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December 2021


November 2022

Widening Horizons
21713 NE 141st St
Woodinville, WA 98077 USA
(425) 869-9810 ·
Have a great day!

Copyright © 1990 Matthew Oliver Goodwin

Portions Copyright © 1988–2003 Widening Horizons, Inc.
BIRTH DATE: November 1, 2014

8 PERSONAL YEAR from January 1 to December 31

6 ESSENCE from January 1 to December 31

11/2 PERSONAL MONTH in December

9 PERSONAL YEAR from January 1 to December 31

6 ESSENCE from January 1 to December 31


11/2 PERSONAL MONTH in February
9 PERSONAL MONTH in September
2 PERSONAL MONTH in November

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 2


At various times in your life, you’ve probably had the feeling that the opportunities are available
for exactly what you want to do. At other times, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the feeling that
hardly anything is going right and that you can’t find a satisfactory outlet for your capabilities.

By using the science of numerology, though, you can recognize the specific influences and
opportunities in your life at any given time. You can determine—in advance—the times of
greatest opportunity and you can also foresee difficulties and the areas in which they’re likely to
happen. Numerology doesn’t give you the ability to foretell the future. It does, however, give
you the ability to see and analyze many of the coming influences and opportunities before they
occur. This allows you to maximize the positive potential as well as to prepare beforehand for
problems that may be developing.

This profile describes the influences and opportunities you can expect in your life during the
time span shown. The profile also includes suggestions for resolving any difficulties as well as
for making the best use of the coming opportunities.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 3




Your 8 Personal Year

The year 2021 is a very special time. You’re likely to have more power, particularly in business
affairs, than you’ve had during the last seven or eight years. (It’s also more power than you’re
likely to have during the next seven or eight years, too, so it’s important to make the most of it.)
Many of your ongoing ventures, including projects started or expanded as far back as 2014 (and
changed, augmented, revised or reorganized during the intervening years) may culminate now.
This is the time to develop positive potential and enjoy this year’s lavish blossoming. Reap the
bountiful harvest. Explore the possibilities of additional growth as well as current or future

Keep an eye on your economic picture. Money may develop from unexpected or untapped
resources, but sometimes it may be needed in far larger amounts than anticipated. Note any
changes in the financial climate and act accordingly. Take advantage of the new and progressive
opportunities that present themselves. The year 2021 can be a good time to invest, start a new
business, buy a business or accept new and unique challenges. Be sure to evaluate realistically
investments, property or buildings that you’re buying, selling or trading. This can be a year with
substantial advancement, achievement and recognition, along with a considerable improvement
in your financial status.

You can feel your extraordinary power from the beginning of the year onward. You’ll sense that
you can operate more efficiently and do more now than you normally can. (If you haven’t felt
particularly powerful or used much effort during the last several years, you’ll still have more
power now than you did in the past. The benefits are likely to be much smaller, though, than if
you had previously exerted a more dynamic presence.)

Clarify your general aims and the specific goals you set for 2021 during your planning sessions
last year. Use all the energy you have available and take action at the right moment for maximum
impact. Improve and bring to a successful conclusion some of your exciting projects and ideas.
Come out asserting yourself vigorously and go after what you want. Focus your energies and
drive forward dynamically. Although this is primarily a time to develop the business side of your
activities, all areas in your life are likely to respond favorably to your current impressive

Approach your activities this year in a very serious and business-like manner. Continuous effort
and hard work are required. Make the most of your organizational, managerial and executive

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 4

skills. Radiate authority and self-confidence. Be very efficient, practical and rational in your
dealings. Display good judgment, particularly in regard to finances and matters relating to your
colleagues and associates. Keep a clear view of your progress at all times. Whenever it’s
necessary, be sure that all loose ends are tied up and the many details completed.

There’s much more work in 2021 than one person can handle comfortably. Make sure you don’t
overestimate your capability and find yourself unable to get the job done. Delegate some of the
work to responsible coworkers so that you’re not overwhelmed. Try not to push yourself too
hard. If you’re working most of the time—both mentally and physically—with very few breaks,
your health can be affected. Take care of any medical matters that need attention. Take some
time off periodically, too, to rest or for a short trip or vacation.

Maintain your close ties with friends and family, even though your time may be limited. Show
your sensitivity and emotions whenever appropriate. Try not to get entangled in romantic matters
that will distract you from the tasks at hand. Be careful to use your authority with a sense of
proportion. Treat others justly. If you use your powers well in 2021, you may produce
spectacular results.

Special Focus For This Year

In 2021, be ready to move forward dramatically with all the energy at your command. This is the
time to bring many of your significant ongoing ventures to the high points or conclusions you’ve
been aiming toward. Proceed in a businesslike manner. Emphasize your independence, though,
and your individualistic way of handling things. Make the most of the strengths that have taken
you this far and stress them now for further advances. You can make important gains in your
career, particularly when you use your leadership ability with the good judgment you usually
possess. Use your executive and administrative skills now, too. Take advantage of new
opportunities that come your way, allowing you to achieve some important financial goals. Take
advantage, too, of any special educational opportunities. Promote yourself whenever you meet
new friends or colleagues and it will generally work in your favor.

Make sure to take the needs of coworkers into account. Although your personal and material
goals may loom large throughout the year—and may prove to be well within your range—be
careful not to appear too self-centered or others may withdraw their support. Allow time to
socialize with family and close friends. Take time off whenever you can so that the strain of all
your work can be comfortably dissipated.

Your 6 Essence

January 1 through December 31

While the above described Personal Year indicates the best approach for you to take for growth
and development during 2021, the Essence points out the likely events to take place during the
period that it is active. Knowing the probable events that will happen and the preferred approach
to those events will help you to get the most out of your experiences.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 5

This is a period during which you’ll experience increased responsibilities concerning your family
or the close community you are a part of. Expect to have more duties than normal in these areas.
You may find yourself spending extra time with your children or possibly other’s children. You
may get new or increased job responsibilities or have to give a helping hand to someone you
work with. This is also a wonderful time to enjoy a love relation, to get married or to appreciate
the pleasures of an ongoing marriage. If you and your partner clearly express your emotions this
can be a beautiful time for the two of you. On the other hand, being self-centered or acting in a
dominating manner can lead to problems in your relationship.

Because your Essence for this period points in a very different direction than the Personal Year,
you may find that things do not go as easily or as smoothly as you’d like. Your desire to be
responsible and helpful to others at this time conflicts with your need for material achievement.
You may spend a good part of the time struggling to find a comfortable balance. It’s possible,
too, that you may try to avoid one of these energies all together. You’ll find, though, that it
resurfaces no matter what you do. Sometimes a balance can be reached by alternately using one
energy, then the other. If at all possible, try to find an approach to the events and opportunities
during this period that allows both energies to work together. This isn’t always easy, but it can
provide the best use of the potentials available.

Monthly Highlights For 2021

The Personal Year is an important yearly influence. This influence, though, is expressed with a
somewhat different emphasis each month. Be sure to take the monthly emphasis into account,
too, when considering the best approach to take to each month’s events. Monthly highlights for
2021 are given next, followed by detailed descriptions for each month.

Be ready to move on some interesting possibilities that develop in February. Take care of the
workload in May, but keep your feelings under control to avoid disagreements. Make the most of
possible breakthroughs in June and secure the financial advantages available in September.
Accept the unexpected conclusion of an important activity or relationship in October and
proceed dynamically with the potential developing in November.


Your 11/2 Personal Month

Your ongoing projects move ahead in December. Some temporary delays and slowdowns,
particularly between December 9th and 16th, contribute to a considerably slower pace than
during the last several months. Enjoy the respite from activity and use the week of December
18th for a short vacation or brief trip that will give you some much needed rest. Take part in
social activities involving your spouse, parents and children. Be tactful, diplomatic and sensitive
as you help resolve family quarrels. Renew some old friendships and make the most of some
close times with colleagues and coworkers. Around December 27th, new friends may prove
helpful in clarifying some of the new directions you’re exploring or in suggesting some

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 6

educational possibilities you may want to look into. You’re well attuned now to the idea of the
transition period that you suspect will play a major part in your activities when 2022 gets under

During the closing months of 2021, continue to make the most of your dynamic energy. Bring
some of your ongoing ventures to a culmination in October, November and December. Reap the
rewards of your hard work: attain a long-term goal, gain recognition and move up in financial
status. Take a break and spend time with close friends for some much needed rest and relaxation.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 7




Your 9 Personal Year

The year 2022 can be expected to be a time of significant endings and transitions. Many of your
activities and interests, started within the last seven or eight years and revised, expanded and
redirected in the interim, reached a culmination last year. It’s time now to take inventory and
clear the decks of completed or outgrown activities, interests and relations. 2022 represents a
year of transition, the clearing out period; you will be cleaning up and making a clear space for
future opportunities.

Study and assess the various matters you deal with in your home and business life and in your
personal relations. Finish and leave behind all the obvious obstacles, as well as the other affairs
that have hampered or delayed your activities. Remove the outmoded and undesirable to make
way for the new and worthwhile. Give up the relationships you’ve outgrown or that have little or
no meaning left. Don’t let matters drag on—don’t carry them over into next year because you
can’t quite end them. Finish them now and be done with it

A feeling of loss may accompany the termination of some of your experiences or relationships.
No matter how difficult it appears, this is still likely to be the easiest time during the last few
years and the next few years—to make these breaks. When an activity shows strong signs of
ending this year, don’t fight the inevitable. Work, if you can, to reach a constructive conclusion.
Although sometimes you may fight desperately to hold onto a relationship or activity drawing to
a close, the eventual ending may give you a great deal of freedom that wasn’t apparent while you
were trying to maintain the status quo. Most conclusions will also allow time for new
opportunities and new interests that can expand your horizons.

Carry forward to next year only those few meaningful experiences and relationships that still
hold a promise of future development. Ideally, don’t begin anything new in 2022, particularly
major matters like new business ventures or a marriage. If absolutely necessary, beginnings from
October 2022 on can bring satisfactory results. Activities started before October, though, might
end prematurely.

As you may expect, much drama and emotion are likely to accompany many of the significant
endings, since the concluding relationships and activities are filled with so much feeling. A sense
of sadness is likely to be present at times, and often a good deal of emotional confusion. As
much as you can, keep your feelings under control. Be careful that your temper doesn’t get out of
hand. Try to avoid feelings of jealousy or selfishness.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 8

If you can handle these matters well, you may be rewarded with love, sympathy and emotional
support. You may be surprised to find that a romance or love affair takes place in the highly
charged atmosphere that’s likely to be with you throughout most of 2022. Such a love affair may
not be easygoing, considering everything else that’s happening in 2022. Make sure you want to
become involved before you go too far.

Try to be as sensitive, tactful and compassionate as you can throughout 2022. Maintain your
close ties with family and friends. You may need them for support during some trying times. If
you feel a good deal of stress throughout the year, check on health matters when it seems

Special Focus For This Year

In 2022, examine what you accomplished during the last several years and then start to think
about the new enterprises you want to become involved in for the future. Look for developing
ventures that will emphasize your leadership ability along with your executive and administrative
talents. If possible, find some projects in which your creativity and good analytical mind can
make significant contributions. Spend some time, too, analyzing the personal characteristics
which may have limited some of your previous attainments. Give some thought to ways of
strengthening your character by eliminating or downplaying matters like aggressiveness or self-
centeredness that may not work to your advantage.

As you bring some of your activities, interests and relationships to a conclusion in 2022, try to be
extremely sensitive to the needs and feelings of the people with whom you’re dealing. Be
particularly patient and understanding with close friends and family. Although your independent
ways often have a positive effect, make sure they don’t upset others when you’re preparing to
terminate a venture. Also be careful that the individualistic ways that often serve you so well
don’t irritate coworkers or colleagues in some of the delicate situations you may face this year.

Your 6 Essence

January 1 through December 31

Your Essence during this period is the same as the one described for last year. Expect the same
kinds of events and opportunities to occur as you have already been experiencing. Make sure,
though, to use the approach of the new Personal Year as you encounter the events that unfold at
this time.

Monthly Highlights For 2022

A new opportunity you find in January may look promising at first but probably won’t have
much potential. Do the hard work that’s necessary in April but keep your emotions under control
to avoid a breakup. Unexpected strong feelings from close friends in July will need some

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 9

immediate resolution. A promising venture is likely to pay good dividends in August but may be
phased out in September unless you can move very quickly. A new interest that surfaces in
October will be ripe for exciting development soon.


Your 1 Personal Month

Emphasize your independence and individuality as the year gets under way. There’s little
question now that you’re entering a transition period requiring the closing out of many of your
interests and activities this year. Examine your ongoing ventures and, from January 8th to 25th,
start planning the most constructive and profitable way to bring those projects that have run their
course to a conclusion. Several new opportunities may look remarkably promising during the
week of January 18th, but be careful not to be taken in. There’s not likely to be much potential,
no matter how good these possibilities look at first. But if opportunities appear around January
27th that will permit a phasing out of some of your long-term endeavors during 2022, they may
be worth exploring further. This year’s activities and directions may look somewhat uncertain at
this time. Be sure to act with sensitivity as you evaluate their complexities.


Your 11/2 Personal Month

Your ongoing activities will move ahead somewhat fitfully this month. Some ventures may even
be subject to temporary delays, particularly during the week of February 9th. Because of this
slowed-down movement, you’re likely to have a good deal of time to spend with your family and
close friends. Be very sensitive, since some of the people you’re dealing with may be edgy or
uneasy just now. Make time as needed for those who are close and supportive—your parents,
children or romantic interest, for instance. Be affectionate and caring so there’s no question of
your interest and concern. Between February 16th and 25th, don’t be surprised if you begin to
see some signs of partings, although any important terminations in your relationships are apt to
be some months off. Try to smooth over any disagreements or misunderstandings as best you
can. Recognize, though, that some of the personal endings aren’t completely under your control.
Some special spiritual awareness may come to your attention around February 18th.

MARCH 2022

Your 3 Personal Month

A good deal of social activity may bring some welcome pleasure this month. Enjoy some parties
and other get-togethers. Spend some time in smaller gatherings with family members or close
friends, probably around March 12th or 18th. Take time for special activities, too, with your
parents or children, or a romantic interest. If the opportunity presents itself, particularly during

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 10

the week of March 20th, take a short vacation. Be very sensitive to others’ feelings and try to
express your emotions clearly and with considerable self-control. You may have to deal with
some disagreements or misunderstandings between March 3rd and 15th, often involving very
close friends. Unless these matters are handled with great care, they may lead to additional
disruptions in the months to come and, eventually, to a termination of the relationship. When you
recognize the strong possibility of a future parting with someone you hold dear, you may want to
accept the inevitable with compassion and understanding rather than try to hold on.

APRIL 2022

Your 4 Personal Month

Enjoy the social life at the beginning and end of April, but be prepared for substantial work
throughout most of the month. Around April 4th, you’re likely to have some organizational work
to handle in regard to a venture that is terminating now or moving toward a future termination.
Another area of heavy work, particularly during the weeks of April 15th or 24th, may involve the
foundation of a new interest or endeavor. In all cases, keep alert for developing changes likely to
affect your various enterprises. Operate with an extremely practical approach and face facts
realistically. Appreciate that you can’t return to your old way of doing things and take
appropriate steps. Appraise financial conditions between April 22nd and the end of the month
and adjust those conditions, if necessary, to reflect the shifts that are taking place. Focus on good
health and take care of any legal papers, contracts or property matters, particularly those relating
to your home.

MAY 2022

Your 5 Personal Month

Many opportunities are present this month, but it’s likely to take some studying to figure out
which ones will be beneficial. Ignore any new possibilities with short-term potential, since these
limited situations aren’t apt to be worth your while. Around May 13th particularly, take
advantage of any situations which can help with some terminations you’re working on. Watch
carefully so matters don’t get out of hand. Explore new interests or experiences during the weeks
of May 9th and 18th, especially situations where development isn’t likely to take place for six
months or so. Don’t spend much time on frivolous activity. Although you may have a lot of fun,
be careful not to lose valuable time that would be better spent on more constructive affairs. New
friends may open doors to the future on or about May 25th. Don’t be fooled, though, by
impressive presentations. Anything worthwhile probably will need a lot of work over a period of
several years, at the least, to meet its promise.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 11

JUNE 2022

Your 6 Personal Month

Much of your time this month probably will be spent on matters relating to your home and
family. Some pleasant social activities, possibly centering around children or a romantic interest,
can bring considerable satisfaction between June 18th and 27th. At this time, though, be prepared
to resolve long-standing disagreements with a family member or close friend. Keep your feelings
under control and try to help others do the same despite the presence of much drama and
emotion. Try not to let your relatives take advantage of you. A parting of the ways with a dear
friend who has played a significant role in either your business or personal life may take place
during the weeks of June 3rd or 12th, despite all precautions to the contrary. Accept an ending if
there’s no way to prevent it. You may be surprised to find how much freedom you have after this
relationship is terminated.

JULY 2022

Your 7 Personal Month

You’ll want to spend a good deal of time alone this month, particularly between July 9th and
18th. Make plans for starting new projects or experiences somewhere down the line, probably at
the beginning of next year. More importantly, make immediate plans for closing out those
situations and relationships which need to be terminated because they’re clearly hampering your
progress. Be prepared to let go right now if a project, person or interest is obviously drifting
away. Don’t be surprised at the strong feelings you may have to face on or about July 11th or
27th. Keep your own emotions under tight control to avoid quarrels. Communicate as openly and
clearly as you can. Recognize, though, that misunderstandings may occur, since others may not
be especially willing to share their thoughts or feelings at this time. During the week of July
20th, take some time off for rest and relaxation or, if possible, a brief vacation.


Your 8 Personal Month

Be prepared to take strong, dynamic action when it’s appropriate. Some experiences or business
situations are due for termination between August 1st and 9th but are likely to need a helping
hand to reach their final stages. Be mature and businesslike for best results. Use your executive
ability to clear the way. Try to be sensitive and compassionate in your dealings with coworkers,
particularly during the week of August 10th. Be careful, though, that others don’t try to sneak
things past you. Keep your eyes open so that you can take advantage of some of the endings
you’re involved in to gain possible advancement or financial improvement. Attend to any new
interests that appear to have significant potential. Be sure these ventures receive the assistance
that’s called for—from you or an associate you’ve delegated—even though you’re pressed for

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 12

time throughout the month. On or about August 23rd, take care of contracts and legal affairs
pertaining to past and future matters.


Your 9 Personal Month

You may experience a good deal of drama this month. The partings that you’ve dealt with
throughout the year are likely to continue through the end of this month. Be prepared for the
possibility that important people, significant ventures or exciting interests may be phased out at
this time. Although some of these conclusions may have been on the horizon for months, you
may not have seen them because you preferred to look the other way. Be prepared for
considerable emotion, particularly from September 9th to 18th, as you deal with these trying but
necessary terminations. Sometime around September 28th or so, you’ll begin to feel the dawning
of a new period, the quiet beginnings of a time full of hope and promise. You’ll have some sense
that you’ve completed an important phase of experience. A door is slowly opening now to
introduce you to a new and different experience. This new phase won’t fully commence until the
start of 2023. You’ll see the door opening bit by bit, though, during the next few months.


Your 1 Personal Month

You’ll have even stronger feelings than you had last month now that you’re starting a new phase
of experience. There may be a few relatively minor interests or activities phasing out in October,
but you can be confident that for all intents and purposes significant completions and
terminations are a thing of the past. You’ll feel far more upbeat than you have for many months.
A sense of newness and beginning is becoming stronger and stronger. A new interest that
surfaces on or about October 7th may be ripe for exciting development within a short time.
Several new opportunities with considerable potential are beginning to open up between October
9th and 27th. During the week of October 16th, you may meet some new friends or possibly a
new business partner with interesting possibilities. Do any work that’s required on these various
projects. You’ll find that you’ll mark time or make plans for the future for most of these
enterprises because they won’t really take off until the beginning of 2023.


Your 2 Personal Month

Although you may be raring to go, November is likely to prove a relatively quiet month. Work to
develop a sense of balance and harmony during this brief period of transition between the
endings you’ve experienced throughout 2022 and the beginnings you’re looking forward to in
2023. Continue to make plans between November 8th and 17th to develop the new ventures

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 13

you’re planning to initiate early in 2023. But don’t try to force any forward movement at this
time. It isn’t likely to do much good and, in the long run, may interfere with some critical timing.
Socialize with your family and close friends during the week of November 16th. Appreciate the
affectionate feelings you share and the vital support they’re so willing to give. Special activities
with children can give you considerable pleasure. On or about November 25th, time with a loved
one also can be particularly satisfying. Enjoy some delightful new friends and renew some old
acquaintances. Be prepared to lend a helping hand to an associate or colleague in need.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 14


The information contained in this profile can be remarkably helpful. Read it once or twice when
you first receive it. Read it again when important opportunities come your way. You may learn,
as many people have, to benefit by making the most of the described possibilities by preparing

Read the profile, too, when you feel stuck. You may benefit by figuring out how to deal with the
difficulties in a better way. If you see a problem coming, a re-reading may show you how to
prepare for that problem before it actually occurs. You may be surprised and delighted at the
many times that the information in the profile contributes significantly to your life.

Yearly Report for Do Mai Lien 15

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