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UNIT II: THE GOOD LIFE view, they adopt the fact that some things are not

within our control, that the sooner we realize this, the

What is “the good life?” Most probably you will
happier we can become.
say that you are having a good life if you and your
family are physically well, have enough or more than The Theism view is that “communion with God
enough financial capacity to satisfy your basic needs is the ultimate basis of happiness. “That everything we
and wants, the family members are living comfortably have are temporary and we have to move around
together in your own house in a peaceful community, while waiting for the ultimate return to the hands of
and have at least a vehicle. Or for some, good life God.
means living a simple life.
Humanism is another school of thought
One basic way to use the word “good” is to espouses man has his freedom to carve his destiny and
express moral approval. When we say someone is living the captain of his own ship. Humanists see themselves
well or that he has lived a good life, he may simply as individuals who are in control of themselves and the
mean that he is a good person, someone who is world outside them. As a result of the motivation of the
courageous, helpful, trustworthy, kind, selfless, humanist, scientists eventually turned to technology in
generous, helpful, loyal, principled, and so on. The order to ease the difficulty of life by developing
moral conception of the good life has exemplified by machines, tools, processes, and many others.
some known individuals. Socrates and Plato both gave
Finding happiness is dependent on the
absolute priority to being a virtuous person over all
individual’s preference. To be satisfied with what you
other supposedly good things such as pleasure, wealth,
have may lead to happiness and having a good life. For
or power (Westocott, 2020).
many, food gives them happiness which satisfies their
For Epicarus, an ancient Greek philosopher, life cravings and feel better, without knowing that some of
is worth living if we can experience pleasure, where this food my lead them to sickness and unhappiness
pleasure is enjoyable, fun and pleasant. This is the
Some more Philosophical Views on The Good Life:
hedonist view of that pleasure is what makes life
worth living. Even today when we say someone is living Plato and Socrates on the good life:
a good life, we may mean that they are enjoying
recreational pleasures: good food, party, travel, doing In his work Apology, Plato gives an account of a
what makes one happy. speech given by Socrates while defending himself
against allegations of impiety and corrupting the youth
For Aristotle, good life is a happy life. He both in the year 399 BC. When being asked by the court why
agree with Socrates that to live a good life one must be Socrates simply cannot stop questioning the way people
a morally good person and Epicarus that happy life live, Socrates responds with a simple, yet profound
involves variety of pleasurable experiences. According answer. According to Socrates the unexamined life is
to Aristotle, we may not realize it, but happiness is the not worth living. Living life without ever reflecting
end goal of everything we do. upon it is not worth living. The person who
unquestioningly and continuously repeats the cycle of
The materialism view of happiness is that,
waking up, working and going back to sleep, is not
matter makes us attain happiness. Material wealth as
living the good life. Even further, people that do not
the primary source of the meaning of their existence.
reflect on the nature of things are not living a
Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher and
worthwhile life. If a person is not examining what they
Leucippus led a school whose primary belief is that the
value and why, the chances of them being able to live a
world is made up of tiny indivisible units called atomos
good life are reduced.
or seeds, and even human beings are made up of
matter. Examining, reflecting and questioning the
nature of things, however, is not enough. Similarly, it’s
Stoicism teaches the development of self-
not enough to reflect on your personal values. Living
control and fortitude as a means of overcoming
the good life requires you to become a Master of
destructive emotions. For stoics, happiness can only be
yourself. Socrates compared this process to a
attained by careful practice of apathy. In this world
charioteer directing two horses. Socrates argued that differently for different people, Aristotle argued that
each and every one of us is such a charioteer. We all not all those leading to living well like desires are the
have to handle two horses. The first horse is stubborn. same. There are acquired desires, which differ between
It is a direct reflection of our animal instincts with a individuals, and natural desires, which are the same for
boundless appetite for lust and pleasure. The first everyone. Acquired desires—say for caviar—correspond
horse goes in whatever direction it pleases, if not to our wants, whereas natural desires—say for food—
tightly controlled. It is egotistical and does not reflect correspond to our needs. Acquired desires or wants
what it does. It simply does. The second horse is of a correspond to apparent goods; things that appear
much nobler and more sensible spirit. It resembles good because we want them. Natural desires or needs
reason and man’s capability to reflect upon that which correspond to real goods; things that are good for us
he does. If the charioteer ever wants to live the good whether we want them or not.
life, the stubborn appetites of the first horse must be
With these considerations in mind, Aristotle
controlled. Only by using your reason to reign in your
states that the good life consists in the possession,
passions, the two horses will lead you on the path of
over the course of a lifetime, of all those things that
the good life. In line with this arguing, not being able to
are really good for us. Moreover, what is really good for
control your desires and passions will make you behave
any one of us corresponds to the natural needs that are
like an uncontrolled and misdirected stubborn horse.
the same for all of us. Thus, what is good for one person
Socrates concluded that by living a just life, based on
is good for another; in other words, there is a right plan
reflection, examination and servitude to society, a
for living well. What are these real goods that we should
person can truly live the good life. But those who allow
all seek to obtain in order to live well? According to
desires and passions to guide their actions, are most
Aristotle, they are:
likely not living worthwhile lives.
1) bodily goods – health, vitality, vigor, and pleasure;
Aristotle on the Good Life:
2) external goods – food, drink, shelter, clothing, and
Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek
sleep; and
philosopher, a student of Plato, and teacher of
Alexander the Great and is one of the greatest thinkers 3) goods of the soul – knowledge, skill, love,
in the history of western philosophy on one of his best- friendship, aesthetic enjoyment, self-esteem, and
known works Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle views on honor.
living well begin with a consideration of ends and
means. Suppose I want a car—the car is my end or goal. The first two types of goods are limited goods
I can earn, borrow, or steal the money to get the car— —we can have more of them than we need. Goods of
these are my means. The means I choose depends on the soul are unlimited goods—we cannot have more of
which is easier, quicker, likelier to succeed, etc. Now them than we need. However, one may have the
suppose I get my car? That is itself a means to another knowledge of these goods but continue not doing them.
end, say of getting to school or work. And of course, Aristotle argued that the way to bridge the gap
getting to school or work is the means to another end, between knowledge of the good life and actually living
getting to class or a job. And these are the means of it was through the development of a good moral
making money, which is itself a means of buying food, character. And this entails developing good habits. A
clothing, and shelter, which are the means of staying good habit allows us to perform certain actions
alive. Such considerations led Aristotle to wonder without effort. We can have a good habit of playing the
whether there is any final or ultimate end, an end for piano, studying hard, hitting golf balls, or thinking well.
which everything else is a means, an end that is not a We can also habitually make good choices to avoid
means to anything else. In short, he wanted to know if overeating or drinking too much.
there is an ultimate end, goal, or purpose for human Aristotle calls good habits virtues or
life. excellences. Virtues of the mind are intellectual
For Aristotle, the final end of human life is to virtues; while virtues exemplified by a regular
flourish, to live well, to have a good life. All actions disposition to choose correctly are moral virtues. For
should aim at this end. But since living well may mean Aristotle, wisdom is the most important intellectual
virtue but moral virtue plays a special role in living to come up with different sources of energy, to address
well. The reason moral virtue—the habit of making the challenges of climate change through
the right choices—is so important is that our choices environmental awareness.
determine whether we live well. And if we make too
Lesson 8: The Information Age
many bad choices we will live poorly.
Information is knowledge communicated or
So, we need to develop the good habits or
obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance
virtues which help us obtain what is really good for us,
(Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary).
as opposed to bad habits or vices which lead us toward
things that merely appear good. Good habits or moral The information age is the period when
virtues are the principal means to having good lives information became effortlessly accessible through
because they allow us to habitually make the choices publications and through the management of
that both constitute and lead to good lives. information by computer and computer networks.
(, n.d.). It is also called the Digital Age
The most important moral virtues or habits are
and the New Media Age starting the last quarter of
moderation, courage, and justice. Moderation keeps
20th century. It’s a true new age based upon
us from overindulging in pleasure or seeking too much
interconnection of computers via telecommunications
of the limited goods. Courage is having the disposition
with these information systems operating on both real-
to do what it takes to live a good life, and justice is the
time and as needed basis.” (by James R. Messenger, The
virtue that allows us to have friends and enjoy the
Theory of Information Age in 1982)
benefits of cooperation.
Timeline of the Information Age
However, both knowledge of the good life and
good habits may not be enough because living well is 105 AD – woodblock printing and paper was invented
not completely within our control. Why? First, some by the Chinese
real goods, like wealth or health, are not completely
within our power to possess. And second, we didn’t 1455 – Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press
create the initial conditions of our birth or the using movable metal type
environment into which we were born. Thus moral 1755 – Samuel Johnson’s dictionary standardized
virtue, while necessary, doesn’t guarantee a good life. English Spelling
We also need to be fortunate or lucky. If we are wise,
virtuous, and fortunate we will have good, meaningful 1802 – the Library of Congress was established
lives. 1824 – research on persistence of vision published
UNIT III – SPECIFIC ISSUES IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY 1830s – first visible design for a digital computer
AND SOCIETY Augusta Lady Byron writes the world’s first computer
In 2005, The Prime Minister of Japan Junichiro program
Kiozumi, during the STS forum said “Environmental 1837 – Invention of the telegraph in Great Britain and
protection and economic development are mutually US
achievable and sustainable. It is science and
technology that holds the key to achieving the dual 1861 – Motion pictures were projected onto a screen
1876 – Dewey Decimal System was introduced
This statement served as challenge to the
1877 – Eadward Muybridge demonstrated high speed
people of science Technology, to protect not only the
economy but most especially the environment. Science
and technology should be used appropriately for the 1899 – First Magnetic Recordings were released
future of our planet earth, with all the living species and
1902 – Motion Picture special effects were used
mankind. Though we can see the advancements of S&T,
especially in the field of genetic engineering, 1906 – Lee deforest invented the electric amplifying
nanotechnology, robotics, yet we still have to our best tube (triode)
1923 – Television camera tube was invented by Zvorkyn 1995- Internet explorer

1926 – First practical sound movie 1998- Google

1939 – Regularly scheduled television broadcasting 2001 - Wikipedia

began in the US
2002 – Friendster
1940s – Beginnings of information Science as a
2003 – Skype; Word press
2004 - Facebook
1945 – Vannevar Bush foresaw the invention of
hypertext 2005 – You Tube
1946 – ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And 2006 – Twitter
Computer) was developed
2010 – Instagram; Pinterest
1948 – Birth of field-of-Information theory by Claude E.
Shannon The Computer – Is an electronic device that stores and
processes data (information). It runs on programs that
1957 – Planar Transistor was developed by Jean Hoerni solve a problem. It can apply to virtually any device that
has microprocessor in it. Computer maybe Personal,
1958 – First Integrated Circuit
Desktop, Laptop, Personal Digital Assistants or PDAs,
1960s – Library of Congress developed LC MARC Server, Mainframes or Wearables.
(Machine Readable Code)
Type of Computers
1969 – UNIX operating System was developed, which
1. PERSONAL COMPUTER – single user instrument
could handle multitasking
2. DESKTOP COMPUTER– “workstation” has a more
1971 – Intel introduced the first Microprocessor chip
powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced
1972 – Optical Laser Disc was developed by Philips and capabilities for performing special group of tasks
3. LAPTOPS – portable computers that integrate the
1974 – MCA and Philips agreed on a standard videodisc essentials of a desktop computer in battery-powered
encoding format package

1975 – Altair Microcomputer Kit was released: first 4. PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (PDAs) – highly
personal computer for public integrated computers that usually have no keyboards
but rely on a touch screen for user input.
1977 – RadioShack introduced the first complete
personal computer 5. SERVER – provide network services to other
1984 – Apple Macintosh computer was introduced
6. MAINFRAMES – huge computer systems that can fill
Mid 1980s – Artificial Intelligence was separated from
an entire room; process millions of transactions
information Science
1987 – HyperCard was developed by Bill Atkinson recipe
7. WEARABLE COMPUTERS – usually integrated into cell
box metaphor
phones, watches, and other small objects that perform
1988 – Digital camera; Transatlantic telephone common computer applications such as databases,
email, multimedia.
1989 – World Wide Web
The World Wide Web
1991 – Four hundred fifty complete works of literature
on one CD-ROM was released CLAUDE E. SHANNON, an American
Mathematician considered the “Father of Information
1992 – first Smartphone Theory.” He proposed that information can be
quantitatively encoded as a sequence of ones and  Look for the domain name of the
zeroes. website that will tell you who is hosting
the site
INTERNET – a worldwide system of
 Search the domain name at
interconnected networks that facilitate data The site provides
transmission among innumerable computers
information about the owners of
SERGEY BRIN and LARY PAGE, built search registered domain names.
engine GOOGLE in 1998  Do not ignore the suffix on the domain.
The suffix is usually (but not always)
Bill Gates – Microsoft descriptive of what type of entity hosts
Steve Jobs – Apple the website. ex. .org = non profit; .gov =
government; .edu = educational; .com =
Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook commercial; .mil = military
The World Wide Web opened the society to up- 3. What is main purpose of the site?
to-date information as fresh as while it is happening or
what we call live. Aside from news and information, it  To sell products?
also served as gateway of individuals to express their  As a personal hobby?
feelings, share their messages, photos, videos, ideas,  As public service?
success, achievements, opportunities, and many others.  To further scholarship on a topic?
 To provide general information on a topic?
There are different social media platforms  To persuade you of a particular profession or
developed and are used to connect with friends, family, with specific training?
different audiences and random people. Social media
are also used by many people to earn money and 4. Who is the intended audience?
popularity. There are so many success stories you can  Scholars or the general public
find in social media, but there are also tragic  Which age group is it written for?
experiences other have occurred because of social  Is it aimed at people from particular geographic
media. Cyber bullying happens every day in every part area?
of the world. Too much exposure to social media may  Is it aimed at members of a particular
lead one to depression, stress, and other psychological profession or with specific training?
problems. Though we can say that society benefits from
the development of the World Wide Web and the 5. What is the quality of information provided on the
internet, we face challenges to go with this kind of website?
 Timeliness: When was the website first
Guidelines that can help us check the reliability of web published? Is it regularly updated?
sources;  Does the author cite sources?
 What other sites does the website link to? Are
1. Who is the Author of the article/site? they reputable sites?
 Does the author provide his/her  Is the website being cited by others?
credentials? Examples of Useful and Reliable Web Sources
 What type of expertise does he/she
have on the subject he or she is writing  AFA e-Newsletter (Alzheimer’s Foundation of
about? America newsletter)
 What type of experience does he/she  American Memory – the library of congress
have? Should you trust his/her historical digital
knowledge on the subject?  Great Books Online – a collection of free e-
books including fictions, nonfictions, references,
2. Who published the Site?
and verses.
 Project Gutenberg – the first and largest single In his book, he included some digital technological
collection of free electronic books with drawbacks:
currently over 20,000 e-books available
Dependency — Leaving our thinking to software and
 Internet Archives – a digital library of internet
algorithms because it’s just so much more convenient
sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form
and faster.
 Virtual Reference – selected web resources
compiled by the Library of Congress Confusion — Being not sure who performed the tasks;
 Nation Master – a massive central data source Not knowing if it was the intended human who replied
and a handy way to graphically compare nations to my emails, or her AI assistant

Drug information websites: Loss of control — Not having a way of knowing if the
AI’s anticipation was correct or not, as we could not
 National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus
possibly track the system’s logic or even comprehend
the workings of a quantum computing-fueled, machine-
 PDRhealth learning system. In other words, we would need to
Nursing sites: either trust it completely or not at all, similar to the
dilemma that some airplane pilots are already facing
 AHRQ ( Agency for Healthcare with their autopilot systems.
Research and Quality
 National Guidelines Clearinghouse Abdication — Being tempted to leave more tasks to
 PubMed ( systems that would handle them for us, whether it is
coordinating personal schedules, making appointments,
Application of Computers in Science and Research or answering simple emails. Then, of course, it would be
Bioinformatics is the application of very likely that we would simply blame the cloud/bot/AI
information technology to store, organize, and analyze if something went wrong.
vast amount of biological data which is available in the Social autism – we love our screen more than we love
form of sequences and structures of proteins, and this is people.
achieved with the help of computers. One of the great
achievements in bioinformatics is accomplishment of Addiction to technology - “mobile devices are the new
the human genome project. It began in 1990 and was cigarettes”.
completed in 2003. This project allowed researchers to Digital obesity – Every consumer in developed countries
understand the blueprint for building a person. This unwittingly ingests an estimated 150 pounds of
knowledge will have a major impact in the field of additives — mostly sugar, yeast, and antioxidants, as
medicine, biotechnology and the life sciences. For well as truly nasty stuff such as MSG. The food industry
pharmaceutical companies, bioinformatics is the key to actually calls this cravability or crave-ability. In the
rational drug discovery. In plant biotechnology, world of technology, people are obsess with social
bioinformatics is useful in identifying diseases resistant networking sites and marketers call it magic, stickiness,
genes and designing plants with high nutrition value. indispensability, or more benignly, user engagement.
Digital Technological Drawbacks Craving and addiction as tech’s business model. Think
2020 and imagine billions of hyperconnected consumers
We have not thought through what AI, IoT, big becoming digitally obese, hooked on a constant drip of
data, social media, cloud, ICT, genome editing, could information, media, and data — and their own feedback
possibly do. Ron Immink, a renowned writer, compares loops.
our present trend in technology to the invention of the
atomic bomb. He pointed out that we are dealing with ETHICAL IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY
a digital nuclear bomb, and it might explode before we The use of computers has brought about
realise what we have gotten ourselves into. environmental, ethical and legal issues and concerns.
Exponential technology could soon trigger a These increasingly affect people's daily lives. Some of
chain of “A-bomb challenges” or “digital Hiroshimas”. them are as follow:
Ethical issues Since industries of all types depend mainly on
technology for their production, working conditions in
Ethics are moral principles, or rules, that govern
one way or another will be affected. The industries will
a person's attitudes and behaviour. Ethics apply to the
always consider the technology they are using in
use of computers as much as they do to other things in
designing the workplace and the work systems
life. Ethical issues that may arise in engaging in digital
sometimes at the expense of the workers. Workers will
technology are as follow:
always be at risk on the side effects brought by
Privacy technology.

Once data is put into a computer it can easily be Professional standards

copied or transmitted. This puts personal private data at
To meet the fast-growing demands of computer
risk. Organizations that hold private data should do
science and information technology areas. Professionals
their best to ensure that such data remains private.
should continue to improve their overall competencies
Many smartphone apps ask for permission to access
to fit the requirements needed by the industries.
data held on the device. Once accessed, this data is
Furthermore, these professionals are also expected to
usually sent to the app producer, who is often in
follow new set of policies and guidelines imposed by the
another country and not always subject to the privacy
industry guided by the harm the digital technology can
laws that exist in the Philippines.
cause. Example: internet security policy, Data Privacy
Ensuring public safety Act, Cybersecurity Act etc.

Ensuring public safety is vital. As new Lesson 9: Biodiversity and the Healthy Society
technologies are introduced, they bring safety concerns.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in the
For example, driverless cars may soon be on the roads.
world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem or the vast
The designers of driverless cars have not only had to
variety of life forms in the entire earth. The variability
ensure the safety of passengers but also of other drivers
among living things from all sources, including
and pedestrians. An ethical issue applies here, as a
terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and
situation may occur where the car's software has to
the ecological complexes of which they are part.
decide who has safety priority. Should it be the
Biodiversity is the source of essential goods and
passengers inside the car, or other road users?
ecological services that constitute the source of life for
all. Sustainability of the ecosystem ensures a better
survival rate against natural disaster. Disappearance of
species in a certain environment causes imbalance in
Digital divide the ecosystem. Human activities are the major cause of
wildlife decline. WWF projected 67% decline on wildlife
The digital divide is the difference between by 2020 (Marco Lambertini, Gen. Dir. WWF
those who have access to computers and the internet International). Conservation efforts are necessary to
and those who do not. The difference between them preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species
continuous to rise, establishing societal gaps. This may and their habitats.
be due to wealth, location, age or the ability to use new
technology. Somebody who has a visual impairment Threats to Biodiversity
may have difficulties using a touchscreen. Apps that are 1. Habitat loss and destruction.
designed to be used on a smartphone may exclude such 2. Alterations in ecosystem composition
people from using their services. The elderly generation 3. Over-exploitation
have not grown up with technology and might feel 4. Pollution and contamination
nervous of the steep learning curve required to gain 5. Global climate change
confidence with using the internet. This could mean
that they miss out on opportunities, such as online Nutritional Impact of Biodiversity
shopping offers that are not available on the high street.
Biodiversity is a major factor that contributes to
Working conditions sustainable food production for human beings. The
society must have access to a sufficient variety of mating and/or natural recombination. Genetic
nutritious food as its determinant of their health. There engineering allows scientists to insert, or suppress,
must be intensified and enhanced food production desired traits or features into an organism – enhancing
through irrigation, use of fertilizers, plant protection, or a crop’s resistance, for instance, or promoting
the introduction of crop varieties or cropping patterns photosynthesis. This artificial manipulation of DNA
affect biodiversity and thus impact global nutritional would never happen in nature. It replaces the
status and human health. traditional method of selective breeding, a common and
completely safe practice used by growers.
Health, Biology and Biodiversity
Basic needs of living things such as air, water,
food, and habitat are provided by its environment. Since something is altered in the original
Advances in agriculture, sanitation, water treatment, composition of the organism, and the process is being
and hygiene have had a far greater impact on human controlled by a set of procedures, environmental
health. Environmental hazards increase the risk of concerns will surely arise. Some of them are
cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many other illnesses. summarized as follow:
Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation and hygiene
1. Increased use of toxic herbicides and pesticides
are responsible for a variety of infectious diseases.
Environmental hazards increase the risk of asthma and The majority of GM crops are those which have
other respiratory disease, skin diseases, waterborne been engineered to be herbicide (weed-killer) resistant.
illness and many others. ‘Roundup ready’ soya, produced by Monsanto and
grown extensively in
Activities that promote health and extend
human life could have adverse environmental effects. North and South America, allows farmers to
spray soya plants with Roundup - a toxic cocktail of
Ex. Waste produced by livestock, carbon emission from
glyphosate and other chemicals. This may not harm the
food manufacturing and transportation, medical waste
genetically engineered crop – but the treatment creates
from hospitals. Climate change could deteriorate
chemical residues and run off, making it disastrous for
farming system and reduce nutrients in some foods.
surrounding ecosystems.
Energy production and use, help sustain human life, but
it can also pose hazards to human health and the It also encourages the development of
environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, oil ‘superweeds’ which are resistant to glyphosate,
spills, and destruction of habitats. Activities that
promote health and extend human life could have such as the giant pig weed, which grows over 2m tall, or
adverse environmental effect such as: food production Morning Glory. The latter has evolved a reproductive
causes environmental damage from pesticides and system which ensures its tolerance of glyphosate. This
fertilizers, soil salinization, waste produced by livestock, was not something predicted by the genetic engineers.
carbon emission from food manufacturing and 2. Pleiotropy.
transportation, deforestation and overfishing. In terms
of health care, hospitals use large quantities of DNA is a complex structure. Altering it in any
electricity and produce medical and hazardous wastes. way can create new consequences and structures in the
Good health care results to reduced mortality, this can cell’s composition, as well as its relationship with other
lead to overpopulation, which results to environmental cells. Chemists call this Pleiotropy. Genes are not like
stresses, these includes clearing of land, generating Lego pieces – if you change or remove an element,
pollution waste, and others there are ramifications way beyond the changed ‘piece’.
In every organism, genes, proteins and pathways
Lesson 10: Genetically Modified Organisms: Science, interact with one another and are regulated in a
Health and Politics complex, multi-layered network process.
A Genetically Modified Organism is simply Despite scientists’ claims, it is impossible to
something whose genetic material (DNA) has been predict the impacts of even a single genemodification.
changed in a way that does not occur naturally by Pleiotropic effects have included alterations in the
crop’s nutritional, toxic and allergenic properties. For In Food and Agricultural Industries
example, a GM soya tested in 1996, developed 27%
1. Pest Resistance – resists certain pests.
higher levels of a major allergen, trypsin-inhibitor. In
Ex. Bt Corn
2008 a GM maize had the unpredicted appearance of a
2. Virus resistance – resists certain viruses.
new form of the protein which is a known allergen. Even
Ex. GM papaya or rainbow papaya
the new technique, called CRISPR, heralded for its
3. Herbicide tolerance – tolerance to chemicals
accuracy, still has unknown effects on nontargeted cells.
that kills weeds.
CRISPR scientists rely on algorithms to predict the most
4. Fortification – GMO fortified with certain
obvious cell changes, but in a recent test case there
were 100s of unforeseen effects.
Ex. Golden Rice or rice with vit. A
3. Contamination 5. Cosmetic Preservation – resist natural
GM crops can – and do - cross pollinate with
Ex. Arctic Apple.Apple modified to suppress the
wild and non-GM plants. Other sources of
browning due to superficial damage
contamination are the inadvertent spread of seed by
6. Increase growth rate – has faster growth rate
farm machinery, as well as mixing seeds during storage.
than ordinary salmon.
Cross pollination will not only contaminate wild plants,
Ex. AquAdvantage salmon
affecting their natural genetic makeup, but will seriously
compromise any organic or non-GM farming system. GMOs in Non-food crops and Microorganisms
Despite claims that GM and non-GM can co-exist, it is
1. Flower production – for modified color and
patently untrue.
extended vase life of flower. Ex. Blue roses
Genetic engineering is a process by which a 2. Paper Production – trees for higher yield of
gene or a segment of DNA of an organism is paper production. Ex. Poplar trees with genes
transferred to another organism. The term Genetic for ferulic acid
Engineering was coined by Jack Williamson in 1951. It 3. Pharmaceutical productions – GMO to produce
was through the effort of the genomics where genes in pharmaceutical products
each DNA of an organism are mapped and identified, Ex. Periwinkle for enhanced production of an
this leads the genetic engineers to combine genes of alkaloid vinblastine, a drug for cancer treatment
different organisms creating “Genetically Modified 4. Bioremediation – can assist in the
Organisms” or GMOs. bioremediation of polluted site.
Ex. Shrub tobacco
Agricultural plants are one of the most
5. Enzyme and Drug production – produce
frequently cited examples of GMOs. Some benefits from
enzymes for food processing and medicine.
engineered organisms are:
Ex. A Bacillus bacterium with a gene of a
1. Increase crop yield, reduce the cost of food thermophilic anaerobe producing CGTase an
production enzyme used for food flavor enhancer.
2. Reduced the need for pesticides and herbicides 6. GMO in medical field – for diagnosis and
3. Enhance the nutrient composition and food treatment of human dreaded diseases.
quality Ex. Humulin, insulin produced by bacterium with
4. Resistance to pest and diseases gene of human to produce human insulin.
5. Greater food security
Potential Risks of GMOs
6. Medical benefits to the world’s growing
7. Organisms grow and mature faster
8. Tolerance to environmental stressors
9. Production of non-protein (bioplastic) or
nonindustrial (ornamental plant) products.

Some Genetically Modified Organisms

Several concerns arise regarding GMOs, since There are five sets of ethical concerns, the
there are unknown consequences when the natural Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) in the United
state of an organism is altered. Such alterations can Kingdom, have raised about GM crops.
change the organism’s metabolism, growth rate, and
1. Potential harm to human health;
other environmental factors. These consequences not
2. Potential damage to the environment;
only concern the GMO but also the natural environment
3. Negative impact on traditional farming practice;
in which the organism is allowed to proliferate.
4. Excessive corporate dominance; and
Potential Risk to Humans 5. “Unnaturalness” of the technology

1. Possibility of exposure to new allergens in Biosafety on GMOs

genetically modified organisms
International organizations developed principles
2. Transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut
and treaties that somehow ensure biosafety on GMOs.
The World Health Organization (WHO) together with
3. Insertion of the genes requires vectors and
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) created
these vectors may become part of the food and
Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Codex is
may become toxic to the consumer.
responsible for the development of standards, codes of
4. Several researches validate the link between
practices, guidelines, and recommendations on food
genetically engineered foods to immuno-
safety. The principles include pre-market assessments
suppression in rats’ study, this can also be true
of the GM food products and its evaluation of direct and
to other animals and humans.
indirect effects.
5. Cancer promoting hormone called insulin-like
growth factor-1 are increased in GM cows to Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety is an
produce more milk. Study shows that the international environment agreement which aims to
hormone could survive digestion and make its ensure safe handling and use of Living Modified
way into the blood stream of the consumer Organisms (LMOs). The protocol seeks to protect
which is linked to growth of breast cancer, biological diversity from the potential risk pose by
prostate cancer, and colon cancer. LMOs resulting from modern biotechnology. They
6. Nutritional value of food can be altered by require the exporters to seek consent from the
genetic engineering. Study shows that nutrients importers before its first shipment of LMOs.
are lost in GE foods.
The International Trade Agreement on Labeling
Potential Risk to Environment of GM foods and food products. The agreement
requires the exporters of GM products to label their
1. Emergence of new forms of resistance and
products and give rights to importing parties to reject or
secondary pests and weed problems. Pests
accept the GM products.
may develop resistance to the GMOs with pest-
resistance, leading to formation of super pest.
2. Production of new pathogens may result in
recombination of virus and bacteria. Vectors of Lesson 11: The Nano World
the modified gene to the target cell are often Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the
viruses or bacteria. These vectors may cause study and application of extremely small things and
new disease not only to the GMOs but also to can be used across all the other science fields, such as
the consumers. chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and
3. Presence of GMOs may interfere with the engineering.
natural communities through competition or
interaction. Fundamental Concepts in Nanoscience and
4. GMOs may also interfere with the biochemical Nanotechnology
cycles. It’s hard to imagine just how small
Bioethics and GMO nanotechnology is. One nanometer is a billionth of
ammeter, or 10-9of a meter. Here are a few illustrative 1. The cost of nano-devices and nano surgery
examples tools and the unknown technical capacity of
these devices and tools.
 There are 25,400,000 nanometers in an inch
2. The effect on the relationship between
 A sheet of newspaper is about 100,000
physician and patient.
nanometers thick
3. The effect on health
 On a comparative scale, if a marble were a
nanometer, then one meter would be the size SOCIETAL ISSUES
of the Earth
1. The effect on developing countries
Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the Getting the roles of the process cycle of
ability to see and to control individual atoms and nanotechnology.
molecules. Everything on Earth is made up of atoms— The change in the need for raw
the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the buildings materials.
and houses we live in, and our own bodies. 2. The effect on laborers
Undetermined employee security.
But something as small as an atom is impossible to Unprescribed dangers resulting from
see with the naked eye. In fact, it’s impossible to see nano-products.
with the microscopes typically used in a high school 3. The effect on managerial issues
science class. The microscopes needed to see things at
the nanoscale were invented relatively recently—about FUTURISTIC ISSUES
30 years ago. Once scientists had the right tools, such as
1. Enlarging expectations and unsubstantial
the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the
atomic force microscope (AFM), the age of
2. Possible risks
nanotechnology was born.
3. Clinical applications of nanotechnological
Although modern nanoscience and nanotechnology processes
are quite new, nanoscale materials were used for 4. The problem of confidentiality
centuries. Alternate-sized gold and silver particles 5. The problem of equality
created colors in the stained-glass windows of medieval 6. The problem of definition of being a human
churches hundreds of years ago. The artists back then
just didn’t know that the process they used to create
these beautiful works of art actually led to changes in Gene therapy is an experimental technique
the composition of the materials they were working that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. In the
with. future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a
disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s cells instead
Today's scientists and engineers are finding a wide
of using drugs or surgery. Researchers are testing
variety of ways to deliberately make
several approaches to gene therapy, including:
materials at the nanoscale to take advantage of their
 Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease
enhanced properties such as higher strength, lighter
with a healthy copy of the gene.
weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater
 Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene
chemical reactivity than their larger-scale counterparts.
that is functioning improperly.
ETHICAL ISSUES RAISED BY NANOTECHNOLOGY  Introducing a new gene into the body to help
fight a disease.
Although the modern world is already gearing
towards nanotechnology due to advantages its offer, Although gene therapy is a promising treatment
there are still ethical and societal impacts that we need option for a number of diseases (including inherited
to consider. These impacts can be summarized as disorders, some types of cancer, and certain viral
follow: infections), the technique remains risky and is still under
HEALTH ISSUES study to make sure that it will be safe and effective.
Gene therapy is currently being tested only for diseases of gene therapy would be a violation of ethics and
that have no other cures. shouldn't be permitted.

ETHICAL ISSUES OF THE GENETHERAPY There are also issues about the cost of
treatment related to the ethics of gene therapy. Given
There are many issues and questions about the
the experimental nature of gene therapy, it is very
ethics of gene therapy surrounding the practice. Gene
expensive, and usually not covered by medical
therapy involves making changes to a person's genetic
insurance. The cost makes gene therapy treatments out
profile, which is like a set of instructions or a blueprint
of reach for most individuals since it is generally only
for that unique individual. One of the ethical concerns
affordable for the very rich. There is concern that gene
involves whether it's morally right to make such
therapy could become an exclusive treatment reserved
changes, especially if they may also affect future
for the wealthy elite, with others denied access. In
generations. Other concerns about the ethics of gene
keeping with the medical code of ethics, many in the
therapy have to do with the application of the
medical community are committed to making it
technique; many feel it's acceptable to use it to treat
accessible to all regardless of socioeconomic status.
harmful disorders but not to enhance a person's
fundamental traits. There are also concerns relating to Lesson 9 Biodiversity and the Healthy Society
accessibility of these expensive treatments and the risk
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in the
of them becoming reserved for the wealthy.
world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem or the
One of the main concerns about the ethics of vast variety of life forms in the entire earth. The
gene therapy has to do with the existence of the variability among living things from all sources,
practice itself and whether it's morally acceptable. All including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic
types of gene therapy involve permanently altering the ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they
genetic profile of an individual; one type called germline are part. Biodiversity is the source of essential goods
gene therapy allows the changes to be passed on to and ecological services that constitute the source of life
offspring and future generations. Opponents of the for all. Sustainability of the ecosystem ensures a better
practice express reservations about the risks of survival rate against natural disaster. Disappearance of
unknown long range side effects and developmental species in a certain environment causes imbalance in
problems for future generations and believe that more the ecosystem. Human activities are the major cause of
study is necessary before taking these risks. Some also wildlife decline. WWF projected 67% decline on wildlife
take issue with gene therapy on religious grounds by2020 (Marco Lambertini, Gen. Dir. WWF
because they view it as tampering with God's design. International). Conservation efforts are necessary to
Supporters of gene therapy cite the enormous potential preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species
to save lives and eradicate genetic disorders and seem and their habitats.
to feel the rewards are worth the risks.
Threats to Biodiversity
Another serious concern about the ethics of
1. Habitat loss and destruction.
gene therapy is that it has the potential to be misused.
2. Alterations in ecosystem composition
Many individuals agree that it can be beneficial for the
3. Over-exploitation
treatment of life-altering harmful disorders. There are
4. Pollution and contamination
concerns, however, that this could lead to using it to
5. Global climate change
eliminate any difference from society's ideal. Some
people are concerned that gene therapy could be the Nutritional Impact of Biodiversity
beginning of genetic engineering to create the
"perfect" human. Another concern is the potential Biodiversity is a major factor that contributes
abuse of gene therapy to enhance a person's to sustainable food production for human beings. The
performance, thereby altering abilities such as society must have access to a sufficient variety of
intelligence, speed, or coordination. Researchers and nutritious food as its determinant of their health. There
the American Medical Association agree that such uses must be intensified and enhanced food production
through irrigation, use of fertilizers, plant protection,
or the introduction of crop varieties or cropping mating and/or natural recombination. Genetic
patterns affect biodiversity and thus impact global engineering allows scientists to insert, or suppress,
nutritional status and human health. desired traits or features into an organism –enhancing a
Health, Biology and Biodiversity crop’s resistance, for instance, or promoting
photosynthesis. This artificial manipulation of DNA
Basic needs of living things such as air, water,
would never happen in nature. It replaces the
food, and habitat are provided by its environment.
traditional method of selective breeding, a common and
Advances in agriculture, sanitation, water treatment,
completely safe practice used by growers.
and hygiene have had a far greater impact on human
health. Environmental hazards increase the risk of ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS
cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many other illnesses.
Since something is altered in the original
Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation and hygiene
composition of the organism, and the process is being
are responsible for a variety of infectious diseases.
controlled by a set of procedures, environmental
Environmental hazards increase the risk of asthma and
concerns will surely arise. Some of them are
other respiratory disease, skin diseases, waterborne
summarized as follow:
illness and many others.
1. Increased use of toxic herbicides and
Activities that promote health and extend
human life could have adverse environmental effects.
Ex. Waste produced by livestock, carbon emission from The majority of GM crops are those which have
food manufacturing and transportation, medical waste been engineered to be herbicide (weedkiller) resistant.
from hospitals. Climate change could deteriorate ‘Roundup ready’ soya, produced by Monsanto and
farming system and reduce nutrients in some foods. grown extensively in North and South America, allows
Energy production and use, help sustain human life, but farmers to spray soya plants with Roundup - a toxic
it can also pose hazards to human health and the cocktail of glyphosate and other chemicals. This may not
environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, oil harm the genetically engineered crop – but the
spills, and destruction of habitats. Activities that treatment creates chemical residues and run off,
promote health and extend human life could have making it disastrous for surrounding ecosystems. It also
adverse environmental effect such as: food production encourages the development of ‘superweeds’ which are
causes environmental damage from pesticides and resistant to glyphosate, such as the giant pig weed,
fertilizers, soil salinization, waste produced by which grows over 2m tall, or Morning Glory. The latter
livestock, carbon emission from food manufacturing has evolved a reproductive system which ensures its
and transportation, deforestation and overfishing. In tolerance of glyphosate. This was not something
terms of health care, hospitals use large quantities of predicted by the genetic engineers.
electricity and produce medical and hazardous wastes.
Good health care results to reduced mortality, this can 2. Pleiotropy.
lead to overpopulation, which results to environmental DNA is a complex structure. Altering it in any
stresses, these includes clearing of land, generating way can create new consequences and structures in the
pollution waste, and others. cell’s composition, as well as its relationship with other
A mitigating plan and a workable plan of action cells. Chemists call this Pleiotropy. Genes are not like
should be studied in order not to compromise Lego pieces – if you change or remove an element,
biodiversity, while at the same time, promote good there are ramifications way beyond the changed ‘piece’.
health among the society. We must recognize the value In every organism, genes, proteins and pathways
of organisms which we share the planet with. interact with one another and are regulated in a
Lesson 10: Genetically Modified Organisms: Science, complex, multi-layered network process.
Health and Politics

A Genetically Modified Organism is simply Despite scientists’ claims, it is impossible to

something whose genetic material (DNA) has been predict the impacts of even a single gene
changed in a way that does not occur naturally by
modification. Pleiotropic effects have included 1. Increase crop yield, reduce the cost of food
alterations in the crop’s nutritional, toxic production

and allergenic properties. For example, a GM 2. Reduced the need for pesticides and
soya tested in 1996, developed 27% herbicides

higher levels of a major allergen, trypsin- 3. Enhance the nutrient composition and food
inhibitor. In 2008 a GM maize had the quality

unpredicted appearance of a new form of the 4. Resistance to pest and diseases

protein which is a known allergen. Even
5. Greater food security
the new technique, called CRISPR, heralded for
6. Medical benefits to the world’s growing
its accuracy, still has unknown effects
on non-targeted cells. CRISPR scientists rely on
7. Organisms grow and mature faster
algorithms to predict the most obvious
8. Tolerance to environmental stressors
cell changes, but in a recent test case there
were 100s of unforeseen effects. 9. Production of non-protein (bioplastic) or
nonindustrial (ornamental plant) products.
3. Contamination GM crops can – and do - cross
pollinate with wild and non-GM plants. Some Genetically Modified Organisms
Other sources of contamination are the In Food and Agricultural Industries
inadvertent spread of seed by farm machinery,
1. Pest Resistance – resists certain pests. Ex. Bt
as well as mixing seeds during storage. Cross Corn
pollination will not only contaminate wild
2. Virus resistance – resists certain viruses. Ex.
plants, affecting their natural genetic makeup, GM papaya or rainbow papaya
but will seriously compromise any organic
3. Herbicide tolerance – tolerance to chemicals
or non GM farming system. Despite claims that that kills weeds.
GM and non-GM can co-exist, it is
4. Fortification – GMO fortified with certain
patently untrue. minerals. Ex. Golden Rice or rice with vit. A
Genetic engineering is a process by which a 5. Cosmetic Preservation – resist natural
gene or a segment of DNA of an discoloration Ex. Arctic Apple.Apple modified
organism is transferred to another organism. to suppress the browning due to superficial
The term Genetic Engineering was coined by damage
Jack Williamson in 1951. It was through the 6. Increase growth rate – has faster growth rate
effort of the genomics where genes in each DNA than ordinary salmon. Ex. AquAdvantage salmon
of an organism are mapped and identified, this GMOs in Non-food crops and Microorganisms
leads the genetic engineers to combine genes
1. Flower production – for modified color and
of different organisms creating “Genetically extended vase life of flower. Ex. Blue roses
Modified Organisms” or GMOs.
2. Paper Production – trees for higher yield of
Agricultural plants are one of the most paper production. Ex. Poplar trees with
frequently cited examples of GMOs. Some
genes for ferulic acid
benefits from engineered organisms are:
3. Pharmaceutical productions – GMO to produce humans.
pharmaceutical products Ex.
5. Cancer promoting hormone called insulin-like growth
Periwinkle for enhanced production of an alkaloid factor-1 are increased in
vinblastine, a drug for cancer
GM cows to produce more milk. Study shows that the
treatment hormone could survive

4. Bioremediation – can assist in the bioremediation of digestion and make its way into the blood stream of the
polluted site. Ex. Shrub tobacco consumer which is

5. Enzyme and Drug production – produce enzymes for linked to growth of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and
food processing and medicine. colon cancer.

Ex. A Bacillus bacterium with a gene of a thermophilic 6. Nutritional value of food can be altered by genetic
anaerobe producing CGTase engineering. Study shows

an enzyme used for food flavor enhancer. that nutrients are lost in GE foods.

6. GMO in medical field – for diagnosis and treatment of Potential Risk to Environment
human dreaded diseases. Ex.
1. Emergence of new forms of resistance and secondary
Humulin, insulin produced by bacterium with gene of pests and weed problems.
human to produce human insulin.
Pests may develop resistance to the GMOs with pest-
Potential Risks of GMOs resistance, leading to

Several concerns arise regarding GMOs, since there are formation of super pest.
unknown consequences
2. Production of new pathogens may result in
when the natural state of an organism is altered. Such recombination of virus and bacteria.
alterations can change the organism’s
Vectors of the modified gene to the target cell are often
metabolism, growth rate, and other environmental viruses or bacteria. These
factors. These consequences not only
vectors may cause new disease not only to the GMOs
concerns the GMO but also the natural environment in but also to the consumers.
which the organism is allowed to
3. Presence of GMOs may interfere with the natural
proliferate. communities through competition

Potential Risk to Humans or interaction.

1. Possibility of exposure to new allergens in genetically 4. GMOs may also interfere with the biochemical cycles.
modified organisms
Bioethics and GMO
2. Transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut flora.
There are five sets of ethical concerns, the Nuffield
3. Insertion of the genes requires vectors and these Council on Bioethics (NCOB) in
vectors may become part of
the United Kingdom, have raised about GM crops.
the food and may become toxic to the consumer.
1. Potential harm to human health;
4. Several researches validate the link between
2. Potential damage to the environment;
genetically engineered foods to
3. Negative impact on traditional farming practice;
immuno-suppression in rats study, this can also be true
to other animals and 4. Excessive corporate dominance; and
5. “Unnaturalness” of the technology. It’s hard to imagine just how small nanotechnology is.
Biosafety on GMOs One nanometer is a billionth of a

International organizations developed principles and meter, or 10-9

treaties that somehow ensure
of a meter. Here are a few illustrative examples
biosafety on GMOs. The World Health Organization
• There are 25,400,000 nanometers in an inch
(WHO) together with Food and Agricultural
• A sheet of newspaper is about 100,000 nanometers
Organization (FAO) created Codex Alimentarius
Commission. The Codex is responsible for the
• On a comparative scale, if a marble were a
development of standards, codes of practices,
nanometer, then one meter would be the
guidelines, and recommendations on food
size of the Earth
safety. The principles include pre-market assessments
of the GM food products and its Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the ability to
see and to control individual
evaluation of direct and indirect effects.
atoms and molecules. Everything on Earth is made up of
Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety is an international
atoms—the food we eat, the clothes
environment agreement which
we wear, the buildings and houses we live in, and our
aims to ensure safe handling and use of Living Modified
own bodies.
Organisms (LMOs). The protocol
But something as small as an atom is impossible to see
seeks to protect biological diversity from the potential
with the naked eye. In fact, it’s
risk pose by LMOs resulting from
impossible to see with the microscopes typically used in
modern biotechnology. They require the exporters to
a high school science classes. The
seek consent from the importers before
microscopes needed to see things at the nanoscale
its first shipment of LMOs.
were invented relatively recently—about 30
The International Trade Agreement on Labeling of GM
years ago. Once scientists had the right tools, such as
foods and food products.
the scanning tunneling microscope
The agreement requires the exporters of GM products
(STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM), the age
to label their products and give rights
of nanotechnology was born.
to importing parties to reject or accept the GM
Although modern nanoscience and nanotechnology are
quite new, nanoscale materials
Lesson 11: The Nano World
were used for centuries. Alternate-sized gold and silver
particles created colors in the stained
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and
glass windows of medieval churches hundreds of years
application of extremely small things and
ago. The artists back then just didn’t
can be used across all the other science fields, such as
know that the process they used to create these
chemistry, biology, physics, materials
beautiful works of art actually led to changes in
science, and engineering
the composition of the materials they were working
Fundamental Concepts in Nanoscience and with.
Today's scientists and engineers are finding a wide
variety of ways to deliberately make
materials at the nanoscale to take advantage of their cells instead of using drugs or surgery. Researchers are
enhanced properties such as higher testing several approaches to gene

strength, lighter weight, increased control of light therapy, including:

spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than
▪ Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a
their larger-scale counterparts. healthy copy of the gene.

ETHICAL ISSUES RAISED BY NANOTECHNOLOGY ▪ Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is
functioning improperly.
Although the modern world is already gearing towards
nanotechnology due to ▪ Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a
advantages its offer, there are still ethical and societal
impacts that we need to consider. These Although gene therapy is a promising treatment
option for a number of diseases
impacts can be summarized as follow:
HEALTH ISSUES (including inherited disorders, some types of cancer,
and certain viral infections), the technique
1. The cost of nano-devices and nano surgery tools
and the unknown technical capacity of theses remains risky and is still under study to make sure that it
devices and tools. will be safe and effective. Gene
2. The effect on the relationship between
therapy is currently being tested only for diseases that
physician and patient.
have no other cures.
3. The effect on health system
There are many issues and questions about the
1. The effect on developing countries
ethics of gene therapy surrounding the
Getting the roles of the process cycle od
nanotechnology. practice. Gene therapy involves making changes to a
The change in the need for raw material. person's genetic profile, which is like a set
2. The effect on laborers
Undetermined employee security of instructions or a blueprint for that unique individual.
Unprescribed dangers resulting from nano- One of the ethical concerns involves
products. whether it's morally right to make such changes,
3. The effect on managerial issues. especially if they may also affect future
FUTURISTIC ISSUES generations. Other concerns about the ethics of gene
1. Enlarging expectations and unsubstantial therapy have to do with the application of
estimations the technique; many feel it's acceptable to use it to
2. Possible risks treat harmful disorders but not to enhance a
3. Clinical applications of nanotechnological
processes person's fundamental traits. There are also concerns
4. The problem of confidentiality relating to accessibility of these expensive
5. The problem of equality treatments and the risk of them becoming reserved for
6. The problem of definition of being a human the wealthy.
Lesson 12: GENE THERAPY One of the main concerns about the ethics of
Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses gene therapy has to do with the existence
genes to treat or prevent disease. In the of the practice itself and whether it's morally
future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a acceptable. All types of gene therapy involve
disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s
permanently altering the genetic profile of an become an exclusive treatment reserved for the
individual; one type called germline gene therapy wealthy elite, with others denied access. In

allows the changes to be passed on to offspring and keeping with the medical code of ethics, many in the
future generations. Opponents of the medical community are committed to

practice express reservations about the risks of making it accessible to all regardless of socioeconomic
unknown long range side effects and status.
developmental problems for future generations and
believe that more study is necessary before Maybe some of you have seen posters, ads, and
the like carrying the message ''Go Green!'' But, what
taking these risks. Some also take issue with gene
does it mean to ''go green''? It takes a variety of forms,
therapy on religious grounds because they
but essentially, going green means being mindful of the
view it as tampering with God's design. Supporters of natural environment and making economic choices that
gene therapy cite the enormous potential aren't harmful to the earth. When people ''go green,''
they are practicing environmental awareness. The term
to save lives and eradicate genetic disorders and seem means exactly what you expect it to: being aware of the
to feel the rewards are worth the risks. natural environment and making choices that benefit--
Another serious concern about the ethics of gene rather than hurt--the earth. In recent years,
therapy is that it has the potential to be misused. environmental awareness has gained increased
attention for opening the minds of the many about the
Many individuals agree that it can be beneficial for the possible environmental consequences of different
treatment of life-altering harmful disorders. human made activities.
There are concerns, however, that this could lead to 20 Major Current Environmental Problems
using it to eliminate any difference from
1. Pollution
society's ideal. Some people are concerned that gene
therapy could be the beginning of genetic There are 7 key types of pollution – air, water, soil,
noise, radioactive, light and thermal.
engineering to create the "perfect" human. Another
concern is the potential abuse of gene therapy All these types of pollution are interlinked and influence
each other. Therefore we need to tackle
to enhance a person's performance, thereby altering
abilities such as intelligence, speed, or all of them together. Pollution of air, water and soil
requires millions of years to recover. While
coordination. Researchers and the American Medical
Association agree that such uses of gene water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban
runoff, air pollution is caused by various
therapy would be a violation of ethics and shouldn't be
permitted. gases and toxins released by industries and factories
and combustion of fossil fuels; soil
There are also issues about the cost of
treatment related to the ethics of gene therapy. pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that
deprives soil from essential nutrients.
Given the experimental nature of gene therapy, it is
very expensive, and usually not covered by 2. Soil Degradation

medical insurance. The cost makes gene therapy Globally, food security depends on the factor whether
treatments out of reach for most individuals or not soils are in good condition

since it is generally only affordable for the very rich. to produce crops. According to UN estimates, about 12
There is concern that gene therapy could million hectares of farmland a year get
seriously degraded.Soils get damaged due to many Over time, natural resource depletion will lead to an
reasons. Such reasons include erosion, energy crisis. The chemicals emitted from

overgrazing, overexposure to pollutants, monoculture many natural resources contribute to climate change.
planting, soil compaction, land-use Fossil fuel consumption results in the

conversion and many more. emission of greenhouse gases, which is primarily

responsible for global warming and climate
3. Global Warming
Climate changes like global warming are the result of
human practices like the emission 6. Generating Unsustainable Waste

of greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising The huge production of waste due to our
temperatures of the oceans and the earth’ hyperconsumption is a major threat to the

surface causing more violent and destructive natural environment. As per the study, the average person
disasters that include flooding, melting of produces 4.3 pounds of waste per day. This

polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural hyperconsumption results in non-biodegradable trash in
patterns of precipitation that may result to the form of plastic packaging, toxic e-waste,

flash floods, hurricanes, wildfires, drought, excessive and harmful chemicals that leach into our waterways.
snow or desertification. When this waste ends up in landfills, it

4. Overpopulation generates enormous amounts of methane, which ranks

as one of the worst greenhouse gases
The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable
levels as it faces a shortage of because of its high potential for global warming. It
creates severe explosion hazards.
resources like water, fuel and food. Population
explosion in less developed and developing 7. Waste Disposal

countries is straining the already scarce resources. The overconsumption of resources and the creation of
Intensive agriculture practiced to produce plastics are creating a global crisis of

food damages the environment through the use of waste disposal. Developed countries are notorious for
chemical fertilizer, pesticides and producing an excessive amount of waste or

insecticides. Overpopulation is also one of the crucial garbage and then sadly, dumping these waste in the
current environmental problems. oceans or less developed countries. Plastic,

5. Natural Resource Depletion fast food, packaging and cheap electronic wastes also
threaten the health being of humans. Waste
Another crucial current environmental problem is the
depletion of Natural resources. We, humans, disposal is, therefore, one of the urgent current
environmental problems.
use so many natural resources that it would need
almost 1.5 Earths to cover all our needs. This will 8. Deforestation

further increase in the future due to massive Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and
industrialization in Asian countries like India and produce fresh oxygen, as well as
China. Increased use of natural resources leads to a
helps in regulating temperature and rainfall. At present,
number of other environmental issues,
forests cover 30% of the land, but every
such as industrialization, population growth and air
year tree cover lessens, due to the growing population
demand for more food, shelter and cloth.
Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and 12. Ocean Acidification
make that land available for residential,
It is a direct impact of excessive production of CO2. 25%
industrial or commercial purposes. of total atmospheric CO2 is

9. Polar Ice Caps produced by humans. The ocean acidity has increased
by the last 250 years, but by 2100, it
The issue of the melting of polar ice caps is a
contentious one. Although NASA studies may shoot up by 150%. The main impact is on marine
life like shellfish and plankton and in
have shown that the amount of ice in Antarctica is
increasing, however, this increase is only return the entire ecosystem.

one-third of what is being lost in the Arctic. There is 13. The Nitrogen Cycle
enough evidence that shows sea levels are
We often ignore the effects of the use of nitrogen by
rising, and the melting of Arctic ice caps is a major humans. Nitrogen is a crucial
contributor. Over time, the melting of polar
component of all life. A process through which it is
ice caps could lead to extensive flooding, contamination converted or ‘fixed’ to a more usable form is
of drinking water and major changes in
called fixation. The fixation happens biologically or
ecosystems. through lightning, or it can be done

10. Loss of Biodiversity industrially. People have learned to convert nitrogen

gas to ammonia (NH3-) and fertilizers that
Human activity is leading to the extinction of species
and habitats and loss of are nitrogen-rich to supplement the amount of nitrogen
fixed naturally. Problems may occur
biodiversity. Ecosystems, which took millions of years to
perfect, are in danger when any when humans intervene in its natural nitrogen cycle.

species population begin to vanish. Another example is It is estimated that agriculture may be responsible for
the destruction of coral reefs in the about 50% of the nitrogen fixation on

various oceans, which support the rich marine life. earth through the cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crops
Balance of natural processes and resources and the production of human-made

should be balanced since they are crucial to the survival fertilizers. When nitrogen is used more than plant
of the ecosystem. demand, it can leach from soils into

11. Climate Change waterways and contributes again to another

consequence called eutrophication. Excess levels
Climate change is yet another environmental problem
that has surfaced in the last couple of of nitrogen in water can hamper marine ecosystems,
through overstimulation of plant and algae
decades. It occurs due to global warming, which
happens due to the increase in temperature of the growth. This blocks the light from getting into deeper
waters, thus damaging the rest of the
atmosphere by burning fossil fuels and the release of
harmful gases by industries. Climate change has various marine population. The problem can also occur during
harmful effects but not limited to the melting of polar nitrification and denitrification. Nitrous
ice, change in
oxide (N2O) can be formed when the chemical process
seasons, occurrence of new diseases, frequent is not completed. N2O is a potent
occurrence of floods and change in overall
greenhouse gas contributing to global warming.
weather scenario.
14. Ozone Layer Depletion
The ozone layer is an invisible layer of protection Overfishing affects natural ecosystems severely and
around the planet that protects us from leads to an imbalance of ocean life.

the sun’s harmful rays. The depletion of the crucial Around 63% of global fish stocks are estimated to be
Ozone layer of the atmosphere is attributed overfished. Overfishing caused fishing

to pollution caused by Chlorine and Bromide found in fleets to migrate to new waters that would further
Chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs). Once these deplete the fish stocks. Moreover, it has

toxic gases reach the upper atmosphere, they create a negative effects on coastal communities that rely on
hole in the ozone layer, the biggest of fishing to support their living.

which is above the Antarctic by disassembling it since 18. Urban Sprawl

they attract an oxygen atom from Ozone
Urban sprawl refers to the migration of population from
(O3), leaving O2 only as a free gas. high-density urban areas to lowdensity rural areas,
which results in the spreading of the city over more and
CFCs are banned in many industries and consumer
more rural land.
products. The ozone layer is valuable
Sprawl results in land degradation, increased traffic,
because it prevents harmful UV radiation from reaching
environmental issues and health issues.
the earth. This is one of the most
The ever-growing demand for land displaces the natural
important current environmental problems.
environment consisting of flora and
15. Acid Rain
fauna, instead of being replaced.
Acid rain occurs due to the presence of certain
19. Public Health Issues
pollutants in the atmosphere. Acid rain
The current environmental problems pose a lot of risk
can be caused due to combustion of fossil fuels or
to the health of humans and
erupting volcanoes or rotting vegetation
animals. Dirty water is the biggest health risk in the
which releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into
world and poses a threat to the quality of life
the atmosphere. Acid rain is a known
and public health. Runoff to rivers carries with it toxins,
environmental problem that can have a serious effect
chemicals and disease-carrying
on human health, wildlife and aquatic
organisms. Pollutants cause respiratory diseases like
Asthma and cardiac-vascular problems.
16. Water Pollution
High temperatures encourage the spread of infectious
Clean drinking water is becoming a rare commodity. diseases like Dengue. Polluted
Water is becoming an economic and
environment and medicine abuse may also lead to
political issue as the human population fights for this stronger variants of bacteria and viruses that
resource. One of the options suggested is
may bring about deadly diseases like COVID 19.
using the process of desalinization. Industrial
20. Genetic Engineering
development is filling our rivers, seas and oceans with
toxic pollutants, which are a major threat to human Genetic modification of food using biotechnology is
health as they continue to pollute those called genetic engineering. Genetic

bodies of water. modification of food results in increased toxins and

diseases as genes from an allergic plant can
17. Overfishing
transfer to the target plant. Genetically modified crops Climate change is the long-term alteration of
can cause serious environmental temperature and typical weather patterns in

problems as an engineered gene may prove toxic to a place. It is said to be caused by increasing amount of
wildlife. greenhouses gases particularly carbon

Another drawback is that increased use of toxins to dioxide in the atmosphere. Naturally, greenhouse gases
make insect resistant plants can cause trap enough heat so that during night when

resultant organisms to become resistant to antibiotics. there is no source of heat energy particularly the sun,
heat on earth is still enough for all the
The need for change in our daily lives and the
movements of our government is growing. organisms to survive. However, due to human made
activities, the increase in these gases lead to
Since so many different factors come into play, such as
voting, governmental issues, the desire over trapping of heat that is resulting to global warming
causing worldwide climate change.
to stick to a routine, many people don’t consider that
what they do will affect future generations. Climate change could refer to a particular location or
the planet as a whole. Climate
If humans continue moving forward the way we do
now, towards the future, then there will be no change may cause weather patterns to be less
predictable. These unexpected weather patterns
future at all to consider. Although humans are
somehow already trying, there are still so many can make it difficult to maintain and grow crops in
regions that rely on farming because
things we can do to try and put a dent in what we
already know. By raising awareness in your expected temperature and rainfall levels can no longer
be relied on. Climate change has also
local community and within your families about these
issues, you can help contribute to a more been connected with other damaging weather events
such as more frequent and more intense
environmentally conscious and friendly place for you
and your future generations to live. hurricanes, floods, downpours, and winter storms.

Lesson 14: Climate Change and the Energy Crisis In Polar Regions, the warming global temperatures
associated with climate change
Climate Change
have meant ice sheets and glaciers are melting at an
Climate is sometimes mistaken for weather. But climate
accelerated rate from season to season.
is different from weather
This contributes to sea levels rising in different regions
because it is measured over a long period of time,
of the planet. Together with expanding
whereas weather can change from day to
ocean waters due to rising temperatures, the resulting
day, or from year to year. The climate of an area
rise in sea level has begun to damage
includes seasonal temperature and rainfall
coastlines as a result of increased flooding and erosion.
averages, and wind patterns. Different places have
different climates. A desert, for example, is The cause of current climate change is largely human
activity, like burning fossil fuels,
referred to as an arid climate because little water falls,
as rain or snow, during the year. Other like natural gas, oil, and coal. Burning these materials
releases greenhouse gases into Earth’s
types of climate include tropical climates, which are hot
and humid, and temperate climates, atmosphere causing the average temperature to rise.
This warming of the planet impacts local
which have warm summers and cooler winters.
and regional climates. Throughout Earth's history, • Over-reliance on non renewable energy sources.
climate is really changing but when occurring
• Poor energy infrastructure.
naturally, this is a slow process that has taken place
• Some countries siphoning energy off from others.
over hundreds and thousands of years.
• Poor energy efficiency.
Unfortunately, human influence this world wide climate
to change at a much faster rate. • Overuse of energy.
One of the top contributory to greenhouse gases are Impact of Energy Crisis
power plants that use non renewable
This crisis of conventional energy source is standing on
energy sources like coals and fossil fuels. This issue has the way of socio-economic
been acknowledge by stakeholders forcing
growth in the developing and underdeveloped
them to consider alternative sources of energy like countries. Of petroleum products, diesel and
clean energy sources. Aside from environmental
kerosene are much more extensively used in India to
impacts, this is timely since non renewable sources run pump-sets and tractors in agricultural
actually are already on the verge of being
fields and domestic usages. At the present rate of
unavailable due to humans’ over consumptions leading consumption, the source of all conventional
to worldwide energy crisis.
energy are depleting at a faster rate.
Energy Crisis
Solution of Energy Crisis
The energy crisis refers to the fact that sooner or later
we may run out of energy. It is heartening to note that scientists and technologists
have taken steps to face the crisis.
There is the danger that humans may experience severe
energy shortages in the coming They are advising both short and long-term measures.

decades. This may result in shortages of power, We can solve the problem of energy crisis, if we do the
difficulties with agriculture and so on. simple acts as below:
From time immemorial people have used cow-dung and 1. Use less energy.
firewood as the main sources of energy.
2. Improve energy infrastructure.
Later they have begun to use coal and petroleum and
most recently nuclear and solar energy. 3. Save energy where possible.

The rise in consumption of petroleum and its products 4. Rely less on fossil fuels.
during the last two decades has 5. Switch to renewable energy.
increased very much and the stock of petroleum and 6. Go vegan – vegan foods are less energy intensive to
other sources of energy are fast depleting. produce.
In fact, the world has become frightened over the 7. Fly less.
energy crisis. The oil-producing countries
8. Drive less.
have held the whole world to collect money and have
increased the price of oil manifolds 9. Take public transport.

recently, hitting specially the developing and 10. Campaign to improve awareness of the energy crisis.
underdeveloped countries below their bets.
11. Educate others about the energy crisis.
12. Install energy-efficient appliances in the home.
The causes of energy shortages include:
13. Save water. also eliminate energy costs, and in the short term,
reduce your energy bills.
14. Do not waste food.
Current Limitations
15. Insulate your property.
In the rural areas people are being advised to Although solar energy will save you money in the long
use more agricultural wastes and cow-dung. Bio-gas run, it tends to be a significant
plants should have to be encouraged for cooking and
upfront cost and is an unrealistic expenses for most
lighting purpose. Hydroelectric power stations, though
households. For personal homes,
they produce only few percentage of the total power in
the Philippines, should be encouraged further. homeowners also need to have the ample sunlight and
Geological explorations are to be intensified for locating space to arrange their solar panels,
deposits of natural gas. But the most interesting is that
in this moment of crisis scientists have already started which limits who can realistically adopt this technology
works to preserve atomic and solar energy, an endless at the individual level.
source of energy. They have already developed solar 2. Wind
cooking range though not commercially
Wind farms capture the energy of wind flow by using
Renewable or Clean Energy Sources: turbines and converting it into
Renewable energy is energy that has been derived from electricity. There are several forms of systems used to
earth’s natural resources that are not convert wind energy and each vary.
finite or exhaustible, such as wind and sunlight. Commercial grade wind-powered generating systems
Renewable energy is an alternative to the can power many different organizations,
traditional energy that relies on fossil fuels, and it tends while single-wind turbines are used to help supplement
to be much less harmful to the pre-existing energy organizations.
environment. These are also known as clean energy Another form is utility-scale wind farms, which are
since when used, these types of energy purchased by contract or wholesale.
are known to emit very minimal environmental harms Technically, wind energy is a form of solar energy. The
1. Solar. phenomenon we call “wind” is caused by

Solar energy is derived by capturing radiant energy from the differences in temperature in the atmosphere
sunlight and converting it into combined with the rotation of Earth and the

heat, electricity, or hot water. Photovoltaic (PV) systems geography of the planet.
can convert direct sunlight into Benefits
electricity through the use of solar cells. Wind energy is a clean energy source, which means that
Benefits it doesn’t pollute the air like other

One of the benefits of solar energy is that sunlight is forms of energy. Wind energy doesn’t produce carbon
functionally endless. With dioxide, or release any harmful products that can cause
environmental degradation or negatively affect human
the technology to harvest it, there is a limitless supply health
of solar energy, meaning it could
like smog, acid rain, or other heat-trapping gases.
render fossil fuels obsolete. Relying on solar energy Investment in wind energy technology
rather than fossil fuels also helps us
can also open up new avenues for jobs and job training,
improve public health and environmental conditions. In as the turbines on farms need
the long term, solar energy could
to be serviced and maintained to keep running. Geothermal heat is heat that is trapped beneath the
earth’s crust from the formation of
Current Limitations
the Earth 4.5 billion years ago and from radioactive
Since wind farms tend to be built in rural or remote
decay. Sometimes large amounts of this
areas, they are usually far from
heat escapes naturally, but all at once, resulting in
bustling cities where the electricity is needed most.
familiar occurrences, such as volcanic
Wind energy must be transported via
eruptions and geysers. This heat can be captured and
transition lines, leading to higher costs. Although wind
used to produce geothermal energy by
turbines produce very little
using steam that comes from the heated water pumping
pollution, some cities oppose them since they dominate
below the surface, which then rises to
skylines and generate noise.
the top and can be used to operate a turbine.
Wind turbines also threaten local wildlife like birds,
which are sometimes killed by Benefits

striking the arms of the turbine while flying. Geothermal energy is not as common as other types of
renewable energy sources, but it
3. Hydroelectric
has a significant potential for energy supply. Since it can
Dams are what people most associate when it comes to
be built underground, it leaves
hydroelectric power. Water flows
very little footprint on land. Geothermal energy is
through the dam’s turbines to produce electricity,
naturally replenished and therefore
known as pumped-storage hydropower. Run-ofriver
hydropower uses a channel to funnel water through does not run a risk of depleting (on a human timescale)
rather than powering it through a dam.
Current Limitations
Cost plays a major factor when it comes to
Hydroelectric power is very versatile and can be disadvantages of geothermal energy. Not
generated using both large scale projects,
only is it costly to build the infrastructure, but another
like the Hoover Dam, and small scale projects like major concern is its vulnerability to
underwater turbines and lower dams on
earthquakes in certain regions of the world.
small rivers and streams. Hydroelectric power does not
5. Ocean
generate pollution, and therefore is a
The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal
much more environmentally-friendly energy option for
and mechanical. Ocean thermal energy
our environment.
relies on warm water surface temperatures to generate
Current Limitations
energy through a variety of different
Although hydroelectric power does not pollute the air, it
systems. Ocean mechanical energy uses the ebbs and
disrupts waterways and
flows of the tides to generate energy,
negatively affects the animals that live in them,
which is created by the earth’s rotation and gravity from
changing water levels, currents, and
the moon.
migration paths for many fish and other freshwater
Unlike other forms of renewable energy, wave energy is
4. Geothermal
predictable and it’s easy to
estimate the amount of energy that will be produced. Current Limitations
Instead of relying on varying
Since hydrogen needs energy to be produced, it is
factors, such as sun and wind, wave energy is much inefficient when it comes to
more consistent. This type of
preventing pollution.
renewable energy is also abundant, the most populated
7. Biomass
cities tend to be near oceans
Bioenergy is a renewable energy derived from biomass.
and harbors, making it easier to harness this energy for
Biomass is organic matter that
the local population. The
comes from recently living plants and organisms. Using
potential of wave energy is an astounding as yet
wood in your fireplace is an example of
untapped energy resource.
biomass that most people are familiar with. There are
Current Limitations
various methods used to generate energy
Those who live near the ocean definitely benefit from
through the use of biomass. This can be done by
wave energy, but those who live in
burning biomass, or harnessing methane gas
landlocked states won’t have ready access to this
which is produced by the natural decomposition of
energy. Another disadvantage to
organic materials in ponds or even landfills.
ocean energy is that it can disturb the ocean’s many
delicate ecosystems. Although it is
The use of biomass in energy production creates carbon
a very clean source of energy, large machinery needs to
dioxide that is put into the air,
be built nearby to help capture
but the regeneration of plants consumes the same
this form energy, which can cause disruptions to the
amount of carbon dioxide, which is
ocean floor and the sea life that
said to create a balanced atmosphere. Biomass can be
habitats it. Another factor to consider is weather, when
used in a number of different
rough weather occurs it changes
ways in our daily lives, not only for personal use, but
the consistency of the waves, thus producing lower
businesses as well. This energy
energy output when compared to
came from wood, biofuels like ethanol, and energy
normal waves without stormy weather.
generated from methane captured
6. Hydrogen
from landfills or by burning municipal waste.
Hydrogen needs to be combined with other elements,
Current Limitations
such as oxygen to make water as it does
Although new plants need carbon dioxide to grow,
not occur naturally as a gas on its own. When hydrogen
plants take time to grow. We also
is separated from another element it
don’t yet have widespread technology that can use
can be used for both fuel and electricity.
biomass in lieu of fossil fuels.
Renewable Energy: What Can You Do?
Hydrogen can be used as a clean burning fuel, which
As a consumer you have several opportunities to make
leads to less pollution and a
an impact on improving the
cleaner environment. It can also be used for fuel cells
environment through the choice of a greener energy
which are similar to batteries and
solution. If you’re a homeowner, you have
can be used for powering an electric motor.
the option of installing solar panels in your home. Solar
panels not only reduce your energy

costs, but help improve your standard of living with a

safer, more eco-friendlier energy choice

that doesn’t depend on resources that harm the

environment. There are also alternatives for a

greener way of life offered by your electric companies.

The Philippines, geologically, is a very strategic country

when it comes to renewable

sources of energy since we are surrounded by water,

near the equator and sits on the pacific

ring of fire. Ironically, however our current status

suggests that majority of our energy sources

still come from non renewable like coal and fossil fuels.
Although there are initiatives taken by

the government as to producing clean energy, financial,

economic and some related factors still

hinder us on achieving such. It is our task as citizens of

this country to take necessary actions,

even small steps, even our own simple ways to help our
country conserve energy and maximize

what we have right now without harming the


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