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Satay or
originally called sate by Indonesian people is a kind of
Indonesian National food that can be found at every city in
This food is very popular especially in Java and Madura
Satay may consist of sliced chicken, goat, beef, horse and
pork even nowadays satay may also consist of fish, tofu, tempe
and more.
Those slices then are skewered by a thin skewer made from
bamboo or coconut palm frond.
After grilled for several minutes over a charcoal fire, satay
can be served in various sauces such as soy and peanut sauce. It
will be nice if we eat satay when it is fresh from the charcoal
Indonesian people usually eat satay with rice
or lontong (food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf).
Satay is not only popular in Indonesia, but also in the other
Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei,
Thailand, Philippines, East Timor and also in Dutch and
Suriname where some Javanese people had been moved there as
slave during Dutch colonization in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, Satay is a kind of food-street even it is also
served at high class restaurant.
But before Satay become national food of Indonesia and
also can be a high class food, formerly satay was special food
for people of the lower and middle class in which they could
find it at a street side tent restaurant.

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