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Name Jose

Ines Medina Rivera Date 30/09/2022

Unit 6
Sitcom: Help yourself, everyone!
Scene 2

A. Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. b take cookies.
a. Marie and Mr. Evans b. Paul and Marie c. Paul and Cheryl
2. Mr. Evans c .
a. eats sweets b. never likes sweets c. used to eat sweets
3. b are Mr. Evans’s passion.
a. cookies b. strawberries c. cakes
4. Paul is crazy about a .
a. chocolate cake b. strawberries with chocolate c. carrots
5. Cheryl wants b .
a. a piece of cake b. a strawberry c. a cookie
6. Bob has b the cookies.
a. made b. taken c. not tried
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B. How many cookies did each person take? Write what each person says.

1. 2. 3.
Marie took one cookie Paul took three cookies Mr. Evans didn't take any cookies.
Mr. Evans I used to but I can´t anymore
C. Complete the conversation with the words you hear in the video episode.
Marie: But weren´t you eating cookies today at work?
Bob: I was eating carrots .
Marie: I see you snacking on candy this afternoon?
3. 4.
Bob: That was an apple .
Marie: What about that ice cream you ate yesterday?
Bob: fruit salad .
Marie: My mistake.

Top Notch TV 2, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 6

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