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Reflection Guidelines

Description: I enrolled in summer school and completed RE

Mountain's pre-calculus course 12. People have long placed a

high value on the study of mathematics. Since it happens

frequently in our daily lives and I am confident in my math

skills, I went with calculus. Every day in class, my close

friends and I worked together to solve challenging problems, and

eventually we all received high grades.

Personal Relevancy: Since first grade, I've been exposed to

mathematics. When I first encountered arithmetic issues, all I

wanted to do was run away from them and avoid getting a

headache. I worked through a series of challenging problems with

the help of my father and math teacher, discovering the

enjoyment in the subject. I enjoy talking with my pals about

math issues. Through dialogue, I may increase not just my

interest in studying but also the quality of my friendships.

Skill Development: We studied vectors, coordinates, and

functions during the course. Although this information might not

be utilised on a daily basis, it can have a significant impact

on the engineering technology, computer, and other industries.

The impact of mathematics is enormous. With the aid of this

academic background, I may eventually become an accountant.

Self-Awareness: I started to enjoy coming up with novel

answers while I was studying arithmetic, which will make the

process more exciting. I enjoy certain inventive ideas, but they

may occasionally make my head hurt. I've been attempting to

merge maths with photography since it interests me. It is now

well known that photography has a significant role in object

proportion. Many mountain lines, for instance, can be

concatenated as functions.

Future Connections: I took a pre-calculus course over the

summer, and it is best to learn calculus in the following grade.

This course has certain difficulties, but it can help me apply

for the mathematics major. Challenges are a great way to grow as

a person, and breakthroughs can only occur when you push

yourself above your comfort zone. This statement motivates me to

work hard or pursue my studies.

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