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Realm of Britonnica

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Unknown (Estimated at around 200 Million)

Technological Level:

Henry the Cautious

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The nation of Britonnica is ruled by a strong dynasty of kings that have survived over 500
years of war. Since a great civil war many hundreds of years previous the nobility seized
control from the councils of the people. Since those days the great councils were disbanded,
and the Kings word became law. The current ruler Henry is considered one of the bravest
warriors in the land, and he is a mighty figure in battle, as he sits astride a mighty power
armoured horse in a suit of highly advanced armour, which is considered by some to be the
most advanced suit of its kind in the world. Even so the nation has very little technology
besides powered armour. The lands of Ire to the west are a windy and hilly region, but the
people of that land are hardy soldiers.

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The nation of Britonnica is situated roughly where the legendary islands of Great Britain
were once situated, and the isles have changed little. The northern lands are mountainous
and are subject to intense lightening storms. This has led to a strange religious cult forming
in that area. The southern lands are mostly flat, with rolling hills and some of the few
remaining forests in the continent. The lowlands to the west are a new feature of the realm.
Only 300 years previous, the sea retreated from those plains, and very soon the Britons and
Franc rushed to claim as much of the land as possible. A brief but bloody war led to the
Franc taking most of this new land. The war did however eliminate one of Britonnica’s
rivals; the Duchy of Hollonda. They sided with the Franc and tried to take the land for
themselves. However they were destroyed during the fighting; mostly due to the efforts of
the SAS.

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The long history of this realm has been one of surprising peace. On only three occasions has
the safety of the realm been threatened before the onset of the Unification wars. Therefore
the periods of peace are of little significance to the chroniclers of the time. All that is known
of these periods is that the nation settled into a quiet time of cultural growth and religious
service. Only in war however is the true nature of the land known.
The Age of Fire

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The history of Britonnica and Europa as a whole stems from this dark time. At the onset of
the Age of Strife Europa was torn apart by terrible wars as the power vacuum lead to many
warring factions tried to gain dominance. This lead to the formation of a number of powerful
states: Britonnica, Jermani, Polonia, Franc, Roma, Iberia, Hollonda, Scandia and Bania.
These nations were locked in a perpetual war for over 600 years. Over the course of these
wars the nations of Iberia and Roma united, Bania ceased waging war in Europa with the
onset of their bloody wars with the Achaemenid Empire, Jermani subjugated Polonia and
Britonnica, Franc and Hollonda settles into an uneasy peace. Even so this end to the period
was not without incident. The last great battle of the age was fought between Britonnica,
Franc and the Scandians. A million men on each of the three sides faced each other in a
great plain, the location of which is lost to legend. The three sides clashed in a gigantic
melee, which lasted for five days and ended with the Scandians crushed and Britonnica and
Franc at a stalemate. Both surviving sides were bloody, but could not see any real gain to
wiping the other out and so both armies simply retired to their homelands. And so a peace
which lasted for a thousand years was ushered in, and only broken by the occasional
Scandian raid.

Wulf the Savage

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The great time of peace was broken when the greatest Scandian warlord to ever live, Wulf
the Savage invaded the northern lands of Britonnica, intent of destroying the realm. His
army of five million savage techno-barbarians slaughtered all in their path. It was clear from
the outset that this was no mere raid. Edinburgh was sacked, and its people sacrificed to
the Great God of Battle. Millions fled south from the oncoming horde, and King George the
Great gathered all remaining soldiers of the Land. An army 2 Million strong was forged and
it was joined by a pair of legendary regiments. The Knights of the Tower rode into the kings
camp; a splendid regiment formed of a thousand power armoured warriors who rode to war
atop great cybernetic warhorses. And from the sky came the SAS. These men are an
incredibly ancient military organisation who’s chroniclers boast a complete history of the
human race. The truth of this is unknown, but the SAS are not a military force who answer
to the King. Their great Sky Fortress moves above the land and its warriors are an
incredibly well equipped and trained regiment. Every man has a fine suit of powered
armour, and access to a variety of different long range firearms. They are said to be the
most elite warriors in the world, and any who has seen them in battle would not doubt this.
Either way, their commander pledged himself to the Kings cause, and with this the host of
Britonnica marched North to face Wulf.
Battle was joined on a now unknown field in the midlands of the realm. Great ten thousand
strong regiments clashed all along a twenty mile front. The carnage was appalling. Whole
regiments were ground into the earth; unable to retreat due to the sheer mass of men
behind. The artillery of Scandia rained a hail of death onto the Britons. However the Britons
had mastery of the sky, and when the battle was at its height the Sky Fortress descended
from the heavens and its mighty cannons blasted apart whole enemy regiments and
silenced the Scandian artillery. As it did so the Knights of the Tower made their attack,
supported by many thousands of regular cavalry. They smashed through the left flank of the
Scandian army, and crushed nearly twenty thousand warriors into the dirt. As the flank fell
back Wulf and his personal bodyguards; the Red Legion charged at the Knights and their
allies. A great melee ensued which drove back the Britons. However Wulf had at last
revealed himself and moments after the Briton attack was blunted he fell dead. A snipers
bullet tore his head clean off and with his death the Scandian army lost all cohesion. Entire
regiments were cut down as they fell back. Others would made suicidal attacks against the
Britons and be destroyed by the guns of the Sky Fortress. A counter attack lead by King
George crushed what little remained of the Scandian army.

Half of the Scandians were killed and the others were taken prisoner. Over the course of
100 days the prisoners were each executed. The scale of this disaster meant that the
Scandians would never again threaten Britonnica on this scale. They would still raid the
realm, but these raids were only a pinprick and the kings generally ignored them.

The Unification Wars

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For nearly 2000 years after the Scandian defeat the Britons had known peace. A few minor
border skirmishes with Franc had occurred but these did little to disrupt the peace. It was
only when the Emperor began his wars of conquest did strife engulf the land once more. The
King Henry the Cautious found that he could do little to aid any of the nations of Europa
from the forces of Unity. Such was his cautious nature that the Marshall of the Knights of
the Tower took a large portion of his army along with the Knights of the Tower on a crusade
to aid the Kingdom of Bania against the Unity armies. These men were never heard from
again. Only the SAS remained behind along with around two hundred thousand regular
soldiers. When only Britonnica remained the first armies of Unity were repulsed mostly due
to the SAS and their Sky Fortress. At first its massive guns prevented any advance by the
armies of Unity. Even the Thunder Warriors were obliterated by the Sky Fortress. A rebellion
in Franc gave Britonnica a brief respite from the war, but once the Franc were crushed the
forces of Unity attacked again. This time the Emperor himself lead the assault which
defeated the Britonnica army and subdued the SAS. The survivors of the SAS were not
killed however. Their bravery and skill made them fine recruits for the Astartes Legions, and
the Sky Fortress itself was given to the seventh legion out of respect. Before the destruction
of his realm was complete the King formally surrendered to the Emperor, and for once he
showed mercy. The Britons were not subjected to the atomic firestorms of other nations,
and its surviving military forces were incorporated into the fledgling Imperial Army. Exactly
why the Emperor showed mercy is unknown, but perhaps this land holds special significance
for Him....

Important Regions:
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The prime region of the realm, Albion contains the nation’s capital Londia. Londia is the only
Hive City in the realm, and even so it is one of the smallest in Europa. Its people are
hardworking and will take up arms when required. The land itself provides all the food
needed to feed the whole realm. Genetically modified crops allow whole harvests to be
grown in a few weeks and in this way the nation has become self sufficient.
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The people of this realm are a warlike folk. For many centuries the people in this land have
suffered many raids at the hands of the Scandians and as such the men of this land are fine
warriors. However apart from soldiers there is little this forbidding land provides. In addition
the people of this land often report sightings of the Sky Fortress. Exactly why the Sky
Fortress is often sighted here is unknown, but some believe it was built in these lands, long

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Britonnica does not have a true standing army. While some regiments are permanent, most
are raised from the local population during times of need.

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As with most armies of the time the regiments of Britonnica are equipped for hand to hand
combat. Most wear a breastplate made of powered armour, and they wield a mix of heavy
halberds, swords and other melee weapons. They have no armoured vehicles besides those
used by the SAS forces.

Famous Regiments:

The Knights of the Tower:

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The warriors of this order are a thousand strong. They wear power armour and ride to war
atop great cybernetic warhorses. They are armed with great powered swords and explosive
lances. The Grand Marshall of the order is often given command of the realms armies, for
he is one of the most experienced soldiers available. Their thundering charges have won
Britonnica many victories in the past.

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This regiment is perhaps one of the most mysterious regiments on Terra. Unknown to all
but themselves, the SAS can in fact trace their origins to the days of ancient Earth. Legends
state that these warriors of the same warriors who have defended the realm for nearly
30,000 years. While this is merely speculation it is possible that advanced genetic cloning
techniques have allowed the most experienced of its warriors to remain in the regiment for
many thousands of years. This would explain why they never appear to recruit new
warriors. They are armed with the best weapons available. Advanced laser rifles, and large
calibre bolt weapons are their main armament. A full suit of powered armour is their
defence. The Sky Fortress is an ancient piece of archaeotech, which pre-dates the Age of
Strife by many thousands of years. Its guns have the power to level cities, but it is rarely
used in war due to the covert nature of the regiment.
It is rumoured that the SAS are the real reason why the realm of Britonnica has been at
peace for so long. Their shadowy commander will order the destruction of a group of
individuals at a moment’s notice. Many nations have had important figures in their society
killed by SAS operatives. The Duchy of Hollonda has been destroyed as a result of SAS
actions. Its royal family was killed and its military leaders assassinated. This lead to their
eventual defeat at the hands of the Franc. The Franc are rumoured to have requested the
services of the SAS, and they have been known to fight for foreign powers should their
goals be mutual.

Famous Generals:

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Lord Brudenell:
The man that would in the end weaken Britonnica beyond hope, was once its greatest
general. As the High Marshall of the Knights of the Tower he had led campaigns which
crippled Scandia to the point where they could barely muster the strength for any raids.
During the Unification Wars he grew weary of the cautious nature of the King, and resolved
to lead an army to defeat the forces of Unity long before they reached Britonnica. He took
his Knights along with half a million other warriors, and joined a crusade along with an army
from Franc. They would go to aid the Kingdom of Bania. There they pushed into the
Crimean heights and in a battle in a valley called Balaclava they met their match. The battle
went poorly for the Crusaders and they could not break the resolve of the Thunder Warriors.
At the climax of the battle Lord Brudenell was last seen leading a charge against
overwhelming numbers while the rest of the army retreated. His men have since become
legends, and even the Emperor commended their bravery.

Continent Key:

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Europa – Dark Green
Asia – Dark Blue
Nord Afrika - Orange
Sud Afrika - Red
Nord Merica - Pink
Sud Merica - Turquoise
Lemuria – Light Green
Atlantys - Grey
Aulandia - Yellow
Sundaland - Brown
Mu – Light Blue
Antarctica - Violet

Oceans, Seas and Island Key:

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1 - Maui Nu
2 - Kerhuelen
3 – Icelandia

Oceans and Seas:

4 – Lantic Ocean
5 – Pacific Ocean
6 – Caspia Sea
7 – Antactic Ocean
8 – Afrique Sea
9 - Kansan Sea
10 – Madagar Sea

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