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Debate preparation template

My name is A. Today I am going to talk about our homework. Debate preparation template

First speaker guide

Topic Do mobile apps improve people’s quality of life?

Speakers’ names Ana Maria Morales Avella

Kurt Aleandro Rodríguez Fonseca

I will be in favor of the thema; Do mobile apps improve people's quality of life?

Speaker’s position (Affirmative: Ana)

Greeting and Introduction
Good night chairperson, opposition and audience.

We are students of Analysis and development of information systems. As workers on Digital

networks and network users in our daily lives, we would like to talk about how the internet
and the use of applications has become a necessity. A necessity created for humans by
humans, where the use of phones, computers, tablets among others have taken an important
role in our lives.

We are talking about countries that fortunately managed to connect a large number of the
Connection by which we can receive exorbitant amounts of information from all over the
world. Information thru, false, important, unimportant, download applications, educational
material, leisure, social media not to mention more. Are used by the users.

Or we could say the opposite, unfortunately countries where the digital media has been
introduced into their lives in such a way.

According to the theme, the topic for today's debate is : Is it a fact that applications are
improving the user's quality of life?

Outline your team's case:

a) Your points:
I will be speaking about...

1. The benefits of using apps.

2. Apps are aids for the task of our daily living.

3. Applications have expanded and made it easier for us to contact known people and meet
new people.
b) Second speaker's points:
Our second speaker will be talking about…

Your First Point

State your argument:
My first point is…The benefits of using apps.
The amount of benefit is uncountable, but I would like to distribute them into the following types:

Education: The availability of access to information in an agile way, digital content in different
themes and authors, the learning online offers and other training material is very high.

Business: The opportunity to explore new markets, increasing the sales, customer loyalty, ability to
monitor and manage processes, also it supports the process to plan and coordinate strategies that
turn out to be a big benefit for the traders.

Social: The ability to connect people in a virtual environment blurring distances, is definitely the
biggest advantage that we can find using apps.

What's the information that supports your argument?

Education: As we can see in the download pages, we can find applications about: bookstores,
dictionaries, books with specific topics, in addition to the user's interests, and the opportunity to
share their own content and opinion as well.

For Example: Duolingo, it´s an application to learn and practice different languages.

Business: The traders are always searching for ways to boost their business,
and apps have become an attractive way to do it. As we can see on the web, most businesses
have shared their mark online; some of them created apps or web pages.

For Example:: Homecenter is an Application of big supermarket, with their extensive range of products.

Social: It has opened a wide range of services for us to socialize.

For Example: Skype, in this app we can communicate in a synchronized time with one or more people.

Your Second Point

State your argument:
My second point is....
Apps are aids for tasks of our daily living mentally and physically.

Those tasks that we have learnt since childhood, such as basic mathematical calculation, storage of
different types of data, search information in books or other written media, weather prediction,
mental entertainment, money transfers among others actions, have been replaced with the apps.

What's the information that supports your argument?

Within the range of apps, we can find that most banks already have an app to simplify the
most processes they can carry out in their establishment.
Examples: Facebook and WhatsApp. In the beginning those were apps intended to connect
people but now they also have functions intended for businesses .


Your Third Point

State your argument:
My third point is..
Applications have expanded and made it easier for us to contact known persons and meet new
I consider, connect people through the platform and social apps have been the biggest benefit we
got with internet, the possibility to contact family , friends and meet new people with similar
interests, the benefit to communicate with the co-workers and/or learning teams, to be able for
share your viewpoint not to mention more, turns out to be absolutely important tool for us.

What's the information that supports your argument?

As many of us already know, the first intention of the internet was to create a connection
between people through the network, and eventually through the apps.


Closing statement
Chairperson, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion…
In conclusion, the applications have become a priceless tool in our society.
Humans have managed through the apps to streamline many tasks in our lives.
We could mention that today apps are the most used means of communication.

Second speaker guide

Speaker’s position (Negative:Kurt)

Expressing disagreement with first speaker’s arguments

I disagree on with advanced technology because it’s useful and dangerous for everybody,
can do somethings by us, that situations is dangerous for
mental and physical health, because this we left away for social interactions and be healthy

Why do you disagree with the second or first speaker’s points?

Briefly State the Points You Will Make

Today I will be talking to you about:

I think in that case for how to help people be more social and open mind, and enjoying that

simply life like a sunshine or taking a while for a trip, or practicing some kind sport.

Your First Point

State your argument:
My first point is...

What is the information that supports your argument?

In that case, it is very dangerous for everybody, for the eyes, we need to always use
sunglasses for every screen that looks, and take breaks for twenty minutes.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

Your Second Point

State your argument:
My second point is...

What's the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

Your Third Point

State your argument:
My third point is...

What's the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, fact, figures etc.:

Closing statement
Chairman, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...

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