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Activity 2: Decode Me!

Here is an interesting article titled, “How the First Nine months Shape the Rest of Your Life”
from October 4, 2010 Issue of Time Magazine. Read, analyze then answer the following
questions. How the First Nine months Shape the Rest of Your Life By: Annie Murphy Paul
%20Nine%20Mo nths%20Shape%20Your%20Life%20--%20Printout%20--%20TIME.pdf

1. Does the article agree that heredity, environment and individual’s choice are the factors
that contribute to what a person may become? Please elaborate.

 I agree that heredity, environment and individuality play a significant part in determining
what a person will become. Heredity is a fact about how we are because it's in our genes.
Our childhood experiences play a huge role in the way we turn out, or the lifestyle
choices we make as adults influence our health and well-being, but there is another
powerful source of influence you may not have considered, your life as a fetus. Your
mother's health and state of mind while she was pregnant with you, the pollutants, drugs
and infections you encountered during gestation, and the nutrition you received while in
the womb shaped you as a baby and continue to affect you today. In the context of
interaction between heredity and environment, which one influences or contributes most,
heredity or environment? The relative contributions of heredity and environment are not

2. Read the 4th paragraph again, focus your attention on the highlighted word,
PERMANENTLY. Relate this to the issue on Early Experience versus Later Experience.
Does the word PERMANENTLY convince you that we are what our first experiences
have made of us? Explain your answer.

 There is a connection between them because they both deal with human development, in
that the fourth paragraph mentions a pregnant woman and how she can develop her child
based on the condition of her womb. The major development trends will remain the same
throughout her life and will be possible to change, Most pregnant women have both
relatively fixed development characteristics and undeveloped potentials that require
maturation and experience to manifest. Change and stability attempts for flexible and
fixed aspects and various stages in development

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