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Relative Clause

Nama Anggota :
Muti’ Syarofani (06020720038)
Rizka Maulidah Faizah (06020720047)
Alfin Jauharoh (06020920013)
What is Relative Clause?....
Relative Clause is Group of words as clauses whose function is to explain the
previous word or sentence. Relative Clause is also called adjective clause.

Relative Pronouns

Relative Clause

Relative Adverb
Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns is pronouns that are used to connect two sentences and explain
nouns. Nouns here can be people, things, animals, etc.

WHO Who is used when the antecedent is a person. This pronoun is used to
replace the subject noun or pronoun (he, she, we, they).
Example :
o The Woman is a singer + She lives next door
The Woman who lives next door is a singer.

WHICH Which is used to replace the subject and object in the form of an
animal or object.
Example :
o The Jacket is new + I wore it yesterday.
The jacket, which l wore yesterday, is new.

WHOM Whom is used to replace objects in the form of people. This pronoun is
used to replace object nouns or pronouns (him, her, us, them). So,
whom cannot be used to replace objects or animals.
Example :
o Bobby just replied to my email + I talked to him yesterday.
Bobby, whom l talked to yesterday, just replied to my email
Relative Pronouns

WHOSE Whose is used to replace possessive pronouns or possessive pronouns such as his,
her, its, my, your, their, our.
Example :
o The man is my uncle + His car broke dwon
The man whose car broke dwon is my uncle

THAT That is used to replace people, animals, or things as either the subject
or the object. That can also replace the relative pronouns 'who' and
Example :
o The woman is my mother + she is in a red dress.
The woman that is in a red dress is my mother.
Relative Pronouns
The use of relative pronouns can be used as a subject or object in a sentence
 Relatitive pronoun as subject
Conjunction : Who : Person
Which : Noun Person
That : Person or Noun Person
EX: We see a man + it eats a fish
= we see a man who eats a fish

 Relatitive pronoun as Object

Conjunction : Who : Person
Which : Noun Person
That : Person or Noun Person
EX: My mother sees a man + Vanny loves him
= My mother sees a man whom vany loves
Relative ADVERBS
A relative adverb is an adverb to introduce a relative clause (adjective clause).
Relative Adverb = When, Where, How, Why
WHEN When is a adverb of time.
( the day / month / year / time etc + when )
Ex : l remember the day when we me
WHERE When is a adverb of place.
( the hotel / park / place etc + in which or where )
Ex : is this the park where you two met ?
WHY When is a adverb of reason.
( the reason + why )
Ex : This is the reason why he got upset
HOW the why + how
Ex : This is how he did it
1. .… He says diserves recording.
a. Wich
b. Who
c. That
d. What
2. Yesterday, I met a women …. grandfather was Swedish.
a. Who
b. Who’s
c. Whose
d. which
3. Tom, …. Has three sisters, has no interest in getting married.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. That
d. which
4. She put her prize in a place …. Everyone would notice it.
a. Where
b. Which
c. In what
d. To that
Thank You

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