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This year is one of high energy which should be used. It's ideal for beginnings of any kind and is
therefore considered a year of sowing. Pause for a moment, relax, and think about what you'd
like to start doing this year of number 1. There's a good chance it'll be successful. Isn't it great to
know the universe is on your side?

Don't wait for things to fall into your lap. What wishes or ideas would you like to work on? Make
a list and imagine that you've already accomplished them. It's more effective to write them down
because that way they remain in your subconscious. Start with the clearest idea, the one that
excites you the most. All doors are open for you now.

In the previous year of number nine, you were supposed to get rid of burdens and end all bad
relationships. If you still haven't done so, you have time to do it now, because only if you make
decisions without any burdens will success follow. What does this mean? If you're unsatisfied at
work, make some changes because you should have already done so. Be prepared to move if
that was supposed to happen. Separate or divorce if you're in a bad relationship, or get married
if you wanted to do so last year but circumstances didn't allow you to do so.

The year of number one is considered to be the most important in the nine-year cycle – what
you sow now will follow you for the next nine years. That's why you need to think carefully about
everything because now you have an opportunity for a new beginning, to change your life and
habits for the better.

This year will open many doors and offer you many opportunities. Be cautious and don't rush
into anything, because not all options are equally good. Let the situation develop gently like a
flower, otherwise, it may be difficult to realize your plans. If you get carried away by the energy
of number one and disregard advice, your ideas will fail. That's why you need to be patient and
learn to control the strong energy of number one in order to direct it properly.

This is a year when you should act as an individual, so creating new business partnerships is
not recommended. Rely on yourself, and the energy of number one will give you the power to
persist until the end. Be open to new meetings and acquaintances, watching things from a new
perspective, and don't be afraid of new experiences.

The number 2 year is a little difficult to explain, as the focus will be on inner feelings, not on
words and events. After a year of high energy comes a year when you should slow down. It's
your job now to wait patiently and see what will grow from the seeds you planted last year. This
will be a year full of challenges that can only be overcome if you learn what patience, tact, and
diplomacy are. Now is not the time to start new things, because you had your chance last year.
Continue with what you've already started. Think about what you can fix and whether you've
overlooked something that could cause problems. After fixing issues, you should wait patiently
for results.

Number two comes with emotional instability. You will be more sensitive than usual, so you may
have fears or want to cry, but know that it's completely fine to feel so because you are having
such a year. Anxiety, unrest, and insecurity may also be present, but try not to pay too much
attention to them and over time you will surpass these feelings. It will be much easier to provoke
you or make you lose your temper. Be calm and don't react violently.

This is a fateful year, which means you will have little impact on external events. Everything that
will take place must happen that way, and nothing is based on what you do. This is why you
won't be able to influence the outcomes of events. It will be challenging and frustrating to
observe how things happen beyond your wishes and control, but that's also the positive side of
this year because it will shape and polish you. Be grateful and don't curse your luck so you can
overcome all the challenges that number two imposes on you as painlessly as possible. Now
you are in the hands of destiny, both good and bad will emerge. Find inner peace and have
faith, and this year won't be that difficult.

During this year, there might be people who would like to con you and, given the fact that you
are in the year of number two, that won't be too hard, so be cautious. These are frauds, people
who will try to pull the wool over your eyes, so you shouldn't trust their word. Take your time and
approach everything carefully. Look into things before you embark on anything.

This isn't the most favorable year for selling or buying real estate, and great caution is advised.
It's not good for moving either, but it is good for renovating your apartment or house.

The number 3 year is one of emotional awakening, following the year of number two when you
were sleepy. You'll want to socialize, distract and entertain yourself, communicate, work on and
present yourself in the best possible light. You will feel joy, positive energy, and ease, which will
make you mingle and enjoy life. You will be led by your heart, not by reason, this year, and
that's perfectly fine. Let it be so, but think your decisions through. There will be plenty of
opportunities and should you take advantage of them, success, socializing, entertainment, and
new acquaintances will follow. Allow people to enter your life, as now is not the time to avoid
them. Before any become your friends, test them. Chances are you will acquire friends who will
support you.

The year of number three lets us see the first results of what we started in the year of number
one. If we compare it to a garden, during the first year we planted seeds, then we prepared the
soil, only to see the first shoots appear in year three. Let this be an incentive to continue
working and expressing yourself through creativity. Think about what makes you feel joy and
dedicate yourself to it. Create with joy and optimism, and you will see the first results of your
work in the year of number five.
Use this year to earn money. If you were planning to sell a property, now is a good period. Buy
and invest money in the things you'll need. Don't strain yourself too much this year, because
you'll need strength and endurance next year, which will be tough in this aspect.

Beware of your impulsiveness, especially when it comes to what you promise, and to whom, in
public, so you wouldn't get into trouble later. Searching for excitement and excessive optimism
may lead you astray, by causing you to make promises you won't be able to keep, so you may
end up disappointed, or worse, feel forced to tell lies and manipulate people.

It's a good year for traveling, socializing, going out, and entertainment – meaning your pockets
might empty. It's time to test some friendships and strengthen others.

The year number 4 is a year of labor, organization, and commitment to work. And it won't be an
easy year. There will be a lot of difficulties, unpredictable situations, and frustration, all of which
could be overcome with work and good organization. In the year of number 3, you saw the first
shoots grow from your labor, and now it's time to water, weed, fertilize, or rearrange them and
set a solid basis for the following year. This is why you shouldn't avoid your responsibilities. Do
everything that is asked of you. Don't cut yourself any slack or ask others for help. You're on
your own. However, when you see the results you will be proud of yourself. You will accomplish
more than you expect.

It's a good year to learn what discipline and organization are. Approach everything meticulously
with your eyes wide open, because someone might be waiting for you to make a mistake. Now
is not the time to take risks – leave such moves for next year. Look at each task from different
perspectives and think of possible shortcomings that could cause you problems. At times it may
seem that you are expected to do the impossible and you won't be able to cope, but number
four will give you the strength you need. Come to terms with the fact that this is a year of hard
work and success depends on you exclusively.

A hard year awaits you, but don't let that scare you. You will learn what hard work, discipline,
organization, and responsibility are. Approach everything seriously and success will come for
sure. What follows is the year of number five, in which you will be relieved by and proud of the
results. Your efforts and hard work will pay off in many ways.

The number 5 year is one of relief, change, travel, and adventure. After the hardships of last
year comes a shift of energy. After plenty of effort, burdens, and difficulties, you yearn for
freedom and moments of joy. And that's exactly what this year brings you. Go out and have fun!
Enjoy spending time with your friends, going to parties, and forgetting about the past. You will
be awakened, you will open up, wishing to live your life to the fullest. Be open to meeting new
people, gaining new knowledge, and traveling. This is a year for your development and you'll
want to try and learn many things.
Try diving, paragliding, or hiking, and read about things you know nothing about. Some of you
will be interested in the deeper meaning of life and spirituality.

Observed from the perspective of the nine-year cycle, this is a year when you will see the first
fruits of your labor. The previous year was good for setting foundations and, given that you did
everything in the right way, you'll now reap the rewards. However, if you don't see results, don't
despair but think of how you can fix the present state of things. What did you miss and how can
you resolve this? Make an effort and you'll be surprised by the opportunities you'll have this
year. Your plans will go through a series of changes before they take their final form. Be careful
not to get carried away and go too far along this road. Think carefully about everything, make a
plan and try to stick to it, bearing in mind the changes that can occur in the meantime. If you go
too far, you might lose people from around you, as they won't be able to follow you, believing
you to be too unstable, which will frustrate them. This is a year when you can take risks
because chance is on your side.

Forget about the past, because it would be bad to let it slow you down. Break free of the
shackles imposed on you by your surroundings. Now is a good time to set the score with certain
people and things and turn to activities that bring you joy. This is not a time for boredom and
routine tasks.

This year you should learn what love and consideration for others are. You will turn to family
and loved ones, as many events this year will be related to them. You could say that the year
number 6 is filled with responsibility which you are expected to comply with. Start by solving
problematic life situations. If you're in a happy relationship, get married because this year is
good for marriage. If your personalities are compatible, you'll have a chance of a lasting union. If
your relationship isn't happy, separate or divorce. Don't stay trapped in a union that isn't
working. There is a possibility of having a baby for those already in harmonious relationships.

You should use this year to establish harmonious relationships with your loved ones. If you do
so, fulfilling moments await you. This year will be hard for many because there will be a lot of
obligations and responsibilities concerning family, friends, and relatives. Many of them will come
to you for help and expect you to provide it. Some will seek advice, others may involve you in
their emotional problems. Family problems or an attempt to force you to take responsibility for
an elderly family member are possible.

This year you should give yourself to others, so try to help if you can. You will treat everyone
according to their merit. Although it may be that some of them have never helped you, helping
them will be a good deed that could clean your karma. Don't expect gratitude in return, because
often you won't get it. You're expected to be devoted, understanding, and forgiving. That's why
you should help everyone as much as you can, but don't overdo things – help them as long as it
doesn't jeopardize you. Try to recognize the dishonest and the ill-intentioned in time. Know that
your supplies of love are unlimited and everything depends on your attitude. It's okay to remain
in someone's shadow and provide support, as you'll be rewarded for it. You mustn't forget about
yourself while taking care of others. If you're unhappy and unsatisfied, you won't be able to help
anyone. That's why you should set boundaries, not promise too much, learn to say "no", and put
yourself in a position where you can truly help others. This year is renowned for making
promises we cannot keep, so make sure this doesn't happen to you. Take care of your body
and try to eat a healthy diet. Look after yourself, go to yoga or have a massage, meditate, be
physically active and pay attention to your appearance. Rely on your charm, because that's your
shortcut to success this year.

This year you should take a break, find inner peace and turn to yourself. It is fascinating how
after a year of serving others you've decided that enough is enough and it's now time to
dedicate your efforts to yourself. That's completely fine; it's such a year. Moreover, it's of great
importance to do so, otherwise, problems will arise in all aspects of life. No matter what you do
this year, know that it will affect future events.

You will now retreat into yourself, making way for a period of self-analysis. You'll contemplate
what you did in past years, what was good, what wasn't, and what you should get rid of. During
this time of retrospection and searching, it would be good to work on yourself and grow
spiritually. Only then will you expand your views and be able to see your situation from different
angles. You will be thinking about essential changes.

The year number 7 is a year of great mental effort, frustration and anxiety. You will get the
impression that you can't reach common ground with your environment. Distance yourself from
people who want to do you harm or trick you in some way. You will be more sensitive than
usual, which will affect your physical health. Don't let it take hold over you, wake up and bear
the circumstances, so as not to be dragged into an even bigger crisis. You'll want to be alone
this year, so you may come across as cold and reserved.

You may be annoyed by colleagues and those who are close to you. Make time for yourself
during the day when you will be completely alone. Believe that this will be of great benefit both
for you and those around you.

You will find salvation by working on yourself, both intellectually and spiritually. Enroll in a
course, apply for a workshop, dedicate yourself to humanitarian work, read, do research.
Wander off into your own world and think calmly about everything. You can make great
discoveries. Turn to the spiritual and esoteric.

As this year is difficult for relationships, some connections may be broken. Some will be tested
so you can see who your real friends are. Save your nerves, disregard the little things if
necessary, and avoid stressful situations. Spend time in nature more often or, if you are an
animal lover, spend more time with your pets and help others to avoid melancholy.
If you do everything right, this year could be good, a year when you will reap the fruits of your
labor and receive recognition. Success in competitions is possible, as well as favorable
outcomes in legal disputes and trials. The energy of number seven could surprise you in the
form of a sudden financial gain at a lottery or elsewhere.

The year number 8 is a year when, after a hard year of number seven, you get to relax and take
your life into your own hands. Now you will turn to the outside and the material world. Stress
and nervous tension that followed you in the past years will slowly disappear and you will be
calmer. Good moods, relaxation, and a laid back approach to life will prevail, but don't let this
fool you into relaxing too much, because this is certainly not the year for being completely laid
back. You will feel an inflow of driving energy and will want to realize plans that will bring you
material gain.

You can expect good opportunities and success in all aspects this year. It would be nice to
share your success with others. Although luck is on your side, that doesn't mean you won't
struggle to achieve your goals. Know that the final result depends on you, and what you receive
depends on what you give. Therefore, don't make yourself a victim but roll up your sleeves and
start realizing your goals. Think carefully and set your goals to avoid wasting your energy. It
won't be easy, but chance favors you.

A guardian angel is also associated with the year of number eight, so you'll enjoy additional
protection. You will get into situations that couldn't have been prevented and on which you won't
have any influence. Whether they will be good or bad for you depends on your response. If you
don't play fair, your guardian angel won't offer help. Otherwise, you will be lucky.

The year number 9 represents the end of a nine-year cycle. It's a year of liberation, love,
forgiving, happiness and success. Now is the right time to liberate yourself from all unnecessary
people and things in your life. Ask yourself what's wrong, what stops you and spoils your mood,
then start with the big clear out. Release bad memories, ideas, clothes, material things, and bad
friends. It's enough that you wish to do so, and fortune will guide you to do it in the most
painless way possible. It is essential to do the clearing so you can enter the next year
unburdened, as that will be the year that marks the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. Don't let
things and people torture you and be part of your future unnecessarily. They no longer have a
purpose, so you need to free yourself from them. Rely on your increased intuition to lead you.
Memories you should leave behind after you finish this process could also help you achieve

This year you will turn to yourself more than to the outside world. You may feel lonely and
isolated, so some of you will want to be alone and able to confront your feelings in peace. If you
feel like crying, do so. If you feel the need to mourn something or someone, now is the time. It's
also a good time to learn the truth about yourself, no matter how painful it may be. Get rid of the
past and all your memories, good and bad. Don't be afraid to change your habits and break the
patterns you have been living by. Slowly prepare the terrain for a new beginning.

The time is appropriate for asking for help and advice because doors will open for you.
Therefore, accept help for uncluttering your life. Asking for assistance is also related to your
bosses, superiors, the state, and authorities. As this is a year of endings, try to complete
ongoing work. Don't start anything new, at least not during the first nine months of the year.

Someone may leave you this year, a partner, a friend or a pet, which will be hard for you. Other
friends may ignore you or stop talking to you. But this opens the door for new friendships. Don't
get attached to anything, forgive everything, for this is a year of forgiveness. Be humane and
help others.

The circumstances are favorable for traveling abroad. It's a great opportunity to broaden your
views and meet new people.


This is a good month for any beginning because you will feel at your strongest and most
successful. The energy of the month number 1 is also good for solving problems, so now is the
time to set yourself in motion, because with the arrival of this new energy comes a new
approach. Analyze and re-examine your goals. The energy you'll feel might overwhelm you if
you don't tame and channel it in a useful direction. You can do this by reading, learning, and
contemplating. Don't waste this energy. You'll be nervous due to this boundless energy, at times
even aggressive. Try to stay calm by spending time in nature. Don't argue with or insult others.

Since this is the month of beginnings, be careful what you start. There will be plenty of good
opportunities, but you can't use them all. Pause for a while and let things evolve because a bad
choice will follow you for the next eight months at least. The same goes for new friends entering
your life. Be careful regarding whom you let in because that person will stay with you for a long
period. In general, it's a favorable month to start a relationship.

Events the month number 2 won't evolve at the expected speed. Your will-power will be reduced
and you won't be able to influence some events. That's why you shouldn't impose your ideas but
take a step back and remain silent. This is a perfect month to learn about patience and tact
because only through these will you succeed. Pay attention to how you cooperate with others as
this will be very important. Compared to last month, then this one brings the final decision
regarding which of the things you have previously started are good, what will remain, what is
bad and what can't last. It's not pleasant to realize that as much as you had the strength to do
anything that came to mind last month, you feel powerless now. You will feel like an observer
who has little influence on the course of events. Also, this is a fateful month when you will be
rewarded for your good deeds or punished for your bad ones.

Arm yourself with patience and don't waste your money because this is a month of expenses.
Beware of fraud and avoid risky investments. Think thoroughly about everything.

During the month number 3, your decisions will be based on your emotions, which will subtly
guide you. You will be noticed and the door you thought would be closed will open for you.
There will be plenty of opportunities you can take advantage of. Go out and socialize because
you never know what good may come from it. This isn't a month for solitude and isolation
because favorable opportunities are waiting for you, maybe even love – you might meet
someone new this month.

Pay attention to what you say and who's listening, because a reckless statement can damage
your reputation. Pay special attention to what you promise. This month brings relief and
relaxation compared to last month. Favorable circumstances are in sight and it's a period during
which you can achieve good results. It's the right time to express your creativity with joy and to
continue to work on projects you started earlier. If you try hard now, know that you will be
generously rewarded later.

This is a month of excessive burdens, effort, and stress. Don't push yourself too hard and pay
attention to your health. Arm yourself with patience. Everything you postponed for another
period has its turn now. To make things harder, you're alone in this because others will be
unable to help you. Bite the bullet and do as much as possible; don't leave anything until the
next day because that might be too late. If you act in this way, you'll be able to reap the fruits of
your labor, although there may be a delay. Get down to work and you'll be able to do more than
you think.

Now is a good time to accept even seemingly impossible tasks, because the energy of the
month number 4 gives you persistence, so everything will be easier to deal with. Avoid
arguments and don't cause any problems. This is a karmic month, meaning that you earned
some of that burden. It's a good month for solving housing and legal issues. Buy an apartment,
arrange or renovate your living space. Your financial situation won't be the best, but don't
borrow any money!

You are finally going to feel relief. You will open up and achieve good results. A difficult month is
behind you, so now it's time for a more relaxed period. Enjoy it, but don't neglect your
responsibilities. The month number 5 can bring you an opportunity to travel, move or re-arrange
your living space. It's good for making contacts as well. Don't distance yourself from people.
Make new friends, socialize, and have fun. Break the routine by taking up new activities. Look
for a new way to carry out tasks you have worked on so far. You will feel the need to let go of
everything that's weighing you down and live freely. Do it in order to be more satisfied and enjoy
a better life. You will be more open to cooperation. To avoid problems, beware of making
impulsive and hasty decisions. In general, this month is favorable and there's little chance of
anything going wrong.

The month number 6 is dedicated to family and friends. Devote yourself to those closest to you,
family first and then others. Put them first and try to help them as much as possible. It's a good
period for getting a new job and for anything that could positively affect your life. Pay attention to
yourself and your appearance because your efforts won't go unnoticed. If you begin an
emotional relationship this month, it could be true and lasting. Enjoy your feelings. This is a
month mostly related to your social life, family, marriage, and love. It's also a period when you
will serve others but you may at times feel like they're using you.

You are in a month when you should help someone without seeking compensation. Your
responsibility is being tested. Put your family first and give them your undivided attention. You
will feel that everybody needs you. Suddenly, people want your shoulder to cry on and will seek
your advice. They'll bother you and expect you to listen to their problems. Remember that now
you're there for them, ready to understand and forgive them.

Official documents matter during the month number 7, so pay close attention to contracts and
any papers you sign to avoid complications. It's a favorable month to enroll in a course or some
kind of personal development training. It's extremely difficult to reach an agreement with those
around you as it seems you are always on opposing sides. Plus, you have less energy due to
internal conflicts that have emerged within you – you have no idea where they came from. The
world around you doesn't interest you a great deal just now, but if you aren't going to work on
yourself spiritually, it would be a good idea to ensure you spend more time among people, as it
won't be easy for you to be alone.

This month could be psychologically difficult, with lots of misunderstandings, nervousness,

disobedience, intolerance, questioning, obstructions, or delays. You'll work a lot and earn little.
Your internal turmoil will force you to express yourself, which can easily lead to arguments. Try
to remain calm, ease up, and find a solution that works for both sides. With diplomacy and
tolerance, you can get through this month without major problems.

You won't be on the best of terms with your loved ones, which could lead you to grow apart and
subsequently end up in a separation or divorce. If there are legal charges against you, a
settlement may not be a bad option. Your finances aren't favorable, so beware of potential fraud
and theft, and think everything through!

Last month you served others, now turn to yourself. Spend time alone and find peace within.
Forget about your problems, at least for a little while. Walking in nature will do you good. Now is
the right time to work on your personal development. Your intuition and spirituality will be
emphasized. Follow your instincts and you will discover new information. Don't pay attention to
what other people think, because they don't know what you know.

Rebirth on a material level offers you increased engagement in that direction. You shouldn't be
greedy and take what doesn't belong to you because, regardless of what anyone else thinks,
every excess is severely punished. Roll up your sleeves and do things right and you'll find
happiness. As the emphasis is on the physical, you will feel the need for physical satisfaction
and will have increased sexual energy. The month number 8 is an interesting month when
everything is possible and you can take risks as you'll feel lucky and relaxed.

The month may open with bills to be paid, but if you plan everything well, eventually you can
expect positive results. It is extremely important to direct your spending properly to produce a
favorable outcome. Now is the time to take risks, so you shouldn't play it safe and live on your
reputation. It's also a favorable period to beat your opponents or win a dispute in court. Even if
you don't invest anything, you may expect positive results from previous investments. However,
if you haven't set up a strong base earlier, you might experience loss.

A guardian angel will watch over you. Relax and don't insist on things happening in a certain
way. If you haven't been fair, expect that justice will be yours. It may come in the form of
material costs, financial problems, job loss, and even bankruptcy. On the other hand, if you
were fair, you will be rewarded. The reward may be in the form of material gain, glory,
recognition, or inheritance.

This is a month when you'll get many things done. You will be able to realize the things you
have postponed. Don't hesitate to end anything bad, whether it's your job, a relationship, or
something else. The month number 9 ends the nine-month cycle, so you'll be able to summarize
the results from the previous period. Don't start anything new this month, because it will end

This month is for ending things. Think about what needs to come to an end and deal with it right
away. It could be a bad habit or friendship, a relationship that isn't going well, or your job. Don't
start anything new and important, because there's little chance of it lasting. If you don't end bad
things, this will be a disappointing month for you. Ask yourself what was bad in the past and
what you need to get rid of to have a brighter future and a better life. This is the end of a cycle,
so all kinds of breakups are less painful this month.

The idea of completion also applies to your current projects and goals. Complete the tasks
you're working on, or, if you are at the end of your studies, try to graduate this month. Charity
work will do you good and fulfill you. Be humane and compassionate. The end of the month is
especially suitable for you to acquire new knowledge or dive into mysticism. Follow your
intuition, because it will be strong.

Day number 1 is ideal for beginnings or facing problems. Number one has the driving energy
that gives you the strength and readiness to fight. Be active, prove your worth, set yourself in
motion, and take the opportunities offered to you today. It's a good day for meetings and signing
new agreements. Start with the realization of your ideas and your personal development. Listen
to whether new ideas are being developed. Remember that this isn't the day for results, so don't
expect them right away, nor should you expect to solve problems.


Day number 2 is a good day to be surrounded by friends and loved ones. If you need help, don't
hesitate to look for it. Try not to react impulsively if you want to avoid problems. Today is a
strange day because you won't be able to have any impact on situations around you. You will
feel like you have taken one step forward, then two steps back. If you have a business meeting,
remain calm or conflict may easily occur. It's not a good day for beginnings because chances
are that you will have to repeat everything several times. Yesterday you had the opportunity to
stand out; today you should step back. Be careful with money, as it's easy to spend under
today's influence.

Day number 3 is a good day for making new contacts. Be open and spend time with others,
because today's energy makes you stand out in every sense, especially when it comes to
creative matters. If you're an artist or a writer, use today to work on your projects. Write down all
your ideas but don't have unrealistic expectations because you won't be able to achieve
everything. An emotional encounter is possible. This is a day when you should be happy and
smiling. Pay attention to your finances and don't waste money. If you notice that you're nervous
and in a bad mood, don't react impulsively. Ease up to avoid later regret.

Try to be hard-working and complete all your work today. If you do everything right, you will be
rewarded. Day number 4 is a day for work and material things, so there can be a lot of burdens,
obstacles, and worries. Success lies in persistence. Today is not a day for making important
decisions. Try to remain calm and look after your health. Material gain is possible. You may
receive good news relating to business. If you don't get along with your partner, you might
experience inner turmoils today. It's a good day for physical activity.

Day number 5 is a day of relief. Positive changes are possible, but it is necessary to take the
initiative in order to improve your mood. It's an ideal day for traveling, making new contacts or
moving. Today you will want to be independent and enjoy your freedom. Financial gain and
capital increase are possible. Position changes, progress, or changes may occur at work. Be
careful in traffic. Pay attention to impulsiveness, because you might get into an argument that
will result in a loss for you. This day will bring solutions to concerns about the meaning of life
and what your role is in the world.

Day number 6 is a day for love. Pay attention to your loved one, friends, and family. It's your
turn to give yourself and serve others. That's why you should avoid discussions, disagreements,
and conflict. Remember that you must love yourself in order to love others, so find a way to
please yourself – dress up, have a massage, or relax by meditating. It's a good day to start a
relationship or to strengthen your love. On the other hand, if you're unhappy in a relationship, it's
a favorable day to end it as well. You might get a new job or if you're looking for a new job, you
could send an application today. Shopping related to family and home is possible.

It would be good to use this day for rest and personal development. Day number 7 is ideal day
for analysis, contemplating, and research. Take a break and look into yourself. Try to reduce the
noise in order to hear your inner voice. It's a great day to take up a personal development
course or go to a seminar. Try not to draw attention to yourself as your communication skills
aren't strong. You will feel unable to reach an agreement with people. Concerns, delays or
postponements may occur. Avoid material and financial activities. Some will be delighted with
an unexpected and beautiful surprise. Try not to get upset.

Day number 8 is a favorable day for work and solving material problems. This is a number that
gives you the energy for making business decisions and their realization. Cash coming in is
possible, but so are unpredicted and hidden costs. Try to achieve balance. This is a day when
happiness will follow you. Someone will win a lottery. Be cautious and pay attention when it
comes to injuries. An unusual, beautiful and relaxed day.

This is an unusual day that brings the energy of completion and going full circle. Day number 9
is a day when you should get rid of bad habits, negative people, and burdens. Today is the most
painless day to do so. Also, if there is a task you've been procrastinating about for eight days,
try to finish it today. Don't start anything new, only think about new undertakings. Listen to your
intuition as it will be strong today. Don't pay too much attention to other people's opinions. The
energy of number nine is mystical and mysterious, so someone may reveal a secret to you, or, if
you wish to reveal your secrets to someone today is the right day.

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