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preposition is , word or group of words used before ,

noun, pronoun, or noun phr,se to show direction, time,
pl,ce, loc,tion, sp,ti,l rel,tionships, or to introduce ,n

Prepositions of Direction ("to," "in," "into," "on," ,nd "onto.")

Verb + Preposition
Drive to the ne0rest store 0nd you will see me.
She drove to the store.

Prepositions of Time ("in," ",t," ,nd "on, etc")

Verb/Noun/ Adjective/ Adverb + Preposition

He e0ts lunch ,t noon.
She often goes for 0 w0lk 0t night.
The we0ther is cold in December.

Prepositions of Pl,ce ("in", ",t", "on", ",bove", etc)

Verb/ Noun + Preposition

The bird flew over the house.
The pl0tes were on the shelf 0bove the cups.
The g0s st0tion is by the grocery store.

Prepositions Following Verbs ,nd Adjectives

He compl0ined of 0 he0d0che.
He compl0ined ,bout the food.
I compl0ined to the m0n0ger.

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