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8 Provide Departure Services

Assist Guest in Leaving table

- Time to ensure customers that they leave the premises in a helpful manner

• Providing assistance to customer leaving Table

Couple of things to remember when customers are leaving the table include:

✓ Pull back chairs for customers

✓ Get wheelchairs or other aids as required
✓ Thank customer for their patronage
✓ Arrange any take away containers
✓ Place corks back in unfinished wine bottles
✓ Arrange toothpicks
✓ Remind customers to collect personal items left on table
and chair
✓ Arrange balloons or gift packs or other children’s gifts
✓ Help them with putting on coats and jackets
✓ Remind customer to collect change, credit card or receipt
✓ Escort the customers to the door
✓ End of service assistance activities can be provided

Provide end-of-service assistance, as required

- Ensuring that the customers can continue
their next destination in a smooth manner

• Types of end of service assistance

End of service assistance may include:

✓ Obtaining a taxi or other transport for guests

✓ Retrieving items that have been placed into
safe keeping
✓ Offering Umbrellas
✓ Accompanying guests to cars
✓ Making reservations on their behalf
✓ Directing them to their next destinations (shops, cultural,tourism or sporting areas of
✓ Offering a seat, paper or complimentary coffee while the weather clears

Each organization will have special “touches” to ensure the end of the customer experience is a positive
Farewell guests
- All food and beverage guests should be thanked and farewell courteously
- We must give all drinkers and diners the respect
they and their patronage deserve:

• Thank and Farewell customers courteously

These facts underline the importance of good farewell
- bidding goodbye of customers is important part
of the service cycle
- farewell is often the last thing they have to
remember us by
- Customers may have spent a substantial amount
of money, and then leave with nothing to show
for it,except a full stomach.

All guests should be bid goodbye in accordance with establishment standards and policies

✓ Some establishments require their staff:

- to walk to the customers to the entrance
- hold the door to open
- thanking them and bidding them farewell
✓ Other establishments require more casual approach such as:
- Smile
- wave
- simple “Thank you very much” to the guests as they are

✓ Standard practice to wish them

- Good day
- Good night
- We look forward to seeing you again

Guests should be acknowledged when they leave. Their Final experience

with you must be a positive one

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