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Coding Results of Previous Pregnancies

➢ In the initial prenatal visit, it is essential that a thorough obstetrical history of the client be
➢ This will be used for coming up with obstetrical scoring and coding of the results of previous
➢ One method of coding the results of previous pregnancies involves the use of four consecutive
digits to represent four items:
➢ F - P - A - L
Example: 1 - 0 - 0 - 1
1. The first digit representing item “F” refers to the total number of fullterm or term (“T”) infants born,
that is, the number of infants born at 37 completed weeks’ gestation or beyond.
2. The second digit representing item “P” refers to the number of premature infants born, that is, the
number of infants born before completed 37 weeks’ gestation.
3. The third digit representing “A” refers to the number of pregnancies ending in abortion regardless of
the type of abortion.
➢ Abortion – the number of pregnancies terminated by any means before the age of viability.
A. Termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation.
B. Is the delivery of a fetus that weighs less than 500gms.
4. The fourth digit representing item “L” refers to the number of child/children currently living.

Using this code, what would Cindy’s obstetrical scoring of 2-0-0-2 means?
➢ It means that she had 2 fullterm deliveries, no premature births, no abortion, and the 2
delivered at term are presently living.
➢ What would Aida’s obstetrical scoring of 3-1-1-3 mean? It means:
a. That 3 infants were delivered full term, 1 infant born preterm, 1 abortion and 3 currently
b. b. that Aida had a total of 4 viable infants delivered (3 fullterm + 1 preterm) but only 3 are
currently living, implying 1 mortality.
c. c. that Aida is a high-risk mother.

F P A L – coding of the results of previous pregnancies.

Full term/Term – 37 completed weeks and beyond
Preterm – 20completed weeks -36 6/7 weeks
Abortion – 19 6/7 weeks and below
Living - the number of child/children currently living

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