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The role of consumers in allocating resources is that they serve as the driver of demand for goods.

Producers provide the supply of goods. Therefore, it is the relationship between both the
producers and consumers or supply and demand which helps to determine the allocation of
resources and also the prices of goods and services. I think Consumers have more or greater
power as they only decide what should be demanded in the market or what they need and also
producers should also take care of the needs of the consumers.

Profit from economic transactions and interactions motivates producers to allocate their resources
in the way which will give them best benefits, Profit motive encourages producers to start own
businesses. Consumer also decides about allocation of productive resources. Consumers wishes
act like a "vote". Producers must listen to consumers voice. Consumers decide between similar
products of different producers, so they decide what product will be bought. Producers, then can
determine what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce (based on consumers

The only role of consumers is to allocate their resources from the point of view of demand that
will benefit them more. Meanwhile, producers provide these goods and supplied them. So
therefore, they have a relationship with each other, but consumers are more important. Without
consumers, producers will not have whom to produce. That’s why producers must listen to
consumers voice in order to know and determine what to produce, how to produce and for whom
to produce. An easy example would be school’s cafeteria cafeteria, they know that they are
surrounded by young people, they know for whom to produce and what like hamburgers, soda,
donuts, etc.

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