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Golden Gate Subd., Talon III, Las Piñas City

An Analysis of the Book Entitled

“My Maid Invests in The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too!’

Submitted to:

Mrs. Virgie Valencia-Reyes

Submitted by:

Gamarcha, Jeessa Mea L.

Austria, Romel


October 16, 2022

Table of Contents

Chapter Page No.

Preface: Take charge of Your Financial Future 1-2

I. Everyone Ought to Be Rich 3-4

II. Follow a Simple System 5-6

III. Repeat the Vision 7-8

IV. Own a Great Company 9-10

V. How to Retire a Millionaire 11-12

VI. Open an Online Account 13-14


Take Charge of Your Financial Future

To be able to do something you’ve been meaning to do for the longest time is

such a rewarding feeling, especially if you can only do this when you knew deep in your

heart that it was a perfect time. Usually, these are things that are very personal to us,

but who would have thought that for Bo Sanchez it was to write a book about the stock

market and why we should invest in it? For someone that is not fond of books (not me

because I love books) and most especially if this book is about a certain thing that we

are not interested in at first (definitely me because it never occurred to me to invest in

the stock market, until I encountered it during class), to read books feels like an

obligation—a chore your mother demanded, and a routine you forced yourself to do

because it was necessary. However, as someone who loves to read, it was coherent

upon reading it. The words were perfect for any kind of reader, the excitement of the

author was contagious and evident in every phrase he’s written, short and simple but

precise. On the other hand, it was intriguing to me as someone who was not interested

in the stock market. What was that language the stock market speaks only on the

second moon of the planet Uranus? If I continue reading, will I be able to know it? Or if it

was just a metaphor, will I understand it? The prior idea I had when I needed to read

this book because it was a requirement disappeared in an instant on the grounds that

the love, I have for reading dominated all over my system. I needed to know more; I

want to learn more.

Consequently, the author concluded the preface by ensuring that he will be there

for us every step of the way on our journey of discovering and learning about the stock

market and eventually taking charge of our financial future. He will give a stock update

for guidance and inspiration. Moreover, he speaks about his excitement for the first-time

individual to invest in the stock market, and although, I know for sure I still can’t invest,

his excitement radiates next to me. I have plans for investing in the future and I look

forward to the learnings the following chapters await me.

Chapter I

Everyone Ought to Be Rich

Most of the time when we encounter such a prominent and successful speaker or

person we haven’t acknowledged where they came from, we just know they’ve reached

far. In this chapter, Bo Sanchez introduced himself to us through his leadership, his

preaching, and his writing of books—all these three were the foundation of how this

book came to life and made it possible to reach many individuals. He’s led a caring

group, a small group of individuals who talks about their lives and preaches about God’s

words. Through this little gathering, the author emphasized the importance of God’s

presence in everyone’s lives. God’s words are believed to have the capability to touch

souls and be a guide for everyone’s decision-making and life escapades. Moreover, it is

also refreshing to know that Bo Sanchez didn’t only rely on his mere intelligence and life

experiences but also involved God in his success. And only in this chapter did we learn

financial aspects but also spiritual wellness.

Furthermore, these individuals consist of his driver and three helpers, and every

week they gather for small talk. As I read the book, and the author tells us the story of

his driver and especially his helpers, I appreciate the struggle of everyone who

sacrificed for their family and provided for their daily necessities, and most of them are

left with nothing. Hence the importance of this book has begun—how would these

helpers be able to help their families with their needs and their unexpected expenses

while also having something left for them when they retire? It will be discussed later but

what I most liked about this book, particularly in this chapter is how the author narrates

and his usage of words. He used the whole civilization to represent the families of his

helpers, it was an exaggeration with a touch of reality. It was like he wanted to imply to

us the reality of these individuals but also wanted to entertain us through holistic

examples. But I was not entertained, I was saddened, it only worsens the fact that this

exaggeration really happened and was not just entertainment. A lot of people know that

the helpers’ struggles happen in reality but only a few will understand that the holistic

examples have happened or might happen to some.

But thankfully for Bo Sanchez, unlike other people, he was aware of his helpers’

problems, currently and possibly in the future. So, he introduced them to a system—a

simple system that will change their lives forever. We will learn about this system as we

go on to another chapter. The excitement the author felt at the beginning doubles the

enthusiasm I have right now as I enveloped myself in the depth of this book.

Chapter II

Follow a Simple System

Throughout time, we have built a system that we concluded for ourselves that will

help us develop, improve, and become a better version of ourselves. This system has

always been with us because it has become a part of one’s individuality. It’s like a

course of action combined together which was gathered from our experiences and

learnings in life and repeatedly done until it becomes a habit or a routine. This is how I

defined a system; it is there to support and guide you, and only if you follow it religiously

it will change your life in ways you’ve never imagined. I couldn’t believe that in this

chapter of this book, not only I will learn about the author’s simple system but also made

me think about what system I have done for myself or maybe time was not enough yet

for me to establish one. But enough with my personal system, I just learned a simple

system that has changed someone’s life, and probably will change mine too, and yours!

Start off, this system is a financial guide and support. Bo Sanchez specifically

entailed the division of the salary accordingly. So, at the end of the month when they

receive their salary, it will be divided into five envelopes: tithe fund, expense fund,

support fund, emergency fund, and retirement fund. These five will have a specific

amount of what it requires. Upon looking at these five envelopes, I realized that we

could really manage our finances well if only we discipline ourselves to stick up by the

rule of the envelope. Title fund is the first one in the list taking up ten percent of the total

salary. We can really infer that Bo Sanchez has truly encouraged his helpers to

appreciate God for what He has given them, and that is by putting a part of their salary.

In today’s generation, with an inflation rate constantly increasing, and expenses

becoming higher, tithe funds are now not given much importance because people tend

to give a portion only to what is beneficial for them.

Secondly, the expense fund is what they allot for themselves for the whole

month. It is important to learn to share and save but not to the extent that you don’t

have enough on your own. It is also good to know that their expenses won’t take so

much part because basic necessities are provided for them. This means that there will

be so much more for their savings. In addition to the envelope is the emergency fund.

The author mentioned in the previous chapter that their helpers’ savings are just taken

by their families’ emergency expenses and that’s why it is vital to have a budget for that.

Finally, the most important one, and the essence of this whole book: the retirement

fund. We often determined retirement funds only for those rich people who allot money

when they are not capable of working anymore. But this book believes otherwise and

continues to convince everyone that a retirement fund is possible no matter what your

status, nature of work, and salary would be. One just needs to advance their knowledge

and mindset, and that’s when Bo Sanchez guided his helper to invest in the stock

market because money will not grow on its own without proper placement.

Conclusively, upon reading the system I was eager to get a job so I could have

my own financial envelope. I learned that retirement funds should be given enough

attention as early as possible and put where they will have access to sufficient sunlight

to grow.

Chapter III

Repeat the Vision

I have not, thus far, put thought into the effect on the perception of an individual

with themselves when they are close to someone successful and when that person

spent a portion of their valuable time being with them whether they do something

together or nothing at all until I read this chapter. However, we know that we can be

dramatically affected by someone we spent our time with most of the time. Bo Sanchez,

knowing he’s got a big name in the industry, took that opportunity to take advantage of

that psychological effect through his weekly caring group. Likewise, Bo Sanchez

programmed in their minds the future they hold if they follow his advice to never touch

their retirement funds. Only I believe it was not enough to convince them if they do not

have a glimpse of their future, so the author gave them a specific figure of their wealth

when they reach an age of incapability, and I couldn’t agree more. When Bo Sanchez

told them they would retire as a millionaire, it was an impossible dream for them, but

when he displays an attainable and realistic plan to achieve it, it becomes a reachable

hope. And it didn’t end there, a five million worth of wealth was not enough for him to

show them a vision of their future. Regularly, he brings them to a ministry for

abandoned elderly. A positive future was convincingly enough for someone to get

themselves disciplined, but an unfavorable future becomes an irresistible drive to reach

the positive vision.

It is saddening to think that some people certainly get abandoned after doing so

much for their families for a very long time resulting in having nothing left for

themselves. Moreover, no matter how awful it may seem, it did happen to many

individuals, and it was given so much emphasis by Bo Sanchez. We never know what

the future awaits us and doing something as early as today will do wonders. Bo

Sanchez wanted them to be a donor to the ministry but not to become a beneficiary

which I believed had turned out to be the final cue for the helpers to dedicate their

retirement funds to themselves. Just we are yet to know how the stock market works

and how the helpers did it; because if they can, so can I, and so can you!

Convincingly, in this chapter, I have established a vision for myself of where I

could be many years later, and the vision was clear to demand a lot of hard work,

resilience, discipline, and most importantly, determination. For that, I am excited to jump

to another chapter to learn how the stock market works and embrace that knowledge for

my future endeavors on transforming my vision into a reality.

Chapter IV

Own a Great Company

Do you ever get wonder why people who read a lot had so much easier way of

understanding the lesson in class and even spent a little time studying and still got a

high score? Well, it was a wonder to me until I read this chapter. I learned a lot and I

wish I read it earlier, so I could’ve understood what my professor was talking about

when I couldn’t even grasp a single thought about what they said prior and continued to

discuss another one. Oh, and for clarification, this was not meant for my professor in

this subject, I meant it in general remembering how many questions I got wrong in our

tests because I didn’t have a whole understanding of the lesson for the reason for not

reading. Oh, and again, I read a lot but more like a recreational reading and not an

academic one. I didn’t mean it as though as little but sometimes I wish I was interested

in these kinds of books.

Moving forward, it was my favorite part of the book because I learned from it so

much, and it was easier for me to understand because of how Bo Sanchez’s father

explained it to him in the most reasonable way for an eight-year-old child to understand.

When I learned that he would teach us about the stock market in the next chapter, I

didn’t expect it to be in this manner. But all I can is it was the best way to explain the

stock market to anyone who is not familiar with it. Consequently, I believe that Bo

Sanchez’s success especially in the creation of this book, his father has contributed a

lot to it because if it weren’t for his father, he wouldn’t have done this whole concept,

and his maids wouldn’t get into the stock market. So, it started when he was a little and

his father owned a share of San Miguel, and he proceeded to ask questions about the

stock market. We can become partial owners of a certain company if we buy their

shares, and we can earn through dividends. The dividends we get depend on the profit

of the company and the percentage of our ownership. Moreover, there is another way of

earning; just yet we will learn the concept of capital appreciation, I encountered it in

class, but I didn’t really have a full understanding of this topic. This means that when the

business expands this also implies the worth increases, and if you have a 10% share,

the return is higher than what it was in the beginning. And since it was higher you would

want to sell it at a higher price, and you will earn extra! The author’s father made her

mother’s company as an example—it was simple yet very informative. I couldn’t even

think of another way to explain it.

Frequently, I was told that I could’ve chosen another undergrad program, and

every time I encounter such statements I doubt if my course wasn’t relevant today, or if I

won’t have a stable job in the future. But maybe they were wrong, they lack the

knowledge of what my course is capable of giving me; hence I figured out now that I

was right. Investments can do a lot for our lives, not just personally, but also in

economic aspects such as stabilizing the inflation rate and more. And I am sure and

certain that I can learn more in this course especially if I want to retire as a millionaire

and let the money work for me.

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Chapter V

How to retire a Millionaire

Ambitions without actions are just dreams waiting in the line of many possibilities.

And how do we achieve those dreams? I believe discipline and consistency is the key,

and Bo Sanchez believes so. In addition to many learnings from previous chapters, I

have another vital piece of information that I have added to my basket of knowledge just

from this book: the difference between trading and investing. I believe that we should

know the difference between these two or else we will get lost in what the book is trying

to teach us. Trading is a short term which means buying stocks and selling them within

a day or a few days. That is why it is very dangerous. Maybe the reason why people are

hesitating when they hear the stock market is because what they are thinking is trading!

However, investing is buying stocks and selling them after many months, years, or even

never. So investing is not risk-free, but definitely less risky. So, in what way are you in

because as per the author he immensely recommends investing.

What I liked the most about this book is that it is trying to teach us something but

at the same time letting us decide for ourselves. Most of us don’t like to be imposed, do

we? We want suggestions and opinions, but we never want them to tell us what exactly

to do; and when they impose, we do exactly the opposite thing. There is this quote from

the book that lives my mind rent-free, it says “Be fearful when others are greedy, be

greedy when others are fearful.” When we invest, we really choose the best company,

right? A company that we are certain remains in power after 10 years or so. But when

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there is an economic recession, even the great companies are down and so will sell

their stocks at a lower price, which will result in people’s hesitation to invest. Moreover,

according to Warren Buffet, who stated the quote, that when people are scared to buy

stocks or invest, all the more we should buy or invest. This is because when people are

greedy, supply is high, and when supply is higher prices increase too! Thus, we need to

remember that price is what you pay, and value is what you get, paying too much can

reduce returns; and when prices are low this might be a good value investment


Now, we are about to reach the end, have you chosen a path to take? Never

mind what the author suggests, will you go trading or investing? But I believe it depends

on what level of risk you are willing to take. Nevertheless, one must remember the key

to achieving dreams—we should be disciplined and consistent. We should train

ourselves to take a path that leads to our vision of the future. A little money goes a long

way, invest consistently every month would go wonders we even never thought of. As I

realized that I am getting older and I am not fond of just being an employee let alone

doing physical work, I have to study investing and venturing into my own business. We

all love money, don’t we? It makes our life way easier and less stressful, and if you all

don’t agree, money buys happiness. We want to retire and get old and not be a burden

to anyone, and how do we do it? I only know one thing--retire as a millionaire!

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Chapter VI

Open an Online Account

We are yet to reach the end, but the learning won’t just stop here, that’s what I

believe. Introducing us to the stock market is never enough for Bo Sanchez because he

guided his helpers from the start and continued as they begin their journey. Just like

what he did for them, he will end this chapter by introducing us to the platforms that

would help us to begin our investment journey. Not just platforms, he would suggest

companies that are worthy to invest with. A long time ago, when this book was

published, a very accessible and conducive platform was established to help and guide

every individual to investing, but I believe today that platform was still at present, but it

has changed its name to COL Financial Group, Inc. Moreover, he aims to push us

through a TrulyRichClub, wherein he will send us an update on our investment plan.

Isn’t it amazing? How dedicated he is to his people, and also to all random individuals

who wanted to follow the steps his maids got into? I appreciate his books, but I have

boundless gratitude for Bo Sanchez, not just as a writer but as a person, and just his

whole fascinating being.

Considering this book was established more than a decade ago and still remains

and plays a vital help in investing says only one thing: investing will continue to play a

big part for the many following years in the future. Hence, it is important to start as early

as today. There are also many trading platforms that we could use if we decided to

invest brought by rapid changes and advancements in technology because of obvious

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modernization. Many had changed decades ago but we can infer that a lot of

companies remain in business up until today, and hopefully, we could expect to retain

their power in the future. That is why Bo Sanchez used Ayala Land Inc., Bank of the

Philippine Islands, and many more as examples of good companies to invest with. The

history of such companies is of great help to the decision-making of a lot of potential

investors. This chapter has now come to an end but the learnings I have learned will

stay with me as I go on with my investing journey, hopefully in the near future. The

question I had in the preface of the book remains a mystery to me and that urges me to

read more and discover it for myself.

Truly, a book is a pathway to a different world, and I have just entered a world

with a glimpse of a brighter future, only it was called the stock market. Just as the book

has its end, I was forced to reach mine too. Nevertheless, I will keep the learnings with

me and will thrive to dig for more knowledge to equip myself when I decided to finally

enter the world of real investing.

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