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Alfonso A. Perez S.

FAML 160: Family Relations

22 /10/2022

The present paper sums up some notes are taken from an interview between a couple

who has been married for 4 years. The people interviewed are David and Angelica Perez.

Also some principles are highlighted here.


David and Angelica has been married for about four years. This couple has been chosen for
the interview for three reasons. 1st they are my neighbors, 2nd I had the chance to see how
they support each other. 3rd the way the distribute chores in their business, family life,
church calling and raising of children have deeply called my attention. They both are
returned missionaries pursuing a college degree while developing a small business and
raising two children.

General Description of the Interview

To start with the interview went pretty well for I know the couple very well for we attend
the same ward and I used to teach them English as foreign language. They were living in La
mora Cabudare by the time they got married then the move to Los pinos, Cabudare where I
live. They had Mathias their first baby in 2019. Then Mateo was born in 2022. I marveled
how this young couple balance work, family life and their church callings. They dated for
10 months in 2018 the year when I met David who is my friend. David is from Guarico
State he is a Venezuelan with Italian roots, He used to play in the national orchestra also he
taught children in the same orchestra under the direction of Professors Gustavo Dudamel
and Abreu. They are 25 and 24 after serving a mission in Zulia and Miranda state they get
married. They were sealed in the Caracas temple Republic of Venezuela in 2018.

Since they were serving a mission they had developed some kind of affection for each
other. To keep their love they used to write emails to each other and use whatsapp invoices
to nourish their love and affection. On holidays David used to make video calls to share
with Angelica. To express his love and affection David used to seen Nutella cans,
Angelica’s favorite chocolate, When Angelica glanced the Nutella can on the counter I
could notice a smile of joy remembering those times.
By the time David left his teaching position at the Venezuelan orchestra he started his own
business with his wife moving to a house the belonged to Angelica’s father who decided to
give it to them. They took one section of the house that was turn into a small business
called ARTKRAFT where the design cards, make posters, stickers among other
personalized things. Last year they could by a car. I have witness how their business and
love have grown as their sense of union and commitment for each other is even stronger
after having produced their children.

Principles Learned from the Interview

One of the principles I learned from this young couple was commitment that was nourish
through time. Lauer and Lauer (2018) state “Commitment to the person [you love] means
that you are determined to work through troubled times” (p. 190). At one point in the
interview I asked them how they could have been able to nourish their marriage, so they
answered commitment. They said that by commitment they could endure difficult times
including the bad ones they had when starting a business and Mathias was born.

The second point was communication for they told me that by having good channels of
communication they have been able to support each other and foresee problems. They are
not problem free, but they are able to work together to deal with any problems in a way that
is satisfying to each partner” (Lauer & Lauer, 2018, p. 180). By talking about their
problems they can sort them out to deal with them as we read in the quote provide in this
The last point was diving tasks in the house, business and caring of children so they could
manage different situations and have the load of the family split what will cause it to be
lighter and easy to carry.


The present interview has been so pleasing to me for I see in them a perfect example of
balancing self-reliance, studies, family life, work and church callings. They advised me that
through commitment and communication great things can happen in a relationship for that
is the based to nourish love constantly as time passes by.

Lauer, R. H. & Lauer, J. C. (2018). Marriage and family: The quest for intimacy (9th ed.).
McGraw-Hill Education.

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