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Kevin Santiago Porras Zárate


Uber has been a very useful service tool for these times, it is a application or app that can deliver
cars for the service or transport médium in this times or in this actuallity, it was app created by
travis kalanick and Garret camp, it is a great app for users that or people who want that need a
transport médium at any time.

Uber has two positice features by its platform and type of work. To begin with. This transport
medium can be ordered at any time, this application or plataform it´s very secure because this
application has a gps follow, and the workers of this application are polite, honest. This is
definitely a good option for people who work at night.

However Uber i son a preliminare time and has negative aspects, the first negative aspect is
sometimes the uber is delayed and for an emergency it is a bit complex, for a delay you have to
wait for the uber and time goes by, in my opinion uber is a great app for occasions such as a night
out, and is an open and all weather means of transportation for the service.

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