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2022 Sept 29 Bekeshev Ruslan
OVERVIEW Now no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, and most Parisians, if they did
not love it, at least managed to come to terms with it. But this was not always the case
— after construction, it caused strong discontent among many citizens who found it
extremely awkward. Hugo and Maupassant, for example, repeatedly insisted that the
tower should be removed from the streets of Paris.

GENERAL What is it General characteristics
Eiffel Tower - a metal tower in the Initially, the Eiffel Tower towered
INFORMAT center of Paris, its most 300.65 m above ground level. The
recognizable architectural height together with the new
ION landmark. Named after the chief antenna is 330 meters (2022).
designer Gustave Eiffel; Eiffel The weight of the metal structure is
himself called it simply "300- about 7,300 tons. Today, three
meter tower" towers could be built from this
metal at once.
Location Throughout its history, the tower
has repeatedly changed the color of
The tower was erected on the its painting — from yellow to red-
Champ de Mars opposite the Jena
brown. In recent decades, the Eiffel
bridge over the river Seine, Quai
Tower has invariably been painted in
Branly. On the map of the Paris
the so-called "brown—eiffel" - an
metro station: Bir-Hakeim.
officially patented color close to the
natural shade of bronze.

Initially, the structure was planned to be
dismantled in 1909, 20 years after its
construction — but after a stunning commercial
success, the tower received an "eternal
residence permit".
Nevertheless, the Eiffel Tower is always admired
by most tourists. Even after 120 years, it remains
the tallest building in Paris and the fifth tallest in
all of France.

Gustave Eiffel Viktor Lustig André Poisson
Chief designer Scammer Deceived

Gustave Eiffel
Gustave Eiffel - French engineer, specialist in the design of
metal structures. Gained unprecedented popularity after the
construction in Paris for the 1889 exhibition of a metal tower
belonging to the remarkable

Viktor Lustig and Andre Poisson

In 1925, the Eiffel Tower became the object of a grandiose scam. It was undertaken by Victor Lustig – perhaps the most
talented fraudster in the world.After he learned from the newspapers that the famous tower was dilapidated, Lustig
arrived in Paris.First of all, he ordered false documents for himself in the name of the Deputy Minister of Post.Then he
sent letters to the six largest scrap metal recycling companies.Having gathered their owners in one of the expensive
hotels in Paris, Lustig announced that, since the costs of the Eiffel Tower were unreasonably high, the government
decided to dismantle it and sell it for scrap at a closed auction. Therefore, he offered everyone to buy this Tower.He
gave them a week to think about it. But the fraudster has already chosen a victim – a provincial businessman Andre
Poisson. Lustig met him one-on-one. At the meeting, he admitted that he needed money and was looking for additional
sources of income. Poisson decided that he was facing another official who was extorting a bribe.
As a result, Lustig not only received money from the sale of the Eiffel Tower, but also a bribe from Poisson. The
deceived wanted to get a lucrative contract at all costs. Right after that Lustig fled to Vienna with a suitcase full of

It is known that in 1887 300 writers and artists (among them
Alexandre Dumas-son, Guy de Maupassant and composer
Charles Gounod) sent a protest to the municipality, describing
the construction as "useless and monstrous", as "a ridiculous
tower dominating Paris like a giant factory chimney," adding:

<< For 20 years, we will be forced to look at the

disgusting shadow of the hated column of
iron and screws, stretching over the city like
an ink blot


2022 Sept 29 Ruslan Bekeshev

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