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Necropsy Guide for Dogs, Cats,
and Small Mammals
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This book is dedicated to John M. King, who wrote The Necropsy Book, and taught us all about
the art of the necropsy.
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Necropsy Guide for Dogs, Cats,
and Small Mammals

DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP

DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP

Sean P. McDonough

Teresa Southard
Cornell University

Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

Ithaca, NY
Edited by
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

Names: McDonough, Sean P., editor. | Southard, Teresa, editor.
Title: Necropsy guide for dogs, cats, and small mammals / edited by Sean P. McDonough, Teresa Southard.
Description: Ames, Iowa, USA : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016036895 | ISBN 9781119115656 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781119115670 (ePub) | ISBN 9781119115663 (Adobe PDF)
Subjects: LCSH: Veterinary autopsy. | Dogs–Autopsy. | Cats–Autopsy. | MESH: Autopsy–veterinary | Autopsy–methods |
Dissection–veterinary | Dogs | Cats
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Brief Contents

List of Contributors  xv
Foreword  xvii
Acknowledgments  xix
About the Companion Website  xxi

Part I  Necropsy Fundamentals  1

1 Introduction to the Necropsy  3
2 Necropsy Basics   9
3 The Necropsy Procedure   21

Part II  Organ Systems  39

4 The Integumentary System  41

5 The Musculoskeletal System  49
6 The Cardiovascular System  59
7 The Respiratory System  69
8 The Alimentary System  77
9 The Liver and Pancreas  91
10 The Urogenital System  101
11 The Nervous System  107
12 The Eye and Ear  115
13 The Endocrine System  125
14 The Lymphoreticular System  133

Part III  Special Cases  143

15 Small Mammal Necropsies  145

16 Fetuses and Neonatal Animals  153
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vi Brief Contents

Part IV  Additional Testing  157

17 Cytology  159
18 Histopathology  165
19 Infectious Disease Testing  171
20 Toxicology Testing  175
21 Packaging and Shipping Samples  179

Appendix 1: Normal Organ Weights (Percentage Body Weight)  183

Appendix 2: North American Diagnostic Laboratories  187
Appendix 3: Tissue Collection Checklist  193
Appendix 4: Describing Gross Lesions  195

Index  197
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List of Contributors  xv
Foreword  xvii
Acknowledgments  xix
About the Companion Website  xxi

Part I  Necropsy Fundamentals  1

1 Introduction to the Necropsy  3
Sean P. McDonough and Teresa Southard
1.1 What is a Necropsy?  3
1.2 ­Why do a Necropsy?  3
1.3 ­What Information Can and Cannot Be Gained from a Necropsy  3
1.4 ­When to Refer a Necropsy  4

2 Necropsy Basics   9
Sean P. McDonough and Teresa Southard
2.1 Necropsy Facilities  9
2.2 Necropsy Equipment  9
2.3 Safety Considerations  13
2.3.1 Cuts and Punctures  14
2.3.2 Zoonotic Disease  14
2.3.3 Formalin  15
2.4 The Importance of a Good History  15
2.5 The Necropsy Report  15
2.5.1 Gross Description  15
2.5.2 Gross Findings  16
2.5.3 Gross Diagnosis  16
2.5.4 Comment  16
2.6 Postmortem Changes  16

3 The Necropsy Procedure   21

Sean P. McDonough and Teresa Southard
3.1 Introduction  21
3.2 Weigh the Body  21
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viii Contents

3.3 External Examination  21

3.4 Reflect the Skin and Right Limbs   22
3.5 Open the Abdominal Cavity  26
3.6 Puncture the Diaphragm  27
3.7 Open the Thoracic Cavity  27
3.8 Open the Pericardium  28
3.9 In Situ Examination of Organs   29
3.10 Remove the Adrenal Glands  30
3.11 Remove the Pluck  30
3.12 Remove the Gastrointestinal Tract, Liver, and Spleen  32
3.13 Remove the Urogenital Organs  34
3.14 Remove the Head   35
3.15 Take Out the Eyes  35
3.16 Remove the Brain   36
3.17 Remove the Pituitary Gland   37
Bibliography  37

Part II  Organ Systems  39

4 The Integumentary System  41

Jeanine Peters-Kennedy
4.1 Anatomy Review  41
4.1.1 External Ear Canal Anatomy  42
4.2 In Situ Examination and Removal  42
4.2.1 Primary Lesions  42
4.2.2 Lesions that May Be Primary or Secondary  43
4.2.3 Secondary Skin Lesions  43
4.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  44
4.3.1 Cytology   44
4.3.2 Skin Scrapes  44
4.3.3 Hair Examination (Trichogram)  44
4.3.4 Examination of the External Ear Canal  44
4.3.5 Sampling the Skin  45
4.4 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  46
Bibliography  46

5 The Musculoskeletal System  49

Teresa Southard
5.1 Anatomy Review  49
5.1.1 Bones and Joints  49
5.1.2 Teeth  51
5.1.3 Skeletal Muscle  52
5.2 In Situ Evaluation, Sectioning, and Fixation  52
5.2.1 Bones  52
5.2.2 Joints, Tendons, and Ligaments  54
5.2.3 Skeletal Muscle  55
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Contents ix

5.3 Special Techniques  55

5.3.1 Postmortem Imaging  55
5.3.2 Cleaning Bones  56
5.3.3 India Ink Evaluation of Articular Cartilage  56
5.3.4 Examining the Intervertebral Discs  56
5.3.5 Submitting Muscle for Additional Tests  56
5.4 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  56
Bibliography  57

6 The Cardiovascular System  59

Kathleen M. Kelly
6.1 Anatomy Review  59
6.1.1 Right Heart   59
6.1.2 Left Heart  60
6.1.3 Vessels: Great and Small  60
6.1.4 Contextual Cardiac Embryology and Congenital Heart Malformations  62
6.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  63
6.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  64
6.4 Common Artifacts, Non-lesions, and Postmortem Changes   66
Bibliography   68

7 The Respiratory System  69

Elizabeth L. Buckles and Teresa Southard
7.1 Anatomy Review  69
7.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  71
7.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  72
7.3.1 Larynx and Trachea  72
7.3.2 Lungs  73
7.3.3 Nasal Cavity and Sinuses  74
7.4 Special Techniques  74
7.5 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  75
Bibliography  75

8 The Alimentary System  77

Gerald E. Duhamel
8.1 Anatomy Review  77
8.1.1 The Oropharyngeal Cavity  77
8.1.2 The Salivary Glands   78
8.1.3 The Esophagus   78
8.1.4 The Stomach   79
8.1.5 The Small Intestine  79
8.1.6 The Large Intestine  81
8.1.7 The Intestinal Vasculature and Nervous System  82
8.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  82
8.2.1 The Esophagus   83
8.2.2 The Gastrointestinal Tract  83
8.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  85
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x Contents

8.3.1 Gastrointestinal Tract  85

8.4 Special Techniques  87
8.5 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  88
Bibliography  89

9 The Liver and Pancreas  91

Sean P. McDonough
9.1 Anatomy Review  91
9.1.1 The Liver   91
9.1.2 The Pancreas  93
9.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  94
9.2.1 The Liver  94
9.2.2 The Pancreas  96
9.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  96
9.3.1 The Liver  96
9.3.2 The Pancreas  98
9.4 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  98
9.4.1 The Liver  98
9.4.2 The Pancreas  99
Bibliography  99

10 The Urogenital System  101

Teresa Southard
10.1 Anatomy Review  101
10.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  103
10.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  103
10.3.1 Kidneys 103
10.3.2 Ureters 104
10.3.3 Bladder and Urethra  104
10.3.4 Ovaries 105
10.3.5 Oviduct/Uterus/Cervix/Vagina 105
10.3.6 Testes/Epididymides/Ductus Deferens  105
10.3.7 Prostate Gland  105
10.3.8 Bulbourethral Gland (Cats Only)  106
10.3.9 Distal Colon/Rectum/Anus  106
10.4 Special Techniques  106
10.5 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  106
Bibliography  106

11 The Nervous System  107

Andrew D. Miller
11.1 Anatomy Review  107
11.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  108
11.2.1 Brain 108
11.2.2 Spinal Cord  109
11.2.3 Peripheral Nerves  110
11.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  110
11.3.1 Brain 110
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Contents xi

11.3.2 Spinal Cord  112

11.3.3 Nerves 112
11.4 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  112
Bibliography  113

12 The Eye and Ear  115

Sean P. McDonough
12.1 The Eye   115
12.1.1 Anatomy Review  115
12.1.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  115
12.1.3 Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  117
12.2 The Ear  119
12.2.1 Anatomy Review  119
12.2.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  122
12.2.3 Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  122
Bibliography  123

13 The Endocrine System  125

Sean P. McDonough
13.1 Anatomy Review  125
13.1.1 The Pituitary Gland  125
13.1.2 The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands  125
13.1.3 The Endocrine Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)  126
13.1.4 The Adrenal Glands  126
13.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  127
13.2.1 The Pituitary Gland  127
13.2.2 The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands  128
13.2.3 The Endocrine Pancreas  129
13.2.4 The Adrenal Glands  130
13.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  130
13.3.1 The Pituitary Gland  130
13.3.2 The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands  131
13.3.3 The Endocrine Pancreas  131
13.3.4 The Adrenal Glands  131
13.4 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  132

14 The Lymphoreticular System  133

Sean P. McDonough
14.1 Anatomy Review  133
14.1.1 Thymus 133
14.1.2 Lymph Nodes  133
14.1.3 Spleen 133
14.1.4 Bone Marrow  135
14.2 In Situ Evaluation and Removal  135
14.2.1 Thymus 135
14.2.2 Lymph Nodes  136
14.2.3 Spleen 136
14.2.4 Bone Marrow  138
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xii Contents

14.3 Organ Examination, Sectioning, and Fixation  138

14.3.1 Thymus 138
14.3.2 Lymph Nodes  138
14.3.3 Spleen 140
14.3.4 Bone Marrow  140
14.4 Incidental Findings  141

Part III  Special Cases  143

15 Small Mammal Necropsies  145

Teresa Southard
15.1 Species Differences  145
15.2 Necropsy Technique   145
Bibliography  151

16 Fetuses and Neonatal Animals  153

Teresa Southard
16.1 Anatomy  153
16.1.1 Placenta 153
16.1.2 Umbilical Cord  153
16.1.3 Fetal Circulation   153
16.2 Necropsy Technique  154
16.3 Common Artifacts and Postmortem Changes  156

Part IV  Additional Testing  157

17 Cytology  159
Teresa Southard
17.1 Types of Cytology Preparations  159
17.2 Making a Touch Imprint  159
17.3 Making a Bone Marrow Smear  159
17.4 Other Preparations  160
17.5 Staining  160
17.6 Atlas of Normal Tissues  161

18 Histopathology  165
Sean P. McDonough and Teresa Southard
18.1 Necropsy Samples for Histopathology  165
18.2 Fixation  165
18.3 Practical Guidelines to Optimize Fixation  168

19 Infectious Disease Testing  171

Teresa Southard
19.1 Test Types  171
19.2 Aerobic Culture  171
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Contents xiii

19.3 Anaerobic Culture  173

19.4 Fungal Culture  173
19.5 Fluorescent Antibody Tests  174
19.6 PCR  174
19.7 ELISA  174
19.8 Virus Isolation  174
19.9 Qualitative Fecal  174
19.10 Immunohistochemistry 174

20 Toxicology Testing  175

Teresa Southard
Bibliography  175

21 Packaging and Shipping Samples  179

Sean P. McDonough
21.1 Packing Samples to Send to the Lab  180
Bibliography  180

Appendix 1: Normal Organ Weights (Percentage Body Weight)  183

Appendix 2: North American Diagnostic Laboratories  187
Appendix 3: Tissue Collection Checklist  193
Appendix 4: Describing Gross Lesions  195

Index  197
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List of Contributors

Elizabeth L. Buckles, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Andrew D. Miller, DVM, Diplomate ACVP
Department of Biomedical Sciences Department of Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University Cornell University

Gerald E. Duhamel, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Jeanine Peters‐Kennedy, DVM, Diplomate ACVP,
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Diplomate ACVD
College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Kathleen M. Kelly, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP
Department of Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
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“Internists know everything and do nothing; Necropsies are not performed for a variety of
Surgeons know nothing and do everything; reasons. The death of a companion animal is
Pathologists know everything and do every- always an emotional time and broaching the
thing, but it’s too late.” subject of a necropsy may seem insensitive.
This saying is popular among veterinary and However, input from the clinicians at the
medical students and reflects some common Cornell University Hospital for Animals sug-
stereotypes about the different disciplines in gests that if owners believe something positive
our professions. We will let the internists and can come from the death of their pet, espe-
surgeons speak for themselves, but as patholo- cially knowledge that could potentially help
gists, we like to think that our knowledge base is other animals, they are much more likely to
equivalent to an internist and our technical consent to a postmortem examination. Also,
skills rival those of a surgeon. And we concede many veterinarians, especially at tertiary care
that our efforts are not going to help the patient facilities, share the belief of physicians that the
on the necropsy table; however, the work of the advent of  newer diagnostic techniques and
pathologist is not too late to make a big impact. powerful imaging modalities makes the nec-
A necropsy examination is a simple, cost‐effective, ropsy or autopsy obsolete. However, despite
broad spectrum diagnostic procedure that the advances in medical technology, the rate of
requires no advanced training or high priced diagnostic errors remains high. Up to 10% of
equipment and can provide information benefi- autopsies reveal a misdiagnosis that would
cial to the animal’s family and veterinary team, likely have affected patient outcome and the
as well our overall understanding of disease pro- cause of death is misdiagnosed in almost 25% of
cesses (animal and human), which could poten- cases. Our personal experience with necropsies
tially save other lives. reveals similar percentages of misdiagnoses in
Despite the benefits of a necropsy, this proce- veterinary medicine.
dure is rarely performed, and often not even The goal of this book is to provide veterinary
considered. Here at Cornell, only a small per- students and small animal practitioners, as well
centage of the animals that die or are euthanized as pathology residents and pathologists, a guide
in the small animal hospital are submitted for for performing a necropsy, including a step‐by‐
necropsy. In human medicine, the autopsy rate step tutorial of the basic necropsy procedure, a
has drastically declined over the past few dec- review of the anatomy and dissection tech-
ades. Before the 1970s, 30–40% of all human niques for each organ system, and information
hospital deaths were investigated by autopsy but on collecting tissues for additional testing. We
by 2005, the rate had fallen to less than 10%, with hope more veterinarians will take advantage of
almost no autopsies performed at hospitals that the unique continuing educational opportunity
are not affiliated with an academic institution. the necropsy affords them.
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We are grateful to everyone who helped make residents and necropsy students who were
this book a reality, particularly Jodie Gerdin, patient with us as we interrupted their work to
who got this whole project started; Karyn take pictures. Photograph contributors for this
Bischoff, James Morrisey, Ashleigh Newman, book include: Don Schlafer, Ana Alcaraz, Roger
Pamela Schenck, Belinda Thompson, and Panciera, Gavin Hitchener, May Tse, Nick
Jimmy Tran, who contributed their knowledge, Vitale, Jimmy Tran, Stacy Rine, Alex Molesan,
time and resources; and the Cornell pathology and Heather Daverio.
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This book is accompanied by a companion website:
­About the Companion Website

Video of necropsy being performed.

The website includes:

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