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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR

Faculta de Humanidades y Educación

Licenciatura en Inglés Modalidad Virtual


Unidad 2

Tarea: Rating a conversación

Presentado por:

Danny Alejandro Mahecha Benito


Tarea: Writting a conversatión
Carlos: Hi, my friend, How are you?
Alejandro: No, I am not. I dont feel Good. I’ve a bad cold and a runny rose. I think I’m also running a

Carlos: Poor boy ! Are you taking any medicine?

Alejandro: Nothing so far. Do you have anything that would make me feel better, dont you?

Carlos: Well, let me see…. Ummmm

Alejadnro: OK, but quick!

Carlos: Sory there are some my mother’s pills but I am buying something on the pharmacy website for

Alejandro: Great! Bring it on.

Carlos: Here I get some cold and flu medicine. They should reduce your temperature and you are goignt
to feel better.

Alejandro: Thank you. I appreciate it. You are so kinf.

Carlos: That’s okay but don’t forget to take plenty of fluids such wáter and Orange juice..

Alejandro: My nasty cough is getting worse, isn’t it?

Carlos: Your mother is worried that hyou cough has gotten deeper. So you must go to a doctor.
In the doctor office
Doctor: Hi, how are you feeling?
Alejandro. I’ve a nasty cough. It gets worse at night so I can’t sleep at all.

Doctor: Do you also have a fever?

Alejandro: No.

Doctor: OK. Let me listen to your chest. Please take a deep breath… exhale. Inhale…exhale. You’ve some
congestion in your lungs. By the way, do you cough stuff up?

Alejandro: A little, but not much.

Doctor: Well, I’ll give you some medicines to ease the chest congestion. Here’s the prescription.

Alejandro: OK. Thank you.

Doctor: That’s all right and don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid cool drinks altogether.

Alejandro: You got it.

Link on YouTube

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