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This monument is located on Jalan Guru Patimpus Medan.

Since its establishment, this monument has become a

mandatory location for community visits and an alternative family recreation area during holidays. So if you live in
Medan, you must visit there.

On the left and right side of the monument there is an arid open space that visitors can use to sit while enjoying the
gurgling of the fountain sliding and falling again. There is much that can be done here, especially during the day and
at night, around the monument, many culinary delights are inviting. If you suddenly get hungry, you can easily get

This monument has a long history of the beginning of the establishment of Kuta Madan (derived from the Karo
language) if you are a Karo person, you will know what it means. Kuta means village and Madan can be interpreted
broadly as healthy, healed, comfortable, safe and peaceful. Then because of the change in articulation "Kuta Madan"
was pronounced Medan City. History records Guru Patimpus Sembiring Pelawi as the founder of Kuta Madan,
which we know as the city of Medan today.

According to his history, Guru Patimpus Sembiring Pelawi, was stocky, tall, dashing and full of authority like a
commander in chief. A noble spirit full of humanity, gentle in speech like Karo people generally, has a sympathetic
character, and is brave. If you meet him in person, you will surely be amazed. He is also a "Teacher" - Karo
language (simbelin = person who is respected, authoritative, healer, has the expertise and magic of Mandra Guna).

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