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10 low impact activities to do less of – or stop

Teachers and leaders do too many things that have unacceptably high ratios of time and effort
relative to their impact and/or they are unjustifiable educationally.  Sometimes the debate about
workload is tinkering around the edges when actually we need much more fundamental change. 
We need to get assessment and accountability machinery back into perspective, making them
more organic and more human.

If schools responded to the things included here in the way suggested they would be better places
to work, learning would be better and everyone would be happy. Well, happier.

Subject Report Comments: STOP. 

How many students improve their learning outcomes or experience of school because of what is
written on their termly report? Hardly any? How many actually read them? The power of in-class
feedback is more effective.  How many teacher hours are spent on this per year? Way too many. 
Ditch them. Go for grades only plus one tutor report per year to give the personal touch. Or
comments trough out the term on various assignments.

Performance Management Documentation: STRIP BACK

All of this is far too convoluted.  No teacher is motivated by what it says in their performance
management targets. Nobody works any harder because of what their appraisal documents say. 
School culture drives that, week to week. The time sucked up for all of these processes is
massive. Ditch it all in favour of the simplest one-sider of bullet points written during a one-to-
one discussion.  Where there are capability processes or concerns, do that separately and handle
pay progression intelligently based on professional judgments, recorded simply.

Data Drops: DO LESS

You can barely action the interventions suggested from one set of data before the next is due… it
becomes a treadmill.  Much of the data that is ‘dropped’ is so far removed from the actual
learning needs of a student that it doesn’t even help to identify what they need to do.  Teachers
already know that.  How many do you really actually need?  One at the end – which serves as the
start of the next year – and one in the middle?

Given all the horrible inherent data delusion fallacies that lead people to imagine a 5 in History is
broadly the same as a 5 in Science, it’s barely worth the trouble – compared to the micro, low
stakes,  formative, subject-specific assessment that should go on in every class.  SLTs should get
closer to the micro-action and ditch the Big Drops that tell them much less than they might think.
Logging Can Do statements in centralized tracking systems: STOP

I’m worried about the spawning of these giant statement-tracking machines.  Nobody has the
time to interact with a 30 x 60 statement database for each class they teach to identify specific
learning needs.  It doesn’t even work when the statements are things like:   Can describe the
function of cell structures: ‘Working towards.  ‘Can evaluate evidence from sources to identify
bias: Meeting expectations.  Which structures? Which sources? How well do they describe or
evaluate? How exactly should they improve?  I just don’t think this type of tracking is helpful. It
should be lived and tracked through specific assessments that teachers and students can relate to
in the detail.  As soon as it becomes a tick box against a generic descriptor it becomes pointless –
or least, virtually pointless relative to the workload involved. And who is it for? Not the teacher.
Not the student.

Grading Lessons or Book Scrutinies: STOP

Making these processes formative and collaborative where the outcomes are strengths and areas
for development is all you need.  Grading is delusional guessing so should stop simply on that
basis, but the high stakes surrounding grading fuel a workload pressure that is unsustainable. 
Similarly with book scrutinises, there are ways of keeping in touch with standards that involve
everyone, are time efficient and that doesn’t become overly burdensome.  Grading them is

Self-assessment reflection sheets: www/ebi  STOP

Even better if:  I stop making silly mistakes; I learn my times tables; I do more revision; I use the
quotations better. ….. All of this non-specific sheet-filling is time consuming and way off the
mark in terms of providing a route to actual improvement in learning: knowing things, being
better at things. And teachers often are the ones sticking all the sheets in.  Instead of all this
students should just get on with improvement tasks, there and then.  Reflection might be useful,
but it doesn’t need to be evidenced or involve glue.

Written comments in books. DO MUCH LESS

Once you analyze the flow of transactions that follows from teacher marking, it’s evident that
most of it is a waste of time. This is well documented by many people. I see it all the time – the
weakest learners cannot translate written comments into actions that improve their understanding
whereas they can act on direct verbal feedback.  So let’s get into the habit of using a sensible
balance of some marking of specific work and assessments – and doing much more in-class
feedback and self-assessment.

Detailed Lesson Plans: STOP

Learning is too dynamic to justify the effort required to describe or predetermine the details of
any lesson.  Effective planning can be done at the level of lesson sequences using good
objectives that detail knowledge and skill requirements; the collection of resources to support
those objectives largely constitute the planning – why write it all down.  Most teachers just need
to sketch out a few key points.  The question is : are lessons planned? That’s different to
expecting a written plan.  And who has time to read other teacher’s plans in time to evaluate
them?  It’s just part of the accountability driven de-professionalisation we’ve endured for too
long. STOP.

Detailed School Development Plans:  STRIP BACK

As soon as you’ve written them, they are out of date.  Things change.  Priorities shift. New ideas
emerge.  The process of forming a plan is important; the process of checking progress is
important but given that there are only so many fronts you can sensibly fight on, any record of
these things can be simple, lean and easy to track.  They do not all need to be SMART targets…
who has time for all of that measuring and time tracking.  And if governors ask for something
more detailed than you yourself need, they need to be told where to get off.

Producing original teaching resources: DO LESS

We spend too much time reinventing the wheel – don’t we?  Text books, collaboratively sourced
resources – it’s all out there. Let’s get a grip on this and not martyr ourselves.  It might be
rewarding to create resources; it should be part of everyone’s professional experience -but keep it
manageable for everyone.  An NQT or new member of staff ought to be able to have a full set of
stuff ready to roll – make that a reality.

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