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Slipknot’s Corey Taylor: ‘Our stage manager passed out, so we set

his legs on fire’


• Type of inteview: structured. Fans ask prepared questions.

• The Available appeal to the addressee, the appeal is not formal.

•Types of questions:

Opinion question:

Your other band, Stone Sour, did a great cover of Love Gun, but who is your favourite member of
Kiss and why?

Experience verification questions:

What would you consider to be the greatest song Slipknot has written?

Nonsense question:

How many masks go on tour? Surely you can’t wear the same one night after night?

Competency question:

How close were you to becoming Velvet Revolver’s new vocalist?

•Streights: In this interview, Corey Taylor answered the questions of the fans that worried

•Weeknesses: The interview will be interesting only for fans of this band or this particular

Boxer Jesse Rodriguez: ‘Being here is just amazing and it’s come so

•Type of interview: structured. This is a step-by-step story.

•Without appeal. The author conducts an interview with the boxer's direct speech.

•Types of questions:

Opinion question:

Surely he was nervous and wary when stepping into the ring with Rungvisai?
•Streights: This story shows the difficult life path of the boxer. It is also a motivation for people
who think they have lost everything or for those people who are just starting their sports


Elijah who? The amazing new stars of The Lord of the Rings

•Type of interview: Structured.

• Without appeal. With actors direct speech.

•Types of questions:

Open question, opinion question.

•Streights: This interview reveals the new actors as characters in the series. They talk about their hopes
and experiences. Not everything is as simple as it seems it looks.

•Weeknesses: Too much text, which is difficult to perceive. It will be interesting only for fans of
the series.

Oleksandr Usyk: ‘In the first month of war I lost 10lb, but now feel
incredibly strong’

•Type of interview: Structured.

• Without appeal.

•Types of questions:

Opinion question:

What has been the lowest moment for him since the war began?

Open question:

Does Usyk worry that the world is beginning to forget about the war?

•Streights: This shows how strong-willed Ukrainian boxer is. Despite all the difficulties in the country
and his environment, he goes to his goal in spite of everything.

Angela Rasmussen on Covid-19: ‘This origins discussion is the worst
thing about Twitter’

•Type of interview: Structured.

• With appeal. Host ask prepared questions.

•Types of questions:

Competency questions:

What does your paper add that is new?

Experience verification questions:

You’ve been a Twitter warrior throughout, and the debate has been toxic at times. What has
that been like?

Opinion questions:

Should Twitter be regulated?

Case questions:

Have you ruled out that a lab leak caused the pandemic?

•Streights: People will learn more information about covid. About its origin and spread. Hypotheses
and scientific research.

•Weeknesses: People may not perceive this information reliably. It is difficult to accept that
almost all animals on the market can be infected.

Exit the internet, enter the metaverse – your online future is in 3D


•Type of interview: Structured.

• With appeal.

•Types of questions:

Case questions:

Would you describe anything that exists today as a metaverse?

Opinion questions:
Will people be doing their banking and applying for a mortgage in the metaverse? Or are there
some things that you think will stick around as the 2D internet only?

Experience verification questions:

What is the metaverse?

Behavioral questions:

What problems need to be solved before we see something that begins to approach your vision?

•Streights: Explanation of what metaspace is and what it does. The importance of new
technologies and their purpose in the future.

•Weeknesses: A lot of information that is difficult to perceive. And it is not interesting for

‘I will never be against the second amendment’: Run the Jewels’

Killer Mike on rap, racism and gun control

•Type of interview: Structured.

• Without appeal.

•Types of questions:

Open question, opinion question.

•Streights: Protection of the rights of blacks and equality.

•Weeknesses: Very contradictory statements about the law and people. Support for the right
to bear arms freely. False statements about racism.

Robert Englund: ‘My own reflection gives me nightmares’

•Type of interview: Structured.

• With appeal. Direct appeal.

•Types of questions:

Nonsense questions:

Did filming A Nightmare on Elm Street give you nightmares?

Do you have a favourite iteration of Freddy, from the dark origins of the first two to the
wisecracking sequels and the return to a darker Freddy in New Nightmare?

Do you dress up as Freddy on Halloween and frighten children?

Experience verification questions:

Did you really audition for the parts of Luke and Han Solo in Star Wars? How far did you get?

Behavioral questions:

In behind-the-scenes photos from A Nightmare on Elm Street, there seems to be a great bond
between you and the young cast. Did that make it difficult killing most of them on screen?

•Streights: Interesting information for fans of the actor. His career path.

•Weeknesses: Information for the local circle.

George Monbiot: ‘On a vegan planet, Britain could feed 200 million

•Type of interview:

•With appeal. Direct appeal.

•Types of questions:

Competency questions:

In terms of having a “livestock-free world”, how do you account for the importance of cattle
dung and the need for that as a fertiliser for soil? Without livestock, wouldn’t this just create a
greater need for harsh chemicals?

Case questions:

In an age of preservation at source, would shifting a lot of good living soil and water work as a
patch and revive system alongside rhizosphere methods?

Opinion questions:

Second, these farm-free technologies are being developed with the help of public universities
and public money. Is it really OK that we should pay for them twice?

•Streights: Coverage of the problems of our environment. Problems and their solutions.

•Weeknesses: Information that may be misunderstood.

Saúl ‘Canelo’ Álvarez: ‘I want to keep fighting my whole life. I so

enjoy it’

•Type of interview: Structured.

• Without appeal.

•Types of questions:

Open question, opinion question.

•Streights: An incredible story of how a 15-year-old boy became a light heavyweight champion.

•Weeknesses: The story will be interesting only for people who are fans of this boxer.

Jennifer Garner Wanted To Go To Ellen’s Birthday


•Type of interview: Untructured.

• With appear. Direct appear.

•Types of questions:

Open question, opinion question, nonsense question.

•Streights: Comfortable atmosphere, funny jokes, interesting guest.

•Weeknesses: Too many jokes.

Jennifer Love Hewitt on her Relationship with Jamie Kennedy


•Type of interview: Untructured.

• With appear. Direct appear.

•Types of questions:

Open question, opinion question, nonsense question.

•Streights: I have not found any strengths.

•Weeknesses: An uninteresting guest.

Elon Musk Unveils Humanoid Robot, Kim Kardashian Fined $1.3M

for Crypto Promotion

•Type of interview: Mist Structured

• Without appear

•Types of questions:
Open question, nonsense question.

•Streights: Interesting information with a humorous presentation.

•Weeknesses: It is possible that the feed may not be available for everyone.

Lea Michele Spills on Starring in Broadway's Funny Girl


•Type of interview: Unstructured.

• With appear

•Types of questions:

Open question, nonsense question.

•Streights: It's crazy that Rachel Berry and Lea Michele both got to star in Funny Girl. It's like a double
dream come true. I bet people were so happy to hear her sing "Don't Rain on my Parade".

•Weeknesses: I have not found a weakness in this interview.

Similarities and differences between newspaper and audio/video interviews.


•In both text and video interviews, the host asks questions to the guest.

•There are also 3 types of structure and 8 types of questions.

•Both types of interviews can be with or without addressing the guest.

•The host can also conduct the interview himself.


In printed interviews, when the information consumer reads what the journalist heard, but to a
lesser extent in radio and television interviews, where the same information consumer gets the
opportunity to hear and see for himself. In the latter case, the consumer of information hears
and sees the same thing as the journalist, that is, he receives information not in the
"translation" of the interviewer, but from the one who is the source of this information, its
carrier. And in this case, a person who is not directly involved in the interview process becomes
to some extent its accomplice, because he hears and sees everything, and therefore passes it
through his consciousness. Here the consumer of information comprehends and "translates"
what he heard and saw in accordance with his worldview, worldview, worldview.

The listeners receive answers to the questions posed by the radio journalist simultaneously
with the journalist, and thus they become participants in a conversation with a contact person
who has important interesting information. The radio journalist in this case acts as a
representative of the listening audience. The journalist may, at his/her discretion, change the
order of questions in the material he/she is preparing for publication, omit some questions and
answers, and present others in more detail. A radio journalist, if the interview is immediately
broadcast, is deprived of this possibility. descriptive text, so widely used in newspaper
interviews, is rarely used, usually at the beginning of the interview or in its final part, i.e.
outside the frame, behind the brackets of the main material.

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