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Solar Return

02-12-1986 15:15 GMT+1
Požarevac, Serbia

Solar Return
01-12-2024 19:31 GMT+0.00

Copyright© 2022 - Astrology Master

Sun in Sagittarius
Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius indicating that
you're a sunny and optimistic individual, with a love of
adventure. In fact adventure plays a key role in your life,
whether it be literally travelling around the globe, or
metaphorically speaking exploring the world of ideas and
philosophy. You're particularly enthusiastic about anything
that expands your world and helps you forget about daily
chores. Religion, law, sport, philosophy, academia, and
ethics are just some of the many areas which provide a
gourmet of ideas for exploration. For these reasons you're
also likely to be attracted to people from foreign lands, who
help to give you a fresh and different perspective on life. You
also enjoy setting goals, as looking forward to a new vision
provides excitement.

Moon in Sagittarius
The fiery Moon sign of Sagittarius can work in two different
ways. You may feel a strong urge to seek the meaning of life
through reading, contemplation, meditation and retreat,
consult metaphysical practitioners, or take classes, and
reflect on the meaning of your life. Or you may seek to
explore outside of your usual perimeters, such as overseas
travel, seeking promotion at work, or socializing with people
from foreign countries, and are keen to share experiences
with people outside your usual social circle. Either way you
want to feel free and impassioned, explore all options. If you
can’t escape, and feel restless, try short trips into wide-open
spaces, attend a local foreign film festival, or go to a
boisterous sports game.

Mercury in Sagittarius
The planet of communications in a fire sign this year
indicates you are open to new ideas and activities. You
enjoy expressing yourself freely and are quick to voice your
opinions, but be careful not to be too outspoken or your
popularity may wane. If you judge the mood of your
listeners you are likely to inspire a positive response. You
also need to learn not to take on too many projects, prioritise
what matters most, or you could become overloaded and
tense. If you attempt too much you are doomed to
disappoint yourself and associates. You may start a new
intellectual activity, such as public speaking, writing,
marketing and public relations, or performing, and may also
enjoy learning a new skill, or developing your talents.

Venus in Capricorn
The planet of love is in an Earth sign this year indicating that
you are more security conscious, and not willing to take
risks, when it comes to your finances and love life. This year
you are looking for stability, and are less willing to step out
of your comfort zone. If you are single, then you are likely to
be attracted to a solid and dependable type of person,
someone to whom you can ultimately commit. If you are
attached, then you want seek reliability and predictability.
For this reason this year may be one during which you make
a commitment, either of your own volition or as a result of
your partner's request. Sensuality may also play a key role in
your love life this year.

Ascendant in Cancer
Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Cancer, a caring and
sharing sign --- nudging you to incorporate nurturing,
life-giving qualities this year. Your nesting instincts are
strong, even if you are usually a more extraverted and
freedom-seeking individual. You reflect on your role in your
relationships, in particular with those closest to you, more
sensitive to the needs of loved ones. You are more likely to
be concerned about your private life, turning your focus to
matters of the home and hearth, rather than professional
ambitions. Questions may arise such as, what does family
mean to me and where is my true home and family? You
may feel compelled to make your home more comfortable.
This year focus on getting your house in order.


Sun in 7th House
Marriage and commitment are the major theme of this year.
If single you are likely to meet a potentially life-changing
partner, someone with whom you would like to share your
life. If already in a relationship you are likely to focus more
on your partner, or perhaps make a more serious
commitment. The focus may be on entering into a
relationship with a business partner. While a serious
relationship may end, it is more likely that your focus is on
co-operation and union. You are keen to make plans and
share experiences with a partner. You enjoy intertwining
your life with key people, teamwork provides many blessings
for you. But make sure to pay special attention to anything
that is legally binding.

Moon in 7th House

The changeable Moon is influencing the area of marriage
and business partnerships this year. If you are married
perhaps your spouse's situation has changed and you are
now required to take a different role. Even if single, your own
needs are put on hold while you take care of someone
significant, or wait for them to sort their life out, and you
need to take on a caretaker role. On the other hand the Moon
may stir up some strong feelings when it comes to marriage
and relationships, challenging you to break out of old
patterns and embrace a new way of relating. You may meet
someone significant who makes you realize that your life
needs to change and lead you to make a rewarding, fulfilling

Mercury in 7th House

Love and all that is connected to love is highlighted right
now as you learn about yourself, your relationship and your
partner. If you are single you may meet new and
intellectually stimulating people. Before getting more deeply
involved, make sure you also feel an emotional bond or it
may not last. An imminent wedding ceremony may be the
focus of many discussions and plans. If married,
discussions are likely to be intense on subjects such as
whether or not to have children, or plans for your life
together. You two may spend many hours discussing
renovation plans or family holidays. Your lesson is to keep
conversing and remain flexible. If you and your partner don't
see eye to eye take time out and negotiate a compromise.

Venus in 9th House

This is a year when your passions to achieve your dreams
are highlighted. You may reach a crossroads and question
which path to take on life's journey...stay on your current
path with occasional adjustments or veer off on a different
course. Either way, time to take note of the signposts.
These can be internal signals (are you following your heart’s
desires?) or external sources triggering opportunities to
learn and change. Assess your own actions with love, not
judgment. Time to decipher the code signals of your true
self, rather than listen to social obligations. The more you
tune into this symbolic language, and focus on your dreams
the more that you are likely to benefit as doors open on new
opportunities. Socializing with other cultures, travelling,
studies benefit you.

Mars in 4th House

Home won’t be tranquil and settled home this year. While
you may have moments of peace and quiet, more likely your
household resembles a hustling and bustling metropolis.
People come and go, friends and family keep dropping in for
a moment, or for days. Home repairs may require the
attention of tradesmen, or you may decide to renovate. You
may even be forced to change homes this year. If you seek a
peaceful home environment, expect to feel tense at times.
There may be battles with family members over pecking
order, but try to re-direct your feelings of resentment, into
more positive channels. You may benefit from a robust
round of garden work, setting up a home gym or taking
martial arts lessons.

Jupiter in 1st House

This is your year to grow, learn, spread your wings and fly,
and with your larger than life presence you can do this in
just about any area. If you have always wanted to study,
teach, travel, write, or play sports, now you can set your
plans in motion. You have plenty of initiative, and doors are
likely to open. As you get increasingly enthusiastic, others
can't resist becoming involved to help you achieve your
goals. You may be in for a bit of a wild ride this year as your
plans take on a life of their own, and you may need to
temper some of your plans or actions with a little
moderation. You feel renewed, ready to make the most of

Saturn in 11th House

This year your social circle is shifting. This could be due to
change at work, parental leave or marriage/divorce, but it is
also likely to result from changes in your own heart and
mind. This year you are likely to discover your true friends
who last when your life changes. Eventually you find time to
reflect on the difference in your friendships, social calendar
and local network, and reassess your standing in the
community, the ebb and flow of your social life and the true
value of friendship. Your lesson is to interact with friends,
social circles, community groups and work colleagues with
integrity. You may also be the keeper of your friend's
secrets. Remain steadfast, true to your own self and to your

Uranus in 12th House

This is a year of personal discovery, and symbolism plays an
important role in your life. Everything may appear to be as
usual, but a deeply personal transition is happening as you
explore your inner world. This is an excellent year for
conducting soul searching, digging deep for solutions to
outstanding problems, and enjoying challenges that result
from your new realisations. You may consult metaphysical
practitioners to gain understanding. You may surprise
others, and yourself, by instigating some sudden changes.
These could appear to be bolts from the blue, but you know
that you have been dwelling on these changes for some
time. If you have been asking for a miracle in some area, an
unexpected breakthrough may occur that does appear to be
a miracle.

Neptune in 11th House

This year you discover the art of true friendship, gradually
understanding the worth of friendship, what it means to give
and receive. You may enjoy sublime happiness amongs
friends, as well as some instances of sorrow. Your friends
may disclose secrets, and share some of your private
thoughts. You are more aware of your own expectations of
friends, and more sensitive to their needs. You are more
aware people’s underlying motives, realizing some abuse
you, taking advantage of your good nature, and say goodbye
to them. Others you will know are truly loving and supportive
friends. Artistic, spiritual, or philanthropic groups provide
new friends. You may have a few broken dreams from past
to bring back to life, or seek new hopes, dreams and wishes.

Pluto in 9th House

Pluto is urging a soul-searching, and finding renewed
passion and purpose this year, and you are likely to spend
time discovering, or working consciously towards, your
"calling". It’s a year of renewal, perhaps triggered by a
stressful event. Pluto has an ability to strip self-deceit and
force you to face truths, literally or metaphysically. The
underlying motivating force is that you are aware that
something is missing from your way of life and you eagerly,
perhaps even obsessively, want to get on the path to your
true purpose. Doubts arise and you are challenged to search
for your true faith. You may study something that inspires
you, or be challenged to take a leap of faith into spiritual
realms. You may read rapaciously or travel to unexplored

Sun(Mara) Conjunction Moon(Solar Return) - (Orb:
This is a memorable year marked by new beginnings, where
your intuition and self-confidence combine to help you move
into a new chapter of your life. Your home and family are
likely to be involved. This is your year for a healthy makeover
emotionally and physically. Welcome new and exciting
lifestyle changes. Listen to your own heart, use your
thoughts positively and build your strength. You see your life
in a different light. Your enthusiasm may be infectious
inspiring others. You can find the emotional strength to rely
on your own resources. As you move forward you discover
renewed vitality, a sense of carrying a lighter load and a
wondrous feeling that a whole new episode of your life is
about to start with a clean slate.

Sun(Mara) Trine Mars(Solar Return) - (Orb: 4.11)

You are set for adventure, ready, willing and able to set
goals, and then take action. Even if you are not a risk-taker
you are willing to go out on a limb to achieve your goals. It
doesn't This year you have the courage to feel the fear and
do it anyway. A male mentor or partner may help or inspire
you to move closer to achieving your dreams. You are
enterprising, able to initiate change. Be wary of being too
rash…daring but not foolhardy. If you feel pent-up and
aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and a passion for
sports may be a prominent theme. You may also enjoy trips
to out-of-the-way places. You are ripe for adventure, make
the most of the opportunities and enjoy the ride.

Sun(Mara) Opposition Jupiter(Solar Return) - (Orb:

Jupiter indicates you can enjoy a year of growth and good
fortune. At times you may feel like a super hero, optimistic,
able to see the big picture, gladly trying out new activities
and ventures. However you are not handed your good
fortune on a silver platter, but need to seek nuggets of
wisdom. Despite some setbacks, you are generally lucky,
doors opening almost as soon as you ask. There are some
pitfalls on the way. Don't squander opportunities, beware of
expecting too much, and becoming greedy. An attitude of
gratitude goes a long way to help you on your journey. This
is also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

Sun(Mara) Square Saturn(Solar Return) - (Orb: 2.82)

This is your year to develop hard work, stick-to-itiveness and
common sense, although you may have to struggle through
a few obstacles. Patience is required as you ystematically
work to achieve your ambitions. Your recreation time is likely
to be sparse, so use it wisely. Apply yourself with diligence in
any area that provides structure or new skills, or gradually
build up new avenues when the old ones cease to work. You
may be required to tighten the purse strings, work within a
budget, or direct your funds to renovating your home or
restructuring your business. Pay attention to the structures
that uphold your life whether these are the buildings, your
finances, partnerships or investments. Right now you are
working hard as an investment in your future happiness.

Sun(Mara) Quincunx Uranus(Solar Return) - (Orb:

This year it is time for change, to let go of the way that you
have expressed yourself and re-invent yourself. This may
sound hard, but if you just let go and go with the flow then
you may even enjoy is. You may have been single for a long
time and suddenly fall in love and marry, your old
single-person identity fallen away. The same can be said for
children being born, and alternatively grown-up children
leaving home. One part of your life closes and may even
bring a few tears and fears, but a whole new chapter awaits
you. You may feel unsettled and stressed. Take a deep
breath, consult an expert or try an alternative therapy if you
like, but try not to look back.

Sun(Mara) Quincunx Ascendant(Solar Return) - (Orb:

Success is within your grasp this year, but you may have a
few challenges along the road to accomplishment. Progress
is one of the themes right now, as you reassess your ideas
about yourself, your life and your aspirations. However, you
are also aware of the factors that are needed to help you
along the way. A little patience and persistence and you are
likely to enjoy your time in the sun. Your success is not
necessarily a public achievement. It could be a very private
goal that you have been pursuing. Other factors in your
annual chart can shed light on the major theme of this year.

Sun(Mara) Trine Midheaven(Solar Return) - (Orb:

This year you are teetering on the edge of a major life
change, the direction up to you. Set aside time to reassess
your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions.
You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course,
make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If
typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are
likely to notice a change in your behaviour. If you are already
an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your
time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers,
proposals of marriage and other such life changing
situations all hold the promise of adventures into
challenging territories. This year you are up for the

Mars(Mara) Square Sun(Solar Return) - (Orb: 5.71)

You are all set for an adventure, but first consider other
factors or people. Even if you are not a risk-taker you have
the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. A male
mentor or partner may help or inspire you to move closer to
achieving your dreams. You are enterprising, able to initiate
change. But you may not realize how selfish and pushy you
are being. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not
foolhardy. Avoid conflict where possible. Act with integrity
not aggression. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical
exercise is beneficial, and sports may be a prominent theme.
You may also enjoy trips to out-of-the-way places. You are
ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities and
enjoy the ride.

Jupiter(Mara) Square Sun(Solar Return) - (Orb: 3.84)

Jupiter indicates you can enjoy a year of growth and good
fortune. At times you may feel like a super hero, optimistic,
able to see the big picture, gladly trying out new activities
and ventures. However you are not handed your good
fortune on a silver platter, but need to seek nuggets of
wisdom. Despite some setbacks, you are generally lucky,
doors opening almost as soon as you ask. There are some
pitfalls on the way. Don't squander opportunities, beware of
expecting too much, and becoming greedy. An attitude of
gratitude goes a long way to help you on your journey. This
is also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

Saturn(Mara) Conjunction Sun(Solar Return) - (Orb:

This year you can work and achieve your ambitions, if you
stick to your work and use your common sense. You have
the strength and stamina to achieve your ambitions.
Relaxation time is likely to be sparse, so use it wisely. Pay
attention to detail, acquire necessary skills, seek
professional advice when necessary, or gradually build up
new avenues when the old ones cease to work. You may
also be required to tighten the purse strings, work within a
budget, or direct your funds to renovating your home or
restructuring your business. Time to pay attention to the
structures that uphold your life whether these are the
buildings, your finances, partnerships or investments. You
have the vigour and are working hard as an investment in
your future happiness.

Midheaven(Mara) Sextile Sun(Solar Return) - (Orb:

This year you are teetering on the edge of a major life
change, the direction up to you. Set aside time to reassess
your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions.
You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course,
make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If
typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are
likely to notice a change in your behaviour. If you are already
an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your
time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers,
proposals of marriage and other such life changing
situations all hold the promise of adventures into
challenging territories. This year you are up for the
Planet Sign Degre Hous Speed Declination
e e

Q Sun l 10° 7 01° 00' 21° 58' 09''

06' 52'' S

W Moon l 22° 7 15° 15' 27° 48' 08''

52' 34'' S

E Mercury k Scorpio 20° 6 01° 10' 15° 42' 10''

14' 13'' S

R Venus k Scorpio 05° 6 00° 14' 12° 19' 33''

42' 50'' S

T Mars c Pisces 04° 11 00° 40' 11° 01' 24''

24' 56'' S

Y Jupiter c Pisces 13° 11 00° 04' 07° 31' 00''

57' 48'' S

U Saturn l 11° 7 00° 07' 20° 44' 38''

57' 07'' S

I Uranus l 21° 7 00° 03' 23° 17' 57''

49' 35'' S

O Neptune z 04° 8 00° 02' 22° 20' 45''

36' 06'' S

P Pluto k Scorpio 08° 6 00° 02' 00° 47' 15''

34' 09'' N

 North Node (True) a Aries 19° 12 -00° 08' 07° 42' 46''
42' 03'' N

Ž South Node > j Libra 19° 6 -00° 08' 07° 42' 46''
42' 03'' S
Z Ascendant s Taurus 29° 1 - -

X Midheaven x Aquarius 03° 10 - -


Planet Sign Degre Hous Speed Declination

e e

Q Sun l 10° 7 01° 00' 21° 57' 53''

06' 51'' S

W Moon l 16° 7 12° 35' 27° 30' 58''

25' 56'' S

E Mercury > l 19° 7 -01° 00' 23° 05' 05''

48' 16'' S

R Venus z 23° 9 01° 10' 23° 46' 09''

40' 00'' S

T Mars g Leo 05° 4 00° 04' 21° 16' 46''

59' 02'' N

Y Jupiter > d Gemini 17° 1 -00° 08' 22° 07' 52''

04' 04'' N

U Saturn c Pisces 12° 11 00° 01' 08° 36' 17''

55' 43'' S

I Uranus > s Taurus 24° 12 -00° 02' 18° 40' 25''

38' 22'' N

O Neptune S c Pisces 27° 11 -00° 00' 02° 19' 59''

08' 12'' S

P Pluto x Aquarius 00° 9 00° 01' 23° 16' 47''

14' 22'' S
 North Node (True) a Aries 04° 11 -00° 12' 01° 43' 39''
20' 33'' N

Ž South Node > j Libra 04° 5 -00° 12' 01° 43' 39''
20' 33'' S

Z Ascendant f Cancer 03° 2 - -


X Midheaven a Aries 04° 11 - -


Planet Aspect Planet orb

Q Sun Conjunction 0° Q Sun 0.00

Q Sun Square 90° U Saturn 2.82

R Venus Square 90° T Mars 0.28

R Venus Trine 120° Z Ascendant 2.14

T Mars Trine 120° Z Ascendant 0.83

Y Jupiter Square 90° W Moon 2.47

Y Jupiter Conjunction 0° U Saturn 1.03

U Saturn Conjunction 0° Q Sun 1.86

U Saturn Square 90° U Saturn 0.96

I Uranus Conjunction 0° E Mercury > 2.02

O Neptune Square 90°  North Node (True) > 0.26

O Neptune Square 90° Ž South Node > 0.26

O Neptune Opposition 180° Z Ascendant 1.03

O Neptune Square 90° X Midheaven 0.36

P Pluto Square 90° T Mars 2.57

 North Node (True) > Trine 120° E Mercury > 0.10

 North Node (True) > Sextile 60° Y Jupiter > 2.64

Ž South Node > Sextile 60° E Mercury > 0.10

Ž South Node > Trine 120° Y Jupiter > 2.64

Z Ascendant Sextile 60° O Neptune S 2.19

Z Ascendant Trine 120° P Pluto 0.92

X Midheaven Opposition 180° T Mars 2.25

X Midheaven Sextile 60°  North Node (True) > 0.60

X Midheaven Trine 120° Ž South Node > 0.60

X Midheaven Sextile 60° X Midheaven 0.50

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