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Extract Based Questions (4 marks each)

Question 1.

Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject
him. In revenge Griffin set fire to the house. To get away without being seen he had to remove his clothes. Thus, it
was that he became a homeless wanderer, without clothes, without money and quite invisible until he happened to
step in some mud, and left footprints as he walked!

(a) How can you say that Griffin was a brilliant scientist?
(b) How did he reach to that position?
(c) Which word in the above extract means the same as a being who roams around aimlessly?
(d) Who disliked Griffin? (1×4=4)

(a) Griffin was a brilliant scientist as he carried on experiments for years to prove that human body could become
(b) To reach to the position of invisibility, he swallowed certain drugs.
(c) wanderer.
(d) Griffin was disliked by his landlord.

Question 2.

Eager to get away from crowded London he took a train to the village of Iping, where he booked two rooms at the
local inn. The arrival of a stranger at an inn in winter was in any case an unusual event. A stranger of such
uncommon appearance set all tongues wagging, Mrs. Hall, the landlords wife, made every effort to be friendly.

(a) After escaping from London, where did Griffin go?

(b) What did he experience there?
(c) Which phrase in the above extract means the same as everybody started talking about him?
(d) How did the landlords wife behave? (1×4=4)


(a) After escaping from crowded London, he went to the village of Iping.
(b) His uncommon appearance attracted everybodys attention.
(c) set all tongues wagging.
(d) The landlords wife made every effort to be friendly.

Question 3.

Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and
that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her furniture.

(a) Why did Mrs. Hall think that the room was haunted by spirits?
(b) Who had caused this to happen?
(c) Which word in the extract means the same as fits of crying?
(d) Who is the author of the story? (1×4=4)


(a) Inside the empty room, Mrs. Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. Then the hat in the room leapt up and dashed
itself into her face. It made her to think that the room was haunted by spirits.
(b) Griffin, the scientist had caused this to happen.
(c) hysterias.
(d) H. G. Wells

Extract Based Questions [3 Marks each] [Additional]

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1.

As they gazed, a remarkable sight met their eyes. A fresh footmark appeared from nowhere! Further footprints
followed, one after another, descending the steps and progressing down the street.

(a) Who are they in the above extract?

(b) Who is making these footprints?
(c) Find the word from the extract that means the same as continuing.
(d) What is the opposite of remarkable?


(a) They in the above extract are two boys on a street in London.
(b) The scientist Griffin, who has become invisible, is making these footprints.
(c) The word is progressing.
(d) Its opposite is ordinary.

Question 2.

The air was bitterly cold and he could not do without clothes. Instead of walking about the streets he decided to
slip into a big London store for warmth.

(a) Who is he in the above extract?

(b) Why was the air bitterly cold?
(c) Find a word from the extract that means the same as quietly enter
(d) What is the opposite of warmth?


(a) He in the above extract is Griffin, the invisible scientist.

(b) The air was bitterly cold because the season was mid-winter.
(c) The word is slip.
(d) Its opposite is chill.

Question 3.

They naturally gave chase. In the end he was able to escape only by quickly taking off his newly found clothes. So
once more he found himself invisible but naked in the chill January air.

(a) Who are they and he referred to in the above extract?

(b) Why has the author used the phrase once more?
(c) Find a word from the extract that means the same as run away.
(d) What is the opposite of invisible?


(a) They are the shop assistants and he is the invisible scientist, Griffin.
(b) The author has used the phrase once more because Griffin was naked before he had entered the large store,
from where he had taken the newly found clothes.
(c) The word is escape.
(d) Its opposite is visible.

Question 4.

Suspicion grew even stronger when he suddenly produced some ready cash, though he had admitted not long
before that he had no money. [CBSE 2014]

(a) Who is he in the above extract?

(b) What was he suspected for?
(c) Find a word / phrase from the extract that means the same as money.
(d) Give a synonym of suddenly.


(a) He in the above extract is Griffin, the invisible scientist.

(b) He was suspected for having a role in the burglary at the clergymans home.
(c) The phrase is ready cash.
(d) Its synonym is immediately.



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