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Appraisal of

students Non-Test
❏ Reavis and Judd write, To attempt to guide the development of
the pupil without an intimate knowledge of his background and
the sum total of experience is to attempt the impossible.

❏ Jones emphasises,Assistance in making choices should be

based on as through an understanding as is possible of the
individuals, his basic needs and the real circumstances
surrounding the decisions.
Non-Testing Techniques

01 Interview

02 Observation

03 Case Study
It is called “Conversation with a
purpose.” Face to face
relationship between the
interviewer and the interviewee
Types of Interview

❏ Diagnostic Interview
❏ Administrative Interview
❏ Employment Interview
❏ Admission Interview
❏ Informative Interview
❏ Counselling Interview
Steps in Counseling Interview

1. Preparation and establishment of rapport

2. Unfolding the problem
3. Joint working on the problem
4. Closing of the Interview
5. Evaluation
6. Follow up
Advantages Limitations of
of Interview Interview
❏ Subjective
❏ Flexible and dynamic ❏ Time consuming
❏ natural ❏ Needs experts
❏ Used for variety of purposes ❏ Placed in an artificial situation
❏ Helps to solve problems ❏ Depression may take place
❏ Practiced on illiterate persons ❏ Difficult to interpret results of interview
“Watch nature long and observe your pupil carefully
before you say a word to him.”
Natural Participants
Observation Observation
❏ It is that type of observation in
❏ We observe the specific
which the observer becomes the
behavioural characteristics of
part of the group which he wants to
children or adults in natural
observe. He establishes perfect
setting. Subjects do not become
rapport with the group of children
conscious of the fact that
or adolescents so that they may
someone is observing their
not become conscious of his
presence and may not hide their
actual behaviour
Requisites of Good
● Proper planning
● Proper Execution
● Recording of Observation
● Interpretation
Merits of Systematic

Being a record of actual behaviour of the child, it is more reliable,
valid, objective and scientific.
❏ It is economical as it needs no laboratory and costly apparatus
❏ It is flexible and can be used in gathering data in many situations.
❏ It can be applied to observe the behaviour of children of all ages. Of
course, the younger the child, the easier it is to observe him. This
method has been found very useful with shy children.
❏ It can be applied to observe the behaviour of individuals as well as of a
❏ This method can be used with little training and almost all teachers
can use it for understanding the behaviour of problem children,
backward children, delinquent children, gifted children and other types
of children.
❏ It is not restricted to a test situation but it is applied to the naturally
occurring situations of life.
Limitations of Observation
❏ It is very difficult to get trained observers. Untrained observers may gather
superfluous and irrelevant data.
❏ It is subjective.
❏ Sometimes artificiality comes in the behaviour e.g. crocodile tears or
behaviour of hippocrats.
❏ Sometimes we have to wait for long time for the occurrence of events.
❏ Some personal problems and experiences can not be observed i.e. sex
❏ With the help of observation, we can observe the external behaviour of the
individual. Internal behaviour of the individual can not be studied.
❏ Record may not be written with hundred percent accuracy as the observation
is recorded after the actions of the observer. There is some time lag.
❏ Observation is subject to two kinds of errors, sampling error and observers
error.The first error occurs because of inadequacies of selecting situation to
be observed. The observers error may be due to the knowledge and
background of the situation to be observed
❏ It means systematic, complete
and intensive study of the pupil -
his family background, his
physical, social, emotional and
intellectual environment.
Sources for preparing Case Study...
Preliminary Present
Information Condition
Name, age, sex, parents
The information may be
age, education, occupation,
income, number of children,
social status etc.
01 02 03
Past History
Condition of mother during pregnancy, any
incident, childs development after birth,
physical, mental, emotional, social- illness,
relation between parents and other members of
the family, achievement of the child, parents
death, birth order etc.
Present Condition: Information may be
collected under the ff.
❏ Physical: Results of medical examination of any
❏ Medical: I.Q., special abilities, general intelligence
❏ Social : House environment, friends and their
types, social environment in school, home and
❏ Emotional: Anxiety, fear, temperament, attitude etc.
❏ Interest: Personal, social, vocational and special
❏ School Achievement : Position in school, failure,
special achievement etc.
Steps involved in Case Study

1.Location of the case

2. Formulation of hypotheses
3. Collection of data from pupils, parents, friends, teachers,
headmaster and community at large.
4. Analysis of data i.e. identification of causal factors as a basis
for remedial treatment
5. Removing the causes i.e. application of remedial or
adjustment measures
6. Follow up of the case to determine the effectiveness of
remedial or adjustmental measure applied.
Types of Cases

❏ Problem children
❏ Delinquent children
❏ Backward Children or slow learner
❏ Maladjusted children
❏ Gifted Children
❏ Children with exceptional talent in a particular skill,
❏ Children with educational difficulty
❏ Children with vocational difficulty
Characteristics of Good Case Study

❏ Completeness of data
❏ Continuity of data
❏ Validity of data
❏ Confidential recording of data
❏ Scientific synthesis and analysis of data
Advantages of
Case Study
❏ Bases for diagnosis
and treatment Useful
research technique
❏ Suitable Adjustments
❏ For Social Workers
Limitations of
Case Study
❏ It is a subjective .technique. A person
who prepares case history may project
his own problems, plans, ideas, attitudes,
values and the like into the report
❏ It is very time-consuming technique
❏ It is difficult to prepare case history.
Parents and teachers etc. may not
❏ We need experts and trained persons
preparing case history. Experts are
generally not available
❏ It is very difficult to interpret the results
you! Ada, Nicole Anne
Agrimano, Camille Angelyn
Alcantara, Heidi
Dayrit, John Enoch
Sierra, Mary Grace

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