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Yearly Report

Do Mai Lien

January – December 2021


At various times in your life, you’ve probably had the feeling that the opportunities are available
for exactly what you want to do. At other times, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the feeling that
hardly anything is going right and that you can’t find a satisfactory outlet for your capabilities.

By using the science of numerology, though, you can recognize the specific influences and
opportunities in your life at any given time. You can determine—in advance—the times of
greatest opportunity and you can also foresee difficulties and the areas in which they’re likely to
happen. Numerology doesn’t give you the ability to foretell the future. It does, however, give
you the ability to see and analyze many of the coming influences and opportunities before they
occur. This allows you to maximize the positive potential as well as to prepare beforehand for
problems that may be developing.

This profile describes the influences and opportunities you can expect in your life during the
time span shown. The profile also includes suggestions for resolving any difficulties as well as
for making the best use of the coming opportunities.

DML Copyright © 1988–2003 Widening Horizons, Inc. 1




Your 9 Personal Year

The year 2021 can be expected to be a time of significant endings and transitions. Many of your
activities and interests, started within the last seven or eight years and revised, expanded and
redirected in the interim, reached a culmination last year. It’s time now to take inventory and
clear the decks of completed or outgrown activities, interests and relations. 2021 represents a
year of transition, the clearing out period; you will be cleaning up and making a clear space for
future opportunities.

Study and assess the various matters you deal with in your home and business life and in your
personal relations. Finish and leave behind all the obvious obstacles, as well as the other affairs
that have hampered or delayed your activities. Remove the outmoded and undesirable to make
way for the new and worthwhile. Give up the relationships you’ve outgrown or that have little or
no meaning left. Don’t let matters drag on—don’t carry them over into next year because you
can’t quite end them. Finish them now and be done with it

A feeling of loss may accompany the termination of some of your experiences or relationships.
No matter how difficult it appears, this is still likely to be the easiest time during the last few
years and the next few years—to make these breaks. When an activity shows strong signs of
ending this year, don’t fight the inevitable. Work, if you can, to reach a constructive conclusion.
Although sometimes you may fight desperately to hold onto a relationship or activity drawing to
a close, the eventual ending may give you a great deal of freedom that wasn’t apparent while you
were trying to maintain the status quo. Most conclusions will also allow time for new
opportunities and new interests that can expand your horizons.

Carry forward to next year only those few meaningful experiences and relationships that still
hold a promise of future development. Ideally, don’t begin anything new in 2021, particularly
major matters like new business ventures or a marriage. If absolutely necessary, beginnings from
October 2021 on can bring satisfactory results. Activities started before October, though, might
end prematurely.

As you may expect, much drama and emotion are likely to accompany many of the significant
endings, since the concluding relationships and activities are filled with so much feeling. A sense
of sadness is likely to be present at times, and often a good deal of emotional confusion. As
much as you can, keep your feelings under control. Be careful that your temper doesn’t get out of
hand. Try to avoid feelings of jealousy or selfishness.

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If you can handle these matters well, you may be rewarded with love, sympathy and emotional
support. You may be surprised to find that a romance or love affair takes place in the highly
charged atmosphere that’s likely to be with you throughout most of 2021. Such a love affair may
not be easygoing, considering everything else that’s happening in 2021. Make sure you want to
become involved before you go too far.

Try to be as sensitive, tactful and compassionate as you can throughout 2021. Maintain your
close ties with family and friends. You may need them for support during some trying times. If
you feel a good deal of stress throughout the year, check on health matters when it seems

Special Focus For This Year

During 2021, be ready to reach endings and transitions on some of your ongoing projects. Spend
some time deciding what new areas you’d like to explore and what new talents you’d like to
develop. It’ll be helpful if you can become involved in future ventures in which you can project
yourself with more strength and power than you’ve managed so far. Although you may make
plans in 2021, your new endeavors aren’t likely to get underway until the beginning of next year.

Appraise the various relationships in which you’re involved and make sure you’re being treated
in a way that feels comfortable. If you find that some of your relationships need adjustment,
begin to work on that in 2021. Recognize that some meaningful relationships, either personal or
related to business matters, may conclude this year. When you’re concerned with partings or
possible partings—be as sensitive, tactful and diplomatic as you can be. Your considerate and
cooperative manner is likely to be most appreciated. As you’re probably aware, though, when
you’re timid or uncertain, you may not be able to make things happen the way you want. Allow
the time you need to maintain the closeness you desire with your children and romantic interest,
as well as with the rest of your family and friends.

Your 6 Essence

January 1 through December 31

While the above described Personal Year indicates the best approach for you to take for growth
and development during 2021, the Essence points out the likely events to take place during the
period that it is active. Knowing the probable events that will happen and the preferred approach
to those events will help you to get the most out of your experiences.

This is a period during which you’ll experience increased responsibilities concerning your family
or the close community you are a part of. Expect to have more duties than normal in these areas.
You may find yourself spending extra time with your children or possibly other’s children. You
may get new or increased job responsibilities or have to give a helping hand to someone you
work with. This is also a wonderful time to enjoy a love relation, to get married or to appreciate
the pleasures of an ongoing marriage. If you and your partner clearly express your emotions this
can be a beautiful time for the two of you. On the other hand, being self-centered or acting in a
dominating manner can lead to problems in your relationship.

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Monthly Highlights For 2021

The Personal Year is an important yearly influence. This influence, though, is expressed with a
somewhat different emphasis each month. Be sure to take the monthly emphasis into account,
too, when considering the best approach to take to each month’s events. Monthly highlights for
some of the more important months during 2021 are given next.

Enjoy some very close and loving times in February. Take care of the significant work that needs
to be done in April but keep a good grip on your emotions. During June, resolve
misunderstandings that may occur with close family members. Be careful that they don’t take
advantage of you. Accept the conclusion of an important personal relationship in September. A
new friend may make your acquaintance in October, though, and, if you’re particularly sensitive
in November, this relationship may develop.


The information contained in this profile can be remarkably helpful. Read it once or twice when
you first receive it. Read it again when important opportunities come your way. You may learn,
as many people have, to benefit by making the most of the described possibilities by preparing

Read the profile, too, when you feel stuck. You may benefit by figuring out how to deal with the
difficulties in a better way. If you see a problem coming, a re-reading may show you how to
prepare for that problem before it actually occurs. You may be surprised and delighted at the
many times that the information in the profile contributes significantly to your life.


BIRTH DATE: April 9, 2014


DML Copyright © 1988–2003 Widening Horizons, Inc. 4

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