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I always imagine if my life was a movie, I mean my life as I would say is

interesting. I don’t know if you guys would consider it interesting but Id consider it
pretty interesting. Like one time I receive money from my uncle and my mom said
that she gonna keep it but you already know it’s a scam. I know that coz half of the
population of filipinos happened to experienced the scam of Filipino moms. If your
receive money from someone and if your mom ask you to give the money and said
she would keep it, it will never come back to you. And that is indeed a fact so BIG
FUCKIN L. Anyways, so when she ask me to do her scam I said no and I insistead
on keeping the money coz its my mfkn money bitch. So the time I was in school
and I was only in 3rd grade so a 3rd grader little old me, I LOST THE MONEY MY
I told my mom that I lost the 50pesos my uncle gave me. AND SHE WAS MAD
MAD, so what she did to me is when we got home she scolded me and she dragged
me to go upstairs. So a little background our house is 3 storey so it was pretty big
and all people there isnt home coz they got school and work, I was the youngest
back then. So we went to the 3rd floor of the house and my mom dag my mfkn foot
and hanged me fckin upside down and I was having a fuckin breakdown and Im
just crying, when IM hanging upide down my mom continue to scold me and that’s
the first trauma I had. So from that day on Im super scared to tell my if I lost
anything coz ITS MY TRAUMA. And you guys are probably wondering how did
we make up, well a typical apologizing of Filipino moms is they would cook your
favourite food as a peace offering and the next day you would be okay and that’s
what happened. And the next day she pretended that it never happened and
continue to live the mfkn life.

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