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1989 08

1. The Cubists were concerned with how__________a given subject from different points of
view simultaneously. Answer: C

1.C 21. D. miles long

2.C 22. A gulp
3. B 23. D developed
4. B 24. B stimuli
5. D 25. A library
6. A 26. A When a neutron
7. C 27. A Unlike
8. A 28. C rely
9. C 29. C a large
10. C 30. D convinced
11. B 31. C practically
12. D 32. D both
13. D 33. B whose
14. C 34. B puzzle
15. C 35. A managing
16. B it 36. D shorten lives
17 A. carrying 37. C true
18. C as well as 38. D them
19. B dependent 39. D decomposes
20. C has become 40. B of

1989 10
1. Quasars __________ emitting extremely intense radio waves and visible radiation.

2. D 22. B to be
3. D 23. A abundant
4. A 24. A began
5. C 25. C beginning/starting
6. B 26. B he also
7. D 27. B emotional stress
8. A 28. D distribution
9. C 29. B in which
10. B 30. B many
11. D 31. A Principally
12. B 32. C weight
13. B 33. A in
14. A 34. D during
15. C 35. B since
16. A years 36. D feet long
17. A first 37. D each one
18. D represent 38. A that
19. (none) 39. B that chips
20. B their 40. C at least
21. C it

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