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Name: Mark Allen L.


Course: BSIT-MT

You must read Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. You will find it in the readings

section of the module. After reading it, you must answer the following questions:

1. What is the law?

 Laws are formal rules that govern how we behave as members of the society. It specifies what we must
do and more frequently what we must not do. They’re upheld and applied by the state and the court
system, and their role is to create a basic, enforceable standard of behavior, but the law has a much
narrower focus than either morality or ethics. Laws can be just or unjust and are subject to ethical

2. What is Eternal law?

 This law refers to the fact that “the whole community of the universe is governed by Divine Reason.
Because of this, the very notion of the government of things in God the Ruler of the universe, has the
nature of a law. And since the Divine Reason’s conception of things is not subject to time but is eternal.
Therefore, it is that this kind of law must be called natural. Eternal law was God's perfect plan, not fully
knowable to humans. It determined the way things such as animals and planets behaved and how
people should behave. Example of eternal law is the Ten commandments that is given by god.

3. What is Divine law?

 The Divine law is to direct the people to their proper end. It is available to us through revelations and is
found in the scriptures. It is not the product of human reason but is given to us through God’s grace to
ensure that we all know what we must do to fulfill both our natural and our supernatural ends.

4. What is Human law?

This refers to the specific statutes of governments. These statutes or human laws are derived from the
general precepts of natural law. Just as “we draw conclusions of the various sciences” from
“naturally known indemonstrable principles,” so also “from the precepts of the natural law
human reason needs to proceed to the more particular determination of certain matters.” And “these
determinations, devised by human reason, are called human laws. “What was so far-reaching about this
conception of human law was that it repudiated the notion that a law is a law only because it is decreed
by a sovereign.
Natural or Unnatural
eating insects Unnatural

picking one’s nose (pangungulangot) Natural

mixed martial arts (combat sports) Unnatural

plastic surgery Unnatural

eating raw beef Unnatural

cross-dressing Unnatural

IUD (intra-uterine device) Unnatural

incest Unnatural

male on male sex Unnatural

Male infidelity (pambababae) Unnatural

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