | 7 $69 et ee 355 Acres @unthas Meds deren Ganthas Anas : 7 ‘st 16 6 os 803 By Order and in the name ofthe Govorsor of Mysom, 3.7. Bore: Under Seerstary to Government, B.D. Neo RD 365 £0 70, dated 19th Nowsmber.1978. ‘Whereas it appears to the Government of re that, the lands specified iw the schedule herete are li be needed fat public purpose, to wit for th - wubmersion of Rabini Reservoir Pro} Notice to that effect is hereby given t ““Rub-Section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acqui Il whom it may concera, in accordanon with the provision of tiom Act, 1894 (Central Act [of 180¢)an amonded by the Nyaore Act 17 2f 1961 and the Government of Mysore hereby authorise, the Specia Land Acquisition Oficer, XK. B. & acd NB. Works, Mysore, his ataff and workmen. to exercise the powérs conferred by Section 4 (2) of the “bet. «, . Ulider'Section 8 (0) of the eaiae Ast, the Government of Mysore appoint the Sp, K.RS. and N-R, Works, Mysore, to porform the fanctions of the Depaty Commission, Any person interested in the lands, may on or before 8th Febranry 1971 p writing t the Special Land Aquisition Of the functions of the Depaty Commissioner Mysore Aes 17 f 1961- -ANt parsons intereated 08 are nereoy warned. wot Se obstruet are interfere with any sirveyors of other persone amployed apon the parpose of the wid Acquisition. Any sontracte for the diasonal of te anid lande by aaio, lease, norig ge oF otherwise'er any outlay or inprovemouts made therein, witkocs the onininjoner, Mvvore Datcet, Mraoe aftr the Sit of pablioaion of hie totdeaion ‘ll lr Section 24 (Clause saventhy) of the suid Aot, be dianogarled by the offeer auassiag eatspenactins foc ste Puts of the anid land as may be finally acquired.” oa] ial Land Acquisition Officer, ‘under Bection 5-A of the Let if any, ie K.R8 and NR. Works, Mysore, who bas been appoiored to perform fer Beetion $ (0) of the'Land acquiaitiod Aet, 1894 a5 amended ‘by the 4098 CWE MYSORE GAZETTE, DECEMBRE 3, 1970, (Parr TH-1 . "C. A rough plan of the said ts in kept in the afien of the Sposial Land Aoq and B.B. Works, Mysore, fer inspeation F ition Otieer, K.R.S. 7 : Scwsovix : > ' eee Distlat : Mysoie Walek; WP. Kote | Meblis Anthacas Village : Magee : . Hoondacies i Tppresinate ; Name of the : poe rine lee of the aseue= a Kbstedssyii Kind Me. Tain Wot orth = Bonth ‘ment eee “ : : : Re Pe 1 8 - sf . . 7! 10 LS Ssikantaiah Dy 1 3a Bead 4 Gramathana 2. MLV. Venkstenbaiah toot ede de de 270K 8. Bheshegiriab and ° : Venkaterabbelasamenma 2 Total 6-53 216 7 By Order and in the aame of the Governor of Mysore, BT Bon 2988 Wade Beordary to Goveraaat, B.D. Ko. D. 263 4QB 70, dated 29:h November 1978. Whereas it appears to. the Government. of *Myuore that the: land specified in the schedule hereto fn Likely to bamnetdea for a pablie pupose to wit for construction of euice Lead wall On the right flenk 7. Notion to that effect ia hereby given ta all atom it may concern, in accordance with the provisions: of ation (1) of Section dot the Land Arquisition Aet, IRS (Conteal Ant Taf 1896, an amended by Mysore tion (1) of gel aad the Government of Mesore herehy- autharian the Special Lead Aoquisition OBfcer, Mandyay Ha taff and workmen to exersiae the powers conferred by Section 4(2) of the Act "x Under Sretion 1(¢) of the anme Act the Goverament of Mysore appoine the Special Land ey Mandya to perform the functions of a Dy. Commistioner, ander Section 5A of the Act. [k._Any. person interested in the lend, sony on or before 25th February 1871 prafar bie ehjcetio writtne ty ihe'Special Land dequiaition Uificer, Max yn who has been ap.einied to perform the fancti Eye kel pcputy Commissioner, under Section 3 (c) of the Land Acquisition Act Ir94, as amonied by vbe Mysore Ack Vol 1951.” ; : 1k Ail persona interested in the anid and are hereby warned not to obstract oF interfere with any surveyorse ar aber paoneamployed agen th ad and for te poeta oF he aul aeuing “Any cootraots for the oes Teka ceid. land bylanl, lease, mortgage, agsigoment, exchange oF athervive or any outlay or improvemente fe therain withost. the aanetion of tbe Spl. Nepaty Co, tion, S ae aevents) of the anid Ael for auch paris of the Ge A plan of the land is kept im the Office of the Special Tinsioner, Fo, after the date of publication of this moti “ha disregarded by the offiser assessing comporRition Land Acquisition Ofeer, Mandya for inspecti Sexrpoue ; Distriet: Mandya Hobli: Chiakwrli Village: Chikkabogenshalli So Boundaries 5% Nameof the Khatedar (K) or Aoubbavadar (A) 8 No. ind Extent Arsene Z me Korth South Eat We ent ieee 2 3 ‘ ecoeeeeeeeeee H ees ei 1 Bertey Chalavegowda 81/6 Walla ReA- | RA Halla dry 0-014 0-06 iy Order and in the name ofjthe Governor of Mysoze; . “3,7 Bonxzr, Bader Seorelary to Goosrument, B.D

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