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TAN0010.1177/1756286419875622Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersL. Barateau and Y. Dauvilliers

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

Recent advances in treatment for

Ther Adv Neurol Disord

2019, Vol. 12: 1–12

narcolepsy DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2019.

Article reuse guidelines:
Lucie Barateau and Yves Dauvilliers

Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is a chronic orphan disorder, caused by the selective and
irreversible loss of hypocretin/orexin (ORX) neurons, by a probable autoimmune process.
Little is known about NT2 etiology and prevalence, sharing with NT1 excessive daytime
sleepiness (EDS) and dysregulation of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but without
cataplexy and loss of ORX neurons. Despite major advances in our understanding of the
neurobiological basis of NT1, management remains nowadays only symptomatic. The
main and most disabling symptom, EDS, is managed with psychostimulants, as modafinil/
armodafinil, methylphenidate, or amphetamines as a third-line therapy. Narcolepsy is an
active area for drug development, and new wake-promoting agents have been developed
over the past years. Pitolisant, a selective histamine H3 receptor inverse agonist, has
been recently approved to treat patients with NT1 and NT2. Solriamfetol, a phenylalanine
derivative with dopaminergic and noradrenergic activity will be soon a new therapeutic
option to treat EDS in NT1 and NT2. Sodium oxybate, used for decades in adult patients
with narcolepsy, was recently shown to be effective and safe in childhood narcolepsy. The
discovery of ORX deficiency in NT1 opened new therapeutic options oriented towards ORX-
based therapies, especially nonpeptide ORX receptor agonists that are currently under
development. In addition, immune-based therapies administered as early as possible after
disease onset could theoretically slow down or stop the destruction of ORX neurons in
some selected patients. Further well-designed controlled trials are required to determine
if they could really impact on the natural history of the disease. Given the different clinical,
biological and genetic profiles, narcolepsy may provide a nice example for developing
personalized medicine in orphan diseases, that could ultimately aid in similar research and
clinical efforts for other conditions.

Keywords:  hypocretin/orexin, narcolepsy type 1, narcolepsy type 2, sleepiness, cataplexy,

immune-based therapies
Correspondence to:
Yves Dauvilliers
Received: 8 July 2019; accepted in revised form: 21 August 2019.
Service de Neurologie,
Gui-de-Chauliac Hospital,
CHU Montpellier, 80
avenue Augustin Fliche,
34295 Montpellier Cedex
Introduction of the disorder.1,2 Patients may also exhibit sleep 5, France
Narcolepsy was formerly divided into narcolepsy paralysis, hypnagogic and hypnopompic halluci- y-dauvilliers@chu-
with and without cataplexy. In the revised nations, and disturbed nocturnal sleep. This rare
Lucie Barateau
International Classification of Sleep Disorders, disease affects 0.026–0.05% of the population.3 Service de Neurologie,
they were renamed narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) and It often starts in childhood or adolescence and Gui-de-Chauliac Hospital,
Montpellier, France;
narcolepsy type 2 (NT2). requires a lifelong treatment. Patients often Sleep-Wake Disorders
­present several comorbid conditions including Center, Gui-de-Chauliac
Hospital, CHU Montpellier,
NT1 is a chronic and disabling sleep disorder cardiometabolic comorbidities (e.g. obesity, France; National
with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular Reference Network for
Narcolepsy, Montpellier,
­cataplexy, sudden loss of muscle tone triggered ­diseases),4,5 neuropsychiatric comorbidities (e.g. France; Inserm U1061,
by positive emotions, being the main symptoms mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders and Montpellier, France 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 12

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), and the second part. Finally, we reported on thera-
other sleep disorders such as restless legs syn- peutic perspectives, ORX therapies, and immune-
drome,6 periodic leg movements,7 rapid eye based therapies.
movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM)
sleep parasomnias. NT1 has a unique patho-
physiology: it is due to the irreversible destruc- Drugs currently prescribed
tion of hypocretin/orexin (ORX) neurons with The destruction of ORX neurons in NT1 is irre-
an absence or low levels of ORX in the cerebro- versible. Current recommended therapies in nar-
spinal fluid (CSF), probably by an autoimmune colepsy are limited to symptomatic treatment,
mechanism, in genetically predisposed individu- targeting the main symptoms of the disease,
als [carrying the allele human leukocyte antigen depending on their severity.1,14–16 The different
(HLA) DQB1*06:02].8 treatments act on several neurotransmitters with
effects being dose-dependent and with large indi-
NT2 shares all symptoms of NT1, except cataplexy. vidual variabilities in drug responses.
Diagnosis requires night-time and daytime poly-
somnography, with a sleep latency under or equal 8 Current drugs for narcolepsy are listed in Table 1.
min and at least two sleep onsets in REM sleep on EDS is usually managed with psychostimulants.
multiple sleep latency tests. The prevalence and Modafinil and armodafinil, its R-enantiomer,
pathophysiology of NT2 remain mostly unclear, increase the extracellular concentration of dopamine
likely due to the heterogeneity of the condition and by inhibiting its transporter; however, their exact
the often-imprecise diagnosis and variability of the mechanism of action is complex and still unclear.17
phenotype. NT2 may be caused by a moderate loss Methylphenidate blocks the reuptake of monoam-
of ORX neurons, or by a different unknown pro- ines, mainly dopamine and norepinephrine, but
cess. Patients with low CSF ORX levels (<110 pg/ does not inhibit the vesicular monoamine trans-
ml) are relabeled NT1, even those without cata- porter. Pitolisant acts via the histaminergic pathway
plexy (<20% of cases). All patients with narcolepsy (see the following paragraph for more details).
with normal CSF ORX are categorized as NT2.9 In
contrast to NT1, the clinical course of NT2 remains For cataplexy and other symptoms related to dereg-
unclear. Some patients may later develop cataplexy ulation of REM sleep such as hallucinations and
and be reclassified as NT1, other patients may have sleep paralysis, sodium oxybate and antidepressant
a chronic stable condition, and in 25–50% of agents are really effective. Sodium oxybate, the
patients with NT2, EDS may improve spontane- sodium salt of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), is a
ously, without the persistent neurophysiologic hall- gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor B agonist. The
marks of narcolepsy.10 mechanism explaining its efficacy in treating narco-
lepsy remains unclear; however, it may inhibit the
Narcolepsy is associated with impaired cognitive activity of the noradrenergic neurons from the locus
ability, poor quality of life, and risk of work, coeruleus during nocturnal sleep with a rebound
home, and car accidents.11–13 Patients with narco- effect of these neurons during daytime that pro-
lepsy require first nonpharmacological treatment mote wakefulness. Sodium oxybate is effective for
with behavioral modifications such as a regular EDS, cataplexy and for disturbed night-time sleep,
night-time sleep schedule, avoiding sleep depriva- with maximal effects reached after 3 months.18–20
tion, short scheduled naps, diet, work and school Serotonin and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors
accommodations, and sometimes, psychother- (venlafaxine, but also duloxetine) are often pre-
apy. Such approaches should, however, be stud- scribed to manage cataplexy, while selective seroto-
ied specifically in clinical trials. In most patients nin-reuptake inhibitors [e.g. fluoxetine, citalopram,
with narcolepsy, pharmacological symptomatic dopamine and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors
treatments are mandatory to manage EDS, and, (e.g. reboxetine, atomoxetine)], and low doses of
when present and severe, cataplexy and other tricyclic antidepressants (clomipramine) are often
comorbidities (e.g. psychiatric, metabolic, and used as second line. In contrast to sodium oxybate,
cardiovascular comorbidities). In the first part of an abrupt withdrawal of antidepressant may cause
this review, we detailed, in brief, drugs recom- a cataplexy rebound.
mended and currently used in narcolepsy. New
drugs developed in recent years with potential for The efficacy of most of these drugs (i.e. psycho-
extension of indication in children are detailed in stimulants and sodium oxybate) was proven by

L. Barateau and Y. Dauvilliers

Table 1.  Current drugs available for the treatment of narcolepsy.

Drug Usual daily Indication Class of evidence for use Approval

doses for adults in childhood narcolepsy

Modafinil 100–400 mg Sleepiness No clinical trial FDA, EMA

Armodafinil 100–250 mg Sleepiness No clinical trial FDA

Methylphenidate 10–60 mg Sleepiness No clinical trial FDA, EMA

Sodium oxybate 4.5–9 g Sleepiness, cataplexy, Recent trial with class I FDA, EMA
disturbed nighttime sleep evidence30

Pitolisant 9–36 mg Sleepiness, cataplexy Ongoing international EMA; FDA (sleepiness)

clinical trial

Solriamfetol 75–150 mg Sleepiness NA FDA;

under review by the EMA

D-amphetamines 5–60 mg Sleepiness No clinical trial FDA

Serotonin and 37.5–300 mg Cataplexy No clinical trial –
reuptake inhibitors:

EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; NA, not available.

class I evidence-based studies in NT1 and NT2, amphetamine, was also proposed as a third-line
whereas antidepressants are widely used, but treatment for sleepiness and cataplexy in patients
based on expert consensus only. Several recent with narcolepsy; however, this drug has been
reviews provide recommended management withdrawn from the market, for the moment.
strategies in narcolepsy.15 We proposed a decision
tree for adapting the therapy for sleepiness and Dose adjustment, switching to another drug, and
cataplexy (Figure 1).15 Psychostimulants such as prescription of multiple medications is often
modafinil, armodafinil, pitolisant or sodium oxy- required when managing narcolepsy in the long
bate are first-line strategies. In second line, meth- term.22 Treatment of comorbidities is unfortunately
ylphenidate can be used. Amphetamine mixed often neglected but can be really important for some
salts or D-amphetamine that promote monoam- patients. Finally, measuring the severity of the nar-
ine (dopamine at low dose, norepinephrine at colepsy symptoms and treatment efficacy became a
high dose, and also serotonin) release through major outcome in management optimization.
multiple mechanisms may be used in third line Accordingly, the narcolepsy severity scale (NSS), a
only, due to potential cardiovascular and psychi- self-reported questionnaire, has been developed and
atric side effects. Indeed, we recently reported validated to assess symptom frequency, severity,
that patients with NT1 treated with psychostimu- consequences, and changes over time after treat-
lants have higher diastolic blood pressure and ment to further provide guidance on whether treat-
heart rate than untreated patients, suggesting an ment goals are met.23 With this questionnaire, the
increased long-term risk of cardiovascular dis- patient should become an active participant in the
eases that requires careful follow up and manage- assessment/quantification of the main symptomatic
ment.21 Sodium oxybate is still the first-line complaints and in treatment decisions.
medication recommended for cataplexy, but a
recent randomized, placebo-controlled trial
showed that pitolisant is also effective in that indi- Drugs recently developed
cation. Finally, mazindol, a tricyclic imidazoli- Newer classes of wake-promoting compounds
dine derivative, blocking the reuptake of dopamine have been developed in recent years, and others
and norepinephrine with some similarities with are expected to emerge within the next few years. 3
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 12

Figure 1.  Decision tree for managing sleepiness and cataplexy in narcolepsy type 1.
Reprinted from Barateau et al.15
EDS, excessive daytime sleepiness; IR, immediate release; XR, extended release.
*Sodium oxybate and pitolisant can also be used as first-line therapies.

Pitolisant is a new wake-promoting agent, a selec- interest in patients with cardiovascular comorbidi-
tive histamine H3-receptor inverse agonist, that acts ties, with cardiovascular side effects occurred with
presynaptically and activates histamine neurons. psychostimulants (such as modafinil or methylphe-
According to a class I evidence-based study, nidate) or in a context of comorbid psychiatric con-
pitolisant is an effective treatment for EDS, superior dition. Pitolisant is generally well tolerated, with
to placebo, with results close to modafinil, although only few adverse events that include headache, irri-
noninferiority has not been demonstrated.24 This tability, anxiety, nausea, and insomnia.
drug, currently only available in Europe, was
recently approved by the European Medicines Solriamfetol (JZP-110) is a new high-potency
Agency to treat narcolepsy with or without cata- wake-promoting agent, a selective dopamine and
plexy. Pitolisant is taken in a morning single dose norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor without pro-
(9–36 mg/day), and has a good tolerance profile moting the release of monoamines. An interna-
even after 1 year of follow up.25 To manage cata- tional, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
plexy, sodium oxybate and antidepressants remain trial recently showed its efficacy on both objective
the first-line strategy; however, pitolisant was also and subjective sleepiness, and its safety in narco-
reported effective in cataplexy in a recent rand- lepsy with and without cataplexy.27 Patients had a
omized, placebo-controlled trial.26 This compound major increase in the mean sleep latency on the
can also be used as first line, and is of particular maintenance of wakefulness test, and a significant

L. Barateau and Y. Dauvilliers

reduction in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. observed in ORX2R knockout mice, but not in
This new drug was also shown to be effective in ORX1R knockout mice, activation of OX2R
reducing EDS in obstructive sleep apnea.28 Adverse could be expected to promote wakefulness.
events reported for solriamfetol included headache, Considering this unique pathophysiology, ORX-
nausea, decreased appetite, dry mouth, anxiety, based treatments, and particularly agonists acting
and small increases in blood pressure and heart at ORX2R level may provide better effectiveness
rate. for treatment of narcolepsy in addressing the full
extent and spectrum of symptoms. Accordingly,
Other molecules are currently being tested. The several approaches were recently considered in
combination of modafinil with connexin-30 different ways: intranasal administration of ORX
inhibitors to potentiate its effect (by modifying peptides, development of ORX-receptor agonists
the gap junctional coupling of astroglial net- (i.e. particularly on receptor 2), ORX neuronal
works),17,29 a new formulation of sodium oxybate transplantation, transforming stem cells into ORX
with less sodium, and a longer-acting form of neurons, and ORX gene therapy (Table 2).
sodium oxybate, to improve patients’ compli-
ance, could emerge as alternative therapeutic ORX replacement therapy remains ineffective now-
options in the next few years. adays, as this neuropeptide does not cross the blood–
brain barrier. Per os and intravenous ORX
Clinical evidence shows that medications administration in animal models of NT1 were
approved for adults also seem effective in chil- almost unsuccessful because of this impermeability.
dren, and drugs for adults have been commonly However, intraventricular administration of ORX
used in childhood narcolepsy. However, until suppressed the symptoms of narcolepsy in ORX/
recently, class I evidence-based studies were still ataxin-3 neuron-ablated mice.33 A recent study
lacking. An international randomized placebo- showed that slow infusion of orexin delivered via a
controlled trial published this year eventually chronically implanted intrathecal catheter at the
showed the efficacy and safety of sodium oxybate upper lumbar level in ORX knockout mice decreased
in pediatric narcolepsy.30 Another multicentric cataplexy and sleep-onset REM sleep with
clinical trial assessing both efficacy and safety of unchanged sleep/wake states both quantitatively and
pitolisant is currently ongoing in pediatric narco- qualitatively.45 This study supports the concept of
lepsy. Further clinical trials are also needed in chronic intrathecal ORX delivery through an
other groups with special needs, such as pregnant implantable pump as a potential therapy for refrac-
women, the elderly population, the perioperative tory patients with NT1. A noninvasive method via
period,31 and in the context of metabolic, cardio- intranasal administration of ORX (a method target-
vascular, and psychiatric disorders. ing drugs to the brain along the olfactory and trigem-
inal neural pathways) could also be of interest, with
few preclinical and clinical data.34,36
Drugs in development
In the near future, nonpeptide ORX-receptor ago-
Orexin-based therapy nists, currently under development, may be prom-
In contrast to the almost unknown pathophysiol- ising candidates for treating narcolepsy. A first
ogy of NT2, the mechanism underlying NT1 is study reported that systemic administration of a
ORX deficiency, thus ORX-based treatments are high dose of selective ORX-receptor-2 agonist,
highly promising in NT1. YNT-185, improved symptoms in mice models of
narcolepsy, with the suppression of cataplexy-like
ORX-A and ORX-B are neurotransmitters, episodes and the promotion of wakefulness. These
cleaved from a single precursor (prepro-ORX) results provided a proof of concept for a mechanis-
peptide, that were discovered 20 years ago. Across tic therapy of NT1 by ORX2R agonists.38
species, especially in mice and dogs, disrupted However, YNT-185, with limited in vivo efficacy,
ORX signaling leads to a narcoleptic phenotype appears not suitable for further clinical develop-
with EDS and cataplexy. ORX-1 binds to ORX-1 ment. A second ORX2R-selective agonist, TAK-
receptor (ORX1R) selectively, whereas both 925, when injected intravenously showed robust
ORX-1 and ORX-2 bind to ORX-2 receptor wake-promoting effects in wild-type mice and
(ORX2R) nonselectively. As narcolepsy-like phe- ­nonhuman primates (marmosets and cynomolgus
notypes such as wakefulness fragmentation were monkeys), and increased wakefulness time and 5
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 12

Table 2.  List of orexin-based therapies tested in animal models and in human narcolepsy.

Orexin-based Administration, methods Animal models/ Effects on narcoleptic Notes/ Reference

therapy human narcoleptic symptoms limitations

ORX-A Intravenous and ORX-ligand- Intravenous Very high Fujiki et al.32

replacement intrathecal ORX-A deficient administration: transient doses
narcoleptic dog reduction of cataplexy, administered
no effect on sleep; intravenously
intrathecal: no effect

Intracerebroventricular ORX-neuron- Reduction of cataplexy – Mieda et al.33

ORX-A ablated mice and sleepiness

Intranasal ORX-A Sleep-deprived NA Reduction of Deadwyler

rhesus monkeys the effects et al.34
of sleep
on cognitive

Intranasal ORX-A Patients with NT1* No effect on cataplexy n = 8 patients Baier et al.35*
Reduction of REM sleep
quantity, stabilization
of REM sleep (reduced
direct wake-to-REM

Intranasal ORX-A Patients with NT1* No effect on cataplexy n = 14 Weinhold

Reduction of REM patients et al.36*
sleep duration,
stabilization of REM
sleep (less wake–REM
sleep transitions)

Nonpeptide Intracerebroventricular Models of Reduction of Also promotes Irukayama-

selective ORX-B- and intraperitoneal (YNT- narcoleptic mice sleepiness and wakefulness Tomobe et al.38**
receptor agonist 18537)** cataplexy in wild
type mice

ORX cell Implantation of ORX Neurotoxin- Reduction of – Arias-Carrión39

transplantation neurons in the lateral ablated ORX sleepiness
hypothalamus neuron rats

ORX gene Overexpression of prepro- Models of Reduction of cataplexy, – Mieda et al.;33

therapy ORX transgene narcoleptic mice stabilization of REM Blanco-
sleep, slight effect on Centurion et al.;40
sleepiness Kantor et al.41

Transient expression ORX–KO mice Reduction of cataplexy Increase of Liu et al.42

of ligand in the lateral REM sleep at
hypothalamus with herpes night
simplex vector
Delivery of the ORX gene Models of Reduction of cataplexy – Liu et al.43,44
into brain areas using narcoleptic mice
recombinant adeno-
associated viral vectors

*The only two studies performed in humans.

**Promising therapy possibly used in humans in the near future.
KO, knockout; NT1, narcolepsy type 1; REM, rapid eye movement; ORX, hypocretin/orexin.

L. Barateau and Y. Dauvilliers

completely recovered from wakefulness fragmen- area very restricted, or the immune activation of T
tation and cataplexy-likeness in ORX/ataxin-3 cells specifically. Another explanation could be the
transgenic mice, a narcolepsy mouse model with time course of the disease. When a patient is symp-
ORX deficiency.46,47 Preliminary data also showed tomatic, ORX neurons could be already irrevers-
that TAK-925 attenuated the body weight gain in ibly destroyed, and the delay between onset of
orexin/ataxin-3 mice without changing the daily symptoms and diagnosis is very long, 8–10 years
food intake.48 These results persisted after 14 days on average.51 A recent breakthrough paper using a
of subchronic systemic administration, favoring highly sensitive method to detect rare T-cell popu-
that, if results are confirmed and the drug is safe in lations reported the presence of polyclonal autore-
humans, TAK-925 may treat a broad range of active CD4+ T lymphocytes that recognize
narcolepsy symptoms without causing ORX2R
­ epitopes of the entire prepro-ORX peptide in
desensitization. New promising nonpeptide ORX- NT1, but not in healthy control individuals.52
receptor agonists with per os administration are
also currently under development. In the future, Based on the hypothesis of the immune-medi-
use of ORXR2 agonists as efficient stimulants ated destruction of ORX neurons, the idea of
could also be of interest in decreasing EDS in using immune-based therapies close to disease
patients with NT2 and idiopathic hypersomnia, onset to prevent their destruction previously
conditions associated with normal CSF ORX emerged, with a first case report published
levels. 15 years ago. Other attempts to use such thera-
pies in narcoleptic patients were since reported,
Other perspectives, such as cell replacement tech- but they are all uncontrolled case studies, with
nique using ORX neurons derived from pluripo- very small numbers of patients. We reported and
tent stem cells, were also tested with success in summarized those studies and their results in a
rodents;49 it could become a final option for very recent review.22 A list of immune-based therapies
severe and drug-resistant narcoleptic patients.50 that were tested in human narcolepsy is pre-
Finally, ORX gene therapy may become a reality sented in Table 3. Those treatments, if effective
in future, as it improved symptoms in narcoleptic to slow down or stop the autoimmune process,
mice (Table 2). are intended to modify the natural history and
the long-term disease outcomes in highly selected
patients, particularly if administered very closed
Immune-based therapy to disease onset. For example, corticosteroids,
Background for the use of immune-based intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIgs), plasma-
­therapy. The main symptoms of NT1 are related pheresis, rituximab, and alemtuzumab have been
to ORX deficiency, due to the selective destruc- tested, but with variable efficacy, if any. IVIgs
tion of this small population of hypothalamic were more often evaluated, probably because of
ORX neurons, suspected to be mediated by an their good efficacy and tolerability in many auto-
autoimmune process.8 A growing body of evi- immune diseases. Some NT1 patients improved
dence supports this hypothesis, with many epide- on EDS and cataplexy while others did not; how-
miological, biological, and clinical findings: rare ever, no well-designed controlled trial has been
family cases and frequent discordance in monozy- performed so far. Only one adult patient received
gotic twins, young, and bimodal age at onset, asso- IVIg treatment 15 days after disease onset, that
ciation with the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic completely reversed the clinical symptoms (EDS
and its vaccine Pandemrix®, and with streptococ- and cataplexy) and normalized CSF ORX levels,
cal infections. Genetic background is of major that were initially ­undetectable.53 The difficulty
importance in narcolepsy, as more than 98% of is to administer the treatment very early and close
patients with NT1 carry the HLA class II HLA- to disease onset, when the process targeting ORX
DQB1*06:02 allele (versus only 25% of the gen- neurons is not too advanced and could still be
eral population). More recently, the role of HLA reversed. That could explain why results thus far
class I and other immune gene variants (puriner- have been contradictory, maybe due to varying
gic receptor P2RY11, T-cell receptor alpha locus degrees, types, and advanced processes of hypo-
TRA) was shown.14 However, no specific antibod- thalamic damage. Despite some encouraging
ies against ORX neurons have yet been discov- results, there is no current evidence to guide
ered. An explanation could be the very small those immunomodulatory approaches. Further
number of antibodies, with a damaged cerebral well-designed controlled trials close to disease 7
Table 3.  List of immune-based therapies tested in human narcolepsy.

Immune-based Number of patients Delay between onset Effect on narcoleptic symptoms Effect on ORX-A levels References
therapy [age(s), years] of first symptoms and

Corticosteroids: 1 (8) 2 months No effect on MSLT (but no cataplexy at No effect: undetectable Hecht et al.54
prednisolone time of therapy) before and after therapy

IVIgs 1 (10) 5 months Transient improvement of EDS and No effect: undetectable Lecendreux
cataplexy subjectively assessed before and after therapy et al.55

4 (10, 21, 12, 52) 4 months, 2 months, Improvement of cataplexy, no clear effect Slight increase in one Dauvilliers
8 months, 9 years on EDS patient et al.56
and follow up:

4 (9, 9, 13, 6) 11 months, 12 months, Objective and persistent improvement for NA Plazzi et al.58
9 months, 4 months one patient; no effect for the others

4 (43, 59, 45, 53) 4 months, 17 years, Transient improvement of EDS and NA Valko et al.59
4 years, 11 months cataplexy for two patients; no effect for the
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 12

two others

1 (28) 2 weeks Clear effect on cataplexy; moderate effect on Normalization 1 month Dauvilliers
EDS assessed by MSLT; after the third IVIg et al.53
reoccurrence at follow up perfusion

1 (22) <1 month Improvement of cataplexy; no objective No effect: undetectable Knudsen et al.60
effect before and after the therapy

22 (mean 9.7 years; Median: 0.7 years No improvement of symptoms compared NA Lecendreux

SD 2.6 years) (minimum: 0.01 years; with standard care alone (all patients et al.61*
maximum: 2.4 years) also received psychostimulants or
anticataplectic agents)

1 (55) 7 years Transient improvement cataplexy; similar NA Fronczek et al.62

response when repeated treatment; no
significant difference between placebo and IVIgs

Plasmapheresis 1 (60) 2 months Very transient benefit of plasmapheresis NA Chen et al.63

then azathioprine on cataplexy; no effect of IVIgs
then IVIgs

Alemtuzumab 1 (79) 62 years Complete resolution of cataplectic attacks; NA Donjacour

no effect on EDS et al.64
Rituximab 1 (12) 2 years Subjective and transient improvement of NA Sarkanen et al.65
EDS and cataplexy

*Nonrandomized, open-label, controlled, longitudinal, observational retrospective study.

EDS, excessive daytime sleepiness; IV, intravenous; Ig, immunoglobulin; MSLT, multiple sleep latency test; MWT, maintenance of wakefulness test; NA, not available; ORX, orexin;

SD, standard deviation.
L. Barateau and Y. Dauvilliers

onset are required to determine if they could NT1 unique pathophysiology, the selective destruc-
affect the natural history or clinical symptom tion of ORX neurons by a probable autoimmune
burden in narcolepsy. process, other approaches are being explored to
alternatively manage the disease. Immune-based
Perspectives on immune-based therapy.  In a recent therapies administered close to disease onset may be
review on the topic, innovative immune-based treat- promising, with some successful but rare attempts
ments in NT1 were proposed: natalizumab, fingoli- to slow down or stop the autoimmune process.
mod, abatacept, monoclonal antibodies targeting T However, results remain controversial so far and
or B cells, tumor necrosis factor alpha blockers, there is a real need for future research to better
anakinra, antigen-specific therapies, or cyclophos- understand the immune process targeting ORX
phamide.22 However, we must keep in mind that neurons, to identify targeted populations of patients
those medications have major risks of serious side with an active immune process ongoing, to further
effects. Furthermore, in case reports and series select better responders to effective therapies in
where immunotherapy has been successful in narco- well-designed clinical trials, close to disease onset.
lepsy, it is difficult to state whether the improvement Among ORX-based therapies, ORX-receptor-2
of the symptoms can be attributed to the drug, the agonists seem the most promising option in the near
placebo effect, or the spontaneous clinical course of future. Given the different clinical, biological, and
the disease. In future trials, immune-based drugs genetic profiles, we hope to propose a personalized
should be given to highly selected narcoleptic treatment to narcoleptic patients in the next few
patients. Those potentially responsive patients years involving several targets and several drugs for
would have an ‘inflammatory’ or the ‘autoimmune’ a precise medical approach.
process ongoing. The natural history of the loss of
ORX neurons and CSF ORX levels in NT1 remains Funding
unknown, and the gradient and slope of the destruc- The authors received no financial support for the
tion of ORX neurons could be variable among nar- research, authorship, and/or publication of this
coleptic patients. Indeed, some patients develop article.
severe narcolepsy with cataplexy in few days, while
others develop a progressive disease with first EDS Conflict of interest statement
and then cataplexy months or years later.66 Moreo- Dr Barateau declares no conflicts of interest in pre-
ver, a progressive decrease in CSF ORX-A levels paring this article. Pr Dauvilliers has received funds
over time was reported in some patients with NT1, for speaking, board engagements, and travel to
who had a second lumbar puncture.67,68 Recent ani- conferences with UCB pharma, Jazz, Theranexus,
mal models of narcolepsy also favor the idea that Avadel, Takeda, Harmony Biosciences, Idorsia,
underlying immune pathogeny may result from a and Bioprojet.
chronic multistep process, with aggravation of the
narcolepsy phenotype upon repeated injections of
cytotoxic CD8+ T cells.69
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