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Napoleon Bonapart e

Document Based Writing Activity

Respond to the following writing task using information from class discussions, textbook outlines, and
textbook information.

Be Sur e to In clu de i n Y our Es sa y:

1 – 3 Additional important pieces of information from your textbook (Indicated by a *star)
2 – A discussion/use of all 4 documents
Ex amp le: “Napoleon had built an enormous empire by 1812, as seen in d oc ument C …”
3 – An introduction (something that “sets up” your discussion), main body (your discussion of Napoleon), and

“C heckli s t”
Ex tra Info rmatio n: Do cuments: Introduction: _____
#1 _____ Doc. A _____ Main Body: _____
#2 _____ Doc. B _____ Conclusion: _____
#3 _____ Doc. C _____
Doc. D _____

Wri tin g Ta sk:

Discuss the Impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on Europe, and the Congress of Vienna as a reaction to Napoleon’s defeat
and loss of power.

Ba c kg roun d In for m ati on:

In the 1790’s, France is in the midst of a very long and bloody revolution. There have been many power changes and
many politically motivated assassinations. The people of France are looking for a strong leader to unite their country.

Docu me n t A
Sourc e: Excerpts from the Napoleonic Code
1. The laws are executory throughout the whole French territory, by virtue of the promulgation thereof made by the
First Consul.
2. The law ordains for the future only; it has no retrospective operation.
3. The laws of police and public security bind all the inhabitants of the territory, Immovable property, although in the
possession of foreigners, is governed by the French law.
8. Every Frenchman shall enjoy civil rights.
213. The husband owes protection to his wife, the wife obedience to her husband.

Docu me n t B
Delegates assemble at the Co ng r ess o f
Vien n a, held September 1814 to June 1815
to restore the balance of power in Europe
after the fall of French emperor Napoleon I.
The four great powers of Russia, Prussia,
Austria, and the United Kingdom redrew
the boundaries of Europe, and recognized
the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland.
(Library of Congress)

[Library of Congress]
Document C
Docu me n t C

Map of Napoleonic Europe, 1812

Docu me n t D
Sourc e: Memoirs of Philippe Paul se Segur describing the grim scene as the remnants of the Grand Army returned
home after the devastating Russian winter.
“In Napoleon’s wake [was] a mob of tattered ghosts draped in… odd pieces of carpet, or greatcoats burned full of
holes, their feet wrapped in all sorts of rags… [We] stared in horror as those skeletons of soldiers went by, their
gaunt, gray faces covered with disfiguring beards, without weapons… with lowered heads, eyes on the ground, in
absolute silence.”

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