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Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

Presentation · January 2014

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31659.44329


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1 author:

Jose Belda-Medina
University of Alicante


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Teaching Spanish
as a Foreign Language

© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 Objectives:

 Define your goals and your students’ goals

 Use different teaching methods
 Use and create different (printer & on-
line) materials
 Learn how to implement different testing
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 Lesson Planning:

1. Explain the theory for each class (15 mins)

2. Group work: design, create, implement

different exercises (collaborative) (15 mins.)

3. Present results in class (speakers) (15 mins.)

4. DEBATE – results in class (15 mins.)

Spanish as a Foreign Language


– Goals and Levels

– Teaching Methods
– Skills and exercises
– Teaching materials (on-line & printed)
– Testing / Evaluation

– The Profession today (job opportunities, etc)

Lesson 1
© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

What’s your
level of
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Levels of Spanish:
 European Reference Level:
 Basic: A1 & A2

 (A1) ser /estar, present, past simple, future

 (A2) dif. Past tenses, songs, comics
 Independent: B1 & B2
 (B1): all Indicative, intr. Subjunctive
 (B2): correct use of all subjunctive
 Proficient: C1 & C2
 (C1): Spanish in context (professional, academic,
 (C2): advanced, expressions, irony, etc
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Levels of Spanish:
 Instituto Cervantes:

 INICIAL: (introducing, ask for info,

shopping, menus, messages no more than
100 words, etc)

 INTERMEDIO: (grammar resources,

formal/informal speech, express opininos,
vocab of banks, doctor, legal, etc)

 AVANZADO: (native or near native fluency,

accuracy, rich vocab, differnt registers, etc)
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Levels of Foreign Languages (USA):

 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign

 Novice: (alphabet, numbers, date, nationalities,

basic sentences, etc)

 Intermediate: (present & past, postcards, short
MID letters, etc)
 Advanced: (conditional, phrasal verbs, fluency, etc)

 Superior: (formal & informal speech, no mistakes,

natural, etc)
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Levels of EFL/ELE:
 Correspondences:

European Spanish (DELE) English

 A1 ------> (DELE A1) ESOL 1-2
 A2 ------> (DELE A2) ESOL 3-4
 B1 ------> Inicial PET (Prel. Eng Test)
 B2 ------> Intermedio First Certificate (FCE)
 C1 ------> (DELE C1) Cert. in Adv. Eng (CAE)
 C2 ------> Avanzado Cert. Proficiency Eng (CPE)
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Defining your GOALS:

 Analyze students (ask):

 previous knowledge /academic formation
 previous experience / real contact

 Identify (their):

 Language Competence:
 Skills: Listening/Speaking vs Reading/Writing
 Pronunciation / Vocab / Grammar

 Individual / Class Attitude:

 personality (talktative, shy, assertive, self-confident …)
 Interaction (group, one or two classmates, etc)
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Defining your STUDENTS’ GOALS:


 Listening Comprehension
 Speaking Pronunciation
 Reading Vocabulary
 Writing Grammar
Exercise 1

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Defining your GOALS:

 Group work:
1. DESIGN a CARD for the following info about
your classmates (students

2. Use this CARD to analyze all members in your

GROUP and write down your results

1. Compare and DEBATE the results obtained by

each member
Exercise 1

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels

 Defining your GOALS:

1. ACADEMIC Formation
1. Previous Knowledge (classes taken)
2. Previous experience (language contact)
3. Analyze LISTENING & SPEAKING competence
4. Identify their expectations (goals)
5. Identify problems (grammar, vocab, pronunciation,
2. PERSONAL Information:
1. Analyze your student’s personality
2. Analyze class as a group / possible interaction
Exercise 1

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Goals & Levels


2. Use this CARD to analyze all members in your

GROUP and write down your results
1. Official vs. REAL LEVEL (skills): beginner,
intermediate, advanced, etc
2. Goals and Expectations (class interaction)

3. Compare and DEBATE the results obtained by

each member
Lesson 2

© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods
 SYLLABUS (programa)

 Personal Info:
 Name, e-mail, office hours, etc
 Clear and numbered

 Notional: El verbo ser/estar, El pasado, El imperativo …
 Situational: En la clase, en el médico, en el supermercado, en el bar …
 Functional: Cómo peguntar por direcciones, cómo dar consejos, órdenes, etc
 MIXED: Estructural y Funcional !!

 Theory: explicación previa del profesor de contenidos teóricos
 Practice: realización de ejercicios en clase por alumnos (individuales, grupos, etc)
 Materials: Class book, websites, etc
 Continuous: QUIZZES, or (MIDTERM) amd (FINAL)
 Extra Credits
 Bibliography
 Schedule!:
 Week by week, day by day …
ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods

 Include numbers

 Clear and Concise

 Depending on your (students’) golas (level, expectations,

 Two possible ways to organize them:
 Class centered -- Verbos en infinitivo:
 Introducir al alumno en las estructuras básicas el del
español (ser/estar, tiempos, etc)
 Desarrollar la capacidad oral y escrita del alumno para que
pueda desenvolverse en una conversación normal
 Student centered -- Al final del curso, el alumno será capaz de:
 Contar historias en pasado

 Expresar duda, hipótesis...

Spanish as a Foreign Language

 Teaching Methods:

 Different schools  methods

 Each country , culture  diff. methods

 Traditional (1800s-1930s):
 grammar exercises (translation method,
 Modern:
 Structuralism (phonology)

 Generativism (syntax, creativity)

 Pragmatics (language in context, situations)

Spanish as a Foreign Language
 Teaching Methods:

 Grammar Translation Method (1800s-1930s)

 Cognitive Approach (19402-1950s): skills introduced,
metalanguage overemphasized
 The Silent Way (1950s): teacher only gives clues to students
 Audio-Lingual Method (1950s-1960s) audio tapes, drills,
repetition, mimic, transformation, etc
 Direct Method (1970s): discussion, no translation, inductive
grammar (fill-ins, clozes exercises, etc)
 Natural/Communicative Approach (1960s-2000): 3 stages
(aural comprehension, speech production, speech activities), total
immersion, student-centered, errors not important
 Total Physical Response/TPR (1960-2000): use of commands
and actions
 Community Language Learning (1960s-2000): SARD (Security,
Attention/Aggresion, Retention/Reflection, Discrminiation)
 TOTAL Immersion (2000s): only use of target language
 Computers and the New Technologies (e-learning, computer-
based, etc)
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 Teaching Methods:

 There is not a PERFECT method, all

 Depend on your (students’) goals and situation
 Depend on skill and exercises
 Combining different methods in the same class
 Learning from your students’s learning process
is essential
Spanish as a Foreign Language

DOs and DONT’s

about teaching
a Foreign Language
Exercise 2

Spanish as a Foreign Language

 DOs and DONT’s about

teaching a Foreign

 GROUP Work: Think/make a

list from your own learning
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 DONT’s:

 Don’t take for granted anything from your

students’ (previous) knowledge and formation
 Don’t speak too fast ! Or too low !
 Don’t correct constantly (do it a positive way 
 Don’t discourage students to participate with
your attitude (nervous, reluctant, aggresive, EYE
and BODY contact)
 Don’t provide TOO MUCH information
(information overload) in one class
 Don’t expect students to interact on their own
(teacher as a mediator)
 Don’t go to class without an organized plan
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 DO’s:

 Create a nice and friendly atmosphere

 Take the role of a ‘guide’, ‘moderator’ (<> authority) in
class  leading towards learning
 Have a clear and ORGANIZED plan for each class:
(warning up, objectives, theory, exercises, debate,
 Have students interacting / participating (‘Teach me and
I’ll forget …’)
 Be positive and show grattitude after students’
participation  recognition / reinforcement
 Be natural and optimistic  communication
ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods

 Different methods:
 Nocional: ser/estar, el pasado, el imperativo …
 Funcional: Como dar órdenes, como pedir consejo …
 Estructural: Me gusta que, es mejor que …
 Situacional: En la tienda, en la clase, en el cine …
 Different schools:
 Structuralism: aprender estructuras, completar huecos (gap

Juan viajará a España ……… avión el próximo mes

(a) de (b) en (c) con (d) a
 Generativism: generar frases, relacionar términos (match boxes):

Me gusta el profesor poner tarea

No me importa que mis amigos escribirme
Me molesta la gente hacer ruido
 Pragmatics: comunicativo, desenvolverse en situaciones
Exercise 3

Spanish as a Foreign Language

 Class DESIGN (30 minutes)

 Group WORK: Design a class where

you teach COMMANDS (Imperative) in
English / Spanish

 Explain the idea to the rest of the class

 DEBATE / Conclusions
Lesson 3
© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises


 OE  Oral Expression

 LC  Listening Comprehension

 WE  Written Expression

 WC  Written Comprehension

 ** G  Grammar
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises

NOTIONAL: G Grammar
 Topics in Spanish:

 Números
 Artículos
 Ser/estar
 Sustantivos básicos (descripción, etc)
 Adjetivos (comparativos y superlativos)
 verbales básicos
 Imperativo (afirmativo)
 Adverbios básicos (tiempo, espacio, lugar,
 Preposiciones
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises

 NOTIONAL G Grammar
 Topics in Spanish:

 Tiempos verbales (difs. presente, pasado,
 Imperativo (positivo y negativo)
 Preposiciones (Por / Para)
 Conjunciones y adverbios
 Subjuntivo básico (presente y pasado)
 Estilo indirecto básico
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises

 NOTIONAL: G Grammar
 Topics in Spanish:

 Tiempos verbales completos (uso y
 Imperativo y variaciones
 tiempos y usos
 tipos de oraciones (sustantivas,
relativas, adverbiales)
 tipos de conectores (adverbios)
 Estilo indirecto completo
 Infinitivo / Gerundio
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises

 G  Grammar:

 Tipos de ejercicios
 Completar frases y textos
 Elegir la palabra más adecuada
 Derivar formas de una misma palabra (tiempo,
modo, etc)
 Unir y formar oraciones
 Transformar historias (tiempos, personas ...)
 Agrupar palabras o verbos
 Sustituir formas incorrectas por correctas
 Corregir todo tipo de errores
ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises


 LC  Listening Comprehension
 Escuchar un diálogo y contestar preguntas

 Escuchar una canción y completar un texto

 Escuchar un diálogo y relacionar imágenes

 Ver un vídeo y contestar preguntas

 Escuchar un monólogo y deducir el significado

de determinadas palabras clave.

 Role plays

 Intercambios lingüísticos ...

ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises


 OE  Oral Expression
 Role-play

 Vacío de información (information gap)

 Interpretar imágenes, diagramas, cuadros

 Lluvia de ideas (brain-storming)

 Debatir entre alumnos con estructuras pre-

 Juegos (Hangman / Pictionary / Taboo ...)

 Intercambios lingüísticos

 Presentaciones orales (películas, libros,

ELE/EFL: Skills and Exercises

 WC  Written Comprehension:
 Lectura intensiva – extensiva (micro-

estructura y macro-estructura)
 Leer un texto y responder preguntas

 Leer fragmentos de un texto y organizarlo

 Leer un texto y asociarlo con imágenes

 Leer un texto y hacer resúmenes

 Cambiar o dar un título para un texto

 Dar, buscar y sustituir sinónimos

 Leer un texto y localizar ideas dentro del

ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods

 Class Planning
 Desarrollo típico de una clase:
 1. Warming Up:
Explicar una noción o idea, p.ej. gustar
 2. Theory: ¿Para qué?
Explicar la teoría con ayuda de alumnos (hacer frases):
no/me gusta que …
 3. Practise:
Los alumnos practican ejercicios en clase (individual y
en grupos)
 4. Conclusions: ¿Por qué?
Resumir y repasar
 5. Homework:
El profesor pone la tarea a los alumnos (composición,
ejercicios …)
ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods Exercise

 Lesson Planning (Group work):

 Design: objectives, content, exercises ...

 Time: 1 hour

 Level: low / mid / high

 Number: 15-20 Students

 Place: class

 Material: any class material

ELE/EFL: Teaching Methods
 Lesson Planning:
 (Internedio) Mandatos:

1. Warming Up:
Preguntar: ¿qué les recomendaron sus padres antes de ir a la
universidad, cuando eran pequeños?, etc
2. Theory:
Explicar los imperativos, positivos y negativos (pizarra)
3. Practicar:

Practica controlada: ejercicios en papel (gramaticales)

Juegos: -mímica en grupos (escribir instrucciones)
-completar las instrucciones de una medicina
-video: completar, preparar o sustituir recetas
de cocina tras ver un video de Arguiñano ...
4. Conclusiones: ¿Para qué? (repasar errores)
5. Tarea (práctica libre): Darles un enunciado y que
escriban las instrucciones del proceso (reservar un vuelo en
Iberia, reservar un hotel, etc)
Lesson 4

© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials

 ELE (Español como lengua

 Materials:

 Books
 Audiovisual material (videos, music, etc)
 Software Programs
 Websites
 Videogames and E-books
 Other ‘Authentic material’ (SMS, etc)
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials

 Manuales:
 Hay muchos manuales con distintos enfoques:
 NOCIONALES (+ gramaticales)
 Español 2000
 Uso del español (3 niveles)
 Avance
 Temas de Gramática Superior
 Curso de Perfeccionamiento del español
 Curso Intensivo de español

 FUNCIONALES (+ comunicativos)
 A Fondo
 Rápido
 Gente
 Planeta
 Sueña
 Abanico
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials

 Manuales:
 Hablar bien
 Al habla
 Escribir en español
 Da qué hablar
 Vocabulario Ilustrado

 Diploma DELE (3 niveles)
 Español para los negocios ...
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials

 ELE and The New Technologies:

 Computer software
 Web resources:

 Websites
 Blogs, Vlogs, etc

 E-books and Videogames

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials

 Internet
 Treasure Hunts (pag. siguiente)
 Websites:
 Centro Virtual Cervantes (
 Sí, Spain (Embajada de España en Canadá)
 Learn Spanish
 Spanish Grammar Exercises
 Ejercicios de gramática
 El
 Learn Spanish today
Spanish Treasure Hunt
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Materials


 Vídeos:
 Un paseo por (Bolivia, Perú, Argentina ... )
 Apartamento para dos
 España hoy
 Gente de la calle
 Planeta ...
 SOFTWARE (Computer Programs)
 Musical Spanish (for Kids)
 Tell me more
 Talk Now
 World Talk From Euro Talk (vocabulary)
 Rosetta Stone CD-ROM for Spanish
 Who is Oscar Lake?
 Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? ...
Spanish as a Foreign Language

 ELE and The New Technologies:

 Videogames:

Reading Exercises
 Vocabulary development: essential for the reader to
understand the words a writer has used. A background of
meaningful experiences (exposure to books, people, and places)
and learning words from context (variety of reading material) help
develop vocabulary:

 Literal Comprehension

 Inferential Comprehension

 Critical Reading

 (Emotional) Appreciation
Skimming / Scanning

 Try this exercise:


 Identify your own reading skills?

 Reading is an active process. Meaning
does not exist only on the page or in the
mind of the reader. It is created by an
active interaction between reader and

 Good readers develop predictions about

what they will read next, and then they
read to see if their expectations will be
confirmed or not. If not, good readers
reread and create new predictions.

 What types of text can we/you

(in Spanish)
 Expresiones
 Frases hechas
 Colocaciones
 Compuestos
 Recurrencias
 Pronombres, artículos, preposiciones,
conjunciones, iniciales,etc
Lesson 5
© Dr. José R. Belda

Cursos de verano
Universidad de Alicante
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Testing

 Evaluation systems:

 Evaluación contínua / final

 Evaluación absoluta / relativa
 “Portfolio evaluation”
 Diseño conjunto del examen
 Evaluación presencial / virtual ( a
Spanish as a Foreign Language: Testing

 Diseño del examen:

 Organización
 Por destrezas
 Por objetivos
 Por grado de dificultad
 Por contexto situacional
 Formato
 Organización bien estructurada (de pregunta más
fácil a más difícil)
 Instrucciones muy claras evitar ambigüedad
 Dar previamente un modelo (practice test)
 Adecuar extensión / tiempo
 Muy importante: Alumnos con Learning Disabilities
(tiempo, lugar, etc) ADD
(Attention Deficit Disorder)
 Face validity / content validity (review sheets antes
del examen)
 Ejercicios variados (multiple choice, fill in the gap,
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