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Book Reviews

A Practical Guide to Choral Conduct- Arranging: A Beginner’s Guide and orchestrating a chorale by J. S.
ing sheds light on lesser-discussed Blake Henson & Gerald Custer Bach.
subjects and topics relevant to and GIA Publications, 2016 One of the strengths of this text
useful for all choral musicians, and 278 pages are the easy-to-read chapters that
provides vital insight into all aspects $18.95 are not only filled with quickly di-
of the choral art, and would be a gestible insights but also great wit
welcome addition to the bookshelf Arranging: A Beginner’s Guide is a and humor. These make this book
of any choral conductor. step-by-step method to arranging quite enjoyable to read, and sets it
for vocal and instrumental ensem- apart from traditional arranging
Alan Davis bles. Blake Henson and Gerald and music theory tomes. Henson
Temecula, CA Custer are both accomplished com- and Custer display a unique abil-
posers, arrangers, and conductors ity to present arranging concepts
who unabashedly target this book such as voice leading and counter-
at two audiences: “experienced point through a lens of practicality.
and highly skilled musical amateurs They avoid the presentation of dry
who lead volunteer ensembles like rules and instead share easy-to-fol-
church choirs, and overextended low guidelines that foster creativity
music teachers in public schools and exploration, the very goal at
whose formal music theory classes the heart of Henson and Custer’s
may have taken place a few years writing. Future editions of Arranging
in the past” (xvii). The authors have might benefit from the inclusion of
one overarching goal: to encourage several appendix tables listing com-
all conductors to arrange for their mon voice and instrument ranges as
ensembles, as these leaders have well as instrumental transpositions.
the best knowledge of their unique This book is highly recommended
strengths and weaknesses. With this as a go-to source for any musician
heartfelt mission as the foundation who has a desire to step into the
of this book, any reader will greatly world of arranging for the first time.
benefit from Henson and Custer’s
insights into the art of arranging. John P. Rakes
This pragmatic guide is divided Warrenville, Illinois
into eight chapters, each including
a discussion of a topic complete
with musical examples, step-by-step Choral Monuments
exercises with solutions supplied for Dennis Schrock
comparison, and an assignment. New York: Oxford University Press,
The exercises range from arranging 2017
a hymn into a choral anthem with a 464 pages
descant; transcribing SATB source $55.00 (paperback)
material into music for string, brass,
and wind quintets; adding a key- For the third book in his invalu-
board accompaniment and an ob- able series of choral reference re-
bligato instrument to a melody; sources, Dennis Schrock provides
transforming a lead sheet into an the choral community with ex-
arrangement; writing introductions, tensive research and performance
transitions, modulations, and codas; material for eleven masterworks

74 CHORAL JOURNAL April 2019 Volume 59 Number 9

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