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14 days and 28 days curing period

Procedure 1:
Prepare the tools and ingredients for creating pervious concrete.
Ingredients: Tools:
-Bags of Portland Cement -Shovel
-Bags of basalt aggregates -Bucket
-Bags of powdered tile adhesive -Cylindrical Mold (PVC PIPE?)
Procedure 2:
After preparing the ingredients and tools measure the ingredients of the concrete
using a bucket as a measuring tool. Prepare a ratio of 1:3:5 as we are making a m30 grade
concrete mix. 1 for Portland Cement, 2: for Powdered Tile Adhesive, 4 for Basalt
Procedure 3:
After measuring the ingredients use a shovel to mix all the dry ingredients, make
sure that all ingredients are mixed well and proper before proceeding to the next procedure.
Procedure 4:
After all the dry ingredients are mixed well create a hole in the center of the dry
mixture then add water and continue mixing until your mixture is completely moist.
Procedure 5:
Adjust the mixture if the mixture lacks water or too dry, just carefully add water until
you get the desired consistency for a pervious concrete.
Procedure 6:
After getting the desired consistency for pervious concrete pour the mixture to a
cylindrical mold to create a sample for a specific test.
Procedure Step 7:
For different types of admixture do the same procedure from 2 to 6 for each percent
addition of admixture and plain concrete mix without admixture.

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