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The philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary history heritage studies is of
great value. This is so because philosophy of Ubuntu emphasizes on the opinion of the wellbeing
of people in a certain community. The philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of
secondary history and heritage is important because it impact humanity, spiritual connection,
respect, collaboration and equality. In as much as there are various characteristics that address
the importance of philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history
and heritage studies the issue of humanity better explain this issue. It is unjustifiable not to
acknowledge other factors that are of great value to the teaching and learning of secondary
school history and heritage studies such as environment of the class and motivation. The essay
seeks one to value the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary history
and heritage studies.

Monda (2017) history studies refers to the study of the past which tells us about the events and
incidents that happened in the past. In simple terms history is a system that acknowledge on what
happened in the past. Mbhele (2018) heritage studies refers to a combination of the study of our
culture, inherited traditions, monuments and our symbols. In simple term heritage studies can be
referred to tangible and no-tangible information from the previous generation and send it can be
passed to the next generation. According to Chitumba (2013) asserted that philosophy of Ubuntu
as a moral theory that can help to impact correct values and norms in students. In simple terms
philosophy of Ubuntu can be defined as ethical conducts that carries a student every day.

The philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage
studies is of great value. This is so because it helps the teacher and the learner to be aware of
humanity which can lead to good morals in the classroom. Chhatwani (2014) humanity means
caring for and helping others whenever and whenever possible. In simple terms humanity can be
defined as helping others when they need help. Mahaye (2018) Ubuntu make learners to
acknowledge humanity in themselves. One’s humanity cannot be separated from the humanity of
those around him. One becomes a fully human to the extent he/ she is included in relationships
with others. The fact that a teacher is aware of philosophy of Ubuntu he or she is supposed to
help those in need, it means that he or she will try to find ways to listen to what the students are
saying maybe on a certain topic (the Mutapa state). Those who might be failing to get the
concept they will be given remedial work till they understand the topic, those who understand the
topic might be given extension work. A teacher who have the sense of humanity will not turn
down learners during question and answer session rather he might give students time to explain
what they know and correct them when there is need to do so. As learners notices that our
teacher is listening to us they will feel free to participate and listen to other students views. This
will lead students not to laugh at one another’s views and it will lead students to have the zeal to
help others till they have achieved the same goal. This mean that classroom will have good
morals as everyone in the class have the passion to help others and not turning down other
people’s views. Thus, the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school
history and heritage studies is of great value as it creates good morals in the classroom.

The philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage
is of huge value. This is so because it leads to spiritual connection between a teacher and the
learner. According to Hacks (2013) spiritual connection is a sense that there’s something bigger
that you and your individual experiences, meanings or beliefs that we’re all connected as one
human race with common goals and interests, no matter what they are. Mpofu (2000) when it
comes to teaching you absolutely must have a good spiritual connection between the teacher and
the student. If this kind of nexus does not exist between the two parties, nothing good can be
expected from the school. Without a good teacher-student relationship it is very hard for the
teachings to unfold naturally. This mean that when a teacher is aware that he supposed to have a
good relationship with student he will try by all means to be committed to things that keep a
record of good relationship between him and the student. For example, if a teacher says to
learners that tomorrow we are going to have a lesson in the morning before our starting time, the
teacher is supposed to be in the class on time. This will lead students to believe in their teacher
and students will try to do the same as their teacher so that they can keep the spiritual

Furthermore, the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history
and heritage studies is of important value. This is in the sense that it leads the teachers and the
students to have respect for one another. According to Mayaka and Truell (2021) for the and the
student to have good connection, they need to respect each other. That is the basis for any real
relationship, and that can only take place if it is anchored o the solid values and principles of
Ubuntu. This mean that a teacher who is aware of Ubuntu will try to do respectful things in the
class so that the students can imitate to be respectful. For example, a teacher has to respect
himself maybe by not uttering bad words and the students will appreciate him and respect him.
Odari (202) the most important is that his or her students have good respect and appreciation.
Having respect and appreciation for the teacher is the most important thing in the teaching
profession. This mean that the philosophy of Ubuntu is important as it lead students to appreciate
and respect their teacher in the classroom. This can only happen when students are exposed to
the philosophy of Ubuntu by their school.

Moreover, the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history
and heritage studies is of great importance. This is so because the philosophy of Ubuntu impact
collectivism between the teacher and the students. Lefa (2015) collectivism with harmony and
cooperation means working for the benefit of the whole, based on a long-term vision, rather than
the benefit of constantly changing individuals. The school encourage learners to work
cooperatively through sharing and engaging with others in the classroom. The above information
mean that a teacher is supposed to be exposed to the philosophy of Ubuntu so that he or she can
be able to work cooperatively with the students. For example, if a teacher tells students to make
heritage artifacts the teacher is supposed to check students if they are doing their artifacts nicely
or help them if the is need. On this case a teacher is supposed to encourage students to work in
groups of three or four during constructing their artifacts. After students have seen that our
teacher is encouraging us to work as a team it encourages them to cooperate in the future. The
students will know that it is not about the i but about us as a class hence no student is going to be
left behind and it also mean that the whole class will benefit collectivism. Thus, the philosophy
of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage studies is of
great importance as encourages it the teacher and the learners to work together.

The philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage
studies is of paramount value. This so because it impacts equality at school despite of gender.
Mbhele (2015) Ubuntu in education is usually something that begins from the school leaders
(principal, teachers) because most of successful schools or academically good schools are those
schools that are currently embracing Ubuntu leadership for example, the school treat all learners
equally despite their gender. This mean that a teacher who was exposed to the fact that all people
are equal will try to treat students the same despite that one is a girl or a boy. For example,
during house keeping a teacher will encourage boys to sweep the class as well, the teacher will
try to do away with the myth that sweeping is for girls. On the duty roaster the teacher will mix
boys and girls so that they can work together. Another example a teacher will try to mix boys
and girls in terms of sitting positions. The fact that students are exposed to the fact that our
teacher treat us equally it will encourage students to treat each other equally and it inoculate the
view that everyone is important despite gender. Thus, the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching
and learning of secondary school’s history and heritage studies is of paramount value as it
impacts the view that people are equal despite their gender.

However, there are other aspect that are of great value to the teaching and learning of secondary
school history and heritage studies such as the willingness of the teacher to teach history and
heritage studies. Mpofu (2000) in order to teach, the teacher needs to be inspired. He or she
needs to really want to teach that subject. They need to feel like they have a good container to
pour that teaching into. This mean that the willingness of the teacher to teach history and
heritage is of great value because for a teacher to teach a certain subject there must be an
inspiration that comes from within the teacher. For example, if the teacher is willing to teach
history and heritage he or she can go as far as constructing chats that has drawings that explain
the political organization of the Ndebele state and taking students to the monuments so that
students can witness their heritage in real life. Doing all this will inspire the students to love
history and heritage because the teacher has tried by all means to explain certain topics so that
students can understand and their teacher has taken them to the real monuments thus willingness
of the teacher to teach history and heritage is of huge value

To add environment is of importance as well to the teaching and learning of secondary school
history and heritage studies. According to Chan (2012) a good learning environment frees
students from physical distress, makes it easy for students to concentrate on a school work and
induces students in logical thinking. This mean that environment is important to the teaching and
learning of secondary school history and heritage studies because good learning environment
make students to concentrate on their studies of history and heritage. For example, the place
(school) must be designed for those particular subject (history and heritage). For example,
having heritage classes that has got artifacts and history laboratories that has got historical
evidence such as grains and beads. This will make student to concentrate on the subjects because
the environment has got real examples (the school). It will be easier for the teacher to explain the
topics because he or she will be having something to reference to that students can see as well.
Thus, environment is important to the learning and teaching of secondary school history and
heritage studies as it expose students to real evidence of the subjects and this lead students to
have a critical thinking about history and heritage and it makes explaining topics easier to the

Lastly, motivation is important as well to the teaching and learning of secondary school history
and heritage studies. Jonson (2017) students motivation is not entirely on their own. Teacher’s
play a vital role in increasing student learning through motivational support. This mean that for
teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage studies the teacher is supposed to
motivate the student so that they will have a positive attitude towards the subject. For example, if
a student does well on Rozvi state the teacher is supposed to say is in class that this student did
very well and we must clap hands for her or him. This will lead that student to keep on doing
well and it will lead other students to have zeal to do well as well so that other students can clap
hands for them. Thus, motivation is important to the teaching and learning of history and
heritage because it evoke the spirit of doing well always.

In pulling down the curtains of the discussion the philosophy of Ubuntu to the teaching and
learning of secondary school history and heritage is of huge importance because it inoculates
humanity, equality, collaboration, respect and spiritual connection between the teacher and the
students. However, it is unjustifiable to ignore other aspects that are of importance to the
teaching and learning of secondary school history and heritage studies such as environment,
motivation and willingness of the teacher.


Chan, T, C. (2012). Environment impact on the student learning.

Chhatoani, N. (2014). Importance of humanity.

Chitumba, W. (2013). University education for personhood through Ubuntu philosophy:
International journal of Asia social sciences.

Dube, S. (2021). The philosophy of Ubuntu in secondary schools in the Gweru district of
Zimbabwe: A critical reflection.

Jonson, D. (2017). The role of teachers in motivating students to learn: BU journal of graduate
studies in education.

Lefa, B, (2015). The African philosophy of Ubuntu in South Africa education.

Makaya, B, & Truell, R. (2021). Ubuntu and potential impact on the international social work
profession: International journal of social work.

Mahaye, N, E. (2018). The philosophy of Ubuntu in education https://www.researchgate

Mhonda, F. (2017). What is history and heritage studies. The patriot.

Mbhele, N. (2018). Ubuntu and schools leadership: Perspectives of teachers from two schools at
Umbumbulu circuit.

Mpofu, S, M. (2000). Effectivity and productivity in education: An Ubuntu perspective.

Odari, M, H. (2020). The role of value creating education and Ubuntu philosophy in fostering
humanism in Kenya: International journal of interdisciplinary in education.

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