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Sports Med

DOI 10.1007/s40279-013-0112-3


Author’s Reply to Steele and Fisher: ‘‘Scientific Rigour: a Heavy

or Light Load to Carry?’’
The Importance of Maintaining Objectivity in Drawing Evidence-Based Conclusions

B. Schoenfeld

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013

I appreciate the opportunity to respond to the letter by objective view of the literature. What follows henceforth is
Steele and Fisher, ‘‘Scientific rigour; a heavy or light load a point-by-point rebuttal of each of the issues raised.
to carry?’’ [1] regarding my recent review paper [2]. I First, Steele and Fisher [1] question my inclusion of
welcome the platform that this letter provides to further studies that assessed hypertrophy by muscle biopsy. They
expound on the role of loading in muscular adaptations. justly state that biopsy is limited by the fact that the sur-
Steele and Fisher [1] begin by questioning my use of the gical extraction of tissue can damage the cells and thus
word ‘‘intensity’’ to describe the relative magnitude of load confound results. However, it should be noted that the
lifted. In principle, I agree that this is a valid criticism. The biopsy methods employed in the two studies in question [3,
term ‘‘intensity’’ is rather ambiguous and its employment 4] were designed to mitigate confounding issues related to
should be taken up for scientific discussion to clarify muscle damage. Specifically, tissue samples were obtained
proper terminology. Although my use of the term followed using the ‘‘double-chop method’’ which allows for
commonly accepted jargon, in retrospect I should have extraction of *1000 fibers per biopsy. This would seem-
used the phrase ‘‘intensity of load’’ or simply ‘‘load’’ and ingly provide an ample amount of healthy tissue for ana-
will do so in the future. lysis even if some damage was in fact incurred during
The remaining content of the letter by Steele and Fisher surgical incision. Moreover, the authors seem to overlook
[1] attempts to refute my conclusion, namely that evidence the fact that imaging techniques can be confounded by
remains equivocal as to whether low-load training is as factors such as the time course of assessment, chemical
effective as high-load training in promoting muscular shift artefacts, and various errors in obtaining and repeating
adaptations. In trying to make this case, however, the site-specific measurements [5–7].
authors focus their efforts solely on discussing limitations Steele and Fisher [1] then make the statement that ‘‘we
in studies that showed an advantage to higher load training might regard that most persons wishing to increase their
and neglect to acknowledge substantial limitations in muscularity might be less concerned with in vitro research
studies showing no differences as discussed in detail in my and more concerned with change in cross sectional area
review. Moreover, they fail to recognize the potential (CSA) or thickness of their muscles as a whole.’’ This is a
implications of positive findings in null studies where perplexing claim as biopsy allows for measurement of the
results did not rise to a predetermined level of statistical change in individual fiber area. Do the authors really
significance. These omissions ultimately give the impres- believe this is of no importance to resistance trained
sion of confirmation bias, with the authors endeavoring to individuals? A case can be made that biopsy actually
support a pre-conceived hypothesis rather than taking an provides the most relevant information about muscle
development as it allows for direct assessment of con-
tractile hypertrophy, which is responsible for producing
muscular force. This is in opposition to imaging tech-
B. Schoenfeld (&)
niques, which do not distinguish between intramuscular
Lehman College, 250 Bedford Park Blvd West, Bronx,
NY 10468, USA tissues and therefore could bias towards increases in non-
e-mail: contractile elements.
B. Schoenfeld

In addition, Steele and Fisher [1] neglect to mention concur with these sentiments. However, it is important to
other shortcomings of various imaging techniques in duly note that this study used the exact same protocol as
assessing muscle hypertrophy. Magnetic resonance imag- Campos et al. [4], who found significantly greater hyper-
ing, for example, has been shown to correlate poorly with trophic increases in high- compared to low-load groups.
histologically determined changes in myofiber CSA [8]. This only serves to further highlight contradictory findings
This is an important point of fact as mitochondrial protein between studies on the topic.
synthesis is particularly sensitive to extended time under Finally, Steele and Fisher [1] questioned why I did not
tension during resistance training [9], and may increase include three additional studies as part of my review. The
disproportionately during low-load training as the time first study by Hisaeda et al. [19] employed a protocol where
under tension and total work are higher in comparison to the low-load group trained in a range of 15–20 repetitions,
training with high loads. Moreover, cadaver analyses which correlates to an intensity of approximately 60–65 %
indicate that that computerized tomography imaging can 1RM. This is at or above the threshold commonly cited as
overestimate whole muscle CSA by as much as 20 % [10]. necessary for hypertrophy, and thus it did not meet the
Taking all factors into account, it would be imprudent and \50 % 1RM intensity level required for inclusion. The
misguided to dismiss muscle biopsy and only look at second study mentioned was by Kraemer et al. [20]. I am
imaging techniques when evaluating hypertrophy research miffed as to why Steele and Fisher [1] feel this study is
as the authors suggest. Each of these modalities has relevant to the topic at hand? The protocol involved a
inherent strengths and weaknesses as an assessment tool, repetition range of 3–12 reps, which in no way provides
and all of them can provide valuable information with insight into the hypertrophic effects of low-load training.
respect to muscular adaptations. The final study by Popov et al. [21], although applicable to
Steele and Fisher [1] then call attention to the fact that the topic, was listed as being published in Russian. Since
the study by Holm et al. [11] reported differences in CSA the search criteria for my review focused only on English-
only at the midpoint of the thigh and not proximally or language publications, this study was not considered for
distally. I am not clear why the authors feel this is a point inclusion. Thus, the claim by Steele and Fisher [1] that
of contention? It is well-established that muscles tend to these studies were ‘‘inexplicably’’ omitted from the review
hypertrophy in a non-uniform fashion [12–15]. It is spec- is patently unfounded.
ulated that such non-uniform adaptations may be the result With respect to the study by Popov et al. [21], I have
of regional muscle activation or perhaps differences in managed to obtain an English-language version of the
muscle oxygenation from a given exercise [12, 16]. The paper and it makes for intriguing discussion. Briefly, the
fact that this study employed the leg extension as the sole researchers evaluated two groups: a high-load group that
form of resistance training would perhaps explain why site- trained at 80 % 1RM, and a low-load group that performed
specific responses were noted. Regardless, this finding in sets at 50 % 1RM without relaxation during performance.
no way invalidates the study as the authors seem to suggest. Although no significant differences were found between
Next, Steele and Fisher [1] contend that the study by groups, the absolute differences in hypertrophy were quite
Lamon et al. [17] used the same data from previous work striking. Quadriceps volume was 150 % greater in the
by Leger et al. [18] and thus should not have been included higher-load group compared to low-load (15 % vs. 6 %,
in the review. If this is indeed the case, then I accept respectively), and volume of the gluteus maximus was
responsibility for the oversight. However, I take umbrage 38 % greater in those who trained at a higher versus lower
with the assertion that, ‘‘Though a relatively simple mis- percentage of 1RM (18 % vs. 13 %, respectively). Given
take to make, it seems that someone reading an article with the small sample size, it is certainly possible if not likely
the expected intricacy to discuss it in review might have that null findings may be attributed to a type II error.
noticed this.’’ Note that nowhere in the study by Lamon Without question, a strong case can be made that these
et al. [17] was it mentioned that pre-existing data was used differences would be practically meaningful for anyone
for analysis, which is customary in such instances. Con- seeking to maximize muscle hypertrophy.
sidering that the study was published three years after the When examining the body of literature as a whole, here
fact with a different lead author, it is unreasonable to is a summary of what we can ascertain: three studies show
expect this would be readily apparent when reviewing a significant advantage for high-load training [3, 4, 11] and
hundreds of studies over many months as I did for this six studies (including the study by Popov et al. [21]) show
review. no significant differences between using low- versus high-
The authors then extol the virtues of the Leger et al. [18] loads [18, 21–25]. The important caveat here is that two of
study because it ‘‘controlled for volume between high- and the six studies that failed to show significant differences
low-load groups, had participants train to MMF and again demonstrated clear absolute hypertrophic advantages for
report no difference between high- and low-load groups.’’ I higher load training, with CSA increases of the magnitude
Author’s Reply to Steele and Fisher

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