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1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

New PI Stabilization of First-Order Congestion Control of

Active Queue Management Routers
S. C h ebli1, A. Elakkaryl, N. Sefiani1, N. Elalami2
lEST Sale Morocco
2University Mohammed V of Rabat, EMI, Morocco Rabat Morocco,,

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of this approach is developed in section 4 where a solution for
stabilizing network using a new proportional- integral (PI) the first order delay system stabilization problem is detailed.
based congestion controller in active queue management Section 5 is reserved for simulations results.
(AQM) router; with appropriate model approximation in the
first order delay systems, we seek a stability region of the
controller by using the Hermite-Biehler theorem, which is II -TCP/AQM MODEL
applicable to quasipolynomials.
Our study will focus on the sharing of a communication link
between multiple transmitters at remote locations (figure 1).
Congestion control, Active queue management, Stabilization,
PI controller, first order delay system, stability region. Transmetter AQM Receiver


Congestion usually occurs in computer networks routers.

There are several reasons for its occurrence and propagation.
[14] Investigates the cause and conditions of propagating the
congestion in TCP networks. To overcome the problems
caused by congestion, the TCP always uses a network
congestion avoidance algorithm which includes various
aspects of an additive-increase multiplicative-decrease
(AIMD) scheme, with other schemes such as slow-start in
order to achieve congestion avoidance.
The study of congestion problem in time delay systems Figure 1: topology studied
framework is not new and has been successfully exploited.
Nevertheless, most of these works have been dedicated to the In [5], the authors modeled TCP process with stochastic
stability analysis of networks composed of homogeneous differential equations without taking slow start and time out
sources (see for example [1], [2], [3], [4] and [9]). mechanisms into account. In this model, the congestion
It was shown that the problem of congestion control and window wet) increase linearly if no packet loss is detected;
development of AQM could be seen as a problem of otherwise it halves. Based on some reasonable assumptions,
regulating the synthesis of correction awaiting the router the following relations were gotten:
queue. From the control theory, the AQMs types PI, PID were
built to control the congestion phenomenon. From the f. 1w(t).w(t-R(t))
dynamic model of TCP/AQM developed in [5], [6], much wet)
= - 2R(t-R(t)) pet-Ret)) (1)
work has been done to solve the problem of congestion
control in connection with the automatic. The modeling of l q(t) N(t) - C (2)

TCP/AQM system with a system to delays is not new and has

already been used successfully.
In our work we extend the Silva and al approach [15] With R(t) = q(t) +
Tp, where Tp is the propagation delay,
to a first order delay system using PI controller. Also, we look q(t) is the queue length at the router, C is the router's
for optimum regulators under constraint of a global criterion transmission capacity, thus q(t) is the queuing delay and R(t)
which takes into account the ponderation actions of several
is the round trip time delay, N(t) denotes the TCP load factor.
conditions related to the error signal (i.e: speed, precision
and/or control signal).
w(t) and q(t) denote the time-derivative of Wet) and q(t),
respectively pet) is the probability of packet mark due to the
This paper is structured as follows: In the section 2, the
AQM mechanism at the router.
problem to design congestion controllers is formulated.
The linearization of (1) and (2) about the operating point is
Nonlinear models are shown and linearized models near an
carried out in (I) and the perturbed variables about the
equilibrium point are derived as an input time delay system.
operating point satisfy
Section 3 is devoted to the problem formulation for first order
delay system controlled via PI controller. The extension of

978-1-4799-7479-5/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 212

1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

where K, T and L represent respectively the state gain, the constant

ow(t) = - � (ow(t) + ow(t-Ro))
(3 ) time and the time delay of the plant. These three parameters are
1 ROC2 supposed to be positive.
- - - (o q(t)-oq(t-Ro)) - op(t-Ro)
2 2N2

We calculate the first and second derivatives of the

N 1 transfer functions (5) and (6) at s 0:
o q(t) = -ow(t)--oq(t)

Ro Ro
Let: G(O) =a G'(O) = band G"(O) = C
From (3) and (4) we derive the transfer function from op to
oq: G(O) = K; G'(O) = -K(L + T)

oq(s) R3C3 A(s)e-RS and G"(O) = K((L + T )2 + T 2 ) (10)

- --
opes) 2 N2 1 + A(s)Rse-RS By

(6) G(0) = G(O) ; G'(0) = G'(0)

and Gil (0) = Gil (0)

Considering a negative feedback control system with the
AQM being the controller, the system to be controlled is So we have:
given by


2 N2 (
R:C S2 + R + R:C ) S + 2+ Rse-Rs
(8) and L = ---
ab H
a a2b2 )
-- - (11)

We found the following results:

Lemma 1.1[8]: The plant Gin (6) is stable for all positive
values of R, C and N.
Proof: The poles of the transfer function A are in the left­
half part of the complex plane for all values of the
parameters R, C and N positives, thus A is always stable.
We also have
The graph of figure 2 compares the actual control model
Rw given by the system transfer function (8) and the approximate
I A(s)e Is=jw -
( ( < 1
model (9).

R3C 2
)RC 2
2-Nw2 + 1 +N" R2w2 )
for all positive values of the parameters R, C and N. So
according to the Nyquist stability test the transfer function

1 + A(s)Rse-RS

is stable for all positive values R, C and N. We can thus

conclude that the plant G defined in (8) is stable for all
positive values of R, C and N.


A- Approximation of the control model of a first

order delay system:
6 8 10 12 14
In the process control industry, most systems can be
roughly modeled as a first order system with delay: Figure 2: Model G (s) and the approximate model G(s)
G(S) --

Ts+l (9)

1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

B- Preliminary results: Theorem 2[7,10,11,12,13]

Large number problems in process control engineering are Let M and N designate the highest powers of s and e S which
related to the presence of delays. These delays are involved in appear in 0*(5). Let 1] be an appropriate constant such that
the dynamic models whose equations characteristics are of the f icient of terms of highest degree in 0r(w) and Oi(W)
the coef
following form [10,11]: do not vanish at W = lJ. Then a necessary and sufficient
condition that or(w) and 0i(w) have only real roots is that in
each of the intervals -2lrr + lJ < W < 2lrr + lJ, l = lo, lo +
1, lo + 2 ...
( 13)
0r(W) or Oi(W) have exactly 4lN + M real roots for a
Where: des) and n(s) are polynomials with real coefficients
sufficiently large lo.
and Li represent time delays. These characteristic equations
are recognized as quasi-polynomials. We consider the case The PI controller is given by the following transfer function:
which meets the following assumptions:
c- Stabilization using new PI
AI: 0 < Ll < L2 < ... < Lrn (14)
We consider now the feedback control system shown in
A2: desg(d(s)) = nand deg( nJs)) < n (15) figure 3, where r is the command signal, y is the output of the
plant, G(s) is the plant to be controlled, and C(s) is the
for i = 1,2,3, ... , m controIIer.

One can consider the quasi-polynomials 8*(s) described by: The transfer function of delayed system is given by

K -Ls
G(s) e_ (18)

8*(s) = eLmSd(s) + eCLm-Ll)Snl(s) + eCLm-Lz)Sn2(s) + ... +

nrn(s) Where K, T and L represent respectively the state gain, the
constant time and the time delay of the plant, these three
The zeros of 8(s) are identical to those of 8*(s) since eLms parameters are supposed to be positive.
does not have any finite zeros in the complex plan. However,
the quasi-polynomial 8*(s) has a principal term since the u (t) y(t)
coefficient of the term containing the highest powers of s and C(s) G(s)
eS is nonzero. If 8*(s) does not have a principal term, then it
has an infinity roots with positive real parts [1,13]. -
The stability of the system with characteristic equation (13) is
equivalent to the condition that all the zeros of 8*(s) must be
in the open left half of the complex plan. We said that 8*(s) is Figure 3: Feedback control system
Hurwitz or is stable. The following theorem gives a necessary
and sufficient condition for the stability of 8*(s). We will focus on the case when the controller is the PI
controller described by the following transfer function:
Theorem 1[2,10,11,12,13]

Let 0*(5) be given by (3) and write:

C(s) = Kp + � (19)

The objective is to determine the set of controller parameters

(Kp, Ki) for which the closed-loop system is stable.
Where or(w) and Oi(W) represent respectively the real and
Theorem 3[2,10, II, 12,13]
imaginary parts of o*(jw). Under conditions (AJ) and (A2),
0*(5) is stable if and only if: The range ofKp value, for which a solution to PI stabilization
problem for a given stable open-loop plant exists, is given by:
1: 0r(w) and 0i(w) have only simple, real roots and these
< KP <-


a1 +-

2: o[(wo)or(wo) - 0i(WO)O;(wo) > 0 for some Wo in
[-00, +00] Where 0;(w) and o[(w) denote the first derivative
with respect to W of Or(w) and 0i(w), respectively.
Where a1 the solution of the equation tan(a) = f
- a in the
interval [:: , rr]
A crucial stage in the application of the precedent theorem
is to verify that and have only real roots. Such a property can Proof: The closed loop characteristic equation of the system
be checked while using the following theorem. is given by:

1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

O(s) = ( KKj + KKps )e-LS + (1 + Ts)s

We deduce the quasi-polynomials: (28)

O*(s) = eLSo(s)

o*(s) = ( KKj + KKps ) + (1 + Ts)seLS (21) Where the bounds aj for j = I, 2, 3...are expressed by:
Substituting s = j w, we have:
Now, according to these inequalities, it is clear that we need
Where: only odd bounds (which to sayai, a3, ...). It has to be strictly

positive to get a feasible range for the controller parameter Kj•
Or(W) = KKj - w sin(Lw) - Tw2 cos(Lw) From [10, 12],aj is positive (for the odd values ofj) for every
oJw) = w[KKp + cos(Lw) - Twsin (Lw) Kp verifying (20). Hence, the conditions giving by (15) are
reduced to:
Clearly, the parameter Kj only affects the real part
of o*Ow) whereas the parameter Kp affects the imaginary (30)
part. According to the first condition of theorem I, we should
check that the roots of or and OJ are simple. By using the Lemme1: Ifcos(zJ > 0 then aj < aj+2 for odd values ofj.
theorem 2, while choosing,
Algorithm for determining stabilizing PI parameters.
M = 2; N = I = 1 and TJ = �, we observe that OJ(w) has
1 1 T �
. L2 1
simple roots for any Kpchecking (20)[1, 13]. Step 1: Imtla1IzeKp =-, step = -
- (- a1 +T2- + -) and
K N+l KL K
· ·

j= 1, where N is the desired number of points;

The application of the second condition of theorem 1, led us
to: Step 2: Increase Kp as follows: Kp = Kp+ step;

Step 3: If Kp <
� a i + T2 then go to Step 4. Else,
For Wo = 0 (a value that annul OJ(w)) we obtain:
terminate the algorithm;

Step 4: Find the root Zj of OJ(z) ;

1 Step 5: Compute the parameter aj associated with the Zj

Which implies: Kp > � and Kj > o.
previously found by using (7.14);
We consider that Lw = z, we get:
Step 6: If cos(Zj ) > 0 then go to Step 7. Else, increase j = j+2
0r(z) = K[Kj -"":"'(sin(z) +�zcos(z))] (24) and go to Step 4;

Step 7: Determine the lower and upper bounds for Kj as

It results thata(z) = "":"'(sin(z) +�zcos(z)) follows: 0 < Kj < minj=1,3,S ... {aj} ;
Then or(z) = K[Kj -a(z)] (25) Step 8: Go to Step 2;

For Z o = 0 , we obtain: We now present an example that illustrates the application of

the results presented in this section.

For Zj * zo , where j = 1,2,3 ... we get:

IV- Numerical Examples: Design and analyze of the
congestion controller

Interlacing the roots of 0r(z) and oJz) is equivalent to The performance of the closed-loop system with the new PI
0r(zo) > 0 (since Kj > 0 ), 0r(Zl) < 0, 0r(Z2) > 0, ... We controller is tested by simulation. The number of TCP flows is
can use the interlacing property and the fact that OJ(z) has taken to be N = 60, the link capacity C = 3750 packets/sec,
only real roots to establish that or(z) possess real roots too. round trip time R = 400s, the desired queue size qo = 150
packets, and the buffer size qmax= 200 packets.
From the previous equations we get the following We calculate, respectively the state gain K, the constant time
inequalities: T and the time delay L of the plant:

1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

K=234375; T=5.03189825; L=O.76810175 It can be seen from Table 1 that when the controllers are
These three parameters are verified positives changed, controller T2 provides a good compromise between
In order to determine The range of Kp values, we look for a in the rise time, settling time and overshoot performances

interval [� ,T[] satisfyingtan(a) = - a: f

tan(a) = -6.5a =? a = l.6624
Rise Settling Overshot
Kp range is given by: -4,26667e-06 < Kp <3,89484e-05. Time Time
We now sweep over this range of Kp gains and use the
preceding algorithm to determine the range of Kj gains at
each stage. The system stability region, obtained in Kp , Kj
plane is presented in figure 4.

X 10


, ,
I !

I ;1 I
6 7


I I 8
T J 0



fil . ,

J 4
r ,

Figure4: Stability region of the system

We take different points showing samples of the system

stability region, obtained in Kp, Kj plane. The closed loop step

responses are illustrated in figure 5, for some controllers Table 1: Numerical values of transient state performances of
given in figure 4. the controllers

From Figure 2, the following conclusions can be made. It can

be clearly seen that the rise time, settling time and overshoot
values for the controller T2 are closely at their best values.
Furthermore, one can say that the controller T2 is a good trade
off point for accounting to the transient response




"" •
� I. ;
i _� .eo

• '---_+.-_-+--_�-----� _;! -_=_
-, -+__-__+-____;__ .. I •
Time (seconds) . !:! Ii


Figure 5: Step responses of the closed loops a
" /
The performances are rise time, settling time and overshoot.
The aims of the controllers minimize the transient state / .. "
Time (seconds)
response performances. Numerical values of these
performances of the closed loops are given in Table 1 for
Figure 6: Step responses of the closed loops

1st International Conference on Electrical and Inforrnation Technologies ICEIT'2015

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