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Polled "Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man” off my bookshelf this afternoon and came upon this “Crisis in Modern America” ‘Edger Cayce had a lot to say about the future ofthe United States. As the wheels of history continue to turn, mankind is rapidly approaching a new cycle. We fare now well into the transition period tothe “new dispensation” - the time and times and half rimes are at an ena. The righteous shall inherit the earth,” say the readings ‘But it wall not be easy; indeed it wall bea period of discord, strife and turbulence that wil ry men's souls, and “many will fall away". Yet we need to ‘remember that ftom the grinding, grating friction within the oyster comes the peatl. There is no growth without adversity History, which often repeats itself seveals the toth that for every force there is a counter-force, for every negative there is 2 positive. This is part of the evolutionary process ef man's long ‘emure in the earth "Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man, Robinson, L_, 1972. Part IM 1998 and Beyond, “Crisis in Modem America" (ohn Samuel Toman) Daniel 7:25 ‘King Temes Version 25 And be shall speak great words azainst the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall ‘be given into his hand wil atime and times and the dividing of time. Revelation 12:14 King James Version 14 And to the woruan were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wildemess, into her place, where she is nourished fora time, and times, and half time, from the face of the serpent 15. Hence the activity that the entity is called to doin the present; not as a priest that is called apart, but rather as He gave in those days, “the time and times and 2 half times shall pass. and THEN shall man come to know that inthe temple. inthe tabernacle ofhis OWN temple wsll he meet his God face 10 face!" i 15. (Q What is meaat by dhe symbols of the wings of eagle given tothe woman for escape and "the time and times and half time"? (A) This sas the ezance into oF the Might fiom materiality ito thovesniluences trough which the body may ses within steel. as physical, or the mental light, or that to the teal forces ss about if various changes. Its figortive ofthe transitions from the various spheres of mental experience: by the mind, the spsital dniluences ab ance - and are as the Use of same, Remember, all of these shouldbe then in accord with that ye have aamed to, thatthe Book of Lae is given thee. What isthe Book of Life? ‘The record of God, of thee, thy soul within and the knowledge of same. (281-33 ‘These changes in the earth will come re pas, for the time and times and half umes are at an end, and dhere begin those periods forthe readjustments. For how hath He given? "The righteous shal inherit the earth.” “Hast thou, my brethren, a heritage in the earth? (294-185)

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