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On today´s work I will explain on how to get from my home to my favorite

restaurant to eat, let´s make it as point A and B, point A is my home and

point B is my favorite place to eat that is Wendy´s, first off I must say that
where I live there are a lot of places nearby where I can eat or drink
something such as McDonald´s and Burger King, basically I have plenty of
options, same as I have two malls available to have a good time, so being that
said, let´s start, first thing that we have to do after leaving my home is to
make a right turn on the first street, but before doing that there is a stop sign
that obviously we have to obey it, after we stop on the stop sign we must
continue moving forward, on our way to Wendy´s there are actually two
routes, one that is like more straight forward and the other one has more like
left and right turns, the one that I like the most is the one with more turns,
because on the way to Wendy´s there is a park that I always like to stop and
watch the birds and maybe sit on the benches of the park, but moving on, on
how to arrive to Wendy´s, after the right turn was done from my home you
must continue straight until making a right turn again on the park and the on
the first street at our right, we turn right again, and we have arrived to our
destination that is Wendy´s.

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