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You have an exciting chart with lots of career activity bubbling up, the ability to
spontaneously travel over a long weekend, and quality time to spend on your home and
family, too. In many ways, your chart is enviable for you have plenty going in both your
public and private areas of your life. Additionally, your ruling planet, Mercury, is about to
turn direct on June 3, having been retrograding since May 10. If you felt you met a number of
roadblocks and delays last month, those are about to vanish almost instantly once Mercury
normalizes his orbit on June 3. The new moon of May 30 in Gemini, 9 degrees, lit your
tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It was a gorgeous new moon as both Jupiter
and Mars supported this new moon wholeheartedly, making this is the best new moon of
2022 for you to locate a prestigious new position or get a promotion. A new moon opens a
portal of energy that lasts for weeks or months, so it behooves you, if you’re considering a
change, to look through listings and to get in touch with a headhunter after June 3. If you are
self-employed, you may be working with new clients whose support will elevate your career
reputation through association—clients who will also pay you well. With that new moon in
the sign of Gemini—a sign that ancient astrologers called a double-bodied sign—you may
get two offers, and you might have to choose between them. If you are self-employed, you
might be able to take two projects, one from each new client. The first week of June, after
June 3, would be a good time to launch an advertising, publicity, or social media campaign to
build awareness of your recent work. Occupations that stand out as possibilities for you will
put special emphasis on your expertise in the communication arts. If you are adept at writing,
editing, computer coding, or public speaking, being a spokesperson or specialist in marketing,
public relations, library science, journalism, or sales, or are knowledgeable about the newest
aspects of the digital world, make it a point to underscore your talents in one or more of the
areas listed during a new job interview. Gemini also rules transportation, the post office,
shipping, couriers, and express mail. It is possible that your new position will tap your
expertise in one of these areas. This new moon of May 30 and the calls and developments
that follow this month could point to a much bigger emphasis on communication once Mars
goes into Gemini on August 20, to stay until March 25, 2023. Mars usually stays in a sign
for six weeks, not seven months, so this is a trend that is worth noting. Mars will be strongly
lighting the very portion of your chart that this new moon lit. Watch what comes up this
month—it might be very telling about what is forming over the horizon in the latter part of
2022, to gain in intensity soon. For now, Mars is circulating in your eighth house of other
people’s money, a place that Mars started to emphasize on May 24, to stay until July 5.
Mars has been raising your expenses, and it is quite possible that you knew certain large
payments were about to come due in late May or June. In another instance, you might not
have shopped lately and suddenly realize you need to buy things. Or the high price of gas and
groceries may have made a sharp dent into the cash you have for discretionary spending.
Regardless of the reason, your higher than usual spending will simmer down once you get
to July 5. Earlier in the month, you were smart to focus on your career and look behind every
palm tree, behind every bush, and under every rock to find opportunities. Once you get to the
full moon of June 14, you will divert your attention to your home or certain members of your
family. Full moons bring matters to an end or culmination within five days of their
appearance. The full moon on June 14 will occur in Sagittarius, 23 degrees, and light your
fourth house of home. Something is reaching an apex point, and you will need to pay
attention. Neptune will be in hard angle to the full moon, so you may have problems with
water—a flood, tainted drinking water, heavy ice and snow on the roof (if you live in
Southern Hemisphere)—or discover you have a leaky roof. You could discover mold or any
number of problems with water—or lack of it. You will be getting hints this month that new
career opportunities are on the horizon, whether you work for others or for yourself. ”
Alternatively, Neptune could confuse or obfuscate information when you buy or rent a
house, condo, or apartment.( DO NOT BUY OR RENT A HOUSE/ CONDO )

(If the seller does not tell you the truth, in the US and other countries, that is against the law
but may happen nevertheless.) Neptune is based in your partnership sector, which rules your
real estate broker, the seller or buyer in this situation, your architect, decorator, and
landscapist, as well as your spouse or live-in sweetheart. Make sure your partner is on board
with your plans. This seventh house also rules the person who you are negotiating with to buy
your house or vice versa, the person you will negotiate to sell you property. While it’s
possible you won’t be told about some things that need to be fixed before the closing, it’s just
as possible that you would have certain assumptions that you don’t discuss with them because
“it goes without saying….” You need to know the truth about your expectations—bring them
up, and ask a lot of questions. If you are buying or renting property where hurricanes and
tornedos have been known to hit, if I were you, with Neptune going rogue, I would do
research about how often that happens and how devastating the results have been in that
region in the past. Moving into a sturdy brick or stone house with a sturdy foundation that
offers a “safe cellar” would be a good idea. I remember seeing real estate mogul Barbara
Corcoran on TV giving this advice: When considering a move into a new neighborhood,
she recommended, at breakfast time, visit the town’s popular luncheonette or coffee
shop. Talk to the local people—ask questions about what is special about living in this
location, and ask the locals what they wish they could change. Barbara Corcoran’s advice
sounds good to me. It is one way of coping with a hard glance from Neptune. There are three
positive astrological aspects associated with this full moon of June 14, so let’s study
those. These following aspects won’t affect your home life but rather your career. On June
14, Jupiter and Mercury will be moving toward a lovely sextile (meaning opportunity) aspect
on June 20, yet by the full moon they will be close enough. Let’s keep in mind that Mercury
is your guardian, your ruling planet, and it also rules your prestigious tenth house of
professional advancement. Mercury is currently BASED in your tenth house, your prestigious
career sector, and Jupiter is in your financial eighth house of commissions, royalties, bonuses,
and benefits, like a good health insurance policy or, if self-employed, a business line of credit
or business loan, which may be approved, or you may receive an infusion of venture capital.
These are simply a few examples of how you might benefit. Even though this is a full moon
in your home sector, it is very possible to hear good news about your career on or near June
14. I say that for two reasons—this aspect links your career and money houses. There is
another reason. Often energy in one house will zing energy directly across the sky to the
opposite house on the horoscope, 180 degrees away—that’s your prestigious career house.
So, you can hear good news about both areas of your life—home and career—at the June 14
full moon. The other comforting aspect that will coincide with this full moon is that the
support of Saturn is in heavenly, harmonious angle to the Sun—in the same tenth house of
career. Saturn is in your sixth house of work-a-day matters. This aspect will link your recent
projects to the mounting industry admiration and respect you are garnering from higher-ups
and peers alike. I should add that while Saturn is in a positive angle to the Sun on June 14,
Saturn will also beam a lovely aspect to the full moon in your home and family sector. It
may be that your growing mastery over your specialty will allow you to advance to a
new level of salary, benefits, and other compensation and allow you to enjoy a higher
standard of living at home. Of course, it’s always possible that the full moon will present a
culmination to one matter having nothing to do with your career, but will also bring good
news about your home. In this case, you may be able to come to a conclusion for an elderly
parent, such as to find an aid to live with your mother, or you may find an assisted living
facility for your father that you both like and that is located nearby, which will allow you and
other family members to frequently visit your parent. It may be that a member of your family,
such as your sister, will have a baby, and that wonderful event will bring the entire family
together to celebrate the advent of this tiny new life. If you want to take a trip, I suggest you
go in July or the first three weeks of August when it will be easiest to get away and when
you will have the most fun. After August 20, your career is about to light up with
opportunity in multiple ways you’ve rarely seen, and the pace will be strong all the way
through March 2023. If you had your heart set on flying out of town for a quick getaway in
June, you might spontaneously choose to go over the weekend of June 11-12, and if you can,
add June 10. At that time, Venus, the planet of fun, and Uranus, the planet of surprise and
impulse, will conjoin—and off you go—that would be a great weekend to be out of town.
Virgos of every birthday will have something to cheer about that weekend, and if you were
born on September 9, plus or minus five days, you will get a double dose of happiness.
Believe it or not, you will have another new moon this month, and it’s due June 28 in Cancer,
9 degrees. All new moons open opportunity, and this one will fall in your sector of fun, pure
joy, and happiness (eleventh house). After having had a list of serious decisions to make
about career and home or family life, you need to relax and catch your breath. This new
moon will take good care of you. A new moon in Cancer will usually open up time to spend
with your family. If you have children, you may want to plan a special surprise for them.
If you feel you’ve neglected your mother, father, or certain relatives, you will make time
for them in July, thanks to this lovely new moon. In fact, this new moon seems to include
friends too, so you may mix family with friends, and if so, all will blend together smoothly
and in an interesting way. Does your birthday fall within five days of August 30? You will
get a double dip of pleasure. The same is true if you have your natal moon in Virgo or have
Virgo rising, each within five degrees of 7 degrees. Do you have a natal planet in Virgo,
Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces?If so, that planet will light up and work hard to
bring you special opportunities.


You will be getting hints this month that new career opportunities are on the horizon, and
that’s true whether you work for others or work for yourself in your own company. You are
in a position now to enter a period of unprecedented professional growth, thanks first to the
new moon that just appeared on May 30, and your career outlook will be fuelled further when
Mars enters your tenth house of fame and honors on August 20 for a seven-month stay. The
new moon of May 30 last month set off this trend, so watch the kinds of discussions and
offers you start to get during the first half of June—they may point to the direction of future
growth happening later this year. Jupiter and Mars both supported that new moon—they
made it a new moon dripping in golden opportunities. That new moon in Gemini of May 30
may bring an offer in the communications or travel profession—and at the same time offer
you a way to generously boost your income. Speaking of money, you likely had to write a lot
of checks lately, for beginning on May 24, you had Mars going through your eighth house of
other people’s money. You may have had to pay taxes, pay a student loan, or send a large
payment to a credit card company, as some examples. Fortunately, this drain on your bank
account will end when Mars moves to Taurus on July 5. Jupiter just recently entered this
same sector of other people’s money on May 10 and is just getting ready to show you his
powers. When you fear your bank account is getting too low too quickly, be of good cheer.
Your outlook for making generous money in 2022 and early 2023 is excellent and has
never been better—you are likely to make the most you’ve seen in a decade, or maybe
over the course of your life At the very start of June, Mars will be orbiting close to
Jupiter— decisive actions you take in early June will likely lead to profits. Be mindful,
however, that you ruler Mercury will be retrograde as you enter the month, a holdover from
May 10. Mercury will go direct June 3, so wait a few days until after that date to take action.
Your mind will be on family, your home, or other property you own or rent at the full moon
June 14. Watch the five days that follow this date. This full moon will bring golden vibrations
from Jupiter in your house of other people’s money to Mercury, your ruler, which is currently
based in your tenth house of career. It seems that your rising status at work might allow you
to improve your standard of living, most notably in regard to your residence, either by
moving to new, more spacious quarters, or by renovating your home. Alternatively, you may
purchase or rent a vacation home or buy new furniture. Something related to these matters is
coming to culmination within five days of this full moon June 14. It is alternatively possible
that you will make a trip to visit your parents, which would be fun to do, or you may come to
a decision on behalf of one or both of your parents. Saturn will be in perfect angle to the Sun
and full moon and will see to it that your actions add to your and your family’s sense of
security in the years ahead. Only one planet at the time of this full moon, June 14, could spoil
the pudding. That would be Neptune, bent on adding confusion, so if you are taking a big step
and are to agree to terms, make sure you have great legal counsel to advise you about clauses
that should be discussed. Alternatively, you might have difficulties with water, or the lack of
it—stay alert. One weekend that would be great fun to get away would be June 11-12, and
include Friday, June 10, if you can take a vacation day. Venus will conjoin Uranus on June
11, bringing bushes of surprises and happy times for you. When Mercury and Jupiter are in
sync on June 20-21, you may get very good financial news. You might complete a
negotiation about your benefits package for a new job, or ask for and get an improved set of
benefits at your present job now that you are rising up the ranks. This is a busy month for
another new moon will appear on June 28 in Cancer and will bring you a flurry of social
events, such as a celebratory party that a friend will organize and invite you to attend—be
sure to go. You might mix friends and family at this event, and if so, they will blend

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