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Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction

process design considering hydrogen

Heechang Son a, Taejong Yu a, Jihyun Hwang b,**, Youngsub Lim a,c,*

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of
Department of Energy Engineering, Korea Institute of Energy Technology, Naju, 58330, Republic of Korea
Research Institute of Marine Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of Korea


 A simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design is presented.

 Equation of state suitable for hydrogen liquefaction process design is validated.
 An equivalent heat exchanger is used to simulate ortho-/para-hydrogen conversion.
 An economic analysis is performed on the hydrogen liquefaction process.

article info abstract

Article history: One promising method to improve the storage capacity of hydrogen is to liquefy it,
Received 4 April 2022 resulting in high energy density. However, liquefying hydrogen is a challenging task
Received in revised form because hydrogen characteristics, such as a boiling point at a cryogenic temperature and
26 May 2022 changes in equilibrium compositions of spin isomers constituting hydrogen molecules,
Accepted 30 May 2022 must be considered. For a design of a hydrogen liquefaction process, it is necessary to use
Available online xxx an equation of state that can accurately calculate the properties of hydrogen, and to
consider conversion reactions of the spin isomers. In this study, it is confirmed that the
Keywords: modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation is a suitable equation of state for simulating
Hydrogen liquefaction process hydrogen liquefaction processes and that an equivalent model used in this study for the
Simulation methodology conversion reactions of the spin isomers shows reasonable results. Furthermore, the
Equation of state economic feasibility of the designed hydrogen liquefaction process is investigated based on
Spin isomers energy optimization and economic analysis.
Economic analysis © 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of
** Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Lim).
0360-3199/© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
2 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

removed simultaneously during the cooling process of a

Introduction hydrogen feed stream. In order to simulate the hydrogen
liquefaction process, these characteristics of hydrogen must
Global warming is one of the biggest issues in the interna- be considered for accurate simulation.
tional community recently, and the will of the parties to solve A number of studies related to hydrogen liquefaction pro-
it was reaffirmed at COP26 held in Glasgow, UK in 2021 [1,2]. cess simulation have been conducted, but they employ
Therefore, the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) has become different equations of state (EOSs) for calculating the
an essential task in all industries due to the problem of hydrogen properties and different OPC application methods.
climate change [3,4], and the hydrogen is now discussed as an Table 1 shows commercial simulators, EOSs and OPC ap-
alternative energy source to replace conventional internal proaches used in some previous studies. Most of those studies
combustion engines that use fossil fuels with hydrogen hybrid use the Peng-Robinson (PR) EOS and a few use the NIST
internal combustion engines or hydrogen fuel cells which do REFPROP and the modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin (MBWR)
not generate CO2 [5,6]. However, there are various practical equation. The thermodynamic properties of a substance can
barriers to using hydrogen as an energy source or energy be calculated differently depending on applied EOSs, which
carrier, especially for storage and transportation [7]. In in- can significantly affect the process performance and simula-
dustry, storage of compressed gaseous hydrogen is commonly tion accuracy. Therefore, validation of EOS before process
used [8,9]. The high-pressure gas, however, may have a safety design is essential. In addition, in actual plants, OPC is per-
issue and a limitation in capacity to store hydrogen in a formed using a catalyst-filled heat exchanger, that is not
gaseous state. Therefore, there is a growing interest in liquid available in some simulators. Hence, an appropriate OPC
hydrogen, which has advantages in capacity-to-volume and approach that can obtain results similar to that of the actual
transportation safety [10]. In particular, for intercontinental plant needs to be applied during simulation. As shown in
transport where there is no pipeline, liquefied hydrogen (LH2), Table 1, various OPC approaches have been used in previous
which can be transported by ships in a liquid state like liq- studies, but most of these studies do not show sufficient
uefied natural gas (LNG), is emerging as a promising trans- validation results of the approaches. This study, therefore,
portation method [11]. aims to select an EOS suitable for simulating hydrogen
There are several technical requirements when liquefying liquefaction processes among various EOSs, to introduce an
hydrogen. First, hydrogen has a boiling point of about 253  C appropriate OPC application method in simulation, and to
at atmospheric pressure [12], and therefore the required validate the results. Furthermore, hydrogen liquefaction pro-
cooling temperature is very lower than that of LNG (162  C). cesses are usually designed with low minimum temperature
In the case of a hydrogen liquefaction process, about 30 times approach (MTA) values [16,17], and therefore this study ex-
more specific energy consumption (SEC) is required compared amines whether this design is advantageous in terms of cost
to a natural gas liquefaction process (e.g. typical SEC of as well as process efficiency based on economic analysis.
hydrogen liquefaction process: about 10 kWh/kg LH2 [6]; Consequently, this paper focuses on providing an overall
typical SEC of natural gas liquefaction process: about 0.3 kWh/ simulation methodology for the design of hydrogen liquefac-
kg LNG [13]). Second, temperature of a stream decreases upon tion processes. Regarding information on the following sec-
Joule-Thomson (JT) expansion when the JT coefficient is pos- tions, Section 2 (Selection for EOS) provides comparison
itive, and the Joule-Thomson coefficient of hydrogen has a results for several EOSs, and Section 3 (Simulation method for
positive value (mJT > 0) below about 200 K (73.15  C) at atmo- OPC approach) introduces an equivalent heat exchanger
spheric pressure [14]. This is the reason why a precooling cycle model and validation procedure to simulate a catalyst-filled
is typically required for hydrogen liquefaction. Third, molec- heat exchanger. In Sections 4 (Liquefaction process descrip-
ular hydrogen (H2) is composed of two spin isomers, one is tion) and 5 (Optimization and economic analysis), information
ortho-hydrogen (ortho-H2) and the other is para-hydrogen on the hydrogen liquefaction process in consideration and the
(para-H2) [12]. At the room temperature, normal hydrogen results of optimization and economic analysis are presented,
(normal-H2) is composed of 75% ortho-H2 and 25% para-H2, followed by discussion and conclusion in Sections 6 and 7,
but at lower temperature, ortho-H2 naturally is converted to respectively.
para-H2 over time until an equilibrium hydrogen is formed
(equilibrium-H2), where the mole fraction of para-H2 in equi-
librium-H2 is a function of temperature. At the liquefaction Selection for EOS
temperature, 20 K at 1 bar, the mole fraction of para-H2 in the
equilibrium-H2 is about 99.8%. This conversion process is an Since the EOS is used to calculate thermodynamic properties
exothermic process and the enthalpy (heat) of conversion is and phase equilibria during process simulation, the accuracy
larger than the enthalpy of vaporization, and thereby it can of the simulation results can differ depending on EOSs
cause a problem that the liquefied hydrogen is vaporized applied. According to Yang et al. [25], the PR equation, the
again by the generated conversion heat [15]. Therefore, in Soave Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation, and the Benedict-Webb-
actual hydrogen liquefaction plants, catalytic reactions for Rubin-Starling (BWRS) equation are mainly used as EOSs for
ortho-/para-H2 conversion (OPC) are commonly made in hydrogen liquefaction processes. According to Eckroll [30], the
catalyst-filled heat exchangers to speed up the conversion. MBWR equation is the most accurate EOS for normal hydrogen
Consequently, the conversion reactions take place in the heat at temperatures above 130 K. The PR equation [31] was
exchangers, and thereby the heat generated by OPCs can be

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-

Table 1 e EOSs and OPC approaches used in previous studies.

Reference Simulation software EOS OPC
Feed Refrigerants Method Conversion stages Note
Sadaghiani and Mehrpooya [17] Aspen HYSYS PR e Two (78 and 33 K) An OPC approach is not
Bi et al. [18] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Two (80 and 28 K) Reaction rate constant is

international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Yin and Ju [19] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Four (80, 50, 33 and 20 K) Reaction rate equations are
Asadnia and Mehrpooya [20] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Five (227, 165, 75, 49 and 30 K) Conversion rates are
applied in conversion
Ghorbani et al. [21] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Two (78 and 33 K) Conversion rates are
applied in conversion
Bian et al. [22] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Four (117, 69, 47 and 27 K) Conversion rates are
applied in conversion
Xu and Lin [23] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Two (42 and 19 K) An OPC approach is not
Sadaghiani et al. [24] Aspen HYSYS PR e Four (123, 73, 41 and 30 K) An OPC approach is not
Yang et al. [25] Aspen HYSYS PR e Continuous Enthalpy change between
ortho- and para-hydrogen is
Ebrahimi et al. [26] Aspen HYSYS PR e Two (78 and 33 K) An OPC approach is not
Bae et al. [27] Aspen HYSYS PR e Continuous Thermodynamic properties
of ortho- and para-
hydrogen are adapted from
the literature.
Aasadnia and Mehrpooya [28] Aspen HYSYS PR Conversion reactor Five (226, 166, 73, 48 and 31 K) Conversion rates are
applied in conversion
Cardella et al.(a) [29] UniSim Design NIST REFPROP PR e Continuous An OPC approach is not
Cardella et al.(b) [16] UniSim Design NIST REFPROP PR Equilibrium-hydrogen model Continuous The equilibrium-hydrogen
model is implemented for
Eckroll [30] Aspen HYSYS MBWR PR Heater unit One (130 K) Only precooling parts are

4 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1 e Calculation results of the properties of para-H2 for each EOS; (a) Mass density at 1 bar, (b) Mass density at 100 bar, (c)
Mass enthalpy change at 1 bar, (d) Mass enthalpy change at 100 bar, (e) Mass entropy change at 1 bar, (f) Mass entropy
change at 100 bar, (g) Specific heat capacity (Cp) at 1 bar, and (h) Specific heat capacity (Cp) at 100 bar.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 2 e Calculation results of the properties of normal-H2 for each EOS; (a) Mass density at 1 bar, (b) Mass density at 100 bar,
(c) Mass enthalpy change at 1 bar, (d) Mass enthalpy change at 100 bar, (e) Mass entropy change at 1 bar, (f) Mass entropy
change at 100 bar, (g) Specific heat capacity (Cp) at 1 bar, and (h) Specific heat capacity (Cp) at 100 bar.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
6 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

developed in the 1970s and is known to have high accuracy for and REFPROP data is indicated by blue  marks. Since there is
non-polar materials, and is a representative cubic equation of no specific heat (cp ) data in the REFPROP data, only the liter-
state that has been widely applied in the oil and gas in- ature data by Leachman et al. is used as the validation data for
dustries. The BWRS equation [32] is known to be suitable for cp . The REFPROP data and the literature data show almost
calculating gas properties based on hydrocarbons. In partic- identical values because REFPROP database refers to the
ular, it is often used when a compression process is included. literature by Leachman et al. When comparing the calculated
The MBWR equation calculates thermodynamic properties results from PR, BWRS and MBWR in Aspen HYSYS®, it can be
with 32 terms, and has advantages such as accuracy of ther- seen that the results of MBWR equation are close to the vali-
modynamic surface over wide ranges of temperature and dation data. The root mean square errors (RMSE) by Eq. (1)
pressure and convenience in correlating data from different depending on EOSs in three temperature ranges (20e40,
sources [33]. In this study, we estimated the thermodynamic 50e170, 180e300 K) are presented in Table 2. In Eq. (1), b
q i and qi
properties of hydrogen using PR, BWRS, and MBWR equations are reference data and calculated values by EOSs, respectively.
in Aspen HYSYS® V.10.0 Software, and validated the results. Therefore, MBWR equation is selected to calculate the mass
As the validation data, the REFPROP data provided by the and energy balances for a hydrogen liquefaction process in
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the this study.
literature by Leachman et al. [34] were used. The literature by
Leachman et al. used the quantum law of corresponding Pn b 2
i¼1 ð q i  qi Þ
states (QLCS) to supplement the experimental data to improve RMSE ¼ (1)
the existing standard formulation for hydrogen, which is the
equation of state published by Younglove [33], thereby intro-
ducing three new fundamental equations of state for para-H2, Simulation method for OPC approach
normal-H2, and ortho-H2. Leachman et al. showed that the
estimated uncertainties for heat capacities of para-H2 and Equivalent heat exchanger model
normal-H2 were 1%, and the uncertainties in density were less
than 1% at pressures below 300 MPa. Here, properties of para- Hydrogen can be regarded as a binary mixture of spin isomers,
H2 and normal-H2 were compared between the Aspen which are ortho-H2 and para-H2, and an equilibrium compo-
HYSYS® calculation results and the validation data. sition of ortho-H2 and para-H2 varies with temperature [35]. In
Comparative properties and ranges are as follows. normal hydrogen at room temperature or above, ortho-H2 and
para-H2 are present in a ratio of 75% and 25%, respectively, but
- The properties: density (kg/m3), mass enthalpy (kJ/kg), as the temperature goes down to cryogenic temperatures,
mass entropy (kJ/kg,K), specific heat capacity (cp ) (kJ/ ortho-H2 is gradually converted to para-H2. Consequently, the
kg,K) equilibrium-H2 composed of about 99.8% para-H2 is formed at
- The ranges the boiling point as shown in Fig. 4(a). The self-conversion of a
, Pressure: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 bar non-equilibrium hydrogen to an equilibrium hydrogen is
, Temperature: 20e300 K (step size: 10 K) relatively slow in the absence of a catalyst [35]. Since the total
heat of conversion is higher than the heat of vaporization of
Figs. 1 and 2 are the results at 1 and 100 bar for each liquid hydrogen, hydrogen will vaporize continuously unless
thermodynamic property of para-H2 and normal-H2, respec- the hydrogen feed gas is converted to equilibrium-H2 rapidly
tively. The Aspen HYSYS® calculation results are indicated by through a catalytic OPC reaction [15]. Therefore, in order to
dotted lines, the literature data are indicated by red circles, prevent this problem, a successive conversion should be

Table 2 e Root mean square errors in EOSs for each property of para-H2 and normal-H2 in three temperature ranges (20e40,
50e170, 180e300 K).
Component Pressure EOS Density Enthalpy Entropy Heat capacity
Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Temperature (K)
20 50 180 20 50 180 20 50 180 20e40 50 180
e40 e170 e300 e40 e170 e300 e40 e170 e300 e170 e300
Para-H2 1 PR 0.05 0.00 0.00 70.03 33.91 5.96 2.70 0.57 0.03 8.15 3.19 0.56
BWRS 5.77 0.00 0.00 103.25 33.85 5.87 3.84 0.58 0.03 12.40 3.19 0.56
MBWR 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.00
100 PR 5.09 2.36 0.36 88.30 29.05 5.92 3.24 0.51 0.03 8.95 2.62 0.56
BWRS 52.29 2.30 0.33 116.31 43.02 6.04 7.13 0.79 0.03 2.85Eþ18 3.90 0.57
MBWR 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.25 0.77 0.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.03
Normal-H2 1 PR 40.38 0.00 0.00 294.82 26.22 3.80 14.65 0.38 0.02 4.33 2.54 0.34
BWRS 17.62 0.00 0.00 102.47 26.12 3.65 4.25 0.38 0.02 9.60 2.52 0.33
MBWR 0.09 0.00 0.00 1.81 0.54 0.33 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00
100 PR 4.93 2.80 0.31 25.22 26.20 4.51 2.42 0.46 0.02 9.00 3.24 0.42
BWRS 51.01 0.97 0.12 145.03 37.87 3.25 7.56 0.71 0.02 3.02Eþ18 3.30 0.29
MBWR 0.11 0.04 0.01 0.87 1.30 0.51 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.15 0.12 0.03

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

performed while cooling the hydrogen feed gas, and the heat shows OPC configurations for an actual plant model and a
generated from OPC reaction should also be removed. simulation model when the continuous conversion is applied.
Consequently, the liquid hydrogen should be stored under The catalyst-filled heat exchanger for an actual plant and the
conditions converted to more than 95% para-H2 for a stable equivalent heat exchanger model for simulation are indicated
storage. As there is no catalyst-filled heat exchanger unit by red boxes in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 3(b) presents isothermal batch
available in most simulators, an equivalent heat exchanger conversion configurations for the actual plant model and the
model using a conversion reactor unit can be used to simulate simulation model.
the catalytic reaction for OPC as shown in Fig. 3. The OPC re- Fig. 4(a) shows the temperature-dependent ideal-gas
action in actual plant can be carried out in two methods: a enthalpy data for different ortho-H2 compositions and equi-
continuous conversion and a batch conversion [30]. Fig. 3(a) librium ortho-H2 composition data [34]. In this study,

Fig. 3 e The OPC configurations for the actual and simulation models; (a) Continuous conversion and (b) Batch conversion.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
8 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4 e Validation results of the OPC approach; (a) Ideal-gas enthalpy data at different ortho-H2 compositions and
temperature-dependent equilibrium ortho-H2 composition data [34] with calculation results of the OPC approach, and (b)
Conversion enthalpy data [34] and simulation results of the OPC approach.

comparisons with the data were performed to validate the to Aspen HYSYS®. In Aspen HYSYS®, thereby, the conversion
accuracy of the conversion heat calculated by the conversion rate can be calculated by itself based on the equilibrium ortho-
reactor unit (OPC reactor) in Aspen HYSYS®. As shown in H2 composition, and the calculated conversion rate is applied
Fig. 4(b), the results of conversion heat calculated by the OPC to the conversion reactor. Consequently, streams converted to
reactors in simulation are compared with the validation data equilibrium-H2 can be obtained from the conversion reactor to
at 20, 50 and 80 K from Fig. 4(a), and it shows the acceptable which the conversion rate is applied.
results. As a result, it is sufficient to use the conversion reactor X
unit to simulate the equivalent heat exchanger for the OPC Zortho ¼ bn Tn (2)

Conversion rate as a function of temperature in the OPC Liquefaction process description

In this study, the liquefaction process introduced in the
An equilibrium ortho-H2 composition changes with the tem- literature [36,37] is selected as the base model of the hydrogen
perature. In this study, Eq. (2), where Zortho is an equilibrium liquefaction process as shown in Fig. 6. As equipment in the
ortho-H2 composition and b, T and n represent parameters of figure, C1e4, E1e3, IC1e4, V1 and V2, and HX1e8 stand for
the polynomial, temperature and the degree of a polynomial, compressors 1e4, expanders 1e3, intercoolers 1e4, JT valves
respectively, is used, which is regressed by using the 1 and 2, and heat exchangers 1e8, respectively. The heat
temperature-dependent equilibrium ortho-H2 composition exchangers are multi-stream heat exchangers (MSHEs). For
data from Leachman et al. [34] to implement the OPC reactor vessel units in the figure, C and V marks in the vessels indi-
in simulation. Here, equilibrium ortho-H2 compositions are cate OPC conversion reactor and separator units, respec-
calculated by a 20th-order polynomial for accuracy using an tively. Here, hydrogen feed gas fed to the liquefaction process
external calculation module (MATLAB), and the parameters at a rate of 100 ton/day at 25 bar and 303 K. Through the heat
for the polynomial are shown in Table 3. The calculated values exchangers, the hydrogen feed gas is cooled to 22 K. HX1 and
are compared with the reference data as shown in Fig. 4(a) HX2 are heat exchangers for the precooling cycle, and HX3 to
showing that the calculated equilibrium ortho-H2 composi- HX8 are heat exchangers for the main cryogenic cycle. During
tion results are very similar to the reference data. The calcu- the precooling cycle, hydrogen feed gas is cooled down to 78 K
lated composition in MATLAB is incorporated into Aspen by using liquefied nitrogen (LN2) as a refrigerant. The stream
HYSYS® that is the simulator used in this study for hydrogen in HX2 undergoes OPC as it passes through a catalyst-filled
liquefaction process design. Fig. 5 shows the procedure for heat exchanger that is simulated by an equivalent heat
calculating the conversion rate and equilibrium-H2 composi- exchanger model in this paper by using the conversion
tion in MATLAB and Aspen HYSYS®. First, the equilibrium reactor (OPC1) and by returning the stream from the OPC1 to
ortho-H2 composition is calculated in MATLAB based on HX2 to re-cool the stream warmed by the heat of conversion.
temperature of a stream entering a conversion reactor, and It is assumed that impurities in the stream from the pre-
the calculated equilibrium ortho-H2 composition is exported cooling cycle are removed through an adsorber. The

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

refrigerant, side streams are drawn and expanded to inter-

Table 3 e The parameters of the 20th-order polynomial.
mediate pressures by expanders to provide the cooling duty.
Parameters Values Parameters Values The isentropic efficiency of each expander is assumed to be
b20 5.00e-44 b9 3.51e-14 82%. The high-pressure refrigerant from HX8 is expanded to
b19 1.98e-40 b8 3.66e-12 1.5 bar by Joule-Thomson expansion, and the temperature of
b18 3.64e-37 b7 2.96e-10 the resulting stream is 21 K. The resulting refrigerant stream
b17 4.13e-34 b6 1.82e-08
passes through all heat exchangers and is returned to the
b16 3.24e-31 b5 8.15e-07
compression system, where it is mixed with the returning
b15 1.87e-28 b4 2.54e-05
b14 8.16e-26 b3 5.05e-04 intermediate-pressure stream at 15 bar. The parameters used
b13 2.77e-23 b2 5.86e-03 in process simulation are presented in Table 4. The main
b12 7.41e-21 b1 3.43e-02 assumptions used for modeling are summarized below.
b11 1.57e-18 b0 7.67e-02
b10 2.64e-16 , Equivalent heat exchanger models with conversion reactor
units are used to simulate the ortho-/para-H2 conversion in
catalyst-filled heat exchangers.
hydrogen feed gas from the precooling cycle has an equilib- , Before a feed stream enters a main cryogenic heat
rium composition between the two spin isomers (ortho-H2 exchanger, impurities in the stream are removed through
and para-H2) at 78 K, having about 50% para-H2 mole fraction. an adsorber.
Since all heat exchangers in the main cryogenic cycle are , In a precooling system, LN2 is used as a refrigerant.
designed as catalyst-filled heat exchangers, the equivalent , A hydrogen stream flashed before a LH2 storage tank is
heat exchangers are used continuously. Therefore, the recycled and mixed with a feed hydrogen stream through
hydrogen feed gas is cooled while undergoing the successive an ejector.
OPC processes. The temperatures of the inlet hydrogen
stream for OPC2 through OPC6 are 71, 58, 45, 30 and 23 K,
respectively. The hydrogen feed gas from HX8 is expanded
through the JT valve (V2), and LH2 is stored at 1.3 bar and 22 K Optimization and economic analysis
having 99% para-H2. The flashed gas after Joule-Thomson
expansion is recycled to the ejector. The ejector is a device Process optimization
that transfers the suction fluid by using the pressure energy
of the high-pressure fluid. Therefore, in the ejector, the Since hydrogen liquefaction processes consume a lot of en-
flashed gas and hydrogen feed gas are mixed, and then the ergy, minimum temperature approach (MTA) values are usu-
pressure of the recycled gas is increased from 1.3 bar to ally designed as low as 0.5e1 K as economic trade-off
1.85 bar by using a high-pressure stream (25 bar) of hydrogen parameters of MSHEs to increase process efficiency. As a
feed. In the refrigeration cycle, the normal-H2 refrigerant is type of MSHE used in actual plants, plate-fin heat exchangers
compressed to about 65 bar by four-stage compressors with (PFHEs) are mainly used, and the PFHE may not have a sig-
intercoolers. It is assumed that the isentropic efficiency of nificant effect on capital cost increase due to relatively low
each compressor is 85%, and there is no pressure drop in the unit cost even under low MTA conditions. In this study, eco-
intercoolers. The high-pressure refrigerant is pre-cooled to nomic analysis is performed to investigate how the total cost
78 K in the precooling cycle. From the high-pressure of the liquefaction process varies depending on the MTA
conditions. Therefore, energy optimizations are performed for
three cases with different MTA constraints (MTA ¼ 0:3;
0:5 or 1 K), and then economic analysis is carried out based on
the optimization results. For the energy optimization, since
the LH2 flow rate is constant, an objective function is set as
total power as shown in Eq. (3) where W _ i is the power
consumed at the ith compressor stage, W _ j is the power pro-

duced at the jth expander stage, and W _ LN is the power


consumed at the LN2 precooling system. The power consumed

in the LN2 precooling system is calculated based on a value of
0.40 kWh/lLN2 [29]. The constraints are presented in Eqs.
(4)e(6) where MTAk is minimum temperature approach for the
kth MSHE, vfj is the vapor fraction for the jth expander stage,
and pout
i and pin
i are the discharge and inlet pressures for the ith
compressor stage, respectively. For the energy optimization, a
genetic algorithm (GA) [38] from MATLAB R2020a is applied to
the simulation from Aspen HYSYS® to execute the search for
optimization solutions. The optimization procedure can be
Fig. 5 e The procedure for calculating the conversion rate seen in Fig. 7 and optimization variables are presented in
and equilibrium-H2 composition. Table 5.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
10 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6 e Process flow diagram of the hydrogen liquefaction process.

_ total ¼
min W W_i W _ LN
_ j þW (3) vf j ¼ 1 (5)
i j
i pi  4 (6)
MTAk  0:3; 0:5 or 1 K (4)

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

Table 4 e Process parameters of the hydrogen Table 5 e Optimization variables and variable bounds.
liquefaction process [16].
Variables Stream Lower bound Upper bound
Parameters Value
Compression 31 4 8
Precooling temperature 78 K pressure (bar) 34 6 20
Feed pressure 25 bar 36 12 40
Feed temperature 303 K 38 40 80
Feed mass flow 100 ton/d Expansion 44 20 40
Inlet fraction of para-hydrogen 25% pressure (bar) 46 10 30
Liquid hydrogen pressure 1.3 bar H2 mass flowrate 30 10 30
Liquid hydrogen temperature 21.15 K (ton/h)
Outlet fraction of para-hydrogen 99% N2 mass flowrate 26 (LN2) 30 50
Isentropic efficiency of compressors 85% (ton/h)
Isentropic efficiency of expanders 82% TEE flow ratio 43 0.3 0.7
Minimum temperature approach (MTA) of MSHEs 0.5 K
Temperature of stream leaving coolers 300 K
Pressure drop heat exchangers and coolers 0 bar annual cost of the hydrogen liquefaction process is shown in
Fig. 8.
For capital expenditures (CAPEX) estimation, the pur-
Cost estimation
chased equipment cost (C0P ) is first calculated based on
equipment capacities (A) and cost parameters (K). The types,
For economic analysis, a cost estimation method from Turton
capacities and cost parameters used for each equipment are
et al. [39] is utilized. The procedure for a modified cost esti-
presented in Table 6. The bare module cost (CBM ) including
mation method [40] used in this study for calculating a total
direct expenses and indirect expenses is calculated using bare

Fig. 7 e The optimization procedure.

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12 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 8 e The cost estimation procedure [40].

module factors (B1 ; B2 ), a material factor (FM ) and a pressure cost (0.354 USD/GJ) [39]. Here, the plant availability is assumed
factor (FP ). The 2001 baseline CAPEX (C0CAPEX )
can be calculated to be 93%.
using a total module cost factor (FTM ) and a grassroots cost The CAPEX is needed to be converted to annual CAPEX to
factor (FGR ) with CBM and bare module cost under base con- estimate the total annualized cost (TAC). As shown in Fig. 8,
dition (C0BM ) as shown in Fig. 8, where j is each piece of the annual CAPEX can be calculated by using the interest rate
equipment. Since the used reference data is historical data, (i) and the lifetime of the plant (L). Here, the interest rate and
the final CAPEX (CCAPEX ) is calculated by reflecting the time the lifetime of the plant are used as 10% and 20 years,
value of money using the chemical engineering plant cost respectively [42]. The final TAC can be obtained by adding the
index (CEPCI) [41], where CIref is 2001 CEPCI and CItarget is 2020 annual CAPEX and the OPEX.
For estimation of operating expenditures, the so-called
OPEX (COPEX ), only utility costs are considered in this study Results
based on the net annual power consumption (W _ total ) and the
annual heat flow (Q_ cw ) for cooling water supply, where celec is The process efficiencies for each case calculated from the
electricity cost (16.7 USD/GJ) and ccw is cooling water supply base model and the energy optimization results are

Table 6 e Types, capacities and cost parameters for each equipment [39].
Equipment Type Capacity, Units Cost parameters K
A K1 K2 K3
Heat exchanger Flat plate m 4.6656 0.1557 0.1547
Compressor Centrifugal kW 2.2897 1.3604 0.1027
Expander Axial gas turbines kW 2.7051 1.4398 0.1776

Table 7 e Total power and specific energy consumption for the base model and the energy optimization results.
Item Unit Value
Base model Energy optimization
MTA ¼ 1.0 K MTA ¼ 0.5 K MTA ¼ 0.3 K
Total power kW 65462.44 50863.17 48889.60 48697.68
LH2 flowrate ton/h 4.17
Specific energy consumption kWh/kgLH2 15.71 12.21 11.73 11.69

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international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 13

Fig. 9 e Economic analysis results for the base model and the optimization results.

Fig. 10 e The OPC configurations for the actual and simulation models when the continuous conversion is first applied in
main cryogenic cycle.

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acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
14 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

summarized in Table 7. The hydrogen liquefaction process significant energy. In Fig. 9, therefore, it can be seen that the
model selected in this study is a classical hydrogen liquefier proportion of OPEX in TAC is high. In addition, high energy
introduced by Kuendig et al. [36]. According to Krasae-in et al. consumption requires high compressor capacities, leading to
[37], the SEC of the hydrogen liquefier is about 13 kWh/kgLH2. an increase in the compressor cost in CAPEX. In contrast, the
Therefore, it is confirmed that the modeling results and the heat exchanger cost in CAPEX is quite small. That is why the
optimization results in this study (e.g. SEC: about 12 kWh/ increase in the heat exchanger cost is not large even if the
kgLH2) are reasonable. MTA constraint value of the heat exchanger is quite low. In
In Table 7, it can be seen that as the MTA constraint value other words, it is confirmed through this economic analysis
of the heat exchanger is lowered, the SEC decreases due to an that a low MTA constraint value of a heat exchanger is bene-
increase in process efficiency. Since the MTA constraint is ficial to TAC as well as process efficiency.
usually used as an economic trade-off parameter for the size
and cost of a heat exchanger, an increase in heat exchanger
cost under low MTA conditions should be considered. There- Discussion
fore, an economic analysis was performed based on the
optimization results as shown in Fig. 9. Here, only the costs of In order to simulate a catalyst-filled heat exchanger, the
compressors, expanders and heat exchangers as main units equivalent heat exchanger model can be used as shown in Fig. 3.
were considered in the CAPEX calculation. For calculating the However, if OPC reaction is first applied in main cryogenic cycle
catalyst-filled heat exchanger, it was assumed that the used as shown in Fig. 10, the equivalent heat exchanger model in
catalyst cost is equal to 15% of the cost of the heat exchanger simulation may cause problems in heat exchanger design. The
without catalyst. problem is inconsistency of composite curves in the heat
It should be noted that hydrogen liquefaction processes are exchanger between reality and simulation, resulting in under-
operated at cryogenic temperatures and thereby consume estimation of the heat exchanger. For example, when the MTA

Fig. 11 e Composite curves for the equivalent heat exchanger models in simulation and the catalyst-filled heat exchangers
in actual: (a) MTA design criteria ¼ 0.5 K and (b) MTA design criteria ¼ 2 K.

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 15

value of the equivalent heat exchanger model is designed to be 4) An economic analysis of the hydrogen liquefaction process
0.5 K in simulation, the resulting composite curves are shown in in consideration is performed, it is confirmed that rela-
Fig. 11(a). However, for the composite curves of the actual tively low MTA values of heat exchangers in hydrogen
catalyst-filled heat exchanger, it can be seen that temperature liquefaction processes are beneficial in terms of cost as
cross occurs. In the case of the actual catalyst-filled heat well as process efficiency.
exchanger, the hydrogen feed gas is cooled directly from 78 K to
71 K while the generated heat by OPC process is cooled simul- It is expected that the introduced simulation methodology
taneously. However, in the case of the equivalent heat in this study can be used as technical background data for
exchanger model in simulation, the temperature of the studies related to hydrogen liquefaction processes. As a limi-
hydrogen feed gas is raised to 88 K after converting non-equi- tation of this work, it should be noted that if the amount of
librium-H2 to equilibrium-H2 through the conversion reactor ortho-H2 converted to para-H2 in the equivalent heat
unit due to the exothermic reaction. Therefore, even if the heat exchanger model is large, composite curves of the heat
duty in the heat exchanger is the same, the increased temper- exchanger can be affected, resulting in infeasible simulation
ature of the inlet stream of the heat exchanger in simulation results. It can be possible to avoid this problem by properly
affects the composite curves and causes inaccurate MTA esti- distributing the ortho-/para-H2 conversion processes, or by
mation, resulting in problems such as temperature cross. In making sufficient margin for the heat exchanger. As a po-
Fig. 4(b), the heat of conversion at 80 K accounts for about one- tential future work, if other refrigerant cycles are used for
third of the total heat of conversion. Therefore, it can be seen large-capacity hydrogen liquefaction processes, additional
that the conversion heat at 71 K occupies more than one-third of requirements such as validation of different equations of state
the total conversion heat, and thereby the temperature of the may be considered.
stream converted to equilibrium-H2 increases significantly and
becomes higher than the temperature of the non-equilibrium-
H2 inlet stream. Consequently, the hot composite curve springs Declaration of competing interest
up in the high temperature region as shown in Fig. 11(a). In order
not to cause this problem, it is necessary to distribute the con- The authors declare that they have no known competing
version heat load by applying the OPC process from the end of financial interests or personal relationships that could have
the precooling cycle. Another method is to change the MTA appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
design criteria. The MTA design criteria of the heat exchanger
can be changed to 2 K instead of 0.5 K to have sufficient margin
to prevent temperature cross. When the MTA design criteria is
modified to 2 K, the results are shown in Fig. 11(b). Since the MTA
criteria is designed with a sufficient margin, there is no tem-
This work was supported by the National Research Founda-
perature cross in the composite curves of the actual catalyst-
tion of Korea grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT)
filled heat exchanger.
(No. 2021M3H7A102621612), and the Institute of Engineering
Research, Seoul National University provided research facil-
ities for this work.
A careful work is required to predict the properties of
hydrogen molecules composed of spin isomers. In addition,
catalytic reactions are usually required during the cooling Abbreviation
process of hydrogen in hydrogen liquefaction processes. For CO2 carbon dioxide
accurate simulation, in this study, a comprehensive simu- LH2 liquefied hydrogen
lation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction processes is LNG liquefied natural gas
presented. The following are important findings of this SEC specific energy consumption
paper: JT Joule-Thomson
H2 hydrogen
1) For modeling hydrogen liquefaction processes, MBWR Ortho-H2 ortho-hydrogen
equation can be used to obtain accurate results in pre- Para-H2 para-hydrogen
dicting hydrogen properties. In particular, compared to PR Normal-H2 normal hydrogen
and BWRS equations, the MBWR equation shows excellent Equilibrium-H2 equilibrium hydrogen
accuracy at cryogenic temperatures. OPC ortho-/para-hydrogen conversion
2) An equivalent heat exchanger model is introduced to EOS equation of state
simulate a catalyst-filled heat exchanger where a catalytic PR Peng-Robinson
reaction occurs during heat exchange. MBWR modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin
3) Ortho-/Para-H2 conversion results calculated from the MTA minimum temperature approach
equivalent heat exchanger model are compared with SRK Soave Redlich-Kwong
literature data, and it is confirmed that the results of the BWRS Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling
equivalent model are reasonable. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

Please cite this article as: Son H et al., Simulation methodology for hydrogen liquefaction process design considering hydrogen char-
acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
16 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

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acteristics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,

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