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Fadir Ravenslove - You know it, you love it, the tiawanese cowboy grandpa.|
Generally pretty aloof|look i dont need to write out general vibes this is for the
vibes for this story|It Can Just Fucking Tell that all of these people have been
through so much|it is deeply hoping that none of the adults try to sneak a stab. It
does not know quite enough about the situation to say for certainty that that is
not an option|but it knows that these kids are *genuinely fucking afraid* of the
adults that showed up.

Reggie Rolander - Mine.|He did not expect the MP gang to be shoved in his house|
Needs to get his priorities straight in a fairly literal sense|Fadir may have
overestimated his ability to just kinda handle this|he can keep everyone there safe
and supplied but in terms of working out their issues **it is too many people my
fucking bird**|definitely gets 'traumatized kid hero' vibes from all of the kids
though and the science team just fucking radiates 'they were mid plot when this

Bina Blum - Been through so much|still just a kid|Had to grow up fast|Survival

above all else|Self doubt|Ayo is a threat, but isn't, but is|only thing valued
above survival is her friends|family is back home. can't go back to them. can't see
them again.|Not used to being a construct yet|full body shmurgle sensation is only
just creeping in|still hasn't accepted the situation|Ayo is. Handling it. Monsters
vibe as "basically people but weird psychology" so like, Ayos priority is Bina.
Keep her safe and mostly happy.

West - Not sure how to be serious|not used to this|got some issues from guuzys side
effects|a bit desperate for approval|tries to always keep a happy image even when
that's not necessarily productive|generally tries to not show his hurt|has a
boyfriend, kinda, but at the time he was halved in the stack they were not
'official'|Guuzy is not doing well, they now are far hungrier than they've ever
been and it's a bit scary|Guuzy has always been the most... personable, of the
monsters? The one that most *gets* human problems. Trust your gut, basically|This
means that it absolutely understands the implications of what is happening and just
how bad things are.

Abel - SeriousTM|Bit overly so?|Tries to have a handle on things|definitely has

seen some shit|rixis is The Priority in terms of safety|very very guarded, but once
guard is down he's chill|fallback is kind of a bit 'project being a tough guy now
now now' but he's getting better about that|his support network kinda just is the
kids group

Julie - Lighthearted|some identity issues|definitely the most carefree|that

childhood sense of immortality is strong in her, and she projects that onto Kera|
something genuinely being a threat to Kera is a bit of a thing with julie|Lots and
lots of family she cannot get to anymore|her support network is gone babeyyyy

Roger Maugras - Firm|Trying to keep a handle on things|He doesn't like this

situation, and he doesn't forgive Lulenski or Rjinder, but he can tell that it's
not as important as what's going on|Tied for most sensible adult in the room|
Resigned to the fact that this is happening, but also wants to help fix it|even in
the original monster pulse he was basically a good guy unwittingly on the bad team,
let that shine here.

Wanda Lulenski - A bit flighty|definitely pretty normal as a person but Man She
Gets Some Fucking Ideas Huh|she probably does not actually go too far with them
normally, it's Rjinder that takes things from an idle thought in her head into
active 'this is the best idea i have to do this' action.|thinks she knows best and
can get some tunnel vision there.|she generally feels unequipped to handle things
when she actually is wrong.
Michael Rjinder - Definitely strange|in the comic he just straight up heard voices
from nowhere, but also i am unsure of If That Is Actually Cool To Portray|
definitely a bit casually manipulative|an enabler of lulenski (and also where most
of the previous comes from)|very able to conclusions when it comes to Does This
Person Hate Me, and very much willing to get into a giant shouting match over it.|
Intrusive thoughts|very bad ones.|His Skin Is A Seperate Entity It Is Not Some
Manifestation Of His Issues|it/she(in comics the skin is sometimes referred to as
she) is just like luna the spine. Picks up on the Vibes Of Rjinder. bad enough
vibes? It Is The Skins Job To Protect.|The skin honestly also probably has issues?
it has so much less freedom than other monsters? it's like a weird mirror of Binas
situation|she can't move almost, period, without hurting Rjinder. The person she's
supposed to protect. She can barely do anything without bringing pain alongside

Ned McNulty - Definitely a 'get shit done' type guy|He is a dad.|Punch clock
villain, works for shell and does bad shit for them but he doesn't like it.|Loyalty
for shell just went out the fucking window when lulenski threatened Cindy|Look he
thought all of Shells work was for a good cause but like that was thoroughly
corrected in that moment. A lot of shit finally clicked then|he may or may not be
aware of just how little Maugras condoned Lulenski and Rjinders crazy shit|Least
visibly transformed of anyone, just a bit taller and a bit bigger, with a weird
magic cloak/jacket/shirt?|He's generally not entirely sure what's going on|None of
his, general shit towards Rjinder or Lulenski or anyone else- None of that was
really resolved. There was a giant blow-up situation where it all went to hell in
the worst way possible and- Now they're just in another dimension, there is no
shell, there are so many more problems to deal with, so it's all on the backburner
for now, but he just absolutely has some issues with everyone else to work out.|He
understands things. As much as he has some interpersonal issues to work out, he
also is. Pretty well equipped to work them out.s

Origins of the characters

Bina - Construct. Ayo is now some, fucked up steam engine dealie.
Abel - MAYBE cyclops. Maybe. More likely tengu. Rixis becomes A Little Bit Beefier
if cyclops, but if abel is a tengu then they're mostly unchanged.
West - Taotie. Guuzy gets an Absolute Upgrade in terms of abilities but it is
absolutely acknowledged in story that all of his problems with having guuzy are now
*far worse*, and that even someone who was always a taotie would find the situation
Julie - Lampade. Kera is now Made Of Fire (this is at first a relief but then once
Julie gets out of the nether, the rain hits, and Then It Reveals New Problems.)
Violet - Glare. Her brain-body is, also planty.
Nancy - Revenant. Red is now some very unpleasant green color. Fungal, even.
Wanda - LITERALLY the only one of the group still human.
Micheal - Enderwalker. His skin/Telamon (if i name the skin it'll be named telamon
because Hee Hee No Mans Sky Refrantse)
Ned - Kelpie. Wilbur is *very* much also a shapeshifter, boy oh boy does that
sometimes result in Needing An Explanation whoo boy.
Claire - Nekomata. Claire-from-monster pulse is very physically similar to claire-
my-own-halfstack-blorbo, This Is Intentional, To Cause Confusion. Luna is not
overly affected, but is way more flexible.
Ray - Enderwalker. Cav is a bit more terrifying now.
Nate - Yurei. Lampwick is also a ghost now yes.
Bea - Axolotl. Greenie is still there but has no powers, and everyone is just a bit
confused about what they actually are now.
Edward - ALSO revenant, and he is mostly skeletal. Face friend whos name i forget
is Just Some Bone Goop.

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