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SAUL: What about them?

GONZO: Come on, come on.

SAUL: Yeah, right.

Saul starts walking towards the car then turns around when he hears Tuco pull his knife out.

GONZO: Yo where you going?

SAUL: Wait wait, can I say something? Can you let them go. Just let them go.

TUCO: Are you stupid?

SAUL: They don’t deserve to die. I put them up to it. I don’t deserve to die, but they don’t

TUCO: I’m gonna skin em like javelinas!

SAUL: Forget about them, they’re insects! They’re… hey, think about their mother.

Tuco starts to charge at Saul

TUCO: I spit on their momma!

SAUL: She is a sweet little lady. She’s a widow! She works hard, all day, every day. Just like
her mother before her, from dawn til dusk, scrubbing the floors of rich people. She needs a
cane to walk, you know, she’s got arthritis. But still works every day. What, for herself? No.
For them! For these two! Her boys, the apples of her eye. You say they don’t deserve her?
Maybe so. But they’re all she’s got. You turn them inside out I want you to think about what
happens to her.

TUCO: No that’s on them, they should have thought about that.

SAUL: When I was at your Abuelita’s place you were gonna let them go. The way I see it
that’s because you’re tough, but you’re fair. You’re all about justice.

TUCO: That’s what I’m saying. Justice.

SAUL: These two shit-for-brains, these big mouths? You already beat the living hell out of
them, you think they’re ever gonna forget today? Never. 10 years from now they’re still
gonna be crapping their jockeys.

TUCO: It’s not enough.

SAUL: Ok, ok, then let’s talk proportionality. They’re guilty.

Agreed. But now you have to decide what’s the right sentence.

TUCO: Like a judge.

SAUL: Like a judge. Ever hear of the code of Hammurabi? Let the punishment fit the crime?
Eye for an eye?

TUCO: Eye for an eye? You want me to blind them?

He heads towards Cal and Lars with a knife

SAUL: No no! All they did was trash talk.

TUCO: So I cut their tongues out!

SAUL: Wait. See, I’m advising that you make the punishment fit the crime.

TUCO: Punishment fit the crime. Columbian neck ties! I cut their throats then I pull their lying
tongues through the slits! Biznatch!

SAUL: Or you could give them black eyes.

TUCO: Black eyes! (laughs) that ain’t nothing!

GONZO: That one there, homes? He already got a black eye, fool.

TUCO (to Gonzo): Stop helping.

SAUL: Or you could sprain their ankles.

TUCO: Sprain?

SAUL: They’re skateboarders, right? That’s how they run their scam. They can’t skate. You
hit them where they live.

TUCO: I ain’t spraining nothing, bitch. I’m gonna break their arms, and I’m gonna break their

SAUL: Arms? When did we get on to arms? Let’s--

TUCO: I’m cutting their legs off.

SAUL: We could go that way, but we were talking about breaking. I think we’re headed in the
wrong direction.

TUCO: OK. Break their legs.

SAUL: How many legs?

TUCO: Two, they got two legs.

SAUL: One leg. Each.

TUCO: One leg each?

SAUL: One leg each. Total of two legs. Hey, look. They can’t skateboard for six months, and
they’re scared of you forever. You show everybody that you are the man, but that you’re fair,
that you’re just.

Tuco rolls up his sleeves then offers his hand to Saul for a handshake.

TUCO: One leg each.

SAUL: That’s tough, but that’s fair.

TUCO (to crew): Alright, lay em out! I ain’t got all day, it’s hotter than shit out here!

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